提交 9c3adbcc 编写于 作者: J johnc

6484982: G1: process references during evacuation pauses

Summary: G1 now uses two reference processors - one is used by concurrent marking and the other is used by STW GCs (both full and incremental evacuation pauses). In an evacuation pause, the reference processor is embedded into the closures used to scan objects. Doing so causes causes reference objects to be 'discovered' by the reference processor. At the end of the evacuation pause, these discovered reference objects are processed - preserving (and copying) referent objects (and their reachable graphs) as appropriate.
Reviewed-by: ysr, jwilhelm, brutisso, stefank, tonyp
上级 af80d956
......@@ -2004,7 +2004,7 @@ void CMSCollector::do_compaction_work(bool clear_all_soft_refs) {
ReferenceProcessorMTDiscoveryMutator rp_mut_discovery(ref_processor(), false);
ref_processor()->enable_discovery(false /*verify_disabled*/, false /*check_no_refs*/);
// If an asynchronous collection finishes, the _modUnionTable is
// all clear. If we are assuming the collection from an asynchronous
......@@ -3490,8 +3490,8 @@ void CMSCollector::checkpointRootsInitial(bool asynch) {
MutexLockerEx x(bitMapLock(),
rp->enable_discovery(); // enable ("weak") refs discovery
// enable ("weak") refs discovery
rp->enable_discovery(true /*verify_disabled*/, true /*check_no_refs*/);
_collectorState = Marking;
} else {
// (Weak) Refs discovery: this is controlled from genCollectedHeap::do_collection
......@@ -3503,7 +3503,8 @@ void CMSCollector::checkpointRootsInitial(bool asynch) {
"ref discovery for this generation kind");
// already have locks
rp->enable_discovery(); // now enable ("weak") refs discovery
// now enable ("weak") refs discovery
rp->enable_discovery(true /*verify_disabled*/, false /*verify_no_refs*/);
_collectorState = Marking;
......@@ -818,10 +818,10 @@ void ConcurrentMark::checkpointRootsInitialPost() {
NoteStartOfMarkHRClosure startcl;
// Start weak-reference discovery.
ReferenceProcessor* rp = g1h->ref_processor();
rp->enable_discovery(); // enable ("weak") refs discovery
// Start Concurrent Marking weak-reference discovery.
ReferenceProcessor* rp = g1h->ref_processor_cm();
// enable ("weak") refs discovery
rp->enable_discovery(true /*verify_disabled*/, true /*verify_no_refs*/);
rp->setup_policy(false); // snapshot the soft ref policy to be used in this cycle
SATBMarkQueueSet& satb_mq_set = JavaThread::satb_mark_queue_set();
......@@ -1133,6 +1133,7 @@ void ConcurrentMark::checkpointRootsFinal(bool clear_all_soft_refs) {
// world is stopped at this checkpoint
"world should be stopped");
G1CollectedHeap* g1h = G1CollectedHeap::heap();
// If a full collection has happened, we shouldn't do this.
......@@ -1837,6 +1838,10 @@ void ConcurrentMark::cleanup() {
size_t cleaned_up_bytes = start_used_bytes - g1h->used();
// Clean up will have freed any regions completely full of garbage.
// Update the soft reference policy with the new heap occupancy.
// We need to make this be a "collection" so any collection pause that
// races with it goes around and waits for completeCleanup to finish.
......@@ -2072,8 +2077,10 @@ class G1CMParDrainMarkingStackClosure: public VoidClosure {
// Implementation of AbstractRefProcTaskExecutor for G1
class G1RefProcTaskExecutor: public AbstractRefProcTaskExecutor {
// Implementation of AbstractRefProcTaskExecutor for parallel
// reference processing at the end of G1 concurrent marking
class G1CMRefProcTaskExecutor: public AbstractRefProcTaskExecutor {
G1CollectedHeap* _g1h;
ConcurrentMark* _cm;
......@@ -2082,7 +2089,7 @@ private:
int _active_workers;
G1RefProcTaskExecutor(G1CollectedHeap* g1h,
G1CMRefProcTaskExecutor(G1CollectedHeap* g1h,
ConcurrentMark* cm,
CMBitMap* bitmap,
WorkGang* workers,
......@@ -2096,7 +2103,7 @@ public:
virtual void execute(EnqueueTask& task);
class G1RefProcTaskProxy: public AbstractGangTask {
class G1CMRefProcTaskProxy: public AbstractGangTask {
typedef AbstractRefProcTaskExecutor::ProcessTask ProcessTask;
ProcessTask& _proc_task;
G1CollectedHeap* _g1h;
......@@ -2104,7 +2111,7 @@ class G1RefProcTaskProxy: public AbstractGangTask {
CMBitMap* _bitmap;
G1RefProcTaskProxy(ProcessTask& proc_task,
G1CMRefProcTaskProxy(ProcessTask& proc_task,
G1CollectedHeap* g1h,
ConcurrentMark* cm,
CMBitMap* bitmap) :
......@@ -2122,10 +2129,10 @@ public:
void G1RefProcTaskExecutor::execute(ProcessTask& proc_task) {
void G1CMRefProcTaskExecutor::execute(ProcessTask& proc_task) {
assert(_workers != NULL, "Need parallel worker threads.");
G1RefProcTaskProxy proc_task_proxy(proc_task, _g1h, _cm, _bitmap);
G1CMRefProcTaskProxy proc_task_proxy(proc_task, _g1h, _cm, _bitmap);
// We need to reset the phase for each task execution so that
// the termination protocol of CMTask::do_marking_step works.
......@@ -2135,12 +2142,12 @@ void G1RefProcTaskExecutor::execute(ProcessTask& proc_task) {
class G1RefEnqueueTaskProxy: public AbstractGangTask {
class G1CMRefEnqueueTaskProxy: public AbstractGangTask {
typedef AbstractRefProcTaskExecutor::EnqueueTask EnqueueTask;
EnqueueTask& _enq_task;
G1RefEnqueueTaskProxy(EnqueueTask& enq_task) :
G1CMRefEnqueueTaskProxy(EnqueueTask& enq_task) :
AbstractGangTask("Enqueue reference objects in parallel"),
{ }
......@@ -2150,10 +2157,10 @@ public:
void G1RefProcTaskExecutor::execute(EnqueueTask& enq_task) {
void G1CMRefProcTaskExecutor::execute(EnqueueTask& enq_task) {
assert(_workers != NULL, "Need parallel worker threads.");
G1RefEnqueueTaskProxy enq_task_proxy(enq_task);
G1CMRefEnqueueTaskProxy enq_task_proxy(enq_task);
......@@ -2178,7 +2185,7 @@ void ConcurrentMark::weakRefsWork(bool clear_all_soft_refs) {
TraceTime t("GC ref-proc", verbose, false, gclog_or_tty);
ReferenceProcessor* rp = g1h->ref_processor();
ReferenceProcessor* rp = g1h->ref_processor_cm();
// See the comment in G1CollectedHeap::ref_processing_init()
// about how reference processing currently works in G1.
......@@ -2196,7 +2203,7 @@ void ConcurrentMark::weakRefsWork(bool clear_all_soft_refs) {
int active_workers = g1h->workers() ? g1h->workers()->total_workers() : 1;
active_workers = MAX2(MIN2(active_workers, (int)_max_task_num), 1);
G1RefProcTaskExecutor par_task_executor(g1h, this, nextMarkBitMap(),
G1CMRefProcTaskExecutor par_task_executor(g1h, this, nextMarkBitMap(),
g1h->workers(), active_workers);
if (rp->processing_is_mt()) {
......@@ -2238,7 +2245,7 @@ void ConcurrentMark::weakRefsWork(bool clear_all_soft_refs) {
assert(!rp->discovery_enabled(), "should have been disabled");
assert(!rp->discovery_enabled(), "Post condition");
// Now clean up stale oops in StringTable
......@@ -3342,7 +3349,7 @@ G1CMOopClosure::G1CMOopClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1h,
assert(_ref_processor == NULL, "should be initialized to NULL");
if (G1UseConcMarkReferenceProcessing) {
_ref_processor = g1h->ref_processor();
_ref_processor = g1h->ref_processor_cm();
assert(_ref_processor != NULL, "should not be NULL");
......@@ -366,8 +366,8 @@ class ConcurrentMark: public CHeapObj {
friend class CMConcurrentMarkingTask;
friend class G1ParNoteEndTask;
friend class CalcLiveObjectsClosure;
friend class G1RefProcTaskProxy;
friend class G1RefProcTaskExecutor;
friend class G1CMRefProcTaskProxy;
friend class G1CMRefProcTaskExecutor;
friend class G1CMParKeepAliveAndDrainClosure;
friend class G1CMParDrainMarkingStackClosure;
......@@ -155,6 +155,19 @@ public:
: G1AllocRegion("Mutator Alloc Region", false /* bot_updates */) { }
// The G1 STW is alive closure.
// An instance is embedded into the G1CH and used as the
// (optional) _is_alive_non_header closure in the STW
// reference processor. It is also extensively used during
// refence processing during STW evacuation pauses.
class G1STWIsAliveClosure: public BoolObjectClosure {
G1CollectedHeap* _g1;
G1STWIsAliveClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1) : _g1(g1) {}
void do_object(oop p) { assert(false, "Do not call."); }
bool do_object_b(oop p);
class SurvivorGCAllocRegion : public G1AllocRegion {
virtual HeapRegion* allocate_new_region(size_t word_size, bool force);
......@@ -174,6 +187,7 @@ public:
class RefineCardTableEntryClosure;
class G1CollectedHeap : public SharedHeap {
friend class VM_G1CollectForAllocation;
friend class VM_GenCollectForPermanentAllocation;
......@@ -573,6 +587,14 @@ protected:
// allocated block, or else "NULL".
HeapWord* expand_and_allocate(size_t word_size);
// Process any reference objects discovered during
// an incremental evacuation pause.
void process_discovered_references();
// Enqueue any remaining discovered references
// after processing.
void enqueue_discovered_references();
G1MonitoringSupport* g1mm() { return _g1mm; }
......@@ -826,14 +848,83 @@ protected:
bool should_mark_root);
void handle_evacuation_failure_common(oop obj, markOop m);
// Instance of the concurrent mark is_alive closure for embedding
// into the reference processor as the is_alive_non_header. This
// prevents unnecessary additions to the discovered lists during
// concurrent discovery.
G1CMIsAliveClosure _is_alive_closure;
// ("Weak") Reference processing support.
// G1 has 2 instances of the referece processor class. One
// (_ref_processor_cm) handles reference object discovery
// and subsequent processing during concurrent marking cycles.
// The other (_ref_processor_stw) handles reference object
// discovery and processing during full GCs and incremental
// evacuation pauses.
// During an incremental pause, reference discovery will be
// temporarily disabled for _ref_processor_cm and will be
// enabled for _ref_processor_stw. At the end of the evacuation
// pause references discovered by _ref_processor_stw will be
// processed and discovery will be disabled. The previous
// setting for reference object discovery for _ref_processor_cm
// will be re-instated.
// At the start of marking:
// * Discovery by the CM ref processor is verified to be inactive
// and it's discovered lists are empty.
// * Discovery by the CM ref processor is then enabled.
// At the end of marking:
// * Any references on the CM ref processor's discovered
// lists are processed (possibly MT).
// At the start of full GC we:
// * Disable discovery by the CM ref processor and
// empty CM ref processor's discovered lists
// (without processing any entries).
// * Verify that the STW ref processor is inactive and it's
// discovered lists are empty.
// * Temporarily set STW ref processor discovery as single threaded.
// * Temporarily clear the STW ref processor's _is_alive_non_header
// field.
// * Finally enable discovery by the STW ref processor.
// The STW ref processor is used to record any discovered
// references during the full GC.
// At the end of a full GC we:
// * Enqueue any reference objects discovered by the STW ref processor
// that have non-live referents. This has the side-effect of
// making the STW ref processor inactive by disabling discovery.
// * Verify that the CM ref processor is still inactive
// and no references have been placed on it's discovered
// lists (also checked as a precondition during initial marking).
// The (stw) reference processor...
ReferenceProcessor* _ref_processor_stw;
// During reference object discovery, the _is_alive_non_header
// closure (if non-null) is applied to the referent object to
// determine whether the referent is live. If so then the
// reference object does not need to be 'discovered' and can
// be treated as a regular oop. This has the benefit of reducing
// the number of 'discovered' reference objects that need to
// be processed.
// Instance of the is_alive closure for embedding into the
// STW reference processor as the _is_alive_non_header field.
// Supplying a value for the _is_alive_non_header field is
// optional but doing so prevents unnecessary additions to
// the discovered lists during reference discovery.
G1STWIsAliveClosure _is_alive_closure_stw;
// The (concurrent marking) reference processor...
ReferenceProcessor* _ref_processor_cm;
// ("Weak") Reference processing support
ReferenceProcessor* _ref_processor;
// Instance of the concurrent mark is_alive closure for embedding
// into the Concurrent Marking reference processor as the
// _is_alive_non_header field. Supplying a value for the
// _is_alive_non_header field is optional but doing so prevents
// unnecessary additions to the discovered lists during reference
// discovery.
G1CMIsAliveClosure _is_alive_closure_cm;
enum G1H_process_strong_roots_tasks {
......@@ -874,6 +965,7 @@ public:
// specified by the policy object.
jint initialize();
// Initialize weak reference processing.
virtual void ref_processing_init();
void set_par_threads(int t) {
......@@ -925,8 +1017,13 @@ public:
// The shared block offset table array.
G1BlockOffsetSharedArray* bot_shared() const { return _bot_shared; }
// Reference Processing accessor
ReferenceProcessor* ref_processor() { return _ref_processor; }
// Reference Processing accessors
// The STW reference processor....
ReferenceProcessor* ref_processor_stw() const { return _ref_processor_stw; }
// The Concurent Marking reference processor...
ReferenceProcessor* ref_processor_cm() const { return _ref_processor_cm; }
virtual size_t capacity() const;
virtual size_t used() const;
......@@ -152,8 +152,12 @@ G1CollectorPolicy::G1CollectorPolicy() :
_summary(new Summary()),
#ifndef PRODUCT
#ifndef PRODUCT
......@@ -1479,6 +1483,8 @@ void G1CollectorPolicy::record_collection_pause_end() {
print_stats(1, "Other", other_time_ms);
print_stats(2, "Choose CSet", _recorded_young_cset_choice_time_ms);
print_stats(2, "Ref Proc", _cur_ref_proc_time_ms);
print_stats(2, "Ref Enq", _cur_ref_enq_time_ms);
for (int i = 0; i < _aux_num; ++i) {
if (_cur_aux_times_set[i]) {
......@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ protected:
double _cur_satb_drain_time_ms;
double _cur_clear_ct_time_ms;
bool _satb_drain_time_set;
double _cur_ref_proc_time_ms;
double _cur_ref_enq_time_ms;
#ifndef PRODUCT
// Card Table Count Cache stats
......@@ -986,6 +988,14 @@ public:
_cur_aux_times_ms[i] += ms;
void record_ref_proc_time(double ms) {
_cur_ref_proc_time_ms = ms;
void record_ref_enq_time(double ms) {
_cur_ref_enq_time_ms = ms;
#ifndef PRODUCT
void record_cc_clear_time(double ms) {
if (_min_clear_cc_time_ms < 0.0 || ms <= _min_clear_cc_time_ms)
......@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ void G1MarkSweep::invoke_at_safepoint(ReferenceProcessor* rp,
// hook up weak ref data so it can be used during Mark-Sweep
assert(GenMarkSweep::ref_processor() == NULL, "no stomping");
assert(rp != NULL, "should be non-NULL");
assert(rp == G1CollectedHeap::heap()->ref_processor_stw(), "Precondition");
GenMarkSweep::_ref_processor = rp;
......@@ -139,6 +141,8 @@ void G1MarkSweep::mark_sweep_phase1(bool& marked_for_unloading,
// Process reference objects found during marking
ReferenceProcessor* rp = GenMarkSweep::ref_processor();
assert(rp == G1CollectedHeap::heap()->ref_processor_stw(), "Sanity");
......@@ -166,7 +170,6 @@ void G1MarkSweep::mark_sweep_phase1(bool& marked_for_unloading,
assert(GenMarkSweep::_marking_stack.is_empty(), "just drained");
// Visit interned string tables and delete unmarked oops
// Clean up unreferenced symbols in symbol table.
......@@ -346,7 +349,8 @@ void G1MarkSweep::mark_sweep_phase3() {
NULL, // do not touch code cache here
assert(GenMarkSweep::ref_processor() == g1h->ref_processor_stw(), "Sanity");
// Now adjust pointers in remaining weak roots. (All of which should
// have been cleared if they pointed to non-surviving objects.)
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ class CMBitMap;
class CMMarkStack;
class G1ParScanThreadState;
class CMTask;
class ReferenceProcessor;
// A class that scans oops in a given heap region (much as OopsInGenClosure
// scans oops in a generation.)
......@@ -59,8 +60,15 @@ public:
class G1ParPushHeapRSClosure : public G1ParClosureSuper {
G1ParPushHeapRSClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1, G1ParScanThreadState* par_scan_state) :
G1ParClosureSuper(g1, par_scan_state) { }
G1ParPushHeapRSClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1,
G1ParScanThreadState* par_scan_state,
ReferenceProcessor* rp) :
G1ParClosureSuper(g1, par_scan_state)
assert(_ref_processor == NULL, "sanity");
_ref_processor = rp;
template <class T> void do_oop_nv(T* p);
virtual void do_oop(oop* p) { do_oop_nv(p); }
virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* p) { do_oop_nv(p); }
......@@ -68,8 +76,13 @@ public:
class G1ParScanClosure : public G1ParClosureSuper {
G1ParScanClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1, G1ParScanThreadState* par_scan_state) :
G1ParClosureSuper(g1, par_scan_state) { }
G1ParScanClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1, G1ParScanThreadState* par_scan_state, ReferenceProcessor* rp) :
G1ParClosureSuper(g1, par_scan_state)
assert(_ref_processor == NULL, "sanity");
_ref_processor = rp;
template <class T> void do_oop_nv(T* p);
virtual void do_oop(oop* p) { do_oop_nv(p); }
virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* p) { do_oop_nv(p); }
......@@ -92,9 +105,18 @@ template <class T> inline oop clear_partial_array_mask(T* ref) {
class G1ParScanPartialArrayClosure : public G1ParClosureSuper {
G1ParScanClosure _scanner;
G1ParScanPartialArrayClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1, G1ParScanThreadState* par_scan_state) :
G1ParClosureSuper(g1, par_scan_state), _scanner(g1, par_scan_state) { }
G1ParScanPartialArrayClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1, G1ParScanThreadState* par_scan_state, ReferenceProcessor* rp) :
G1ParClosureSuper(g1, par_scan_state), _scanner(g1, par_scan_state, rp)
assert(_ref_processor == NULL, "sanity");
G1ParScanClosure* scanner() {
return &_scanner;
template <class T> void do_oop_nv(T* p);
virtual void do_oop(oop* p) { do_oop_nv(p); }
virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* p) { do_oop_nv(p); }
......@@ -117,10 +139,20 @@ template<bool do_gen_barrier, G1Barrier barrier,
bool do_mark_object>
class G1ParCopyClosure : public G1ParCopyHelper {
G1ParScanClosure _scanner;
template <class T> void do_oop_work(T* p);
G1ParCopyClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1, G1ParScanThreadState* par_scan_state) :
_scanner(g1, par_scan_state), G1ParCopyHelper(g1, par_scan_state, &_scanner) { }
G1ParCopyClosure(G1CollectedHeap* g1, G1ParScanThreadState* par_scan_state,
ReferenceProcessor* rp) :
_scanner(g1, par_scan_state, rp),
G1ParCopyHelper(g1, par_scan_state, &_scanner)
assert(_ref_processor == NULL, "sanity");
G1ParScanClosure* scanner() { return &_scanner; }
template <class T> void do_oop_nv(T* p) {
......@@ -130,21 +162,25 @@ public:
typedef G1ParCopyClosure<false, G1BarrierNone, false> G1ParScanExtRootClosure;
typedef G1ParCopyClosure<true, G1BarrierNone, false> G1ParScanPermClosure;
typedef G1ParCopyClosure<false, G1BarrierRS, false> G1ParScanHeapRSClosure;
typedef G1ParCopyClosure<false, G1BarrierNone, true> G1ParScanAndMarkExtRootClosure;
typedef G1ParCopyClosure<true, G1BarrierNone, true> G1ParScanAndMarkPermClosure;
typedef G1ParCopyClosure<false, G1BarrierRS, true> G1ParScanAndMarkHeapRSClosure;
// This is the only case when we set skip_cset_test. Basically, this
// closure is (should?) only be called directly while we're draining
// the overflow and task queues. In that case we know that the
// reference in question points into the collection set, otherwise we
// would not have pushed it on the queue. The following is defined in
// g1_specialized_oop_closures.hpp.
// typedef G1ParCopyClosure<false, G1BarrierEvac, false, true> G1ParScanHeapEvacClosure;
// We need a separate closure to handle references during evacuation
// failure processing, as we cannot asume that the reference already
// points into the collection set (like G1ParScanHeapEvacClosure does).
// The following closure types are no longer used but are retained
// for historical reasons:
// typedef G1ParCopyClosure<false, G1BarrierRS, false> G1ParScanHeapRSClosure;
// typedef G1ParCopyClosure<false, G1BarrierRS, true> G1ParScanAndMarkHeapRSClosure;
// The following closure type is defined in g1_specialized_oop_closures.hpp:
// typedef G1ParCopyClosure<false, G1BarrierEvac, false> G1ParScanHeapEvacClosure;
// We use a separate closure to handle references during evacuation
// failure processing.
// We could have used another instance of G1ParScanHeapEvacClosure
// (since that closure no longer assumes that the references it
// handles point into the collection set).
typedef G1ParCopyClosure<false, G1BarrierEvac, false> G1ParScanHeapEvacFailureClosure;
class FilterIntoCSClosure: public OopClosure {
......@@ -153,9 +189,15 @@ class FilterIntoCSClosure: public OopClosure {
DirtyCardToOopClosure* _dcto_cl;
FilterIntoCSClosure( DirtyCardToOopClosure* dcto_cl,
G1CollectedHeap* g1, OopClosure* oc) :
G1CollectedHeap* g1,
OopClosure* oc,
ReferenceProcessor* rp) :
_dcto_cl(dcto_cl), _g1(g1), _oc(oc)
assert(_ref_processor == NULL, "sanity");
_ref_processor = rp;
template <class T> void do_oop_nv(T* p);
virtual void do_oop(oop* p) { do_oop_nv(p); }
virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* p) { do_oop_nv(p); }
......@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ void G1RemSet::scanRS(OopsInHeapRegionClosure* oc, int worker_i) {
HeapRegion *startRegion = calculateStartRegion(worker_i);
ScanRSClosure scanRScl(oc, worker_i);
_g1->collection_set_iterate_from(startRegion, &scanRScl);
_g1->collection_set_iterate_from(startRegion, &scanRScl);
......@@ -283,6 +284,7 @@ void G1RemSet::updateRS(DirtyCardQueue* into_cset_dcq, int worker_i) {
double start = os::elapsedTime();
// Apply the given closure to all remaining log entries.
RefineRecordRefsIntoCSCardTableEntryClosure into_cset_update_rs_cl(_g1, into_cset_dcq);
_g1->iterate_dirty_card_closure(&into_cset_update_rs_cl, into_cset_dcq, false, worker_i);
// Now there should be no dirty cards.
......@@ -466,7 +468,7 @@ public:
MemRegion scanRegion(start, end);
UpdateRSetImmediate update_rs_cl(_g1->g1_rem_set());
FilterIntoCSClosure update_rs_cset_oop_cl(NULL, _g1, &update_rs_cl);
FilterIntoCSClosure update_rs_cset_oop_cl(NULL, _g1, &update_rs_cl, NULL /* rp */);
FilterOutOfRegionClosure filter_then_update_rs_cset_oop_cl(r, &update_rs_cset_oop_cl);
// We can pass false as the "filter_young" parameter here as:
......@@ -642,7 +644,7 @@ bool G1RemSet::concurrentRefineOneCard_impl(jbyte* card_ptr, int worker_i,
TriggerClosure trigger_cl;
FilterIntoCSClosure into_cs_cl(NULL, _g1, &trigger_cl);
FilterIntoCSClosure into_cs_cl(NULL, _g1, &trigger_cl, NULL /* rp */);
InvokeIfNotTriggeredClosure invoke_cl(&trigger_cl, &into_cs_cl);
Mux2Closure mux(&invoke_cl, &update_rs_oop_cl);
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ HeapRegionDCTOC::HeapRegionDCTOC(G1CollectedHeap* g1,
FilterKind fk) :
ContiguousSpaceDCTOC(hr, cl, precision, NULL),
_hr(hr), _fk(fk), _g1(g1)
{ }
FilterOutOfRegionClosure::FilterOutOfRegionClosure(HeapRegion* r,
OopClosure* oc) :
......@@ -214,8 +214,37 @@ void HeapRegionDCTOC::walk_mem_region_with_cl(MemRegion mr,
int oop_size;
OopClosure* cl2 = cl;
FilterIntoCSClosure intoCSFilt(this, g1h, cl);
// If we are scanning the remembered sets looking for refs
// into the collection set during an evacuation pause then
// we will want to 'discover' reference objects that point
// to referents in the collection set.
// Unfortunately it is an instance of FilterIntoCSClosure
// that is iterated over the reference fields of oops in
// mr (and not the G1ParPushHeapRSClosure - which is the
// cl parameter).
// If we set the _ref_processor field in the FilterIntoCSClosure
// instance, all the reference objects that are walked
// (regardless of whether their referent object's are in
// the cset) will be 'discovered'.
// The G1STWIsAlive closure considers a referent object that
// is outside the cset as alive. The G1CopyingKeepAliveClosure
// skips referents that are not in the cset.
// Therefore reference objects in mr with a referent that is
// outside the cset should be OK.
ReferenceProcessor* rp = _cl->_ref_processor;
if (rp != NULL) {
assert(rp == _g1->ref_processor_stw(), "should be stw");
assert(_fk == IntoCSFilterKind, "should be looking for refs into CS");
FilterIntoCSClosure intoCSFilt(this, g1h, cl, rp);
FilterOutOfRegionClosure outOfRegionFilt(_hr, cl);
switch (_fk) {
case IntoCSFilterKind: cl2 = &intoCSFilt; break;
case OutOfRegionFilterKind: cl2 = &outOfRegionFilt; break;
......@@ -239,16 +268,19 @@ void HeapRegionDCTOC::walk_mem_region_with_cl(MemRegion mr,
case NoFilterKind:
bottom = walk_mem_region_loop(cl, g1h, _hr, bottom, top);
case IntoCSFilterKind: {
FilterIntoCSClosure filt(this, g1h, cl);
FilterIntoCSClosure filt(this, g1h, cl, rp);
bottom = walk_mem_region_loop(&filt, g1h, _hr, bottom, top);
case OutOfRegionFilterKind: {
FilterOutOfRegionClosure filt(_hr, cl);
bottom = walk_mem_region_loop(&filt, g1h, _hr, bottom, top);
......@@ -483,7 +515,7 @@ HeapRegion::
HeapRegion(size_t hrs_index, G1BlockOffsetSharedArray* sharedOffsetArray,
MemRegion mr, bool is_zeroed)
: G1OffsetTableContigSpace(sharedOffsetArray, mr, is_zeroed),
_next_fk(HeapRegionDCTOC::NoFilterKind), _hrs_index(hrs_index),
_humongous_type(NotHumongous), _humongous_start_region(NULL),
_next_in_special_set(NULL), _orig_end(NULL),
......@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ public:
FilterKind fk);
// The complicating factor is that BlockOffsetTable diverged
// significantly, and we need functionality that is only in the G1 version.
// So I copied that code, which led to an alternate G1 version of
......@@ -223,10 +222,6 @@ class HeapRegion: public G1OffsetTableContigSpace {
// The next filter kind that should be used for a "new_dcto_cl" call with
// the "traditional" signature.
HeapRegionDCTOC::FilterKind _next_fk;
// Requires that the region "mr" be dense with objects, and begin and end
// with an object.
void oops_in_mr_iterate(MemRegion mr, OopClosure* cl);
......@@ -573,40 +568,14 @@ class HeapRegion: public G1OffsetTableContigSpace {
// allocated in the current region before the last call to "save_mark".
void oop_before_save_marks_iterate(OopClosure* cl);
// This call determines the "filter kind" argument that will be used for
// the next call to "new_dcto_cl" on this region with the "traditional"
// signature (i.e., the call below.) The default, in the absence of a
// preceding call to this method, is "NoFilterKind", and a call to this
// method is necessary for each such call, or else it reverts to the
// default.
// (This is really ugly, but all other methods I could think of changed a
// lot of main-line code for G1.)
void set_next_filter_kind(HeapRegionDCTOC::FilterKind nfk) {
_next_fk = nfk;
new_dcto_closure(OopClosure* cl,
CardTableModRefBS::PrecisionStyle precision,
HeapRegionDCTOC::FilterKind fk);
new_dcto_closure(OopClosure* cl,
CardTableModRefBS::PrecisionStyle precision,
HeapWord* boundary) {
assert(boundary == NULL, "This arg doesn't make sense here.");
DirtyCardToOopClosure* res = new_dcto_closure(cl, precision, _next_fk);
_next_fk = HeapRegionDCTOC::NoFilterKind;
return res;
// Note the start or end of marking. This tells the heap region
// that the collector is about to start or has finished (concurrently)
// marking the heap.
// Note the start of a marking phase. Record the
// start of the unmarked area of the region here.
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include "memory/sharedHeap.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
#include "runtime/thread.hpp"
#include "runtime/vmThread.hpp"
// This method removes entries from an SATB buffer that will not be
// useful to the concurrent marking threads. An entry is removed if it
......@@ -252,9 +253,18 @@ void SATBMarkQueueSet::par_iterate_closure_all_threads(int worker) {
// We'll have worker 0 do this one.
if (worker == 0) {
// We also need to claim the VMThread so that its parity is updated
// otherwise the next call to Thread::possibly_parallel_oops_do inside
// a StrongRootsScope might skip the VMThread because it has a stale
// parity that matches the parity set by the StrongRootsScope
// Whichever worker succeeds in claiming the VMThread gets to do
// the shared queue.
VMThread* vmt = VMThread::vm_thread();
if (vmt->claim_oops_do(true, parity)) {
......@@ -198,10 +198,9 @@ void PSMarkSweep::invoke_no_policy(bool clear_all_softrefs) {
ref_processor()->enable_discovery(true /*verify_disabled*/, true /*verify_no_refs*/);
......@@ -2069,10 +2069,9 @@ void PSParallelCompact::invoke_no_policy(bool maximum_heap_compaction) {
ref_processor()->enable_discovery(true /*verify_disabled*/, true /*verify_no_refs*/);
bool marked_for_unloading = false;
......@@ -350,10 +350,9 @@ bool PSScavenge::invoke_no_policy() {
reference_processor()->enable_discovery(true /*verify_disabled*/, true /*verify_no_refs*/);
// We track how much was promoted to the next generation for
......@@ -599,8 +599,7 @@ void GenCollectedHeap::do_collection(bool full,
// atomic wrt other collectors in this configuration, we
// are guaranteed to have empty discovered ref lists.
if (rp->discovery_is_atomic()) {
rp->enable_discovery(true /*verify_disabled*/, true /*verify_no_refs*/);
} else {
// collect() below will enable discovery as appropriate
......@@ -35,42 +35,8 @@
ReferencePolicy* ReferenceProcessor::_always_clear_soft_ref_policy = NULL;
ReferencePolicy* ReferenceProcessor::_default_soft_ref_policy = NULL;
const int subclasses_of_ref = REF_PHANTOM - REF_OTHER;
bool ReferenceProcessor::_pending_list_uses_discovered_field = false;
// List of discovered references.
class DiscoveredList {
DiscoveredList() : _len(0), _compressed_head(0), _oop_head(NULL) { }
oop head() const {
return UseCompressedOops ? oopDesc::decode_heap_oop(_compressed_head) :
HeapWord* adr_head() {
return UseCompressedOops ? (HeapWord*)&_compressed_head :
void set_head(oop o) {
if (UseCompressedOops) {
// Must compress the head ptr.
_compressed_head = oopDesc::encode_heap_oop(o);
} else {
_oop_head = o;
bool empty() const { return head() == NULL; }
size_t length() { return _len; }
void set_length(size_t len) { _len = len; }
void inc_length(size_t inc) { _len += inc; assert(_len > 0, "Error"); }
void dec_length(size_t dec) { _len -= dec; }
// Set value depending on UseCompressedOops. This could be a template class
// but then we have to fix all the instantiations and declarations that use this class.
oop _oop_head;
narrowOop _compressed_head;
size_t _len;
void referenceProcessor_init() {
......@@ -112,7 +78,8 @@ ReferenceProcessor::ReferenceProcessor(MemRegion span,
_discovery_is_mt = mt_discovery;
_num_q = MAX2(1, mt_processing_degree);
_max_num_q = MAX2(_num_q, mt_discovery_degree);
_discoveredSoftRefs = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(DiscoveredList, _max_num_q * subclasses_of_ref);
_discoveredSoftRefs = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(DiscoveredList,
_max_num_q * number_of_subclasses_of_ref());
if (_discoveredSoftRefs == NULL) {
vm_exit_during_initialization("Could not allocated RefProc Array");
......@@ -120,7 +87,7 @@ ReferenceProcessor::ReferenceProcessor(MemRegion span,
_discoveredFinalRefs = &_discoveredWeakRefs[_max_num_q];
_discoveredPhantomRefs = &_discoveredFinalRefs[_max_num_q];
// Initialized all entries to NULL
for (int i = 0; i < _max_num_q * subclasses_of_ref; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < _max_num_q * number_of_subclasses_of_ref(); i++) {
......@@ -134,19 +101,15 @@ ReferenceProcessor::ReferenceProcessor(MemRegion span,
#ifndef PRODUCT
void ReferenceProcessor::verify_no_references_recorded() {
guarantee(!_discovering_refs, "Discovering refs?");
for (int i = 0; i < _max_num_q * subclasses_of_ref; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < _max_num_q * number_of_subclasses_of_ref(); i++) {
"Found non-empty discovered list");
void ReferenceProcessor::weak_oops_do(OopClosure* f) {
// Should this instead be
// for (int i = 0; i < subclasses_of_ref; i++_ {
// for (int j = 0; j < _num_q; j++) {
// int index = i * _max_num_q + j;
for (int i = 0; i < _max_num_q * subclasses_of_ref; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < _max_num_q * number_of_subclasses_of_ref(); i++) {
if (UseCompressedOops) {
} else {
......@@ -404,7 +367,7 @@ public:
// allocated and are indexed into.
assert(_n_queues == (int) _ref_processor.max_num_q(), "Different number not expected");
for (int j = 0;
j < subclasses_of_ref;
j < ReferenceProcessor::number_of_subclasses_of_ref();
j++, index += _n_queues) {
_refs_lists[index], _pending_list_addr);
......@@ -424,7 +387,7 @@ void ReferenceProcessor::enqueue_discovered_reflists(HeapWord* pending_list_addr
} else {
// Serial code: call the parent class's implementation
for (int i = 0; i < _max_num_q * subclasses_of_ref; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < _max_num_q * number_of_subclasses_of_ref(); i++) {
enqueue_discovered_reflist(_discoveredSoftRefs[i], pending_list_addr);
......@@ -432,119 +395,7 @@ void ReferenceProcessor::enqueue_discovered_reflists(HeapWord* pending_list_addr
// Iterator for the list of discovered references.
class DiscoveredListIterator {
inline DiscoveredListIterator(DiscoveredList& refs_list,
OopClosure* keep_alive,
BoolObjectClosure* is_alive);
// End Of List.
inline bool has_next() const { return _ref != NULL; }
// Get oop to the Reference object.
inline oop obj() const { return _ref; }
// Get oop to the referent object.
inline oop referent() const { return _referent; }
// Returns true if referent is alive.
inline bool is_referent_alive() const;
// Loads data for the current reference.
// The "allow_null_referent" argument tells us to allow for the possibility
// of a NULL referent in the discovered Reference object. This typically
// happens in the case of concurrent collectors that may have done the
// discovery concurrently, or interleaved, with mutator execution.
inline void load_ptrs(DEBUG_ONLY(bool allow_null_referent));
// Move to the next discovered reference.
inline void next();
// Remove the current reference from the list
inline void remove();
// Make the Reference object active again.
inline void make_active() { java_lang_ref_Reference::set_next(_ref, NULL); }
// Make the referent alive.
inline void make_referent_alive() {
if (UseCompressedOops) {
} else {
// Update the discovered field.
inline void update_discovered() {
// First _prev_next ref actually points into DiscoveredList (gross).
if (UseCompressedOops) {
if (!oopDesc::is_null(*(narrowOop*)_prev_next)) {
} else {
if (!oopDesc::is_null(*(oop*)_prev_next)) {
// NULL out referent pointer.
inline void clear_referent() { oop_store_raw(_referent_addr, NULL); }
// Statistics
inline size_t processed() const { return _processed; }
inline size_t removed() const { return _removed; }
inline void move_to_next();
DiscoveredList& _refs_list;
HeapWord* _prev_next;
oop _prev;
oop _ref;
HeapWord* _discovered_addr;
oop _next;
HeapWord* _referent_addr;
oop _referent;
OopClosure* _keep_alive;
BoolObjectClosure* _is_alive;
oop _first_seen; // cyclic linked list check
size_t _processed;
size_t _removed;
inline DiscoveredListIterator::DiscoveredListIterator(DiscoveredList& refs_list,
OopClosure* keep_alive,
BoolObjectClosure* is_alive)
: _refs_list(refs_list),
#ifdef ASSERT
#ifndef PRODUCT
{ }
inline bool DiscoveredListIterator::is_referent_alive() const {
return _is_alive->do_object_b(_referent);
inline void DiscoveredListIterator::load_ptrs(DEBUG_ONLY(bool allow_null_referent)) {
void DiscoveredListIterator::load_ptrs(DEBUG_ONLY(bool allow_null_referent)) {
_discovered_addr = java_lang_ref_Reference::discovered_addr(_ref);
oop discovered = java_lang_ref_Reference::discovered(_ref);
assert(_discovered_addr && discovered->is_oop_or_null(),
......@@ -560,13 +411,7 @@ inline void DiscoveredListIterator::load_ptrs(DEBUG_ONLY(bool allow_null_referen
"bad referent");
inline void DiscoveredListIterator::next() {
_prev_next = _discovered_addr;
_prev = _ref;
inline void DiscoveredListIterator::remove() {
void DiscoveredListIterator::remove() {
assert(_ref->is_oop(), "Dropping a bad reference");
oop_store_raw(_discovered_addr, NULL);
......@@ -592,15 +437,29 @@ inline void DiscoveredListIterator::remove() {
inline void DiscoveredListIterator::move_to_next() {
if (_ref == _next) {
// End of the list.
_ref = NULL;
// Make the Reference object active again.
void DiscoveredListIterator::make_active() {
// For G1 we don't want to use set_next - it
// will dirty the card for the next field of
// the reference object and will fail
// CT verification.
if (UseG1GC) {
BarrierSet* bs = oopDesc::bs();
HeapWord* next_addr = java_lang_ref_Reference::next_addr(_ref);
if (UseCompressedOops) {
bs->write_ref_field_pre((narrowOop*)next_addr, NULL);
} else {
_ref = _next;
bs->write_ref_field_pre((oop*)next_addr, NULL);
assert(_ref != _first_seen, "cyclic ref_list found");
java_lang_ref_Reference::set_next_raw(_ref, NULL);
} else {
java_lang_ref_Reference::set_next(_ref, NULL);
void DiscoveredListIterator::clear_referent() {
oop_store_raw(_referent_addr, NULL);
// NOTE: process_phase*() are largely similar, and at a high level
......@@ -786,10 +645,9 @@ ReferenceProcessor::abandon_partial_discovered_list(DiscoveredList& refs_list) {
void ReferenceProcessor::abandon_partial_discovery() {
// loop over the lists
for (int i = 0; i < _max_num_q * subclasses_of_ref; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < _max_num_q * number_of_subclasses_of_ref(); i++) {
if (TraceReferenceGC && PrintGCDetails && ((i % _max_num_q) == 0)) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("\nAbandoning %s discovered list",
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("\nAbandoning %s discovered list", list_name(i));
......@@ -858,6 +716,14 @@ private:
bool _clear_referent;
void ReferenceProcessor::set_discovered(oop ref, oop value) {
if (_discovered_list_needs_barrier) {
java_lang_ref_Reference::set_discovered(ref, value);
} else {
java_lang_ref_Reference::set_discovered_raw(ref, value);
// Balances reference queues.
// Move entries from all queues[0, 1, ..., _max_num_q-1] to
// queues[0, 1, ..., _num_q-1] because only the first _num_q
......@@ -915,9 +781,9 @@ void ReferenceProcessor::balance_queues(DiscoveredList ref_lists[])
// Add the chain to the to list.
if (ref_lists[to_idx].head() == NULL) {
// to list is empty. Make a loop at the end.
java_lang_ref_Reference::set_discovered(move_tail, move_tail);
set_discovered(move_tail, move_tail);
} else {
java_lang_ref_Reference::set_discovered(move_tail, ref_lists[to_idx].head());
set_discovered(move_tail, ref_lists[to_idx].head());
......@@ -1038,11 +904,7 @@ ReferenceProcessor::process_discovered_reflist(
void ReferenceProcessor::clean_up_discovered_references() {
// loop over the lists
// Should this instead be
// for (int i = 0; i < subclasses_of_ref; i++_ {
// for (int j = 0; j < _num_q; j++) {
// int index = i * _max_num_q + j;
for (int i = 0; i < _max_num_q * subclasses_of_ref; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < _max_num_q * number_of_subclasses_of_ref(); i++) {
if (TraceReferenceGC && PrintGCDetails && ((i % _max_num_q) == 0)) {
"\nScrubbing %s discovered list of Null referents",
......@@ -1260,6 +1122,8 @@ bool ReferenceProcessor::discover_reference(oop obj, ReferenceType rt) {
ResourceMark rm; // Needed for tracing.
HeapWord* const discovered_addr = java_lang_ref_Reference::discovered_addr(obj);
const oop discovered = java_lang_ref_Reference::discovered(obj);
assert(discovered->is_oop_or_null(), "bad discovered field");
......@@ -1472,7 +1336,9 @@ ReferenceProcessor::preclean_discovered_reflist(DiscoveredList& refs_list,
const char* ReferenceProcessor::list_name(int i) {
assert(i >= 0 && i <= _max_num_q * subclasses_of_ref, "Out of bounds index");
assert(i >= 0 && i <= _max_num_q * number_of_subclasses_of_ref(),
"Out of bounds index");
int j = i / _max_num_q;
switch (j) {
case 0: return "SoftRef";
......@@ -1493,7 +1359,7 @@ void ReferenceProcessor::verify_ok_to_handle_reflists() {
#ifndef PRODUCT
void ReferenceProcessor::clear_discovered_references() {
guarantee(!_discovering_refs, "Discovering refs?");
for (int i = 0; i < _max_num_q * subclasses_of_ref; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < _max_num_q * number_of_subclasses_of_ref(); i++) {
......@@ -48,18 +48,175 @@
// forward references
class ReferencePolicy;
class AbstractRefProcTaskExecutor;
class DiscoveredList;
// List of discovered references.
class DiscoveredList {
DiscoveredList() : _len(0), _compressed_head(0), _oop_head(NULL) { }
oop head() const {
return UseCompressedOops ? oopDesc::decode_heap_oop(_compressed_head) :
HeapWord* adr_head() {
return UseCompressedOops ? (HeapWord*)&_compressed_head :
void set_head(oop o) {
if (UseCompressedOops) {
// Must compress the head ptr.
_compressed_head = oopDesc::encode_heap_oop(o);
} else {
_oop_head = o;
bool is_empty() const { return head() == NULL; }
size_t length() { return _len; }
void set_length(size_t len) { _len = len; }
void inc_length(size_t inc) { _len += inc; assert(_len > 0, "Error"); }
void dec_length(size_t dec) { _len -= dec; }
// Set value depending on UseCompressedOops. This could be a template class
// but then we have to fix all the instantiations and declarations that use this class.
oop _oop_head;
narrowOop _compressed_head;
size_t _len;
// Iterator for the list of discovered references.
class DiscoveredListIterator {
DiscoveredList& _refs_list;
HeapWord* _prev_next;
oop _prev;
oop _ref;
HeapWord* _discovered_addr;
oop _next;
HeapWord* _referent_addr;
oop _referent;
OopClosure* _keep_alive;
BoolObjectClosure* _is_alive;
oop _first_seen; // cyclic linked list check
size_t _processed;
size_t _removed;
inline DiscoveredListIterator(DiscoveredList& refs_list,
OopClosure* keep_alive,
BoolObjectClosure* is_alive):
#ifdef ASSERT
#ifndef PRODUCT
{ }
// End Of List.
inline bool has_next() const { return _ref != NULL; }
// Get oop to the Reference object.
inline oop obj() const { return _ref; }
// Get oop to the referent object.
inline oop referent() const { return _referent; }
// Returns true if referent is alive.
inline bool is_referent_alive() const {
return _is_alive->do_object_b(_referent);
// Loads data for the current reference.
// The "allow_null_referent" argument tells us to allow for the possibility
// of a NULL referent in the discovered Reference object. This typically
// happens in the case of concurrent collectors that may have done the
// discovery concurrently, or interleaved, with mutator execution.
void load_ptrs(DEBUG_ONLY(bool allow_null_referent));
// Move to the next discovered reference.
inline void next() {
_prev_next = _discovered_addr;
_prev = _ref;
// Remove the current reference from the list
void remove();
// Make the Reference object active again.
void make_active();
// Make the referent alive.
inline void make_referent_alive() {
if (UseCompressedOops) {
} else {
// Update the discovered field.
inline void update_discovered() {
// First _prev_next ref actually points into DiscoveredList (gross).
if (UseCompressedOops) {
if (!oopDesc::is_null(*(narrowOop*)_prev_next)) {
} else {
if (!oopDesc::is_null(*(oop*)_prev_next)) {
// NULL out referent pointer.
void clear_referent();
// Statistics
inline size_t processed() const { return _processed; }
inline size_t removed() const { return _removed; }
inline void move_to_next() {
if (_ref == _next) {
// End of the list.
_ref = NULL;
} else {
_ref = _next;
assert(_ref != _first_seen, "cyclic ref_list found");
class ReferenceProcessor : public CHeapObj {
// Compatibility with pre-4965777 JDK's
static bool _pending_list_uses_discovered_field;
MemRegion _span; // (right-open) interval of heap
// subject to wkref discovery
bool _discovering_refs; // true when discovery enabled
bool _discovery_is_atomic; // if discovery is atomic wrt
// other collectors in configuration
bool _discovery_is_mt; // true if reference discovery is MT.
// If true, setting "next" field of a discovered refs list requires
// write barrier(s). (Must be true if used in a collector in which
// elements of a discovered list may be moved during discovery: for
......@@ -67,6 +224,7 @@ class ReferenceProcessor : public CHeapObj {
// long-term concurrent marking phase that does weak reference
// discovery.)
bool _discovered_list_needs_barrier;
BarrierSet* _bs; // Cached copy of BarrierSet.
bool _enqueuing_is_done; // true if all weak references enqueued
bool _processing_is_mt; // true during phases when
......@@ -74,11 +232,11 @@ class ReferenceProcessor : public CHeapObj {
int _next_id; // round-robin mod _num_q counter in
// support of work distribution
// For collectors that do not keep GC marking information
// For collectors that do not keep GC liveness information
// in the object header, this field holds a closure that
// helps the reference processor determine the reachability
// of an oop (the field is currently initialized to NULL for
// all collectors but the CMS collector).
// of an oop. It is currently initialized to NULL for all
// collectors except for CMS and G1.
BoolObjectClosure* _is_alive_non_header;
// Soft ref clearing policies
......@@ -102,10 +260,13 @@ class ReferenceProcessor : public CHeapObj {
DiscoveredList* _discoveredPhantomRefs;
static int number_of_subclasses_of_ref() { return (REF_PHANTOM - REF_OTHER); }
int num_q() { return _num_q; }
int max_num_q() { return _max_num_q; }
void set_active_mt_degree(int v) { _num_q = v; }
DiscoveredList* discovered_soft_refs() { return _discoveredSoftRefs; }
ReferencePolicy* setup_policy(bool always_clear) {
_current_soft_ref_policy = always_clear ?
_always_clear_soft_ref_policy : _default_soft_ref_policy;
......@@ -205,6 +366,11 @@ class ReferenceProcessor : public CHeapObj {
void enqueue_discovered_reflists(HeapWord* pending_list_addr, AbstractRefProcTaskExecutor* task_executor);
// Set the 'discovered' field of the given reference to
// the given value - emitting barriers depending upon
// the value of _discovered_list_needs_barrier.
void set_discovered(oop ref, oop value);
// "Preclean" the given discovered reference list
// by removing references with strongly reachable referents.
// Currently used in support of CMS only.
......@@ -290,7 +456,19 @@ class ReferenceProcessor : public CHeapObj {
void set_span(MemRegion span) { _span = span; }
// start and stop weak ref discovery
void enable_discovery() { _discovering_refs = true; }
void enable_discovery(bool verify_disabled, bool check_no_refs) {
#ifdef ASSERT
// Verify that we're not currently discovering refs
assert(!verify_disabled || !_discovering_refs, "nested call?");
if (check_no_refs) {
// Verify that the discovered lists are empty
#endif // ASSERT
_discovering_refs = true;
void disable_discovery() { _discovering_refs = false; }
bool discovery_enabled() { return _discovering_refs; }
......@@ -365,7 +543,7 @@ class NoRefDiscovery: StackObj {
~NoRefDiscovery() {
if (_was_discovering_refs) {
_rp->enable_discovery(true /*verify_disabled*/, false /*check_no_refs*/);
......@@ -749,8 +749,9 @@ bool Thread::claim_oops_do_par_case(int strong_roots_parity) {
jint thread_parity = _oops_do_parity;
if (thread_parity != strong_roots_parity) {
jint res = Atomic::cmpxchg(strong_roots_parity, &_oops_do_parity, thread_parity);
if (res == thread_parity) return true;
else {
if (res == thread_parity) {
return true;
} else {
guarantee(res == strong_roots_parity, "Or else what?");
assert(SharedHeap::heap()->n_par_threads() > 0,
"Should only fail when parallel.");
......@@ -3905,8 +3906,9 @@ void Threads::possibly_parallel_oops_do(OopClosure* f, CodeBlobClosure* cf) {
VMThread* vmt = VMThread::vm_thread();
if (vmt->claim_oops_do(is_par, cp))
if (vmt->claim_oops_do(is_par, cp)) {
vmt->oops_do(f, cf);
#ifndef SERIALGC
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