提交 10629c1c 编写于 作者: J jwilhelm

8000351: Tenuring threshold should be unsigned

Summary: Change the flags and variables related to tenuring threshold to be unsigned
Reviewed-by: jmasa, johnc
上级 9e2766b8
......@@ -1195,9 +1195,9 @@ void CMSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_tenured_generation_free_space(
int CMSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_survivor_space_size_and_threshold(
uint CMSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_survivor_space_size_and_threshold(
bool is_survivor_overflow,
int tenuring_threshold,
uint tenuring_threshold,
size_t survivor_limit) {
assert(survivor_limit >= generation_alignment(),
"survivor_limit too small");
......@@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ int CMSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_survivor_space_size_and_threshold(
gclog_or_tty->print( " avg_promoted_padded_avg: %f"
" avg_pretenured_padded_avg: %f"
" tenuring_thresh: %d"
" tenuring_thresh: %u"
" target_size: " SIZE_FORMAT
" survivor_limit: " SIZE_FORMAT,
......@@ -440,9 +440,9 @@ class CMSAdaptiveSizePolicy : public AdaptiveSizePolicy {
size_t max_eden_size);
// Calculates new survivor space size; returns a new tenuring threshold
// value. Stores new survivor size in _survivor_size.
virtual int compute_survivor_space_size_and_threshold(
virtual uint compute_survivor_space_size_and_threshold(
bool is_survivor_overflow,
int tenuring_threshold,
uint tenuring_threshold,
size_t survivor_limit);
virtual void compute_tenured_generation_free_space(size_t cur_tenured_free,
......@@ -840,8 +840,8 @@ private:
// Current tenuring threshold, set to 0 if the collector reaches the
// maximum amount of suvivors regions.
int _tenuring_threshold;
// maximum amount of survivors regions.
uint _tenuring_threshold;
// The limit on the number of regions allocated for survivors.
uint _max_survivor_regions;
......@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ private:
size_t _survivor_bytes_before_gc;
size_t _capacity_before_gc;
// The amount of survor regions after a collection.
// The amount of survivor regions after a collection.
uint _recorded_survivor_regions;
// List of survivor regions.
HeapRegion* _recorded_survivor_head;
......@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ private:
inline GCAllocPurpose
evacuation_destination(HeapRegion* src_region, int age, size_t word_sz) {
evacuation_destination(HeapRegion* src_region, uint age, size_t word_sz) {
if (age < _tenuring_threshold && src_region->is_young()) {
return GCAllocForSurvived;
} else {
......@@ -941,9 +941,9 @@ size_t PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::promo_decrement(size_t cur_promo) {
return promo_heap_delta;
int PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_survivor_space_size_and_threshold(
uint PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_survivor_space_size_and_threshold(
bool is_survivor_overflow,
int tenuring_threshold,
uint tenuring_threshold,
size_t survivor_limit) {
assert(survivor_limit >= _intra_generation_alignment,
"survivor_limit too small");
......@@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ class PSAdaptiveSizePolicy : public AdaptiveSizePolicy {
// Calculates new survivor space size; returns a new tenuring threshold
// value. Stores new survivor size in _survivor_size.
int compute_survivor_space_size_and_threshold(bool is_survivor_overflow,
int tenuring_threshold,
uint compute_survivor_space_size_and_threshold(bool is_survivor_overflow,
uint tenuring_threshold,
size_t survivor_limit);
// Return the maximum size of a survivor space if the young generation were of
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ oop PSPromotionManager::copy_to_survivor_space(oop o) {
if (!promote_immediately) {
// Find the objects age, MT safe.
int age = (test_mark->has_displaced_mark_helper() /* o->has_displaced_mark() */) ?
uint age = (test_mark->has_displaced_mark_helper() /* o->has_displaced_mark() */) ?
test_mark->displaced_mark_helper()->age() : test_mark->age();
// Try allocating obj in to-space (unless too old)
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ int PSScavenge::_consecutive_skipped_scavenges = 0;
ReferenceProcessor* PSScavenge::_ref_processor = NULL;
CardTableExtension* PSScavenge::_card_table = NULL;
bool PSScavenge::_survivor_overflow = false;
int PSScavenge::_tenuring_threshold = 0;
uint PSScavenge::_tenuring_threshold = 0;
HeapWord* PSScavenge::_young_generation_boundary = NULL;
elapsedTimer PSScavenge::_accumulated_time;
Stack<markOop, mtGC> PSScavenge::_preserved_mark_stack;
......@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ bool PSScavenge::invoke_no_policy() {
if (PrintTenuringDistribution) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Desired survivor size %ld bytes, new threshold %d (max %d)",
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Desired survivor size %ld bytes, new threshold %u (max %u)",
_tenuring_threshold, MaxTenuringThreshold);
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class PSScavenge: AllStatic {
static PSIsAliveClosure _is_alive_closure; // Closure used for reference processing
static CardTableExtension* _card_table; // We cache the card table for fast access.
static bool _survivor_overflow; // Overflow this collection
static int _tenuring_threshold; // tenuring threshold for next scavenge
static uint _tenuring_threshold; // tenuring threshold for next scavenge
static elapsedTimer _accumulated_time; // total time spent on scavenge
static HeapWord* _young_generation_boundary; // The lowest address possible for the young_gen.
// This is used to decide if an oop should be scavenged,
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class PSScavenge: AllStatic {
// Accessors
static int tenuring_threshold() { return _tenuring_threshold; }
static uint tenuring_threshold() { return _tenuring_threshold; }
static elapsedTimer* accumulated_time() { return &_accumulated_time; }
static bool promotion_failed() { return _promotion_failed; }
static int consecutive_skipped_scavenges()
......@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ bool AdaptiveSizePolicy::print_adaptive_size_policy_on(outputStream* st) const {
bool AdaptiveSizePolicy::print_adaptive_size_policy_on(
outputStream* st,
int tenuring_threshold_arg) const {
uint tenuring_threshold_arg) const {
if (!AdaptiveSizePolicy::print_adaptive_size_policy_on(st)) {
return false;
......@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ bool AdaptiveSizePolicy::print_adaptive_size_policy_on(
assert(!tenuring_threshold_change(), "(no change was attempted)");
if (tenuring_threshold_changed) {
st->print_cr("%d", tenuring_threshold_arg);
st->print_cr("%u", tenuring_threshold_arg);
return true;
......@@ -489,8 +489,8 @@ class AdaptiveSizePolicy : public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
// Printing support
virtual bool print_adaptive_size_policy_on(outputStream* st) const;
bool print_adaptive_size_policy_on(outputStream* st, int
tenuring_threshold) const;
bool print_adaptive_size_policy_on(outputStream* st,
uint tenuring_threshold) const;
// Class that can be used to print information about the
......@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ void ageTable::merge_par(ageTable* subTable) {
int ageTable::compute_tenuring_threshold(size_t survivor_capacity) {
uint ageTable::compute_tenuring_threshold(size_t survivor_capacity) {
size_t desired_survivor_size = (size_t)((((double) survivor_capacity)*TargetSurvivorRatio)/100);
size_t total = 0;
int age = 1;
uint age = 1;
assert(sizes[0] == 0, "no objects with age zero should be recorded");
while (age < table_size) {
total += sizes[age];
......@@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ int ageTable::compute_tenuring_threshold(size_t survivor_capacity) {
if (total > desired_survivor_size) break;
int result = age < MaxTenuringThreshold ? age : MaxTenuringThreshold;
uint result = age < MaxTenuringThreshold ? age : MaxTenuringThreshold;
if (PrintTenuringDistribution || UsePerfData) {
if (PrintTenuringDistribution) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Desired survivor size %ld bytes, new threshold %d (max %d)",
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Desired survivor size %ld bytes, new threshold %u (max %u)",
desired_survivor_size*oopSize, result, MaxTenuringThreshold);
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ int ageTable::compute_tenuring_threshold(size_t survivor_capacity) {
total += sizes[age];
if (sizes[age] > 0) {
if (PrintTenuringDistribution) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("- age %3d: %10ld bytes, %10ld total",
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("- age %3u: %10ld bytes, %10ld total",
age, sizes[age]*oopSize, total*oopSize);
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class ageTable VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
// add entry
void add(oop p, size_t oop_size) {
int age = p->age();
uint age = p->age();
assert(age > 0 && age < table_size, "invalid age of object");
sizes[age] += oop_size;
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class ageTable VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
void merge_par(ageTable* subTable);
// calculate new tenuring threshold based on age information
int compute_tenuring_threshold(size_t survivor_capacity);
uint compute_tenuring_threshold(size_t survivor_capacity);
PerfVariable* _perf_sizes[table_size];
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class GCAdaptivePolicyCounters : public GCPolicyCounters {
inline void update_survivor_overflowed(bool survivor_overflowed) {
inline void update_tenuring_threshold(int threshold) {
inline void update_tenuring_threshold(uint threshold) {
inline void update_increment_tenuring_threshold_for_gc_cost() {
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class DefNewGeneration: public Generation {
Generation* _next_gen;
int _tenuring_threshold; // Tenuring threshold for next collection.
uint _tenuring_threshold; // Tenuring threshold for next collection.
ageTable _age_table;
// Size of object to pretenure in words; command line provides bytes
size_t _pretenure_size_threshold_words;
......@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ protected:
bool parallel = false);
oop copy_to_survivor_space(oop old);
int tenuring_threshold() { return _tenuring_threshold; }
uint tenuring_threshold() { return _tenuring_threshold; }
// Performance Counter support
void update_counters();
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class GlobalTLABStats;
// the threads for allocation.
// It is thread-private at any time, but maybe multiplexed over
// time across multiple threads. The park()/unpark() pair is
// used to make it avaiable for such multiplexing.
// used to make it available for such multiplexing.
class ThreadLocalAllocBuffer: public CHeapObj<mtThread> {
friend class VMStructs;
......@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ class markOopDesc: public oopDesc {
intptr_t tmp = (intptr_t) monitor;
return (markOop) (tmp | monitor_value);
static markOop encode(JavaThread* thread, int age, int bias_epoch) {
static markOop encode(JavaThread* thread, uint age, int bias_epoch) {
intptr_t tmp = (intptr_t) thread;
assert(UseBiasedLocking && ((tmp & (epoch_mask_in_place | age_mask_in_place | biased_lock_mask_in_place)) == 0), "misaligned JavaThread pointer");
assert(age <= max_age, "age too large");
......@@ -333,10 +333,10 @@ class markOopDesc: public oopDesc {
markOop set_marked() { return markOop((value() & ~lock_mask_in_place) | marked_value); }
markOop set_unmarked() { return markOop((value() & ~lock_mask_in_place) | unlocked_value); }
int age() const { return mask_bits(value() >> age_shift, age_mask); }
markOop set_age(int v) const {
uint age() const { return mask_bits(value() >> age_shift, age_mask); }
markOop set_age(uint v) const {
assert((v & ~age_mask) == 0, "shouldn't overflow age field");
return markOop((value() & ~age_mask_in_place) | (((intptr_t)v & age_mask) << age_shift));
return markOop((value() & ~age_mask_in_place) | (((uintptr_t)v & age_mask) << age_shift));
markOop incr_age() const { return age() == max_age ? markOop(this) : set_age(age() + 1); }
......@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ class oopDesc {
oop forwardee() const;
// Age of object during scavenge
int age() const;
uint age() const;
void incr_age();
// Adjust all pointers in this object to point at it's forwarded location and
......@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ inline void oopDesc::set_displaced_mark(markOop m) {
// The following method needs to be MT safe.
inline int oopDesc::age() const {
inline uint oopDesc::age() const {
assert(!is_forwarded(), "Attempt to read age from forwarded mark");
if (has_displaced_mark()) {
return displaced_mark()->age();
......@@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@ void Arguments::set_parnew_gc_flags() {
// AlwaysTenure flag should make ParNew promote all at first collection.
// See CR 6362902.
if (AlwaysTenure) {
FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(intx, MaxTenuringThreshold, 0);
FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(uintx, MaxTenuringThreshold, 0);
// When using compressed oops, we use local overflow stacks,
// rather than using a global overflow list chained through
......@@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@ void Arguments::set_cms_and_parnew_gc_flags() {
// promote all objects surviving "tenuring_default" scavenges.
if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxTenuringThreshold) &&
FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(SurvivorRatio)) {
FLAG_SET_ERGO(intx, MaxTenuringThreshold, tenuring_default);
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, MaxTenuringThreshold, tenuring_default);
// If we decided above (or user explicitly requested)
// `promote all' (via MaxTenuringThreshold := 0),
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ static BiasedLocking::Condition revoke_bias(oop obj, bool allow_rebias, bool is_
return BiasedLocking::NOT_BIASED;
int age = mark->age();
uint age = mark->age();
markOop biased_prototype = markOopDesc::biased_locking_prototype()->set_age(age);
markOop unbiased_prototype = markOopDesc::prototype()->set_age(age);
......@@ -3028,10 +3028,10 @@ class CommandLineFlags {
diagnostic(intx, VerifyGCLevel, 0, \
"Generation level at which to start +VerifyBefore/AfterGC") \
product(intx, MaxTenuringThreshold, 15, \
product(uintx, MaxTenuringThreshold, 15, \
"Maximum value for tenuring threshold") \
product(intx, InitialTenuringThreshold, 7, \
product(uintx, InitialTenuringThreshold, 7, \
"Initial value for tenuring threshold") \
product(intx, TargetSurvivorRatio, 50, \
......@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ typedef TwoOopHashtable<Symbol*, mtClass> SymbolTwoOopHashtable;
nonstatic_field(ContiguousSpace, _saved_mark_word, HeapWord*) \
nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration, _next_gen, Generation*) \
nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration, _tenuring_threshold, int) \
nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration, _tenuring_threshold, uint) \
nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration, _age_table, ageTable) \
nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration, _eden_space, EdenSpace*) \
nonstatic_field(DefNewGeneration, _from_space, ContiguousSpace*) \
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