提交 026bdda3 编写于 作者: K kvn

8035936: SIGBUS in StubRoutines::aesencryptBlock, solaris-sparc

Summary: Fix the arbitrary alignment issue in SPARC AES crypto stub routines.
Reviewed-by: kvn, iveresov
Contributed-by: shrinivas.joshi@oracle.com
上级 2c19f0f1
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
......@@ -123,8 +123,13 @@ class Assembler : public AbstractAssembler {
fpop2_op3 = 0x35,
impdep1_op3 = 0x36,
aes3_op3 = 0x36,
alignaddr_op3 = 0x36,
faligndata_op3 = 0x36,
flog3_op3 = 0x36,
edge_op3 = 0x36,
fsrc_op3 = 0x36,
impdep2_op3 = 0x37,
stpartialf_op3 = 0x37,
jmpl_op3 = 0x38,
rett_op3 = 0x39,
trap_op3 = 0x3a,
......@@ -175,17 +180,23 @@ class Assembler : public AbstractAssembler {
enum opfs {
// selected opfs
edge8n_opf = 0x01,
fmovs_opf = 0x01,
fmovd_opf = 0x02,
fnegs_opf = 0x05,
fnegd_opf = 0x06,
alignaddr_opf = 0x18,
fadds_opf = 0x41,
faddd_opf = 0x42,
fsubs_opf = 0x45,
fsubd_opf = 0x46,
faligndata_opf = 0x48,
fmuls_opf = 0x49,
fmuld_opf = 0x4a,
fdivs_opf = 0x4d,
......@@ -348,6 +359,8 @@ class Assembler : public AbstractAssembler {
// 8x8-bit partial store
// Block initializing store
// Most-Recently-Used (MRU) BIS variant
......@@ -585,6 +598,9 @@ class Assembler : public AbstractAssembler {
// instruction only in VIS1
static void vis1_only() { assert( VM_Version::has_vis1(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with VIS1"); }
// instruction only in VIS2
static void vis2_only() { assert( VM_Version::has_vis2(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with VIS2"); }
// instruction only in VIS3
static void vis3_only() { assert( VM_Version::has_vis3(), "This instruction only works on SPARC with VIS3"); }
......@@ -1164,6 +1180,20 @@ public:
inline void wrfprs( Register d) { v9_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rs1(d) | op3(wrreg_op3) | u_field(6, 29, 25)); }
// VIS1 instructions
void alignaddr( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(alignaddr_op3) | rs1(s1) | opf(alignaddr_opf) | rs2(s2)); }
void faligndata( FloatRegister s1, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(faligndata_op3) | fs1(s1, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | opf(faligndata_opf) | fs2(s2, FloatRegisterImpl::D)); }
void fsrc2( FloatRegisterImpl::Width w, FloatRegister s2, FloatRegister d ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | fd(d, w) | op3(fsrc_op3) | opf(0x7A - w) | fs2(s2, w)); }
void stpartialf( Register s1, Register s2, FloatRegister d, int ia = -1 ) { vis1_only(); emit_int32( op(ldst_op) | fd(d, FloatRegisterImpl::D) | op3(stpartialf_op3) | rs1(s1) | imm_asi(ia) | rs2(s2)); }
// VIS2 instructions
void edge8n( Register s1, Register s2, Register d ) { vis2_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(edge_op3) | rs1(s1) | opf(edge8n_opf) | rs2(s2)); }
// VIS3 instructions
void movstosw( FloatRegister s, Register d ) { vis3_only(); emit_int32( op(arith_op) | rd(d) | op3(mftoi_op3) | opf(mstosw_opf) | fs2(s, FloatRegisterImpl::S)); }
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
......@@ -3305,9 +3305,12 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
address generate_aescrypt_encryptBlock() {
// required since we read expanded key 'int' array starting first element without alignment considerations
assert((arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT) & 7) == 0,
"the following code assumes that first element of an int array is aligned to 8 bytes");
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "aesencryptBlock");
Label L_doLast128bit, L_storeOutput;
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "aescrypt_encryptBlock");
Label L_load_misaligned_input, L_load_expanded_key, L_doLast128bit, L_storeOutput, L_store_misaligned_output;
address start = __ pc();
Register from = O0; // source byte array
Register to = O1; // destination byte array
......@@ -3317,15 +3320,33 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
// read expanded key length
__ ldsw(Address(key, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() - arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT)), keylen, 0);
// load input into F54-F56; F30-F31 used as temp
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, from, 0, F30);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, from, 4, F31);
__ fmov(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F30, F54);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, from, 8, F30);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, from, 12, F31);
__ fmov(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F30, F56);
// load expanded key
// Method to address arbitrary alignment for load instructions:
// Check last 3 bits of 'from' address to see if it is aligned to 8-byte boundary
// If zero/aligned then continue with double FP load instructions
// If not zero/mis-aligned then alignaddr will set GSR.align with number of bytes to skip during faligndata
// alignaddr will also convert arbitrary aligned 'from' address to nearest 8-byte aligned address
// load 3 * 8-byte components (to read 16 bytes input) in 3 different FP regs starting at this aligned address
// faligndata will then extract (based on GSR.align value) the appropriate 8 bytes from the 2 source regs
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_input);
__ delayed()->alignaddr(from, G0, from);
// aligned case: load input into F54-F56
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F54);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F56);
__ ba_short(L_load_expanded_key);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_input);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F54);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F56);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F58);
__ faligndata(F54, F56, F54);
__ faligndata(F56, F58, F56);
__ BIND(L_load_expanded_key);
// Since we load expanded key buffers starting first element, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
for ( int i = 0; i <= 38; i += 2 ) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, key, i*4, as_FloatRegister(i));
......@@ -3365,8 +3386,7 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, key, 232, F50);
__ aes_eround01(F52, F54, F56, F58); //round 13
__ aes_eround23(F46, F54, F56, F60);
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, L_storeOutput);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ ba_short(L_storeOutput);
__ BIND(L_doLast128bit);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, key, 160, F48);
......@@ -3377,23 +3397,62 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ aes_eround01_l(F48, F58, F60, F54); //last round
__ aes_eround23_l(F50, F58, F60, F56);
// store output into the destination array, F0-F1 used as temp
__ fmov(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F54, F0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, F0, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, F1, to, 4);
__ fmov(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, F0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, F0, to, 8);
// Method to address arbitrary alignment for store instructions:
// Check last 3 bits of 'dest' address to see if it is aligned to 8-byte boundary
// If zero/aligned then continue with double FP store instructions
// If not zero/mis-aligned then edge8n will generate edge mask in result reg (O3 in below case)
// Example: If dest address is 0x07 and nearest 8-byte aligned address is 0x00 then edge mask will be 00000001
// Compute (8-n) where n is # of bytes skipped by partial store(stpartialf) inst from edge mask, n=7 in this case
// We get the value of n from the andcc that checks 'dest' alignment. n is available in O5 in below case.
// Set GSR.align to (8-n) using alignaddr
// Circular byte shift store values by n places so that the original bytes are at correct position for stpartialf
// Set the arbitrarily aligned 'dest' address to nearest 8-byte aligned address
// Store (partial) the original first (8-n) bytes starting at the original 'dest' address
// Negate the edge mask so that the subsequent stpartialf can store the original (8-n-1)th through 8th bytes at appropriate address
// We need to execute this process for both the 8-byte result values
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, O5);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, O3);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F54, to, 0);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, F1, to, 12);
__ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, to, 8);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output);
__ add(to, 8, O4);
__ mov(8, O2);
__ sub(O2, O5, O2);
__ alignaddr(O2, G0, O2);
__ faligndata(F54, F54, F54);
__ faligndata(F56, F56, F56);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ and3(O4, -8, O4);
__ stpartialf(to, O3, F54, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(O4, O3, F56, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ add(to, 8, to);
__ add(O4, 8, O4);
__ orn(G0, O3, O3);
__ stpartialf(to, O3, F54, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->stpartialf(O4, O3, F56, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
return start;
address generate_aescrypt_decryptBlock() {
assert((arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT) & 7) == 0,
"the following code assumes that first element of an int array is aligned to 8 bytes");
// required since we read original key 'byte' array as well in the decryption stubs
assert((arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_BYTE) & 7) == 0,
"the following code assumes that first element of a byte array is aligned to 8 bytes");
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "aesdecryptBlock");
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "aescrypt_decryptBlock");
address start = __ pc();
Label L_expand192bit, L_expand256bit, L_common_transform;
Label L_load_misaligned_input, L_load_original_key, L_expand192bit, L_expand256bit, L_reload_misaligned_input;
Label L_256bit_transform, L_common_transform, L_store_misaligned_output;
Register from = O0; // source byte array
Register to = O1; // destination byte array
Register key = O2; // expanded key array
......@@ -3403,15 +3462,29 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
// read expanded key array length
__ ldsw(Address(key, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() - arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT)), keylen, 0);
// load input into F52-F54; F30,F31 used as temp
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, from, 0, F30);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, from, 4, F31);
__ fmov(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F30, F52);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, from, 8, F30);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, from, 12, F31);
__ fmov(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F30, F54);
// save 'from' since we may need to recheck alignment in case of 256-bit decryption
__ mov(from, G1);
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_input);
__ delayed()->alignaddr(from, G0, from);
// aligned case: load input into F52-F54
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F52);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F54);
__ ba_short(L_load_original_key);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_input);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F52);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F54);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F56);
__ faligndata(F52, F54, F52);
__ faligndata(F54, F56, F54);
__ BIND(L_load_original_key);
// load original key from SunJCE expanded decryption key
// Since we load original key buffer starting first element, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
for ( int i = 0; i <= 3; i++ ) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, original_key, i*4, as_FloatRegister(i));
......@@ -3432,8 +3505,7 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
// perform 128-bit key specific inverse cipher transformation
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F42, F54, F54);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F40, F52, F52);
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, L_common_transform);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ ba_short(L_common_transform);
__ BIND(L_expand192bit);
......@@ -3457,8 +3529,7 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ aes_dround01(F44, F52, F54, F56);
__ aes_dround23(F42, F56, F58, F54);
__ aes_dround01(F40, F56, F58, F52);
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, L_common_transform);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ ba_short(L_common_transform);
__ BIND(L_expand256bit);
......@@ -3478,14 +3549,31 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ aes_kexpand2(F50, F56, F58);
for ( int i = 0; i <= 6; i += 2 ) {
__ fmov(FloatRegisterImpl::D, as_FloatRegister(58-i), as_FloatRegister(i));
__ fsrc2(FloatRegisterImpl::D, as_FloatRegister(58-i), as_FloatRegister(i));
// load input into F52-F54
// reload original 'from' address
__ mov(G1, from);
// re-check 8-byte alignment
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_reload_misaligned_input);
__ delayed()->alignaddr(from, G0, from);
// aligned case: load input into F52-F54
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F52);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F54);
__ ba_short(L_256bit_transform);
__ BIND(L_reload_misaligned_input);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F52);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F54);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F56);
__ faligndata(F52, F54, F52);
__ faligndata(F54, F56, F54);
// perform 256-bit key specific inverse cipher transformation
__ BIND(L_256bit_transform);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F0, F54, F54);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F2, F52, F52);
__ aes_dround23(F4, F52, F54, F58);
......@@ -3515,43 +3603,71 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
// store output to destination array, F0-F1 used as temp
__ fmov(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F52, F0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, F0, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, F1, to, 4);
__ fmov(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F54, F0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, F0, to, 8);
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, O5);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, O3);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F52, to, 0);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F54, to, 8);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output);
__ add(to, 8, O4);
__ mov(8, O2);
__ sub(O2, O5, O2);
__ alignaddr(O2, G0, O2);
__ faligndata(F52, F52, F52);
__ faligndata(F54, F54, F54);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ and3(O4, -8, O4);
__ stpartialf(to, O3, F52, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(O4, O3, F54, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ add(to, 8, to);
__ add(O4, 8, O4);
__ orn(G0, O3, O3);
__ stpartialf(to, O3, F52, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ retl();
__ delayed()->stf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, F1, to, 12);
__ delayed()->stpartialf(O4, O3, F54, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
return start;
address generate_cipherBlockChaining_encryptAESCrypt() {
assert((arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT) & 7) == 0,
"the following code assumes that first element of an int array is aligned to 8 bytes");
assert((arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_BYTE) & 7) == 0,
"the following code assumes that first element of a byte array is aligned to 8 bytes");
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "cipherBlockChaining_encryptAESCrypt");
Label L_cbcenc128, L_cbcenc192, L_cbcenc256;
Label L_cbcenc128, L_load_misaligned_input_128bit, L_128bit_transform, L_store_misaligned_output_128bit;
Label L_check_loop_end_128bit, L_cbcenc192, L_load_misaligned_input_192bit, L_192bit_transform;
Label L_store_misaligned_output_192bit, L_check_loop_end_192bit, L_cbcenc256, L_load_misaligned_input_256bit;
Label L_256bit_transform, L_store_misaligned_output_256bit, L_check_loop_end_256bit;
address start = __ pc();
Register from = O0; // source byte array
Register to = O1; // destination byte array
Register key = O2; // expanded key array
Register rvec = O3; // init vector
const Register len_reg = O4; // cipher length
const Register keylen = O5; // reg for storing expanded key array length
Register from = I0; // source byte array
Register to = I1; // destination byte array
Register key = I2; // expanded key array
Register rvec = I3; // init vector
const Register len_reg = I4; // cipher length
const Register keylen = I5; // reg for storing expanded key array length
// save cipher len to return in the end
__ mov(len_reg, L1);
// save cipher len before save_frame, to return in the end
__ mov(O4, L0);
__ save_frame(0);
// read expanded key length
__ ldsw(Address(key, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() - arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT)), keylen, 0);
// load init vector
// load initial vector, 8-byte alignment is guranteed
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, rvec, 0, F60);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, rvec, 8, F62);
// load key, 8-byte alignment is guranteed
__ ldx(key,0,G1);
__ ldx(key,8,G2);
__ ldx(key,8,G5);
// start loading expanded key
// start loading expanded key, 8-byte alignment is guranteed
for ( int i = 0, j = 16; i <= 38; i += 2, j += 8 ) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, key, j, as_FloatRegister(i));
......@@ -3571,15 +3687,35 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
// 256-bit original key size
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, L_cbcenc256);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ ba_short(L_cbcenc256);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_cbcenc128);
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_input_128bit);
__ delayed()->mov(from, L1); // save original 'from' address before alignaddr
// aligned case: load input into G3 and G4
__ ldx(from,0,G3);
__ ldx(from,8,G4);
__ ba_short(L_128bit_transform);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_input_128bit);
// can clobber F48, F50 and F52 as they are not used in 128 and 192-bit key encryption
__ alignaddr(from, G0, from);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F48);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F50);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F52);
__ faligndata(F48, F50, F48);
__ faligndata(F50, F52, F50);
__ movdtox(F48, G3);
__ movdtox(F50, G4);
__ mov(L1, from);
__ BIND(L_128bit_transform);
__ xor3(G1,G3,G3);
__ xor3(G2,G4,G4);
__ xor3(G5,G4,G4);
__ movxtod(G3,F56);
__ movxtod(G4,F58);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, F56, F60);
......@@ -3598,24 +3734,81 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, L1);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output_128bit);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, L2);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, to, 8);
__ ba_short(L_check_loop_end_128bit);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output_128bit);
__ add(to, 8, L3);
__ mov(8, L4);
__ sub(L4, L1, L4);
__ alignaddr(L4, G0, L4);
// save cipher text before circular right shift
// as it needs to be stored as iv for next block (see code before next retl)
__ movdtox(F60, L6);
__ movdtox(F62, L7);
__ faligndata(F60, F60, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F62, F62);
__ mov(to, L5);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ and3(L3, -8, L3);
__ stpartialf(to, L2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(L3, L2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ add(to, 8, to);
__ add(L3, 8, L3);
__ orn(G0, L2, L2);
__ stpartialf(to, L2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(L3, L2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ mov(L5, to);
__ movxtod(L6, F60);
__ movxtod(L7, F62);
__ BIND(L_check_loop_end_128bit);
__ add(from, 16, from);
__ add(to, 16, to);
__ subcc(len_reg, 16, len_reg);
__ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_cbcenc128);
__ delayed()->nop();
// re-init intial vector for next block, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, rvec, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, rvec, 8);
__ restore();
__ retl();
__ delayed()->mov(L1, O0);
__ delayed()->mov(L0, O0);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_cbcenc192);
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_input_192bit);
__ delayed()->mov(from, L1); // save original 'from' address before alignaddr
// aligned case: load input into G3 and G4
__ ldx(from,0,G3);
__ ldx(from,8,G4);
__ ba_short(L_192bit_transform);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_input_192bit);
// can clobber F48, F50 and F52 as they are not used in 128 and 192-bit key encryption
__ alignaddr(from, G0, from);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F48);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F50);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F52);
__ faligndata(F48, F50, F48);
__ faligndata(F50, F52, F50);
__ movdtox(F48, G3);
__ movdtox(F50, G4);
__ mov(L1, from);
__ BIND(L_192bit_transform);
__ xor3(G1,G3,G3);
__ xor3(G2,G4,G4);
__ xor3(G5,G4,G4);
__ movxtod(G3,F56);
__ movxtod(G4,F58);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, F56, F60);
......@@ -3634,24 +3827,81 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, L1);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output_192bit);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, L2);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, to, 8);
__ ba_short(L_check_loop_end_192bit);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output_192bit);
__ add(to, 8, L3);
__ mov(8, L4);
__ sub(L4, L1, L4);
__ alignaddr(L4, G0, L4);
__ movdtox(F60, L6);
__ movdtox(F62, L7);
__ faligndata(F60, F60, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F62, F62);
__ mov(to, L5);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ and3(L3, -8, L3);
__ stpartialf(to, L2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(L3, L2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ add(to, 8, to);
__ add(L3, 8, L3);
__ orn(G0, L2, L2);
__ stpartialf(to, L2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(L3, L2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ mov(L5, to);
__ movxtod(L6, F60);
__ movxtod(L7, F62);
__ BIND(L_check_loop_end_192bit);
__ add(from, 16, from);
__ subcc(len_reg, 16, len_reg);
__ add(to, 16, to);
__ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_cbcenc192);
__ delayed()->nop();
// re-init intial vector for next block, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, rvec, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, rvec, 8);
__ restore();
__ retl();
__ delayed()->mov(L1, O0);
__ delayed()->mov(L0, O0);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_cbcenc256);
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_input_256bit);
__ delayed()->mov(from, L1); // save original 'from' address before alignaddr
// aligned case: load input into G3 and G4
__ ldx(from,0,G3);
__ ldx(from,8,G4);
__ ba_short(L_256bit_transform);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_input_256bit);
// cannot clobber F48, F50 and F52. F56, F58 can be used though
__ alignaddr(from, G0, from);
__ movdtox(F60, L2); // save F60 before overwriting
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F56);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F58);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F60);
__ faligndata(F56, F58, F56);
__ faligndata(F58, F60, F58);
__ movdtox(F56, G3);
__ movdtox(F58, G4);
__ mov(L1, from);
__ movxtod(L2, F60);
__ BIND(L_256bit_transform);
__ xor3(G1,G3,G3);
__ xor3(G2,G4,G4);
__ xor3(G5,G4,G4);
__ movxtod(G3,F56);
__ movxtod(G4,F58);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, F56, F60);
......@@ -3670,26 +3920,69 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, L1);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output_256bit);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, L2);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, to, 8);
__ ba_short(L_check_loop_end_256bit);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output_256bit);
__ add(to, 8, L3);
__ mov(8, L4);
__ sub(L4, L1, L4);
__ alignaddr(L4, G0, L4);
__ movdtox(F60, L6);
__ movdtox(F62, L7);
__ faligndata(F60, F60, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F62, F62);
__ mov(to, L5);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ and3(L3, -8, L3);
__ stpartialf(to, L2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(L3, L2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ add(to, 8, to);
__ add(L3, 8, L3);
__ orn(G0, L2, L2);
__ stpartialf(to, L2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(L3, L2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ mov(L5, to);
__ movxtod(L6, F60);
__ movxtod(L7, F62);
__ BIND(L_check_loop_end_256bit);
__ add(from, 16, from);
__ subcc(len_reg, 16, len_reg);
__ add(to, 16, to);
__ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_cbcenc256);
__ delayed()->nop();
// re-init intial vector for next block, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, rvec, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, rvec, 8);
__ restore();
__ retl();
__ delayed()->mov(L1, O0);
__ delayed()->mov(L0, O0);
return start;
address generate_cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt_Parallel() {
assert((arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_INT) & 7) == 0,
"the following code assumes that first element of an int array is aligned to 8 bytes");
assert((arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_BYTE) & 7) == 0,
"the following code assumes that first element of a byte array is aligned to 8 bytes");
__ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt");
Label L_cbcdec_end, L_expand192bit, L_expand256bit, L_dec_first_block_start;
Label L_dec_first_block128, L_dec_first_block192, L_dec_next2_blocks128, L_dec_next2_blocks192, L_dec_next2_blocks256;
Label L_load_misaligned_input_first_block, L_transform_first_block, L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks128, L_transform_next2_blocks128;
Label L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks192, L_transform_next2_blocks192, L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks256, L_transform_next2_blocks256;
Label L_store_misaligned_output_first_block, L_check_decrypt_end, L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks128;
Label L_check_decrypt_loop_end128, L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks192, L_check_decrypt_loop_end192;
Label L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks256, L_check_decrypt_loop_end256;
address start = __ pc();
Register from = I0; // source byte array
Register to = I1; // destination byte array
......@@ -3704,11 +3997,12 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ save_frame(0); //args are read from I* registers since we save the frame in the beginning
// load original key from SunJCE expanded decryption key
// Since we load original key buffer starting first element, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
for ( int i = 0; i <= 3; i++ ) {
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::S, original_key, i*4, as_FloatRegister(i));
// load initial vector
// load initial vector, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
__ ldx(rvec,0,L0);
__ ldx(rvec,8,L1);
......@@ -3733,11 +4027,10 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ movdtox(F42,L3);
__ and3(len_reg, 16, L4);
__ br_null(L4, false, Assembler::pt, L_dec_next2_blocks128);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ br_null_short(L4, Assembler::pt, L_dec_next2_blocks128);
__ nop();
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, L_dec_first_block_start);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ ba_short(L_dec_first_block_start);
__ BIND(L_expand192bit);
// load rest of the 192-bit key
......@@ -3758,11 +4051,10 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ movdtox(F50,L3);
__ and3(len_reg, 16, L4);
__ br_null(L4, false, Assembler::pt, L_dec_next2_blocks192);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ br_null_short(L4, Assembler::pt, L_dec_next2_blocks192);
__ nop();
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, L_dec_first_block_start);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ ba_short(L_dec_first_block_start);
__ BIND(L_expand256bit);
// load rest of the 256-bit key
......@@ -3785,12 +4077,32 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ movdtox(F58,L3);
__ and3(len_reg, 16, L4);
__ br_null(L4, false, Assembler::pt, L_dec_next2_blocks256);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ br_null_short(L4, Assembler::pt, L_dec_next2_blocks256);
__ BIND(L_dec_first_block_start);
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_input_first_block);
__ delayed()->mov(from, G1); // save original 'from' address before alignaddr
// aligned case: load input into L4 and L5
__ ldx(from,0,L4);
__ ldx(from,8,L5);
__ ba_short(L_transform_first_block);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_input_first_block);
__ alignaddr(from, G0, from);
// F58, F60, F62 can be clobbered
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F58);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F60);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F62);
__ faligndata(F58, F60, F58);
__ faligndata(F60, F62, F60);
__ movdtox(F58, L4);
__ movdtox(F60, L5);
__ mov(G1, from);
__ BIND(L_transform_first_block);
__ xor3(L2,L4,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F60);
__ xor3(L3,L5,G1);
......@@ -3833,9 +4145,36 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, F60, F60);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F58, F62, F62);
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, G1);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output_first_block);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, G2);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, to, 8);
__ ba_short(L_check_decrypt_end);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output_first_block);
__ add(to, 8, G3);
__ mov(8, G4);
__ sub(G4, G1, G4);
__ alignaddr(G4, G0, G4);
__ faligndata(F60, F60, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F62, F62);
__ mov(to, G1);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ and3(G3, -8, G3);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(G3, G2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ add(to, 8, to);
__ add(G3, 8, G3);
__ orn(G0, G2, G2);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F60, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stpartialf(G3, G2, F62, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ mov(G1, to);
__ BIND(L_check_decrypt_end);
__ add(from, 16, from);
__ add(to, 16, to);
__ subcc(len_reg, 16, len_reg);
......@@ -3852,17 +4191,44 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ BIND(L_dec_next2_blocks128);
__ nop();
// F40:F42 used for first 16-bytes
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks128);
__ delayed()->mov(from, G1); // save original 'from' address before alignaddr
// aligned case: load input into G4, G5, L4 and L5
__ ldx(from,0,G4);
__ ldx(from,8,G5);
__ ldx(from,16,L4);
__ ldx(from,24,L5);
__ ba_short(L_transform_next2_blocks128);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks128);
__ alignaddr(from, G0, from);
// F40, F42, F58, F60, F62 can be clobbered
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F40);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F42);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F60);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 24, F62);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 32, F58);
__ faligndata(F40, F42, F40);
__ faligndata(F42, F60, F42);
__ faligndata(F60, F62, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F58, F62);
__ movdtox(F40, G4);
__ movdtox(F42, G5);
__ movdtox(F60, L4);
__ movdtox(F62, L5);
__ mov(G1, from);
__ BIND(L_transform_next2_blocks128);
// F40:F42 used for first 16-bytes
__ xor3(L2,G4,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F40);
__ xor3(L3,G5,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F42);
// F60:F62 used for next 16-bytes
__ ldx(from,16,L4);
__ ldx(from,24,L5);
__ xor3(L2,L4,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F60);
__ xor3(L3,L5,G1);
......@@ -3891,9 +4257,6 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F46, F40, F40);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F44, F42, F42);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F40, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F42, to, 8);
__ movxtod(G4,F56);
__ movxtod(G5,F58);
__ mov(L4,L0);
......@@ -3901,32 +4264,93 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, F60, F60);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F58, F62, F62);
// For mis-aligned store of 32 bytes of result we can do:
// Circular right-shift all 4 FP registers so that 'head' and 'tail'
// parts that need to be stored starting at mis-aligned address are in a FP reg
// the other 3 FP regs can thus be stored using regular store
// we then use the edge + partial-store mechanism to store the 'head' and 'tail' parts
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, G1);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks128);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, G2);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F40, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F42, to, 8);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 16);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, to, 24);
__ ba_short(L_check_decrypt_loop_end128);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks128);
__ mov(8, G4);
__ sub(G4, G1, G4);
__ alignaddr(G4, G0, G4);
__ faligndata(F40, F42, F56); // F56 can be clobbered
__ faligndata(F42, F60, F42);
__ faligndata(F60, F62, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F40, F40);
__ mov(to, G1);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F40, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, to, 8);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F42, to, 16);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 24);
__ add(to, 32, to);
__ orn(G0, G2, G2);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F40, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ mov(G1, to);
__ BIND(L_check_decrypt_loop_end128);
__ add(from, 32, from);
__ add(to, 32, to);
__ subcc(len_reg, 32, len_reg);
__ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_dec_next2_blocks128);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, L_cbcdec_end);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ ba_short(L_cbcdec_end);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_dec_next2_blocks192);
__ nop();
// F48:F50 used for first 16-bytes
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks192);
__ delayed()->mov(from, G1); // save original 'from' address before alignaddr
// aligned case: load input into G4, G5, L4 and L5
__ ldx(from,0,G4);
__ ldx(from,8,G5);
__ ldx(from,16,L4);
__ ldx(from,24,L5);
__ ba_short(L_transform_next2_blocks192);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks192);
__ alignaddr(from, G0, from);
// F48, F50, F52, F60, F62 can be clobbered
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F48);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F50);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F60);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 24, F62);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 32, F52);
__ faligndata(F48, F50, F48);
__ faligndata(F50, F60, F50);
__ faligndata(F60, F62, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F52, F62);
__ movdtox(F48, G4);
__ movdtox(F50, G5);
__ movdtox(F60, L4);
__ movdtox(F62, L5);
__ mov(G1, from);
__ BIND(L_transform_next2_blocks192);
// F48:F50 used for first 16-bytes
__ xor3(L2,G4,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F48);
__ xor3(L3,G5,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F50);
// F60:F62 used for next 16-bytes
__ ldx(from,16,L4);
__ ldx(from,24,L5);
__ xor3(L2,L4,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F60);
__ xor3(L3,L5,G1);
......@@ -3955,9 +4379,6 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F54, F48, F48);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F52, F50, F50);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F48, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F50, to, 8);
__ movxtod(G4,F56);
__ movxtod(G5,F58);
__ mov(L4,L0);
......@@ -3965,32 +4386,87 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, F60, F60);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F58, F62, F62);
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, G1);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks192);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, G2);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F48, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F50, to, 8);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 16);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, to, 24);
__ ba_short(L_check_decrypt_loop_end192);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks192);
__ mov(8, G4);
__ sub(G4, G1, G4);
__ alignaddr(G4, G0, G4);
__ faligndata(F48, F50, F56); // F56 can be clobbered
__ faligndata(F50, F60, F50);
__ faligndata(F60, F62, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F48, F48);
__ mov(to, G1);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F48, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, to, 8);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F50, to, 16);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 24);
__ add(to, 32, to);
__ orn(G0, G2, G2);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F48, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ mov(G1, to);
__ BIND(L_check_decrypt_loop_end192);
__ add(from, 32, from);
__ add(to, 32, to);
__ subcc(len_reg, 32, len_reg);
__ br(Assembler::notEqual, false, Assembler::pt, L_dec_next2_blocks192);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ br(Assembler::always, false, Assembler::pt, L_cbcdec_end);
__ delayed()->nop();
__ ba_short(L_cbcdec_end);
__ align(OptoLoopAlignment);
__ BIND(L_dec_next2_blocks256);
__ nop();
// F0:F2 used for first 16-bytes
// check for 8-byte alignment since source byte array may have an arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(from, 7, G0);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks256);
__ delayed()->mov(from, G1); // save original 'from' address before alignaddr
// aligned case: load input into G4, G5, L4 and L5
__ ldx(from,0,G4);
__ ldx(from,8,G5);
__ ldx(from,16,L4);
__ ldx(from,24,L5);
__ ba_short(L_transform_next2_blocks256);
__ BIND(L_load_misaligned_next2_blocks256);
__ alignaddr(from, G0, from);
// F0, F2, F4, F60, F62 can be clobbered
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 0, F0);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 8, F2);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 16, F60);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 24, F62);
__ ldf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, from, 32, F4);
__ faligndata(F0, F2, F0);
__ faligndata(F2, F60, F2);
__ faligndata(F60, F62, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F4, F62);
__ movdtox(F0, G4);
__ movdtox(F2, G5);
__ movdtox(F60, L4);
__ movdtox(F62, L5);
__ mov(G1, from);
__ BIND(L_transform_next2_blocks256);
// F0:F2 used for first 16-bytes
__ xor3(L2,G4,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F0);
__ xor3(L3,G5,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F2);
// F60:F62 used for next 16-bytes
__ ldx(from,16,L4);
__ ldx(from,24,L5);
__ xor3(L2,L4,G1);
__ movxtod(G1,F60);
__ xor3(L3,L5,G1);
......@@ -4043,9 +4519,6 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F6, F0, F0);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F4, F2, F2);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F0, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F2, to, 8);
__ movxtod(G4,F56);
__ movxtod(G5,F58);
__ mov(L4,L0);
......@@ -4053,9 +4526,38 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, F60, F60);
__ fxor(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F58, F62, F62);
// check for 8-byte alignment since dest byte array may have arbitrary alignment if offset mod 8 is non-zero
__ andcc(to, 7, G1);
__ br(Assembler::notZero, true, Assembler::pn, L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks256);
__ delayed()->edge8n(to, G0, G2);
// aligned case: store output into the destination array
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F0, to, 0);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F2, to, 8);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 16);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F62, to, 24);
__ ba_short(L_check_decrypt_loop_end256);
__ BIND(L_store_misaligned_output_next2_blocks256);
__ mov(8, G4);
__ sub(G4, G1, G4);
__ alignaddr(G4, G0, G4);
__ faligndata(F0, F2, F56); // F56 can be clobbered
__ faligndata(F2, F60, F2);
__ faligndata(F60, F62, F60);
__ faligndata(F62, F0, F0);
__ mov(to, G1);
__ and3(to, -8, to);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F0, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F56, to, 8);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F2, to, 16);
__ stf(FloatRegisterImpl::D, F60, to, 24);
__ add(to, 32, to);
__ orn(G0, G2, G2);
__ stpartialf(to, G2, F0, Assembler::ASI_PST8_PRIMARY);
__ mov(G1, to);
__ BIND(L_check_decrypt_loop_end256);
__ add(from, 32, from);
__ add(to, 32, to);
__ subcc(len_reg, 32, len_reg);
......@@ -4063,6 +4565,7 @@ class StubGenerator: public StubCodeGenerator {
__ delayed()->nop();
__ BIND(L_cbcdec_end);
// re-init intial vector for next block, 8-byte alignment is guaranteed
__ stx(L0, rvec, 0);
__ stx(L1, rvec, 8);
__ restore();
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ static bool returns_to_call_stub(address return_pc) {
enum /* platform_dependent_constants */ {
// %%%%%%%% May be able to shrink this a lot
code_size1 = 20000, // simply increase if too small (assembler will crash if too small)
code_size2 = 20000 // simply increase if too small (assembler will crash if too small)
code_size2 = 22000 // simply increase if too small (assembler will crash if too small)
class Sparc {
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
......@@ -266,9 +266,9 @@ void VM_Version::initialize() {
if (!has_vis1()) // Drop to 0 if no VIS1 support
UseVIS = 0;
// T2 and above should have support for AES instructions
// SPARC T4 and above should have support for AES instructions
if (has_aes()) {
if (UseVIS > 0) { // AES intrinsics use FXOR instruction which is VIS1
if (UseVIS > 2) { // AES intrinsics use MOVxTOd/MOVdTOx which are VIS3
......@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ void VM_Version::initialize() {
} else {
if (UseAES || UseAESIntrinsics) {
warning("SPARC AES intrinsics require VIS1 instruction support. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
warning("SPARC AES intrinsics require VIS3 instruction support. Intrinsics will be disabled.");
if (UseAES) {
......@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@
/* java/lang/ref/Reference */ \
do_intrinsic(_Reference_get, java_lang_ref_Reference, get_name, void_object_signature, F_R) \
/* support for com.sum.crypto.provider.AESCrypt and some of its callers */ \
/* support for com.sun.crypto.provider.AESCrypt and some of its callers */ \
do_class(com_sun_crypto_provider_aescrypt, "com/sun/crypto/provider/AESCrypt") \
do_intrinsic(_aescrypt_encryptBlock, com_sun_crypto_provider_aescrypt, encryptBlock_name, byteArray_int_byteArray_int_signature, F_R) \
do_intrinsic(_aescrypt_decryptBlock, com_sun_crypto_provider_aescrypt, decryptBlock_name, byteArray_int_byteArray_int_signature, F_R) \
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
......@@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::updateBytesCRC32_Type() {
return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
// for cipherBlockChaining calls of aescrypt encrypt/decrypt, four pointers and a length, returning void
// for cipherBlockChaining calls of aescrypt encrypt/decrypt, four pointers and a length, returning int
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::cipherBlockChaining_aescrypt_Type() {
// create input type (domain)
int num_args = 5;
* Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
......@@ -40,9 +40,20 @@ abstract public class TestAESBase {
int msgSize = Integer.getInteger("msgSize", 646);
boolean checkOutput = Boolean.getBoolean("checkOutput");
boolean noReinit = Boolean.getBoolean("noReinit");
boolean testingMisalignment;
private static final int ALIGN = 8;
int encInputOffset = Integer.getInteger("encInputOffset", 0) % ALIGN;
int encOutputOffset = Integer.getInteger("encOutputOffset", 0) % ALIGN;
int decOutputOffset = Integer.getInteger("decOutputOffset", 0) % ALIGN;
int lastChunkSize = Integer.getInteger("lastChunkSize", 32);
int keySize = Integer.getInteger("keySize", 128);
int inputLength;
int encodeLength;
int decodeLength;
int decodeMsgSize;
String algorithm = System.getProperty("algorithm", "AES");
String mode = System.getProperty("mode", "CBC");
String paddingStr = System.getProperty("paddingStr", "PKCS5Padding");
byte[] input;
byte[] encode;
byte[] expectedEncode;
......@@ -51,7 +62,6 @@ abstract public class TestAESBase {
Random random = new Random(0);
Cipher cipher;
Cipher dCipher;
String paddingStr = "PKCS5Padding";
AlgorithmParameters algParams;
SecretKey key;
......@@ -67,7 +77,10 @@ abstract public class TestAESBase {
public void prepare() {
try {
System.out.println("\nalgorithm=" + algorithm + ", mode=" + mode + ", msgSize=" + msgSize + ", keySize=" + keySize + ", noReinit=" + noReinit + ", checkOutput=" + checkOutput);
System.out.println("\nalgorithm=" + algorithm + ", mode=" + mode + ", paddingStr=" + paddingStr + ", msgSize=" + msgSize + ", keySize=" + keySize + ", noReinit=" + noReinit + ", checkOutput=" + checkOutput + ", encInputOffset=" + encInputOffset + ", encOutputOffset=" + encOutputOffset + ", decOutputOffset=" + decOutputOffset + ", lastChunkSize=" +lastChunkSize );
if (encInputOffset % ALIGN != 0 || encOutputOffset % ALIGN != 0 || decOutputOffset % ALIGN !=0 )
testingMisalignment = true;
int keyLenBytes = (keySize == 0 ? 16 : keySize/8);
byte keyBytes[] = new byte[keyLenBytes];
......@@ -81,10 +94,6 @@ abstract public class TestAESBase {
System.out.println("Algorithm: " + key.getAlgorithm() + "("
+ key.getEncoded().length * 8 + "bit)");
input = new byte[msgSize];
for (int i=0; i<input.length; i++) {
input[i] = (byte) (i & 0xff);
cipher = Cipher.getInstance(algorithm + "/" + mode + "/" + paddingStr, "SunJCE");
dCipher = Cipher.getInstance(algorithm + "/" + mode + "/" + paddingStr, "SunJCE");
......@@ -103,10 +112,35 @@ abstract public class TestAESBase {
inputLength = msgSize + encInputOffset;
if (testingMisalignment) {
encodeLength = cipher.getOutputSize(msgSize - lastChunkSize) + encOutputOffset;
encodeLength += cipher.getOutputSize(lastChunkSize);
decodeLength = dCipher.getOutputSize(encodeLength - lastChunkSize) + decOutputOffset;
decodeLength += dCipher.getOutputSize(lastChunkSize);
} else {
encodeLength = cipher.getOutputSize(msgSize) + encOutputOffset;
decodeLength = dCipher.getOutputSize(encodeLength) + decOutputOffset;
input = new byte[inputLength];
for (int i=encInputOffset, j=0; i<inputLength; i++, j++) {
input[i] = (byte) (j & 0xff);
// do one encode and decode in preparation
// this will also create the encode buffer and decode buffer
encode = cipher.doFinal(input);
decode = dCipher.doFinal(encode);
encode = new byte[encodeLength];
decode = new byte[decodeLength];
if (testingMisalignment) {
decodeMsgSize = cipher.update(input, encInputOffset, (msgSize - lastChunkSize), encode, encOutputOffset);
decodeMsgSize += cipher.doFinal(input, (encInputOffset + msgSize - lastChunkSize), lastChunkSize, encode, (encOutputOffset + decodeMsgSize));
int tempSize = dCipher.update(encode, encOutputOffset, (decodeMsgSize - lastChunkSize), decode, decOutputOffset);
dCipher.doFinal(encode, (encOutputOffset + decodeMsgSize - lastChunkSize), lastChunkSize, decode, (decOutputOffset + tempSize));
} else {
decodeMsgSize = cipher.doFinal(input, encInputOffset, msgSize, encode, encOutputOffset);
dCipher.doFinal(encode, encOutputOffset, decodeMsgSize, decode, decOutputOffset);
if (checkOutput) {
expectedEncode = (byte[]) encode.clone();
expectedDecode = (byte[]) decode.clone();
* Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
......@@ -33,14 +33,15 @@ public class TestAESDecode extends TestAESBase {
public void run() {
try {
if (!noReinit) dCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, algParams);
decode = new byte[decodeLength];
if (testingMisalignment) {
int tempSize = dCipher.update(encode, encOutputOffset, (decodeMsgSize - lastChunkSize), decode, decOutputOffset);
dCipher.doFinal(encode, (encOutputOffset + decodeMsgSize - lastChunkSize), lastChunkSize, decode, (decOutputOffset + tempSize));
} else {
dCipher.doFinal(encode, encOutputOffset, decodeMsgSize, decode, decOutputOffset);
if (checkOutput) {
// checked version creates new output buffer each time
decode = dCipher.doFinal(encode, 0, encode.length);
compareArrays(decode, expectedDecode);
} else {
// non-checked version outputs to existing encode buffer for maximum speed
decode = new byte[dCipher.getOutputSize(encode.length)];
dCipher.doFinal(encode, 0, encode.length, decode);
catch (Exception e) {
* Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
......@@ -33,14 +33,15 @@ public class TestAESEncode extends TestAESBase {
public void run() {
try {
if (!noReinit) cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, algParams);
encode = new byte[encodeLength];
if (testingMisalignment) {
int tempSize = cipher.update(input, encInputOffset, (msgSize - lastChunkSize), encode, encOutputOffset);
cipher.doFinal(input, (encInputOffset + msgSize - lastChunkSize), lastChunkSize, encode, (encOutputOffset + tempSize));
} else {
cipher.doFinal(input, encInputOffset, msgSize, encode, encOutputOffset);
if (checkOutput) {
// checked version creates new output buffer each time
encode = cipher.doFinal(input, 0, msgSize);
compareArrays(encode, expectedEncode);
} else {
// non-checked version outputs to existing encode buffer for maximum speed
encode = new byte[cipher.getOutputSize(msgSize)];
cipher.doFinal(input, 0, msgSize, encode);
catch (Exception e) {
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
......@@ -28,7 +28,19 @@
* @summary add intrinsics to use AES instructions
* @run main/othervm/timeout=600 -Xbatch -DcheckOutput=true -Dmode=CBC TestAESMain
* @run main/othervm/timeout=600 -Xbatch -DcheckOutput=true -Dmode=CBC -DencInputOffset=1 TestAESMain
* @run main/othervm/timeout=600 -Xbatch -DcheckOutput=true -Dmode=CBC -DencOutputOffset=1 TestAESMain
* @run main/othervm/timeout=600 -Xbatch -DcheckOutput=true -Dmode=CBC -DdecOutputOffset=1 TestAESMain
* @run main/othervm/timeout=600 -Xbatch -DcheckOutput=true -Dmode=CBC -DencInputOffset=1 -DencOutputOffset=1 TestAESMain
* @run main/othervm/timeout=600 -Xbatch -DcheckOutput=true -Dmode=CBC -DencInputOffset=1 -DencOutputOffset=1 -DdecOutputOffset=1 TestAESMain
* @run main/othervm/timeout=600 -Xbatch -DcheckOutput=true -Dmode=CBC -DencInputOffset=1 -DencOutputOffset=1 -DdecOutputOffset=1 -DpaddingStr=NoPadding TestAESMain
* @run main/othervm/timeout=600 -Xbatch -DcheckOutput=true -Dmode=ECB TestAESMain
* @run main/othervm/timeout=600 -Xbatch -DcheckOutput=true -Dmode=ECB -DencInputOffset=1 TestAESMain
* @run main/othervm/timeout=600 -Xbatch -DcheckOutput=true -Dmode=ECB -DencOutputOffset=1 TestAESMain
* @run main/othervm/timeout=600 -Xbatch -DcheckOutput=true -Dmode=ECB -DdecOutputOffset=1 TestAESMain
* @run main/othervm/timeout=600 -Xbatch -DcheckOutput=true -Dmode=ECB -DencInputOffset=1 -DencOutputOffset=1 TestAESMain
* @run main/othervm/timeout=600 -Xbatch -DcheckOutput=true -Dmode=ECB -DencInputOffset=1 -DencOutputOffset=1 -DdecOutputOffset=1 TestAESMain
* @run main/othervm/timeout=600 -Xbatch -DcheckOutput=true -Dmode=ECB -DencInputOffset=1 -DencOutputOffset=1 -DdecOutputOffset=1 -DpaddingStr=NoPadding TestAESMain
* @author Tom Deneau
......@@ -36,12 +48,13 @@
public class TestAESMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int iters = (args.length > 0 ? Integer.valueOf(args[0]) : 1000000);
int warmupIters = (args.length > 1 ? Integer.valueOf(args[1]) : 20000);
System.out.println(iters + " iterations");
TestAESEncode etest = new TestAESEncode();
// warm-up for 20K iterations
// warm-up
System.out.println("Starting encryption warm-up");
for (int i=0; i<20000; i++) {
for (int i=0; i<warmupIters; i++) {
System.out.println("Finished encryption warm-up");
......@@ -54,9 +67,9 @@ public class TestAESMain {
TestAESDecode dtest = new TestAESDecode();
// warm-up for 20K iterations
// warm-up
System.out.println("Starting decryption warm-up");
for (int i=0; i<20000; i++) {
for (int i=0; i<warmupIters; i++) {
System.out.println("Finished decryption warm-up");
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