提交 a7038c45 编写于 作者: E erikj
上级 e9229968
......@@ -27,13 +27,14 @@
# Makefile for building the corba workspace.
# This must be the first rule
default: all
include $(SPEC)
include MakeBase.gmk
include JavaCompilation.gmk
include IdlCompilation.gmk
default: all
JAVAC_JARS ?= "-Xbootclasspath/p:$(LANGTOOLS_OUTPUTDIR)/dist/bootstrap/lib/javac.jar" \
-jar $(LANGTOOLS_OUTPUTDIR)/dist/bootstrap/lib/javac.jar
# The Corba sources are old and generates a LOT of warnings.
......@@ -105,9 +106,9 @@ $(eval $(call SetupArchive,ARCHIVE_LOGUTIL,$(BUILD_LOGUTIL),\
$(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/logwrappers/com/sun/corba/se/impl/logging/%SystemException.java : \
$(CORBA_TOPDIR)/src/share/classes/com/sun/corba/se/spi/logging/data/%.mc \
mkdir -p $(@D)
rm -f $(@D)/_the_wrappers.d
echo Generating class file from $*.mc
$(MKDIR) -p $(@D)
$(RM) -f $(@D)/_the_wrappers.d
$(ECHO) Generating class file from $*.mc
$(JAVA) -jar $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/btjars/logutil.jar make-class $< $(@D)
# Generate LogWrapper properties file by concatening resource files
......@@ -120,15 +121,15 @@ $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/logwrappers/com/sun/corba/se/impl/logging/LogStrings.properti
$(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/logwrappers/ORBUtilSystemException.resource \
$(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/logwrappers/POASystemException.resource \
mkdir -p $(@D)
echo Concatenating 8 resource files into $(@F)
$(MKDIR) -p $(@D)
$(ECHO) Concatenating 8 resource files into $(@F)
$(CAT) $^ > $@
# The resources files are generated from lisp-like .mc files.
$(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/logwrappers/%SystemException.resource : $(CORBA_TOPDIR)/src/share/classes/com/sun/corba/se/spi/logging/data/%.mc $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/btjars/logutil.jar
mkdir -p $(@D)
rm -f $(@D)/_the_wrappers.d
echo Generating resource file from $*.mc
$(MKDIR) -p $(@D)
$(RM) -f $(@D)/_the_wrappers.d
$(ECHO) Generating resource file from $*.mc
$(JAVA) -jar $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/btjars/logutil.jar make-resource $< $(@D)
......@@ -142,8 +143,8 @@ $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/logwrappers/_the_wrappers.d : $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/btjars/logut
$(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/logwrappers/com/sun/corba/se/impl/logging/POASystemException.java \
$(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/logwrappers/com/sun/corba/se/impl/logging/UtilSystemException.java \
mkdir -p $(@D)
$(MKDIR) -p $(@D)
# Trigger the generation of the logwrappers. After the logwrapper classes and
# resources have been created, then the makefile will restart and the newly
......@@ -167,8 +168,8 @@ ifeq ($(LOGWRAPPERS_ARE_CREATED),yes)
$(BUILD_IDLS) : $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/btjars/idlj.jar
$(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/_the_idls.d : $(BUILD_IDLS) $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/btjars/idlj.jar
mkdir -p $(@D)
echo IDLS_ARE_CREATED=yes > $@
$(MKDIR) -p $(@D)
-include $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/_the_idls.d
......@@ -229,15 +230,16 @@ ifeq ($(LOGWRAPPERS_ARE_CREATED),yes)
# The created src.zip now contains .java and .properties files used to create the classes in classes.jar
# and is ready for inclusion into the jdk src.zip
BIN_FILES:=$(CORBA_TOPDIR)/src/share/classes/org/omg/CORBA/orb.idl $(CORBA_TOPDIR)/src/share/classes/org/omg/CORBA/ir.idl
BIN_FILES:=$(CORBA_TOPDIR)/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/corba/se/idl/orb.idl \
$(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/dist/lib/bin.zip : $(BIN_FILES) $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/dist/lib/classes.jar
mkdir -p $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/dist/lib
mkdir -p $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/lib
rm -f $@
echo Creating `basename $@`
cp $(CORBA_TOPDIR)/src/share/classes/org/omg/CORBA/*.idl $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/lib
chmod ug+w $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/lib/*
$(MKDIR) -p $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/dist/lib
$(RM) -f $@
$(ECHO) Creating `basename $@`
$(CHMOD) ug+w $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR)/lib/*
(cd $(CORBA_OUTPUTDIR); $(ZIP) -q $@ lib/orb.idl lib/ir.idl)
# The created bin.zip now contains the corba specific binaries: orb.idl, ir.idl
......@@ -252,6 +254,6 @@ ifeq ($(LOGWRAPPERS_ARE_CREATED),yes)
.PHONY: default all clean clobber
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