提交 0c811a79 编写于 作者: J jmasa


......@@ -2954,7 +2954,7 @@ public:
// The object has been either evacuated or is dead. Fill it with a
// dummy object.
MemRegion mr((HeapWord*)obj, obj->size());
......@@ -3225,7 +3225,7 @@ void G1CollectedHeap::par_allocate_remaining_space(HeapRegion* r) {
// Otherwise, try to claim it.
block = r->par_allocate(free_words);
} while (block == NULL);
SharedHeap::fill_region_with_object(MemRegion(block, free_words));
fill_with_object(block, free_words);
#define use_local_bitmaps 1
......@@ -3619,9 +3619,8 @@ public:
guarantee(alloc_buffer(purpose)->contains(obj + word_sz - 1),
"should contain whole object");
alloc_buffer(purpose)->undo_allocation(obj, word_sz);
else {
SharedHeap::fill_region_with_object(MemRegion(obj, word_sz));
} else {
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(obj, word_sz);
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ HeapRegionSeq::alloc_obj_from_region_index(int ind, size_t word_size) {
HeapWord* tmp = hr->allocate(sz);
assert(tmp != NULL, "Humongous allocation failure");
MemRegion mr = MemRegion(tmp, sz);
if (i == first) {
......@@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ void ParGCAllocBuffer::retire(bool end_of_gc, bool retain) {
if (_retained) {
// If the buffer had been retained shorten the previous filler object.
assert(_retained_filler.end() <= _top, "INVARIANT");
// Wasted space book-keeping, otherwise (normally) done in invalidate()
_wasted += _retained_filler.word_size();
_retained = false;
assert(!end_of_gc || !_retained, "At this point, end_of_gc ==> !_retained.");
if (_top < _hard_end) {
SharedHeap::fill_region_with_object(MemRegion(_top, _hard_end));
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(_top, _hard_end);
if (!retain) {
} else {
......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ ParGCAllocBufferWithBOT::ParGCAllocBufferWithBOT(size_t word_sz,
// modifying the _next_threshold state in the BOT.
void ParGCAllocBufferWithBOT::fill_region_with_block(MemRegion mr,
bool contig) {
if (contig) {
_bt.alloc_block(mr.start(), mr.end());
} else {
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ HeapWord* ParGCAllocBufferWithBOT::allocate_slow(size_t word_sz) {
"or else _true_end should be equal to _hard_end");
assert(_retained, "or else _true_end should be equal to _hard_end");
assert(_retained_filler.end() <= _top, "INVARIANT");
if (_top < _hard_end) {
fill_region_with_block(MemRegion(_top, _hard_end), true);
......@@ -316,11 +316,9 @@ void ParGCAllocBufferWithBOT::retire(bool end_of_gc, bool retain) {
while (_top <= chunk_boundary) {
assert(pointer_delta(_hard_end, chunk_boundary) >= AlignmentReserve,
"Consequence of last card handling above.");
MemRegion chunk_portion(chunk_boundary, _hard_end);
_hard_end = chunk_portion.start();
_bt.BlockOffsetArray::alloc_block(chunk_boundary, _hard_end);
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(chunk_boundary, _hard_end);
_hard_end = chunk_boundary;
chunk_boundary -= ChunkSizeInWords;
_end = _hard_end - AlignmentReserve;
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ void ParScanThreadState::undo_alloc_in_to_space(HeapWord* obj,
"Should contain whole object.");
to_space_alloc_buffer()->undo_allocation(obj, word_sz);
} else {
SharedHeap::fill_region_with_object(MemRegion(obj, word_sz));
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(obj, word_sz);
......@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ bool PSMarkSweep::absorb_live_data_from_eden(PSAdaptiveSizePolicy* size_policy,
// full GC.
const size_t alignment = old_gen->virtual_space()->alignment();
const size_t eden_used = eden_space->used_in_bytes();
const size_t promoted = (size_t)(size_policy->avg_promoted()->padded_average());
const size_t promoted = (size_t)size_policy->avg_promoted()->padded_average();
const size_t absorb_size = align_size_up(eden_used + promoted, alignment);
const size_t eden_capacity = eden_space->capacity_in_bytes();
......@@ -416,16 +416,14 @@ bool PSMarkSweep::absorb_live_data_from_eden(PSAdaptiveSizePolicy* size_policy,
// Fill the unused part of the old gen.
MutableSpace* const old_space = old_gen->object_space();
MemRegion old_gen_unused(old_space->top(), old_space->end());
HeapWord* const unused_start = old_space->top();
size_t const unused_words = pointer_delta(old_space->end(), unused_start);
// If the unused part of the old gen cannot be filled, skip
// absorbing eden.
if (old_gen_unused.word_size() < SharedHeap::min_fill_size()) {
return false;
if (!old_gen_unused.is_empty()) {
if (unused_words > 0) {
if (unused_words < CollectedHeap::min_fill_size()) {
return false; // If the old gen cannot be filled, must give up.
CollectedHeap::fill_with_objects(unused_start, unused_words);
// Take the live data from eden and set both top and end in the old gen to
......@@ -441,9 +439,8 @@ bool PSMarkSweep::absorb_live_data_from_eden(PSAdaptiveSizePolicy* size_policy,
// Update the object start array for the filler object and the data from eden.
ObjectStartArray* const start_array = old_gen->start_array();
HeapWord* const start = old_gen_unused.start();
for (HeapWord* addr = start; addr < new_top; addr += oop(addr)->size()) {
for (HeapWord* p = unused_start; p < new_top; p += oop(p)->size()) {
// Could update the promoted average here, but it is not typically updated at
......@@ -275,22 +275,9 @@ bool PSMarkSweepDecorator::insert_deadspace(size_t& allowed_deadspace_words,
HeapWord* q, size_t deadlength) {
if (allowed_deadspace_words >= deadlength) {
allowed_deadspace_words -= deadlength;
const size_t aligned_min_int_array_size =
if (deadlength >= aligned_min_int_array_size) {
assert(((deadlength - aligned_min_int_array_size) * (HeapWordSize/sizeof(jint))) < (size_t)max_jint,
"deadspace too big for Arrayoop");
typeArrayOop(q)->set_length((int)((deadlength - aligned_min_int_array_size)
* (HeapWordSize/sizeof(jint))));
} else {
assert((int) deadlength == instanceOopDesc::header_size(),
"size for smallest fake dead object doesn't match");
assert((int) deadlength == oop(q)->size(),
"make sure size for fake dead object match");
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(q, deadlength);
assert((int) deadlength == oop(q)->size(), "bad filler object size");
// Recall that we required "q == compaction_top".
return true;
} else {
......@@ -88,6 +88,72 @@ GrowableArray<HeapWord*>* PSParallelCompact::_last_gc_live_oops_moved_to = NULL;
GrowableArray<size_t> * PSParallelCompact::_last_gc_live_oops_size = NULL;
void SplitInfo::record(size_t src_region_idx, size_t partial_obj_size,
HeapWord* destination)
assert(src_region_idx != 0, "invalid src_region_idx");
assert(partial_obj_size != 0, "invalid partial_obj_size argument");
assert(destination != NULL, "invalid destination argument");
_src_region_idx = src_region_idx;
_partial_obj_size = partial_obj_size;
_destination = destination;
// These fields may not be updated below, so make sure they're clear.
assert(_dest_region_addr == NULL, "should have been cleared");
assert(_first_src_addr == NULL, "should have been cleared");
// Determine the number of destination regions for the partial object.
HeapWord* const last_word = destination + partial_obj_size - 1;
const ParallelCompactData& sd = PSParallelCompact::summary_data();
HeapWord* const beg_region_addr = sd.region_align_down(destination);
HeapWord* const end_region_addr = sd.region_align_down(last_word);
if (beg_region_addr == end_region_addr) {
// One destination region.
_destination_count = 1;
if (end_region_addr == destination) {
// The destination falls on a region boundary, thus the first word of the
// partial object will be the first word copied to the destination region.
_dest_region_addr = end_region_addr;
_first_src_addr = sd.region_to_addr(src_region_idx);
} else {
// Two destination regions. When copied, the partial object will cross a
// destination region boundary, so a word somewhere within the partial
// object will be the first word copied to the second destination region.
_destination_count = 2;
_dest_region_addr = end_region_addr;
const size_t ofs = pointer_delta(end_region_addr, destination);
assert(ofs < _partial_obj_size, "sanity");
_first_src_addr = sd.region_to_addr(src_region_idx) + ofs;
void SplitInfo::clear()
_src_region_idx = 0;
_partial_obj_size = 0;
_destination = NULL;
_destination_count = 0;
_dest_region_addr = NULL;
_first_src_addr = NULL;
assert(!is_valid(), "sanity");
#ifdef ASSERT
void SplitInfo::verify_clear()
assert(_src_region_idx == 0, "not clear");
assert(_partial_obj_size == 0, "not clear");
assert(_destination == NULL, "not clear");
assert(_destination_count == 0, "not clear");
assert(_dest_region_addr == NULL, "not clear");
assert(_first_src_addr == NULL, "not clear");
#endif // #ifdef ASSERT
#ifndef PRODUCT
const char* PSParallelCompact::space_names[] = {
"perm", "old ", "eden", "from", "to "
......@@ -416,21 +482,134 @@ ParallelCompactData::summarize_dense_prefix(HeapWord* beg, HeapWord* end)
bool ParallelCompactData::summarize(HeapWord* target_beg, HeapWord* target_end,
HeapWord* source_beg, HeapWord* source_end,
HeapWord** target_next,
HeapWord** source_next) {
// This is too strict.
// assert(region_offset(source_beg) == 0, "not RegionSize aligned");
// Find the point at which a space can be split and, if necessary, record the
// split point.
// If the current src region (which overflowed the destination space) doesn't
// have a partial object, the split point is at the beginning of the current src
// region (an "easy" split, no extra bookkeeping required).
// If the current src region has a partial object, the split point is in the
// region where that partial object starts (call it the split_region). If
// split_region has a partial object, then the split point is just after that
// partial object (a "hard" split where we have to record the split data and
// zero the partial_obj_size field). With a "hard" split, we know that the
// partial_obj ends within split_region because the partial object that caused
// the overflow starts in split_region. If split_region doesn't have a partial
// obj, then the split is at the beginning of split_region (another "easy"
// split).
ParallelCompactData::summarize_split_space(size_t src_region,
SplitInfo& split_info,
HeapWord* destination,
HeapWord* target_end,
HeapWord** target_next)
assert(destination <= target_end, "sanity");
assert(destination + _region_data[src_region].data_size() > target_end,
"region should not fit into target space");
size_t split_region = src_region;
HeapWord* split_destination = destination;
size_t partial_obj_size = _region_data[src_region].partial_obj_size();
if (destination + partial_obj_size > target_end) {
// The split point is just after the partial object (if any) in the
// src_region that contains the start of the object that overflowed the
// destination space.
// Find the start of the "overflow" object and set split_region to the
// region containing it.
HeapWord* const overflow_obj = _region_data[src_region].partial_obj_addr();
split_region = addr_to_region_idx(overflow_obj);
// Clear the source_region field of all destination regions whose first word
// came from data after the split point (a non-null source_region field
// implies a region must be filled).
// An alternative to the simple loop below: clear during post_compact(),
// which uses memcpy instead of individual stores, and is easy to
// parallelize. (The downside is that it clears the entire RegionData
// object as opposed to just one field.)
// post_compact() would have to clear the summary data up to the highest
// address that was written during the summary phase, which would be
// max(top, max(new_top, clear_top))
// where clear_top is a new field in SpaceInfo. Would have to set clear_top
// to destination + partial_obj_size, where both have the values passed to
// this routine.
const RegionData* const sr = region(split_region);
const size_t beg_idx =
addr_to_region_idx(region_align_up(sr->destination() +
const size_t end_idx =
addr_to_region_idx(region_align_up(destination + partial_obj_size));
if (TraceParallelOldGCSummaryPhase) {
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("split: clearing source_region field in ["
beg_idx, end_idx);
for (size_t idx = beg_idx; idx < end_idx; ++idx) {
// Set split_destination and partial_obj_size to reflect the split region.
split_destination = sr->destination();
partial_obj_size = sr->partial_obj_size();
// The split is recorded only if a partial object extends onto the region.
if (partial_obj_size != 0) {
split_info.record(split_region, partial_obj_size, split_destination);
// Setup the continuation addresses.
*target_next = split_destination + partial_obj_size;
HeapWord* const source_next = region_to_addr(split_region) + partial_obj_size;
if (TraceParallelOldGCSummaryPhase) {
const char * split_type = partial_obj_size == 0 ? "easy" : "hard";
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("%s split: src=" PTR_FORMAT " src_c=" SIZE_FORMAT
" pos=" SIZE_FORMAT,
split_type, source_next, split_region,
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("%s split: dst=" PTR_FORMAT " dst_c=" SIZE_FORMAT
" tn=" PTR_FORMAT,
split_type, split_destination,
if (partial_obj_size != 0) {
HeapWord* const po_beg = split_info.destination();
HeapWord* const po_end = po_beg + split_info.partial_obj_size();
gclog_or_tty->print_cr("%s split: "
"po_beg=" PTR_FORMAT " " SIZE_FORMAT " "
po_beg, addr_to_region_idx(po_beg),
po_end, addr_to_region_idx(po_end));
return source_next;
bool ParallelCompactData::summarize(SplitInfo& split_info,
HeapWord* source_beg, HeapWord* source_end,
HeapWord** source_next,
HeapWord* target_beg, HeapWord* target_end,
HeapWord** target_next)
if (TraceParallelOldGCSummaryPhase) {
tty->print_cr("tb=" PTR_FORMAT " te=" PTR_FORMAT " "
"sb=" PTR_FORMAT " se=" PTR_FORMAT " "
target_beg, target_end,
source_beg, source_end,
target_next != 0 ? *target_next : (HeapWord*) 0,
source_next != 0 ? *source_next : (HeapWord*) 0);
HeapWord* const source_next_val = source_next == NULL ? NULL : *source_next;
tty->print_cr("sb=" PTR_FORMAT " se=" PTR_FORMAT " sn=" PTR_FORMAT
source_beg, source_end, source_next_val,
target_beg, target_end, *target_next);
size_t cur_region = addr_to_region_idx(source_beg);
......@@ -438,45 +617,53 @@ bool ParallelCompactData::summarize(HeapWord* target_beg, HeapWord* target_end,
HeapWord *dest_addr = target_beg;
while (cur_region < end_region) {
size_t words = _region_data[cur_region].data_size();
#if 1
assert(pointer_delta(target_end, dest_addr) >= words,
"source region does not fit into target region");
// XXX - need some work on the corner cases here. If the region does not
// fit, then must either make sure any partial_obj from the region fits, or
// "undo" the initial part of the partial_obj that is in the previous
// region.
if (dest_addr + words >= target_end) {
// Let the caller know where to continue.
*target_next = dest_addr;
*source_next = region_to_addr(cur_region);
return false;
#endif // #if 1
// The destination must be set even if the region has no data.
// Set the destination_count for cur_region, and if necessary, update
// source_region for a destination region. The source_region field is
// updated if cur_region is the first (left-most) region to be copied to a
// destination region.
// The destination_count calculation is a bit subtle. A region that has
// data that compacts into itself does not count itself as a destination.
// This maintains the invariant that a zero count means the region is
// available and can be claimed and then filled.
size_t words = _region_data[cur_region].data_size();
if (words > 0) {
// If cur_region does not fit entirely into the target space, find a point
// at which the source space can be 'split' so that part is copied to the
// target space and the rest is copied elsewhere.
if (dest_addr + words > target_end) {
assert(source_next != NULL, "source_next is NULL when splitting");
*source_next = summarize_split_space(cur_region, split_info, dest_addr,
target_end, target_next);
return false;
// Compute the destination_count for cur_region, and if necessary, update
// source_region for a destination region. The source_region field is
// updated if cur_region is the first (left-most) region to be copied to a
// destination region.
// The destination_count calculation is a bit subtle. A region that has
// data that compacts into itself does not count itself as a destination.
// This maintains the invariant that a zero count means the region is
// available and can be claimed and then filled.
uint destination_count = 0;
if (split_info.is_split(cur_region)) {
// The current region has been split: the partial object will be copied
// to one destination space and the remaining data will be copied to
// another destination space. Adjust the initial destination_count and,
// if necessary, set the source_region field if the partial object will
// cross a destination region boundary.
destination_count = split_info.destination_count();
if (destination_count == 2) {
size_t dest_idx = addr_to_region_idx(split_info.dest_region_addr());
HeapWord* const last_addr = dest_addr + words - 1;
const size_t dest_region_1 = addr_to_region_idx(dest_addr);
const size_t dest_region_2 = addr_to_region_idx(last_addr);
#if 0
// Initially assume that the destination regions will be the same and
// adjust the value below if necessary. Under this assumption, if
// cur_region == dest_region_2, then cur_region will be compacted
// completely into itself.
uint destination_count = cur_region == dest_region_2 ? 0 : 1;
destination_count += cur_region == dest_region_2 ? 0 : 1;
if (dest_region_1 != dest_region_2) {
// Destination regions differ; adjust destination_count.
destination_count += 1;
......@@ -487,25 +674,6 @@ bool ParallelCompactData::summarize(HeapWord* target_beg, HeapWord* target_end,
// region.
// Initially assume that the destination regions will be different and
// adjust the value below if necessary. Under this assumption, if
// cur_region == dest_region2, then cur_region will be compacted partially
// into dest_region_1 and partially into itself.
uint destination_count = cur_region == dest_region_2 ? 1 : 2;
if (dest_region_1 != dest_region_2) {
// Data from cur_region will be copied to the start of dest_region_2.
} else {
// Destination regions are the same; adjust destination_count.
destination_count -= 1;
if (region_offset(dest_addr) == 0) {
// Data from cur_region will be copied to the start of the destination
// region.
#endif // #if 0
......@@ -749,6 +917,13 @@ PSParallelCompact::clear_data_covering_space(SpaceId id)
const size_t end_region =
_summary_data.clear_range(beg_region, end_region);
// Clear the data used to 'split' regions.
SplitInfo& split_info = _space_info[id].split_info();
if (split_info.is_valid()) {
void PSParallelCompact::pre_compact(PreGCValues* pre_gc_values)
......@@ -807,10 +982,11 @@ void PSParallelCompact::post_compact()
TraceTime tm("post compact", print_phases(), true, gclog_or_tty);
// Clear the marking bitmap and summary data and update top() in each space.
for (unsigned int id = perm_space_id; id < last_space_id; ++id) {
// Clear the marking bitmap, summary data and split info.
// Update top(). Must be done after clearing the bitmap and summary data.
MutableSpace* const eden_space = _space_info[eden_space_id].space();
......@@ -1151,6 +1327,13 @@ HeapWord*
PSParallelCompact::compute_dense_prefix(const SpaceId id,
bool maximum_compaction)
if (ParallelOldGCSplitALot) {
if (_space_info[id].dense_prefix() != _space_info[id].space()->bottom()) {
// The value was chosen to provoke splitting a young gen space; use it.
return _space_info[id].dense_prefix();
const size_t region_size = ParallelCompactData::RegionSize;
const ParallelCompactData& sd = summary_data();
......@@ -1239,14 +1422,169 @@ PSParallelCompact::compute_dense_prefix(const SpaceId id,
return sd.region_to_addr(best_cp);
#ifndef PRODUCT
PSParallelCompact::fill_with_live_objects(SpaceId id, HeapWord* const start,
size_t words)
if (TraceParallelOldGCSummaryPhase) {
tty->print_cr("fill_with_live_objects [" PTR_FORMAT " " PTR_FORMAT ") "
SIZE_FORMAT, start, start + words, words);
ObjectStartArray* const start_array = _space_info[id].start_array();
CollectedHeap::fill_with_objects(start, words);
for (HeapWord* p = start; p < start + words; p += oop(p)->size()) {
_mark_bitmap.mark_obj(p, words);
_summary_data.add_obj(p, words);
PSParallelCompact::summarize_new_objects(SpaceId id, HeapWord* start)
ParallelCompactData& sd = summary_data();
MutableSpace* space = _space_info[id].space();
// Find the source and destination start addresses.
HeapWord* const src_addr = sd.region_align_down(start);
HeapWord* dst_addr;
if (src_addr < start) {
dst_addr = sd.addr_to_region_ptr(src_addr)->destination();
} else if (src_addr > space->bottom()) {
// The start (the original top() value) is aligned to a region boundary so
// the associated region does not have a destination. Compute the
// destination from the previous region.
RegionData* const cp = sd.addr_to_region_ptr(src_addr) - 1;
dst_addr = cp->destination() + cp->data_size();
} else {
// Filling the entire space.
dst_addr = space->bottom();
assert(dst_addr != NULL, "sanity");
// Update the summary data.
bool result = _summary_data.summarize(_space_info[id].split_info(),
src_addr, space->top(), NULL,
dst_addr, space->end(),
assert(result, "should not fail: bad filler object size");
PSParallelCompact::provoke_split(bool & max_compaction)
const size_t region_size = ParallelCompactData::RegionSize;
ParallelCompactData& sd = summary_data();
MutableSpace* const eden_space = _space_info[eden_space_id].space();
MutableSpace* const from_space = _space_info[from_space_id].space();
const size_t eden_live = pointer_delta(eden_space->top(),
const size_t from_live = pointer_delta(from_space->top(),
const size_t min_fill_size = CollectedHeap::min_fill_size();
const size_t eden_free = pointer_delta(eden_space->end(), eden_space->top());
const size_t eden_fillable = eden_free >= min_fill_size ? eden_free : 0;
const size_t from_free = pointer_delta(from_space->end(), from_space->top());
const size_t from_fillable = from_free >= min_fill_size ? from_free : 0;
// Choose the space to split; need at least 2 regions live (or fillable).
SpaceId id;
MutableSpace* space;
size_t live_words;
size_t fill_words;
if (eden_live + eden_fillable >= region_size * 2) {
id = eden_space_id;
space = eden_space;
live_words = eden_live;
fill_words = eden_fillable;
} else if (from_live + from_fillable >= region_size * 2) {
id = from_space_id;
space = from_space;
live_words = from_live;
fill_words = from_fillable;
} else {
return; // Give up.
assert(fill_words == 0 || fill_words >= min_fill_size, "sanity");
if (live_words < region_size * 2) {
// Fill from top() to end() w/live objects of mixed sizes.
HeapWord* const fill_start = space->top();
live_words += fill_words;
space->set_top(fill_start + fill_words);
if (ZapUnusedHeapArea) {
HeapWord* cur_addr = fill_start;
while (fill_words > 0) {
const size_t r = (size_t)os::random() % (region_size / 2) + min_fill_size;
size_t cur_size = MIN2(align_object_size_(r), fill_words);
if (fill_words - cur_size < min_fill_size) {
cur_size = fill_words; // Avoid leaving a fragment too small to fill.
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(cur_addr, cur_size);
mark_bitmap()->mark_obj(cur_addr, cur_size);
sd.add_obj(cur_addr, cur_size);
cur_addr += cur_size;
fill_words -= cur_size;
summarize_new_objects(id, fill_start);
max_compaction = false;
// Manipulate the old gen so that it has room for about half of the live data
// in the target young gen space (live_words / 2).
id = old_space_id;
space = _space_info[id].space();
const size_t free_at_end = space->free_in_words();
const size_t free_target = align_object_size(live_words / 2);
const size_t dead = pointer_delta(space->top(), _space_info[id].new_top());
if (free_at_end >= free_target + min_fill_size) {
// Fill space above top() and set the dense prefix so everything survives.
HeapWord* const fill_start = space->top();
const size_t fill_size = free_at_end - free_target;
space->set_top(space->top() + fill_size);
if (ZapUnusedHeapArea) {
fill_with_live_objects(id, fill_start, fill_size);
summarize_new_objects(id, fill_start);
} else if (dead + free_at_end > free_target) {
// Find a dense prefix that makes the right amount of space available.
HeapWord* cur = sd.region_align_down(space->top());
HeapWord* cur_destination = sd.addr_to_region_ptr(cur)->destination();
size_t dead_to_right = pointer_delta(space->end(), cur_destination);
while (dead_to_right < free_target) {
cur -= region_size;
cur_destination = sd.addr_to_region_ptr(cur)->destination();
dead_to_right = pointer_delta(space->end(), cur_destination);
#endif // #ifndef PRODUCT
void PSParallelCompact::summarize_spaces_quick()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < last_space_id; ++i) {
const MutableSpace* space = _space_info[i].space();
bool result = _summary_data.summarize(space->bottom(), space->end(),
space->bottom(), space->top(),
assert(result, "should never fail");
HeapWord** nta = _space_info[i].new_top_addr();
bool result = _summary_data.summarize(_space_info[i].split_info(),
space->bottom(), space->top(), NULL,
space->bottom(), space->end(), nta);
assert(result, "space must fit into itself");
......@@ -1308,8 +1646,7 @@ void PSParallelCompact::fill_dense_prefix_end(SpaceId id)
#endif // #ifdef _LP64
MemRegion region(obj_beg, obj_len);
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(obj_beg, obj_len);
_mark_bitmap.mark_obj(obj_beg, obj_len);
_summary_data.add_obj(obj_beg, obj_len);
assert(start_array(id) != NULL, "sanity");
......@@ -1317,12 +1654,24 @@ void PSParallelCompact::fill_dense_prefix_end(SpaceId id)
PSParallelCompact::clear_source_region(HeapWord* beg_addr, HeapWord* end_addr)
RegionData* const beg_ptr = _summary_data.addr_to_region_ptr(beg_addr);
HeapWord* const end_aligned_up = _summary_data.region_align_up(end_addr);
RegionData* const end_ptr = _summary_data.addr_to_region_ptr(end_aligned_up);
for (RegionData* cur = beg_ptr; cur < end_ptr; ++cur) {
PSParallelCompact::summarize_space(SpaceId id, bool maximum_compaction)
assert(id < last_space_id, "id out of range");
assert(_space_info[id].dense_prefix() == _space_info[id].space()->bottom(),
"should have been set in summarize_spaces_quick()");
assert(_space_info[id].dense_prefix() == _space_info[id].space()->bottom() ||
ParallelOldGCSplitALot && id == old_space_id,
"should have been reset in summarize_spaces_quick()");
const MutableSpace* space = _space_info[id].space();
if (_space_info[id].new_top() != space->bottom()) {
......@@ -1338,20 +1687,24 @@ PSParallelCompact::summarize_space(SpaceId id, bool maximum_compaction)
#endif // #ifndef PRODUCT
// If dead space crosses the dense prefix boundary, it is (at least
// partially) filled with a dummy object, marked live and added to the
// summary data. This simplifies the copy/update phase and must be done
// before the final locations of objects are determined, to prevent leaving
// a fragment of dead space that is too small to fill with an object.
// Recompute the summary data, taking into account the dense prefix. If
// every last byte will be reclaimed, then the existing summary data which
// compacts everything can be left in place.
if (!maximum_compaction && dense_prefix_end != space->bottom()) {
// If dead space crosses the dense prefix boundary, it is (at least
// partially) filled with a dummy object, marked live and added to the
// summary data. This simplifies the copy/update phase and must be done
// before the final locations of objects are determined, to prevent
// leaving a fragment of dead space that is too small to fill.
// Compute the destination of each Region, and thus each object.
_summary_data.summarize_dense_prefix(space->bottom(), dense_prefix_end);
_summary_data.summarize(dense_prefix_end, space->end(),
dense_prefix_end, space->top(),
// Compute the destination of each Region, and thus each object.
_summary_data.summarize_dense_prefix(space->bottom(), dense_prefix_end);
dense_prefix_end, space->top(), NULL,
dense_prefix_end, space->end(),
if (TraceParallelOldGCSummaryPhase) {
......@@ -1371,6 +1724,30 @@ PSParallelCompact::summarize_space(SpaceId id, bool maximum_compaction)
#ifndef PRODUCT
void PSParallelCompact::summary_phase_msg(SpaceId dst_space_id,
HeapWord* dst_beg, HeapWord* dst_end,
SpaceId src_space_id,
HeapWord* src_beg, HeapWord* src_end)
if (TraceParallelOldGCSummaryPhase) {
tty->print_cr("summarizing %d [%s] into %d [%s]: "
"src=" PTR_FORMAT "-" PTR_FORMAT " "
"dst=" PTR_FORMAT "-" PTR_FORMAT " "
src_space_id, space_names[src_space_id],
dst_space_id, space_names[dst_space_id],
src_beg, src_end,
dst_beg, dst_end,
#endif // #ifndef PRODUCT
void PSParallelCompact::summary_phase(ParCompactionManager* cm,
bool maximum_compaction)
......@@ -1403,57 +1780,98 @@ void PSParallelCompact::summary_phase(ParCompactionManager* cm,
// The amount of live data that will end up in old space (assuming it fits).
size_t old_space_total_live = 0;
unsigned int id;
for (id = old_space_id; id < last_space_id; ++id) {
assert(perm_space_id < old_space_id, "should not count perm data here");
for (unsigned int id = old_space_id; id < last_space_id; ++id) {
old_space_total_live += pointer_delta(_space_info[id].new_top(),
const MutableSpace* old_space = _space_info[old_space_id].space();
if (old_space_total_live > old_space->capacity_in_words()) {
MutableSpace* const old_space = _space_info[old_space_id].space();
const size_t old_capacity = old_space->capacity_in_words();
if (old_space_total_live > old_capacity) {
// XXX - should also try to expand
maximum_compaction = true;
} else if (!UseParallelOldGCDensePrefix) {
maximum_compaction = true;
#ifndef PRODUCT
if (ParallelOldGCSplitALot && old_space_total_live < old_capacity) {
if (total_invocations() % ParallelOldGCSplitInterval == 0) {
#endif // #ifndef PRODUCT
// Permanent and Old generations.
summarize_space(perm_space_id, maximum_compaction);
summarize_space(old_space_id, maximum_compaction);
// Summarize the remaining spaces (those in the young gen) into old space. If
// the live data from a space doesn't fit, the existing summarization is left
// intact, so the data is compacted down within the space itself.
HeapWord** new_top_addr = _space_info[old_space_id].new_top_addr();
HeapWord* const target_space_end = old_space->end();
for (id = eden_space_id; id < last_space_id; ++id) {
// Summarize the remaining spaces in the young gen. The initial target space
// is the old gen. If a space does not fit entirely into the target, then the
// remainder is compacted into the space itself and that space becomes the new
// target.
SpaceId dst_space_id = old_space_id;
HeapWord* dst_space_end = old_space->end();
HeapWord** new_top_addr = _space_info[dst_space_id].new_top_addr();
for (unsigned int id = eden_space_id; id < last_space_id; ++id) {
const MutableSpace* space = _space_info[id].space();
const size_t live = pointer_delta(_space_info[id].new_top(),
const size_t available = pointer_delta(target_space_end, *new_top_addr);
const size_t available = pointer_delta(dst_space_end, *new_top_addr);
NOT_PRODUCT(summary_phase_msg(dst_space_id, *new_top_addr, dst_space_end,
SpaceId(id), space->bottom(), space->top());)
if (live > 0 && live <= available) {
// All the live data will fit.
if (TraceParallelOldGCSummaryPhase) {
tty->print_cr("summarizing %d into old_space @ " PTR_FORMAT,
id, *new_top_addr);
_summary_data.summarize(*new_top_addr, target_space_end,
space->bottom(), space->top(),
bool done = _summary_data.summarize(_space_info[id].split_info(),
space->bottom(), space->top(),
*new_top_addr, dst_space_end,
assert(done, "space must fit into old gen");
// XXX - this is necessary because decrement_destination_counts() tests
// source_region() to determine if a region will be filled. Probably
// better to pass src_space->new_top() into decrement_destination_counts
// and test that instead.
// Clear the source_region field for each region in the space.
HeapWord* const new_top = _space_info[id].new_top();
HeapWord* const clear_end = _summary_data.region_align_up(new_top);
RegionData* beg_region =
RegionData* end_region = _summary_data.addr_to_region_ptr(clear_end);
while (beg_region < end_region) {
clear_source_region(space->bottom(), _space_info[id].new_top());
// Reset the new_top value for the space.
} else if (live > 0) {
// Attempt to fit part of the source space into the target space.
HeapWord* next_src_addr = NULL;
bool done = _summary_data.summarize(_space_info[id].split_info(),
space->bottom(), space->top(),
*new_top_addr, dst_space_end,
assert(!done, "space should not fit into old gen");
assert(next_src_addr != NULL, "sanity");
// The source space becomes the new target, so the remainder is compacted
// within the space itself.
dst_space_id = SpaceId(id);
dst_space_end = space->end();
new_top_addr = _space_info[id].new_top_addr();
HeapWord* const clear_end = _space_info[id].new_top();
space->bottom(), dst_space_end,
SpaceId(id), next_src_addr, space->top());)
done = _summary_data.summarize(_space_info[id].split_info(),
next_src_addr, space->top(),
space->bottom(), dst_space_end,
assert(done, "space must fit when compacted into itself");
assert(*new_top_addr <= space->top(), "usage should not grow");
// XXX - this should go away. See comments above.
// Clear the source_region field in regions at the end of the space that
// will not be filled.
HeapWord* const clear_beg = _summary_data.region_align_up(*new_top_addr);
clear_source_region(clear_beg, clear_end);
......@@ -1807,9 +2225,14 @@ bool PSParallelCompact::absorb_live_data_from_eden(PSAdaptiveSizePolicy* size_po
// Fill the unused part of the old gen.
MutableSpace* const old_space = old_gen->object_space();
MemRegion old_gen_unused(old_space->top(), old_space->end());
if (!old_gen_unused.is_empty()) {
HeapWord* const unused_start = old_space->top();
size_t const unused_words = pointer_delta(old_space->end(), unused_start);
if (unused_words > 0) {
if (unused_words < CollectedHeap::min_fill_size()) {
return false; // If the old gen cannot be filled, must give up.
CollectedHeap::fill_with_objects(unused_start, unused_words);
// Take the live data from eden and set both top and end in the old gen to
......@@ -1825,9 +2248,8 @@ bool PSParallelCompact::absorb_live_data_from_eden(PSAdaptiveSizePolicy* size_po
// Update the object start array for the filler object and the data from eden.
ObjectStartArray* const start_array = old_gen->start_array();
HeapWord* const start = old_gen_unused.start();
for (HeapWord* addr = start; addr < new_top; addr += oop(addr)->size()) {
for (HeapWord* p = unused_start; p < new_top; p += oop(p)->size()) {
// Could update the promoted average here, but it is not typically updated at
......@@ -2048,14 +2470,13 @@ void PSParallelCompact::enqueue_dense_prefix_tasks(GCTaskQueue* q,
// regions in the dense prefix. Assume that 1 gc thread
// will work on opening the gaps and the remaining gc threads
// will work on the dense prefix.
SpaceId space_id = old_space_id;
while (space_id != last_space_id) {
unsigned int space_id;
for (space_id = old_space_id; space_id < last_space_id; ++ space_id) {
HeapWord* const dense_prefix_end = _space_info[space_id].dense_prefix();
const MutableSpace* const space = _space_info[space_id].space();
if (dense_prefix_end == space->bottom()) {
// There is no dense prefix for this space.
space_id = next_compaction_space_id(space_id);
......@@ -2105,23 +2526,20 @@ void PSParallelCompact::enqueue_dense_prefix_tasks(GCTaskQueue* q,
// region_index_end is not processed
size_t region_index_end = MIN2(region_index_start + regions_per_thread,
q->enqueue(new UpdateDensePrefixTask(
q->enqueue(new UpdateDensePrefixTask(SpaceId(space_id),
region_index_start = region_index_end;
// This gets any part of the dense prefix that did not
// fit evenly.
if (region_index_start < region_index_end_dense_prefix) {
q->enqueue(new UpdateDensePrefixTask(
q->enqueue(new UpdateDensePrefixTask(SpaceId(space_id),
space_id = next_compaction_space_id(space_id);
} // End tasks for dense prefix
void PSParallelCompact::enqueue_region_stealing_tasks(
......@@ -2567,16 +2985,24 @@ PSParallelCompact::skip_live_words(HeapWord* beg, HeapWord* end, size_t count)
return m->bit_to_addr(cur_beg);
PSParallelCompact::first_src_addr(HeapWord* const dest_addr,
size_t src_region_idx)
HeapWord* PSParallelCompact::first_src_addr(HeapWord* const dest_addr,
SpaceId src_space_id,
size_t src_region_idx)
ParMarkBitMap* const bitmap = mark_bitmap();
assert(summary_data().is_region_aligned(dest_addr), "not aligned");
const SplitInfo& split_info = _space_info[src_space_id].split_info();
if (split_info.dest_region_addr() == dest_addr) {
// The partial object ending at the split point contains the first word to
// be copied to dest_addr.
return split_info.first_src_addr();
const ParallelCompactData& sd = summary_data();
ParMarkBitMap* const bitmap = mark_bitmap();
const size_t RegionSize = ParallelCompactData::RegionSize;
assert(sd.is_region_aligned(dest_addr), "not aligned");
const RegionData* const src_region_ptr = sd.region(src_region_idx);
const size_t partial_obj_size = src_region_ptr->partial_obj_size();
HeapWord* const src_region_destination = src_region_ptr->destination();
......@@ -2737,7 +3163,7 @@ void PSParallelCompact::fill_region(ParCompactionManager* cm, size_t region_idx)
HeapWord* src_space_top = _space_info[src_space_id].space()->top();
MoveAndUpdateClosure closure(bitmap, cm, start_array, dest_addr, words);
closure.set_source(first_src_addr(dest_addr, src_region_idx));
closure.set_source(first_src_addr(dest_addr, src_space_id, src_region_idx));
// Adjust src_region_idx to prepare for decrementing destination counts (the
// destination count is not decremented when a region is copied to itself).
......@@ -3008,34 +3434,3 @@ void PSParallelCompact::compact_prologue() {
// The initial implementation of this method created a field
// _next_compaction_space_id in SpaceInfo and initialized
// that field in SpaceInfo::initialize_space_info(). That
// required that _next_compaction_space_id be declared a
// SpaceId in SpaceInfo and that would have required that
// either SpaceId be declared in a separate class or that
// it be declared in SpaceInfo. It didn't seem consistent
// to declare it in SpaceInfo (didn't really fit logically).
// Alternatively, defining a separate class to define SpaceId
// seem excessive. This implementation is simple and localizes
// the knowledge.
PSParallelCompact::next_compaction_space_id(SpaceId id) {
assert(id < last_space_id, "id out of range");
switch (id) {
case perm_space_id :
return last_space_id;
case old_space_id :
return eden_space_id;
case eden_space_id :
return from_space_id;
case from_space_id :
return to_space_id;
case to_space_id :
return last_space_id;
assert(false, "Bad space id");
return last_space_id;
......@@ -36,6 +36,123 @@ class PreGCValues;
class MoveAndUpdateClosure;
class RefProcTaskExecutor;
// The SplitInfo class holds the information needed to 'split' a source region
// so that the live data can be copied to two destination *spaces*. Normally,
// all the live data in a region is copied to a single destination space (e.g.,
// everything live in a region in eden is copied entirely into the old gen).
// However, when the heap is nearly full, all the live data in eden may not fit
// into the old gen. Copying only some of the regions from eden to old gen
// requires finding a region that does not contain a partial object (i.e., no
// live object crosses the region boundary) somewhere near the last object that
// does fit into the old gen. Since it's not always possible to find such a
// region, splitting is necessary for predictable behavior.
// A region is always split at the end of the partial object. This avoids
// additional tests when calculating the new location of a pointer, which is a
// very hot code path. The partial object and everything to its left will be
// copied to another space (call it dest_space_1). The live data to the right
// of the partial object will be copied either within the space itself, or to a
// different destination space (distinct from dest_space_1).
// Split points are identified during the summary phase, when region
// destinations are computed: data about the split, including the
// partial_object_size, is recorded in a SplitInfo record and the
// partial_object_size field in the summary data is set to zero. The zeroing is
// possible (and necessary) since the partial object will move to a different
// destination space than anything to its right, thus the partial object should
// not affect the locations of any objects to its right.
// The recorded data is used during the compaction phase, but only rarely: when
// the partial object on the split region will be copied across a destination
// region boundary. This test is made once each time a region is filled, and is
// a simple address comparison, so the overhead is negligible (see
// PSParallelCompact::first_src_addr()).
// Notes:
// Only regions with partial objects are split; a region without a partial
// object does not need any extra bookkeeping.
// At most one region is split per space, so the amount of data required is
// constant.
// A region is split only when the destination space would overflow. Once that
// happens, the destination space is abandoned and no other data (even from
// other source spaces) is targeted to that destination space. Abandoning the
// destination space may leave a somewhat large unused area at the end, if a
// large object caused the overflow.
// Future work:
// More bookkeeping would be required to continue to use the destination space.
// The most general solution would allow data from regions in two different
// source spaces to be "joined" in a single destination region. At the very
// least, additional code would be required in next_src_region() to detect the
// join and skip to an out-of-order source region. If the join region was also
// the last destination region to which a split region was copied (the most
// likely case), then additional work would be needed to get fill_region() to
// stop iteration and switch to a new source region at the right point. Basic
// idea would be to use a fake value for the top of the source space. It is
// doable, if a bit tricky.
// A simpler (but less general) solution would fill the remainder of the
// destination region with a dummy object and continue filling the next
// destination region.
class SplitInfo
// Return true if this split info is valid (i.e., if a split has been
// recorded). The very first region cannot have a partial object and thus is
// never split, so 0 is the 'invalid' value.
bool is_valid() const { return _src_region_idx > 0; }
// Return true if this split holds data for the specified source region.
inline bool is_split(size_t source_region) const;
// The index of the split region, the size of the partial object on that
// region and the destination of the partial object.
size_t src_region_idx() const { return _src_region_idx; }
size_t partial_obj_size() const { return _partial_obj_size; }
HeapWord* destination() const { return _destination; }
// The destination count of the partial object referenced by this split
// (either 1 or 2). This must be added to the destination count of the
// remainder of the source region.
unsigned int destination_count() const { return _destination_count; }
// If a word within the partial object will be written to the first word of a
// destination region, this is the address of the destination region;
// otherwise this is NULL.
HeapWord* dest_region_addr() const { return _dest_region_addr; }
// If a word within the partial object will be written to the first word of a
// destination region, this is the address of that word within the partial
// object; otherwise this is NULL.
HeapWord* first_src_addr() const { return _first_src_addr; }
// Record the data necessary to split the region src_region_idx.
void record(size_t src_region_idx, size_t partial_obj_size,
HeapWord* destination);
void clear();
DEBUG_ONLY(void verify_clear();)
size_t _src_region_idx;
size_t _partial_obj_size;
HeapWord* _destination;
unsigned int _destination_count;
HeapWord* _dest_region_addr;
HeapWord* _first_src_addr;
inline bool SplitInfo::is_split(size_t region_idx) const
return _src_region_idx == region_idx && is_valid();
class SpaceInfo
......@@ -58,18 +175,23 @@ class SpaceInfo
// is no start array.
ObjectStartArray* start_array() const { return _start_array; }
SplitInfo& split_info() { return _split_info; }
void set_space(MutableSpace* s) { _space = s; }
void set_new_top(HeapWord* addr) { _new_top = addr; }
void set_min_dense_prefix(HeapWord* addr) { _min_dense_prefix = addr; }
void set_dense_prefix(HeapWord* addr) { _dense_prefix = addr; }
void set_start_array(ObjectStartArray* s) { _start_array = s; }
void publish_new_top() const { _space->set_top(_new_top); }
MutableSpace* _space;
HeapWord* _new_top;
HeapWord* _min_dense_prefix;
HeapWord* _dense_prefix;
ObjectStartArray* _start_array;
SplitInfo _split_info;
class ParallelCompactData
......@@ -230,9 +352,14 @@ public:
// must be region-aligned; end need not be.
void summarize_dense_prefix(HeapWord* beg, HeapWord* end);
bool summarize(HeapWord* target_beg, HeapWord* target_end,
HeapWord* summarize_split_space(size_t src_region, SplitInfo& split_info,
HeapWord* destination, HeapWord* target_end,
HeapWord** target_next);
bool summarize(SplitInfo& split_info,
HeapWord* source_beg, HeapWord* source_end,
HeapWord** target_next, HeapWord** source_next = 0);
HeapWord** source_next,
HeapWord* target_beg, HeapWord* target_end,
HeapWord** target_next);
void clear();
void clear_range(size_t beg_region, size_t end_region);
......@@ -838,13 +965,27 @@ class PSParallelCompact : AllStatic {
// non-empty.
static void fill_dense_prefix_end(SpaceId id);
// Clear the summary data source_region field for the specified addresses.
static void clear_source_region(HeapWord* beg_addr, HeapWord* end_addr);
#ifndef PRODUCT
// Routines to provoke splitting a young gen space (ParallelOldGCSplitALot).
// Fill the region [start, start + words) with live object(s). Only usable
// for the old and permanent generations.
static void fill_with_live_objects(SpaceId id, HeapWord* const start,
size_t words);
// Include the new objects in the summary data.
static void summarize_new_objects(SpaceId id, HeapWord* start);
// Add live objects and/or choose the dense prefix to provoke splitting.
static void provoke_split(bool & maximum_compaction);
static void summarize_spaces_quick();
static void summarize_space(SpaceId id, bool maximum_compaction);
static void summary_phase(ParCompactionManager* cm, bool maximum_compaction);
// The space that is compacted after space_id.
static SpaceId next_compaction_space_id(SpaceId space_id);
// Adjust addresses in roots. Does not adjust addresses in heap.
static void adjust_roots();
......@@ -999,6 +1140,7 @@ class PSParallelCompact : AllStatic {
// Return the address of the word to be copied to dest_addr, which must be
// aligned to a region boundary.
static HeapWord* first_src_addr(HeapWord* const dest_addr,
SpaceId src_space_id,
size_t src_region_idx);
// Determine the next source region, set closure.source() to the start of the
......@@ -1081,6 +1223,10 @@ class PSParallelCompact : AllStatic {
const SpaceId id,
const bool maximum_compaction,
HeapWord* const addr);
static void summary_phase_msg(SpaceId dst_space_id,
HeapWord* dst_beg, HeapWord* dst_end,
SpaceId src_space_id,
HeapWord* src_beg, HeapWord* src_end);
#endif // #ifndef PRODUCT
#ifdef ASSERT
......@@ -1324,31 +1470,28 @@ inline void UpdateOnlyClosure::do_addr(HeapWord* addr)
class FillClosure: public ParMarkBitMapClosure {
class FillClosure: public ParMarkBitMapClosure
FillClosure(ParCompactionManager* cm, PSParallelCompact::SpaceId space_id) :
ParMarkBitMapClosure(PSParallelCompact::mark_bitmap(), cm),
_start_array(PSParallelCompact::start_array(space_id)) {
assert(_space_id == PSParallelCompact::perm_space_id ||
_space_id == PSParallelCompact::old_space_id,
assert(space_id == PSParallelCompact::perm_space_id ||
space_id == PSParallelCompact::old_space_id,
"cannot use FillClosure in the young gen");
assert(bitmap() != NULL, "need a bitmap");
assert(_start_array != NULL, "need a start array");
void fill_region(HeapWord* addr, size_t size) {
MemRegion region(addr, size);
virtual IterationStatus do_addr(HeapWord* addr, size_t size) {
fill_region(addr, size);
CollectedHeap::fill_with_objects(addr, size);
HeapWord* const end = addr + size;
do {
addr += oop(addr)->size();
} while (addr < end);
return ParMarkBitMap::incomplete;
const PSParallelCompact::SpaceId _space_id;
ObjectStartArray* const _start_array;
ObjectStartArray* const _start_array;
......@@ -499,26 +499,15 @@ oop PSPromotionManager::copy_to_survivor_space(oop o, bool depth_first) {
// We lost, someone else "owns" this object
guarantee(o->is_forwarded(), "Object must be forwarded if the cas failed.");
// Unallocate the space used. NOTE! We may have directly allocated
// the object. If so, we cannot deallocate it, so we have to test!
// Try to deallocate the space. If it was directly allocated we cannot
// deallocate it, so we have to test. If the deallocation fails,
// overwrite with a filler object.
if (new_obj_is_tenured) {
if (!_old_lab.unallocate_object(new_obj)) {
// The promotion lab failed to unallocate the object.
// We need to overwrite the object with a filler that
// contains no interior pointers.
MemRegion mr((HeapWord*)new_obj, new_obj_size);
// Clean this up and move to oopFactory (see bug 4718422)
} else {
if (!_young_lab.unallocate_object(new_obj)) {
// The promotion lab failed to unallocate the object.
// We need to overwrite the object with a filler that
// contains no interior pointers.
MemRegion mr((HeapWord*)new_obj, new_obj_size);
// Clean this up and move to oopFactory (see bug 4718422)
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object((HeapWord*) new_obj, new_obj_size);
} else if (!_young_lab.unallocate_object(new_obj)) {
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object((HeapWord*) new_obj, new_obj_size);
// don't update this before the unallocation!
......@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ void MutableNUMASpace::ensure_parsability() {
MutableSpace *s = ls->space();
if (s->top() < top()) { // For all spaces preceeding the one containing top()
if (s->free_in_words() > 0) {
SharedHeap::fill_region_with_object(MemRegion(s->top(), s->end()));
size_t area_touched_words = pointer_delta(s->end(), s->top());
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(s->top(), area_touched_words);
#ifndef ASSERT
if (!ZapUnusedHeapArea) {
area_touched_words = MIN2((size_t)align_object_size(typeArrayOopDesc::header_size(T_INT)),
......@@ -686,11 +686,11 @@ void MutableNUMASpace::set_top(HeapWord* value) {
// a minimal object; assuming that's not the last chunk in which case we don't care.
if (i < lgrp_spaces()->length() - 1) {
size_t remainder = pointer_delta(s->end(), value);
const size_t minimal_object_size = oopDesc::header_size();
if (remainder < minimal_object_size && remainder > 0) {
// Add a filler object of a minimal size, it will cross the chunk boundary.
SharedHeap::fill_region_with_object(MemRegion(value, minimal_object_size));
value += minimal_object_size;
const size_t min_fill_size = CollectedHeap::min_fill_size();
if (remainder < min_fill_size && remainder > 0) {
// Add a minimum size filler object; it will cross the chunk boundary.
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(value, min_fill_size);
value += min_fill_size;
assert(!s->contains(value), "Should be in the next chunk");
// Restart the loop from the same chunk, since the value has moved
// to the next one.
......@@ -30,12 +30,21 @@
int CollectedHeap::_fire_out_of_memory_count = 0;
size_t CollectedHeap::_filler_array_max_size = 0;
// Memory state functions.
CollectedHeap::CollectedHeap() :
_reserved(), _barrier_set(NULL), _is_gc_active(false),
_total_collections(0), _total_full_collections(0),
_gc_cause(GCCause::_no_gc), _gc_lastcause(GCCause::_no_gc) {
const size_t max_len = size_t(arrayOopDesc::max_array_length(T_INT));
const size_t elements_per_word = HeapWordSize / sizeof(jint);
_filler_array_max_size = align_object_size(filler_array_hdr_size() +
max_len * elements_per_word);
_barrier_set = NULL;
_is_gc_active = false;
_total_collections = _total_full_collections = 0;
_gc_cause = _gc_lastcause = GCCause::_no_gc;
NOT_PRODUCT(_promotion_failure_alot_count = 0;)
NOT_PRODUCT(_promotion_failure_alot_gc_number = 0;)
......@@ -128,6 +137,95 @@ HeapWord* CollectedHeap::allocate_from_tlab_slow(Thread* thread, size_t size) {
return obj;
size_t CollectedHeap::filler_array_hdr_size() {
return size_t(arrayOopDesc::header_size(T_INT));
size_t CollectedHeap::filler_array_min_size() {
return align_object_size(filler_array_hdr_size());
size_t CollectedHeap::filler_array_max_size() {
return _filler_array_max_size;
#ifdef ASSERT
void CollectedHeap::fill_args_check(HeapWord* start, size_t words)
assert(words >= min_fill_size(), "too small to fill");
assert(words % MinObjAlignment == 0, "unaligned size");
assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(start), "not in heap");
assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(start + words - 1), "not in heap");
void CollectedHeap::zap_filler_array(HeapWord* start, size_t words)
if (ZapFillerObjects) {
Copy::fill_to_words(start + filler_array_hdr_size(),
words - filler_array_hdr_size(), 0XDEAFBABE);
#endif // ASSERT
CollectedHeap::fill_with_array(HeapWord* start, size_t words)
assert(words >= filler_array_min_size(), "too small for an array");
assert(words <= filler_array_max_size(), "too big for a single object");
const size_t payload_size = words - filler_array_hdr_size();
const size_t len = payload_size * HeapWordSize / sizeof(jint);
// Set the length first for concurrent GC.
post_allocation_setup_common(Universe::fillerArrayKlassObj(), start,
DEBUG_ONLY(zap_filler_array(start, words);)
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object_impl(HeapWord* start, size_t words)
assert(words <= filler_array_max_size(), "too big for a single object");
if (words >= filler_array_min_size()) {
fill_with_array(start, words);
} else if (words > 0) {
assert(words == min_fill_size(), "unaligned size");
post_allocation_setup_common(SystemDictionary::object_klass(), start,
void CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(HeapWord* start, size_t words)
DEBUG_ONLY(fill_args_check(start, words);)
HandleMark hm; // Free handles before leaving.
fill_with_object_impl(start, words);
void CollectedHeap::fill_with_objects(HeapWord* start, size_t words)
DEBUG_ONLY(fill_args_check(start, words);)
HandleMark hm; // Free handles before leaving.
#ifdef LP64
// A single array can fill ~8G, so multiple objects are needed only in 64-bit.
// First fill with arrays, ensuring that any remaining space is big enough to
// fill. The remainder is filled with a single object.
const size_t min = min_fill_size();
const size_t max = filler_array_max_size();
while (words > max) {
const size_t cur = words - max >= min ? max : max - min;
fill_with_array(start, cur);
start += cur;
words -= cur;
fill_with_object_impl(start, words);
oop CollectedHeap::new_store_barrier(oop new_obj) {
// %%% This needs refactoring. (It was imported from the server compiler.)
guarantee(can_elide_tlab_store_barriers(), "store barrier elision not supported");
......@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ class CollectedHeap : public CHeapObj {
static int _fire_out_of_memory_count;
// Used for filler objects (static, but initialized in ctor).
static size_t _filler_array_max_size;
MemRegion _reserved;
BarrierSet* _barrier_set;
......@@ -119,6 +122,21 @@ class CollectedHeap : public CHeapObj {
// Clears an allocated object.
inline static void init_obj(HeapWord* obj, size_t size);
// Filler object utilities.
static inline size_t filler_array_hdr_size();
static inline size_t filler_array_min_size();
static inline size_t filler_array_max_size();
DEBUG_ONLY(static void fill_args_check(HeapWord* start, size_t words);)
DEBUG_ONLY(static void zap_filler_array(HeapWord* start, size_t words);)
// Fill with a single array; caller must ensure filler_array_min_size() <=
// words <= filler_array_max_size().
static inline void fill_with_array(HeapWord* start, size_t words);
// Fill with a single object (either an int array or a java.lang.Object).
static inline void fill_with_object_impl(HeapWord* start, size_t words);
// Verification functions
virtual void check_for_bad_heap_word_value(HeapWord* addr, size_t size)
......@@ -294,6 +312,27 @@ class CollectedHeap : public CHeapObj {
// The boundary between a "large" and "small" array of primitives, in words.
virtual size_t large_typearray_limit() = 0;
// Utilities for turning raw memory into filler objects.
// min_fill_size() is the smallest region that can be filled.
// fill_with_objects() can fill arbitrary-sized regions of the heap using
// multiple objects. fill_with_object() is for regions known to be smaller
// than the largest array of integers; it uses a single object to fill the
// region and has slightly less overhead.
static size_t min_fill_size() {
return size_t(align_object_size(oopDesc::header_size()));
static void fill_with_objects(HeapWord* start, size_t words);
static void fill_with_object(HeapWord* start, size_t words);
static void fill_with_object(MemRegion region) {
fill_with_object(region.start(), region.word_size());
static void fill_with_object(HeapWord* start, HeapWord* end) {
fill_with_object(start, pointer_delta(end, start));
// Some heaps may offer a contiguous region for shared non-blocking
// allocation, via inlined code (by exporting the address of the top and
// end fields defining the extent of the contiguous allocation region.)
......@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ void CollectedHeap::post_allocation_setup_common(KlassHandle klass,
void CollectedHeap::post_allocation_setup_no_klass_install(KlassHandle klass,
HeapWord* objPtr,
size_t size) {
oop obj = (oop)objPtr;
assert(obj != NULL, "NULL object pointer");
......@@ -44,9 +43,6 @@ void CollectedHeap::post_allocation_setup_no_klass_install(KlassHandle klass,
// May be bootstrapping
// support low memory notifications (no-op if not enabled)
void CollectedHeap::post_allocation_install_obj_klass(KlassHandle klass,
......@@ -65,6 +61,9 @@ void CollectedHeap::post_allocation_install_obj_klass(KlassHandle klass,
// Support for jvmti and dtrace
inline void post_allocation_notify(KlassHandle klass, oop obj) {
// support low memory notifications (no-op if not enabled)
// support for JVMTI VMObjectAlloc event (no-op if not enabled)
......@@ -28,21 +28,22 @@ collectedHeap.cpp collectedHeap.hpp
collectedHeap.cpp collectedHeap.inline.hpp
collectedHeap.cpp init.hpp
collectedHeap.cpp oop.inline.hpp
collectedHeap.cpp systemDictionary.hpp
collectedHeap.cpp thread_<os_family>.inline.hpp
collectedHeap.hpp allocation.hpp
collectedHeap.hpp barrierSet.hpp
collectedHeap.hpp gcCause.hpp
collectedHeap.hpp handles.hpp
collectedHeap.hpp perfData.hpp
collectedHeap.hpp perfData.hpp
collectedHeap.hpp safepoint.hpp
collectedHeap.inline.hpp arrayOop.hpp
collectedHeap.inline.hpp collectedHeap.hpp
collectedHeap.inline.hpp copy.hpp
collectedHeap.inline.hpp jvmtiExport.hpp
collectedHeap.inline.hpp lowMemoryDetector.hpp
collectedHeap.inline.hpp sharedRuntime.hpp
collectedHeap.inline.hpp lowMemoryDetector.hpp
collectedHeap.inline.hpp sharedRuntime.hpp
collectedHeap.inline.hpp thread.hpp
collectedHeap.inline.hpp threadLocalAllocBuffer.inline.hpp
collectedHeap.inline.hpp universe.hpp
......@@ -26,20 +26,24 @@
#include "incls/_permGen.cpp.incl"
HeapWord* PermGen::mem_allocate_in_gen(size_t size, Generation* gen) {
MutexLocker ml(Heap_lock);
GCCause::Cause next_cause = GCCause::_permanent_generation_full;
GCCause::Cause prev_cause = GCCause::_no_gc;
unsigned int gc_count_before, full_gc_count_before;
HeapWord* obj;
for (;;) {
HeapWord* obj = gen->allocate(size, false);
if (obj != NULL) {
return obj;
if (gen->capacity() < _capacity_expansion_limit ||
prev_cause != GCCause::_no_gc) {
obj = gen->expand_and_allocate(size, false);
if (obj == NULL && prev_cause != GCCause::_last_ditch_collection) {
MutexLocker ml(Heap_lock);
if ((obj = gen->allocate(size, false)) != NULL) {
return obj;
if (gen->capacity() < _capacity_expansion_limit ||
prev_cause != GCCause::_no_gc) {
obj = gen->expand_and_allocate(size, false);
if (obj != NULL || prev_cause == GCCause::_last_ditch_collection) {
return obj;
if (GC_locker::is_active_and_needs_gc()) {
// If this thread is not in a jni critical section, we stall
// the requestor until the critical section has cleared and
......@@ -61,31 +65,27 @@ HeapWord* PermGen::mem_allocate_in_gen(size_t size, Generation* gen) {
return NULL;
// Read the GC count while holding the Heap_lock
unsigned int gc_count_before = SharedHeap::heap()->total_collections();
unsigned int full_gc_count_before = SharedHeap::heap()->total_full_collections();
MutexUnlocker mu(Heap_lock); // give up heap lock, execute gets it back
VM_GenCollectForPermanentAllocation op(size, gc_count_before, full_gc_count_before,
if (!op.prologue_succeeded() || op.gc_locked()) {
assert(op.result() == NULL, "must be NULL if gc_locked() is true");
continue; // retry and/or stall as necessary
obj = op.result();
assert(obj == NULL || SharedHeap::heap()->is_in_reserved(obj),
"result not in heap");
if (obj != NULL) {
return obj;
prev_cause = next_cause;
next_cause = GCCause::_last_ditch_collection;
} else {
gc_count_before = SharedHeap::heap()->total_collections();
full_gc_count_before = SharedHeap::heap()->total_full_collections();
// Give up heap lock above, VMThread::execute below gets it back
VM_GenCollectForPermanentAllocation op(size, gc_count_before, full_gc_count_before,
if (!op.prologue_succeeded() || op.gc_locked()) {
assert(op.result() == NULL, "must be NULL if gc_locked() is true");
continue; // retry and/or stall as necessary
obj = op.result();
assert(obj == NULL || SharedHeap::heap()->is_in_reserved(obj),
"result not in heap");
if (obj != NULL) {
return obj;
prev_cause = next_cause;
next_cause = GCCause::_last_ditch_collection;
......@@ -248,46 +248,6 @@ void SharedHeap::ref_processing_init() {
void SharedHeap::fill_region_with_object(MemRegion mr) {
// Disable the posting of JVMTI VMObjectAlloc events as we
// don't want the filling of tlabs with filler arrays to be
// reported to the profiler.
NoJvmtiVMObjectAllocMark njm;
// Disable low memory detector because there is no real allocation.
LowMemoryDetectorDisabler lmd_dis;
// It turns out that post_allocation_setup_array takes a handle, so the
// call below contains an implicit conversion. Best to free that handle
// as soon as possible.
HandleMark hm;
size_t word_size = mr.word_size();
size_t aligned_array_header_size =
if (word_size >= aligned_array_header_size) {
const size_t array_length =
pointer_delta(mr.end(), mr.start()) -
const size_t array_length_words =
array_length * (HeapWordSize/sizeof(jint));
#ifdef ASSERT
HeapWord* elt_words = (mr.start() + typeArrayOopDesc::header_size(T_INT));
Copy::fill_to_words(elt_words, array_length, 0xDEAFBABE);
} else {
assert(word_size == (size_t)oopDesc::header_size(), "Unaligned?");
// Some utilities.
void SharedHeap::print_size_transition(outputStream* out,
size_t bytes_before,
......@@ -108,14 +108,6 @@ public:
void set_perm(PermGen* perm_gen) { _perm_gen = perm_gen; }
// A helper function that fills a region of the heap with
// with a single object.
static void fill_region_with_object(MemRegion mr);
// Minimum garbage fill object size
static size_t min_fill_size() { return (size_t)align_object_size(oopDesc::header_size()); }
static size_t min_fill_size_in_bytes() { return min_fill_size() * HeapWordSize; }
// This function returns the "GenRemSet" object that allows us to scan
// generations; at least the perm gen, possibly more in a fully
// generational heap.
......@@ -409,19 +409,9 @@ bool CompactibleSpace::insert_deadspace(size_t& allowed_deadspace_words,
HeapWord* q, size_t deadlength) {
if (allowed_deadspace_words >= deadlength) {
allowed_deadspace_words -= deadlength;
const size_t min_int_array_size = typeArrayOopDesc::header_size(T_INT);
if (deadlength >= min_int_array_size) {
typeArrayOop(q)->set_length((int)((deadlength - min_int_array_size)
* (HeapWordSize/sizeof(jint))));
} else {
assert((int) deadlength == instanceOopDesc::header_size(),
"size for smallest fake dead object doesn't match");
assert((int) deadlength == oop(q)->size(),
"make sure size for fake dead object match");
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(q, deadlength);
assert((int) deadlength == oop(q)->size(), "bad filler object size");
// Recall that we required "q == compaction_top".
return true;
} else {
......@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ void TenuredGeneration::par_promote_alloc_undo(int thread_num,
"should contain whole object");
buf->undo_allocation(obj, word_sz);
} else {
SharedHeap::fill_region_with_object(MemRegion(obj, word_sz));
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(obj, word_sz);
......@@ -100,8 +100,7 @@ void ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::accumulate_statistics() {
void ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::make_parsable(bool retire) {
if (end() != NULL) {
MemRegion mr(top(), hard_end());
CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(top(), hard_end());
if (retire || ZeroTLAB) { // "Reset" the TLAB
......@@ -49,16 +49,17 @@ klassOop Universe::_constantPoolKlassObj = NULL;
klassOop Universe::_constantPoolCacheKlassObj = NULL;
klassOop Universe::_compiledICHolderKlassObj = NULL;
klassOop Universe::_systemObjArrayKlassObj = NULL;
oop Universe::_int_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_float_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_double_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_byte_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_bool_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_char_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_long_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_short_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_void_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_mirrors[T_VOID+1] = { NULL /*, NULL...*/ };
klassOop Universe::_fillerArrayKlassObj = NULL;
oop Universe::_int_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_float_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_double_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_byte_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_bool_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_char_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_long_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_short_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_void_mirror = NULL;
oop Universe::_mirrors[T_VOID+1] = { NULL /*, NULL...*/ };
oop Universe::_main_thread_group = NULL;
oop Universe::_system_thread_group = NULL;
typeArrayOop Universe::_the_empty_byte_array = NULL;
......@@ -126,6 +127,7 @@ void Universe::system_classes_do(void f(klassOop)) {
void Universe::oops_do(OopClosure* f, bool do_all) {
......@@ -180,6 +182,7 @@ void Universe::oops_do(OopClosure* f, bool do_all) {
......@@ -257,16 +260,17 @@ void Universe::genesis(TRAPS) {
_typeArrayKlassObjs[T_INT] = _intArrayKlassObj;
_typeArrayKlassObjs[T_LONG] = _longArrayKlassObj;
_methodKlassObj = methodKlass::create_klass(CHECK);
_constMethodKlassObj = constMethodKlass::create_klass(CHECK);
_methodDataKlassObj = methodDataKlass::create_klass(CHECK);
_methodKlassObj = methodKlass::create_klass(CHECK);
_constMethodKlassObj = constMethodKlass::create_klass(CHECK);
_methodDataKlassObj = methodDataKlass::create_klass(CHECK);
_constantPoolKlassObj = constantPoolKlass::create_klass(CHECK);
_constantPoolCacheKlassObj = constantPoolCacheKlass::create_klass(CHECK);
_compiledICHolderKlassObj = compiledICHolderKlass::create_klass(CHECK);
_systemObjArrayKlassObj = objArrayKlassKlass::cast(objArrayKlassKlassObj())->allocate_system_objArray_klass(CHECK);
_fillerArrayKlassObj = typeArrayKlass::create_klass(T_INT, sizeof(jint), "<filler>", CHECK);
_the_empty_byte_array = oopFactory::new_permanent_byteArray(0, CHECK);
_the_empty_byte_array = oopFactory::new_permanent_byteArray(0, CHECK);
_the_empty_short_array = oopFactory::new_permanent_shortArray(0, CHECK);
_the_empty_int_array = oopFactory::new_permanent_intArray(0, CHECK);
_the_empty_system_obj_array = oopFactory::new_system_objArray(0, CHECK);
......@@ -274,7 +278,6 @@ void Universe::genesis(TRAPS) {
_the_array_interfaces_array = oopFactory::new_system_objArray(2, CHECK);
_vm_exception = oopFactory::new_symbol("vm exception holder", CHECK);
} else {
FileMapInfo *mapinfo = FileMapInfo::current_info();
char* buffer = mapinfo->region_base(CompactingPermGenGen::md);
void** vtbl_list = (void**)buffer;
......@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ class LatestMethodOopCache : public CommonMethodOopCache {
class Universe: AllStatic {
// Ugh. Universe is much too friendly.
friend class MarkSweep;
friend class oopDesc;
friend class ClassLoader;
......@@ -132,6 +133,7 @@ class Universe: AllStatic {
static klassOop _constantPoolCacheKlassObj;
static klassOop _compiledICHolderKlassObj;
static klassOop _systemObjArrayKlassObj;
static klassOop _fillerArrayKlassObj;
// Known objects in the VM
......@@ -264,6 +266,7 @@ class Universe: AllStatic {
static klassOop constantPoolCacheKlassObj() { return _constantPoolCacheKlassObj; }
static klassOop compiledICHolderKlassObj() { return _compiledICHolderKlassObj; }
static klassOop systemObjArrayKlassObj() { return _systemObjArrayKlassObj; }
static klassOop fillerArrayKlassObj() { return _fillerArrayKlassObj; }
// Known objects in tbe VM
static oop int_mirror() { return check_mirror(_int_mirror);
......@@ -96,19 +96,20 @@ class arrayOopDesc : public oopDesc {
: typesize_in_bytes/HeapWordSize);
// This method returns the maximum length that can passed into
// typeArrayOop::object_size(scale, length, header_size) without causing an
// overflow. We substract an extra 2*wordSize to guard against double word
// alignments. It gets the scale from the type2aelembytes array.
// Return the maximum length of an array of BasicType. The length can passed
// to typeArrayOop::object_size(scale, length, header_size) without causing an
// overflow.
static int32_t max_array_length(BasicType type) {
assert(type >= 0 && type < T_CONFLICT, "wrong type");
assert(type2aelembytes(type) != 0, "wrong type");
// We use max_jint, since object_size is internally represented by an 'int'
// This gives us an upper bound of max_jint words for the size of the oop.
int32_t max_words = (max_jint - header_size(type) - 2);
int elembytes = type2aelembytes(type);
jlong len = ((jlong)max_words * HeapWordSize) / elembytes;
return (len > max_jint) ? max_jint : (int32_t)len;
const int bytes_per_element = type2aelembytes(type);
if (bytes_per_element < HeapWordSize) {
return max_jint;
const int32_t max_words = align_size_down(max_jint, MinObjAlignment);
const int32_t max_element_words = max_words - header_size(type);
const int32_t words_per_element = bytes_per_element >> LogHeapWordSize;
return max_element_words / words_per_element;
......@@ -36,13 +36,14 @@ bool typeArrayKlass::compute_is_subtype_of(klassOop k) {
return element_type() == tak->element_type();
klassOop typeArrayKlass::create_klass(BasicType type, int scale, TRAPS) {
klassOop typeArrayKlass::create_klass(BasicType type, int scale,
const char* name_str, TRAPS) {
typeArrayKlass o;
symbolHandle sym(symbolOop(NULL));
// bootstrapping: don't create sym if symbolKlass not created yet
if (Universe::symbolKlassObj() != NULL) {
sym = oopFactory::new_symbol_handle(external_name(type), CHECK_NULL);
if (Universe::symbolKlassObj() != NULL && name_str != NULL) {
sym = oopFactory::new_symbol_handle(name_str, CHECK_NULL);
KlassHandle klassklass (THREAD, Universe::typeArrayKlassKlassObj());
......@@ -39,7 +39,11 @@ class typeArrayKlass : public arrayKlass {
// klass allocation
static klassOop create_klass(BasicType type, int scale, TRAPS);
static klassOop create_klass(BasicType type, int scale, const char* name_str,
static inline klassOop create_klass(BasicType type, int scale, TRAPS) {
return create_klass(type, scale, external_name(type), CHECK_NULL);
int oop_size(oop obj) const;
int klass_oop_size() const { return object_size(); }
......@@ -1517,6 +1517,16 @@ bool Arguments::check_vm_args_consistency() {
MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount = 1; // Move objects every gc.
if (UseParallelOldGC && ParallelOldGCSplitALot) {
// Settings to encourage splitting.
if (!FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewRatio)) {
FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(intx, NewRatio, 2);
if (!FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(ScavengeBeforeFullGC)) {
FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(bool, ScavengeBeforeFullGC, false);
status = status && verify_percentage(GCHeapFreeLimit, "GCHeapFreeLimit");
status = status && verify_percentage(GCTimeLimit, "GCTimeLimit");
if (GCTimeLimit == 100) {
......@@ -625,6 +625,9 @@ class CommandLineFlags {
develop(bool, CheckZapUnusedHeapArea, false, \
"Check zapping of unused heap space") \
develop(bool, ZapFillerObjects, trueInDebug, \
"Zap filler objects with 0xDEAFBABE") \
develop(bool, PrintVMMessages, true, \
"Print vm messages on console") \
......@@ -1200,11 +1203,12 @@ class CommandLineFlags {
product(uintx, ParallelCMSThreads, 0, \
"Max number of threads CMS will use for concurrent work") \
develop(bool, ParallelOldMTUnsafeMarkBitMap, false, \
"Use the Parallel Old MT unsafe in marking the bitmap") \
develop(bool, ParallelOldGCSplitALot, false, \
"Provoke splitting (copying data from a young gen space to" \
"multiple destination spaces)") \
develop(bool, ParallelOldMTUnsafeUpdateLiveData, false, \
"Use the Parallel Old MT unsafe in update of live size") \
develop(uintx, ParallelOldGCSplitInterval, 3, \
"How often to provoke splitting a young gen space") \
develop(bool, TraceRegionTasksQueuing, false, \
"Trace the queuing of the region tasks") \
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