提交 2959df82 编写于 作者: J jrose

6711908: JVM needs direct access to some annotations

Summary: Add annotation extraction code to class file parser.
Reviewed-by: twisti, jrose, kvn
Contributed-by: michael.haupt@oracle.com
上级 0ef4f963
......@@ -3505,8 +3505,10 @@ bool GraphBuilder::try_inline_full(ciMethod* callee, bool holder_known, BlockBeg
// now perform tests that are based on flag settings
if (callee->should_inline()) {
if (callee->force_inline() || callee->should_inline()) {
// ignore heuristic controls on inlining
if (callee->force_inline())
CompileTask::print_inlining(callee, scope()->level(), bci(), "force inline by annotation");
} else {
if (inline_level() > MaxInlineLevel ) INLINE_BAILOUT("too-deep inlining");
if (recursive_inline_level(callee) > MaxRecursiveInlineLevel) INLINE_BAILOUT("too-deep recursive inlining");
......@@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ class ciMethod : public ciObject {
// Code size for inlining decisions.
int code_size_for_inlining();
bool force_inline() { return get_methodOop()->force_inline(); }
int comp_level();
int highest_osr_comp_level();
......@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
#include "oops/typeArrayOop.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
#include "utilities/accessFlags.hpp"
#include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"
class TempNewSymbol;
class FieldAllocationCount;
......@@ -50,11 +50,77 @@ class ClassFileParser VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
KlassHandle _host_klass;
GrowableArray<Handle>* _cp_patches; // overrides for CP entries
// precomputed flags
bool _has_finalizer;
bool _has_empty_finalizer;
bool _has_vanilla_constructor;
int _max_bootstrap_specifier_index; // detects BSS values
// class attributes parsed before the instance klass is created:
bool _synthetic_flag;
Symbol* _sourcefile;
Symbol* _generic_signature;
TempNewSymbol _sde_symbol;
typeArrayHandle _inner_classes;
typeArrayHandle _annotations;
void set_class_synthetic_flag(bool x) { _synthetic_flag = x; }
void set_class_sourcefile(Symbol* x) { _sourcefile = x; }
void set_class_generic_signature(Symbol* x) { _generic_signature = x; }
void set_class_sde_symbol(Symbol* x) { _sde_symbol = x; }
void set_class_inner_classes(typeArrayHandle x) { _inner_classes = x; }
void set_class_annotations(typeArrayHandle x) { _annotations = x; }
void init_parsed_class_attributes() {
_synthetic_flag = false;
_sourcefile = NULL;
_generic_signature = NULL;
// initialize the other flags too:
_has_finalizer = _has_empty_finalizer = _has_vanilla_constructor = false;
_max_bootstrap_specifier_index = -1;
void apply_parsed_class_attributes(instanceKlassHandle k); // update k
int _max_bootstrap_specifier_index;
class AnnotationCollector {
enum Location { _in_field, _in_method, _in_class };
enum ID {
_unknown = 0,
const Location _location;
int _annotations_present;
AnnotationCollector(Location location)
: _location(location), _annotations_present(0)
assert((int)_annotation_LIMIT <= (int)sizeof(_annotations_present) * BitsPerByte, "");
// If this annotation name has an ID, report it (or _none).
ID annotation_index(Symbol* name);
// Set the annotation name:
void set_annotation(ID id) {
assert((int)id >= 0 && (int)id < (int)_annotation_LIMIT, "oob");
_annotations_present |= nth_bit((int)id);
// Report if the annotation is present.
bool has_any_annotations() { return _annotations_present != 0; }
bool has_annotation(ID id) { return (nth_bit((int)id) & _annotations_present) != 0; }
class FieldAnnotationCollector: public AnnotationCollector {
FieldAnnotationCollector() : AnnotationCollector(_in_field) { }
void apply_to(FieldInfo* f);
class MethodAnnotationCollector: public AnnotationCollector {
MethodAnnotationCollector() : AnnotationCollector(_in_method) { }
void apply_to(methodHandle m);
class ClassAnnotationCollector: public AnnotationCollector {
ClassAnnotationCollector() : AnnotationCollector(_in_class) { }
void apply_to(instanceKlassHandle k);
enum { fixed_buffer_size = 128 };
u_char linenumbertable_buffer[fixed_buffer_size];
......@@ -87,7 +153,9 @@ class ClassFileParser VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
u2* constantvalue_index_addr,
bool* is_synthetic_addr,
u2* generic_signature_index_addr,
typeArrayHandle* field_annotations, TRAPS);
typeArrayHandle* field_annotations,
FieldAnnotationCollector* parsed_annotations,
typeArrayHandle parse_fields(Symbol* class_name,
constantPoolHandle cp, bool is_interface,
FieldAllocationCount *fac,
......@@ -128,25 +196,32 @@ class ClassFileParser VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
typeArrayOop parse_stackmap_table(u4 code_attribute_length, TRAPS);
// Classfile attribute parsing
void parse_classfile_sourcefile_attribute(constantPoolHandle cp, instanceKlassHandle k, TRAPS);
void parse_classfile_source_debug_extension_attribute(constantPoolHandle cp,
instanceKlassHandle k, int length, TRAPS);
void parse_classfile_sourcefile_attribute(constantPoolHandle cp, TRAPS);
void parse_classfile_source_debug_extension_attribute(constantPoolHandle cp, int length, TRAPS);
u2 parse_classfile_inner_classes_attribute(u1* inner_classes_attribute_start,
bool parsed_enclosingmethod_attribute,
u2 enclosing_method_class_index,
u2 enclosing_method_method_index,
constantPoolHandle cp,
instanceKlassHandle k, TRAPS);
void parse_classfile_attributes(constantPoolHandle cp, instanceKlassHandle k, TRAPS);
void parse_classfile_synthetic_attribute(constantPoolHandle cp, instanceKlassHandle k, TRAPS);
void parse_classfile_signature_attribute(constantPoolHandle cp, instanceKlassHandle k, TRAPS);
void parse_classfile_bootstrap_methods_attribute(constantPoolHandle cp, instanceKlassHandle k, u4 attribute_length, TRAPS);
void parse_classfile_attributes(constantPoolHandle cp,
ClassAnnotationCollector* parsed_annotations,
void parse_classfile_synthetic_attribute(constantPoolHandle cp, TRAPS);
void parse_classfile_signature_attribute(constantPoolHandle cp, TRAPS);
void parse_classfile_bootstrap_methods_attribute(constantPoolHandle cp, u4 attribute_length, TRAPS);
// Annotations handling
typeArrayHandle assemble_annotations(u1* runtime_visible_annotations,
int runtime_visible_annotations_length,
u1* runtime_invisible_annotations,
int runtime_invisible_annotations_length, TRAPS);
int skip_annotation(u1* buffer, int limit, int index);
int skip_annotation_value(u1* buffer, int limit, int index);
void parse_annotations(u1* buffer, int limit, constantPoolHandle cp,
/* Results (currently, only one result is supported): */
AnnotationCollector* result,
// Final setup
unsigned int compute_oop_map_count(instanceKlassHandle super,
......@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@
template(java_lang_invoke_BoundMethodHandle, "java/lang/invoke/BoundMethodHandle") \
template(java_lang_invoke_DirectMethodHandle, "java/lang/invoke/DirectMethodHandle") \
template(java_lang_invoke_CountingMethodHandle, "java/lang/invoke/CountingMethodHandle") \
template(java_lang_invoke_ForceInline_signature, "Ljava/lang/invoke/ForceInline;") \
/* internal up-calls made only by the JVM, via class sun.invoke.MethodHandleNatives: */ \
template(findMethodHandleType_name, "findMethodHandleType") \
template(findMethodHandleType_signature, "(Ljava/lang/Class;[Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;") \
......@@ -123,7 +123,8 @@ class methodOopDesc : public oopDesc {
u2 _size_of_parameters; // size of the parameter block (receiver + arguments) in words
u1 _intrinsic_id; // vmSymbols::intrinsic_id (0 == _none)
u1 _jfr_towrite : 1, // Flags
: 7;
_force_inline : 1,
: 6;
u2 _interpreter_throwout_count; // Count of times method was exited via exception while interpreting
u2 _number_of_breakpoints; // fullspeed debugging support
InvocationCounter _invocation_counter; // Incremented before each activation of the method - used to trigger frequency-based optimizations
......@@ -655,6 +656,9 @@ class methodOopDesc : public oopDesc {
bool jfr_towrite() { return _jfr_towrite; }
void set_jfr_towrite(bool towrite) { _jfr_towrite = towrite; }
bool force_inline() { return _force_inline; }
void set_force_inline(bool fi) { _force_inline = fi; }
// On-stack replacement support
bool has_osr_nmethod(int level, bool match_level) {
return instanceKlass::cast(method_holder())->lookup_osr_nmethod(this, InvocationEntryBci, level, match_level) != NULL;
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