提交 d83a76a8 编写于 作者: T Todd E Brandt 提交者: Rafael J. Wysocki

pm-graph: AnalyzeBoot v2.2

- add -cgskip option to reduce callgraph output size
- add -cgfilter option to focus on a list of devices
- add -result option for exporting batch test results
- removed all phoronix hooks, use -result to enable batch testing
- changed argument -f to match sleegraph, -f = -callgraph
- use -fstat for function status instead of -f
- add -verbose option to print out timeline stats and kernel options
- include command string and kernel params in timeline output header
Signed-off-by: NTodd Brandt <todd.e.brandt@linux.intel.com>
Signed-off-by: NRafael J. Wysocki <rafael.j.wysocki@intel.com>
上级 a6fbdbb2
......@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ Print the current tool version
Add the dmesg log to the html output. It will be viewable by
clicking a button in the timeline.
\fB-result \fIfile\fR
Export a results table to a text file for parsing.
\fB-o \fIname\fR
Overrides the output subdirectory name when running a new test.
Use {date}, {time}, {hostname} for current values.
......@@ -44,14 +47,14 @@ Use {date}, {time}, {hostname} for current values.
e.g. boot-{hostname}-{date}-{time}
.SS "advanced"
Use ftrace to add function detail (default: disabled)
\fB-f or -callgraph\fR
Use ftrace to create initcall callgraphs (default: disabled). If -func
is not used there will be one callgraph per initcall. This can produce
very large outputs, i.e. 10MB - 100MB.
Use ftrace to add function detail (default: disabled)
\fB-maxdepth \fIlevel\fR
limit the callgraph trace depth to \fIlevel\fR (default: 2). This is
the best way to limit the output size when using -callgraph.
......@@ -67,6 +70,13 @@ Reduce callgraph output in the timeline by limiting it to a list of calls. The
argument can be a single function name or a comma delimited list.
(default: none)
\fB-cgskip \fIfile\fR
Reduce callgraph output in the timeline by skipping over uninteresting
functions in the trace, e.g. printk or console_unlock. The functions listed
in this file will show up as empty leaves in the callgraph with only the start/end
times displayed.
(default: none)
\fB-timeprec \fIn\fR
Number of significant digits in timestamps (0:S, 3:ms, [6:us])
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import platform
import shutil
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from subprocess import call, Popen, PIPE
import analyze_suspend as aslib
import sleepgraph as aslib
# ----------------- CLASSES --------------------
......@@ -42,23 +42,18 @@ import analyze_suspend as aslib
# store system values and test parameters
class SystemValues(aslib.SystemValues):
title = 'BootGraph'
version = '2.1'
version = '2.2'
hostname = 'localhost'
testtime = ''
kernel = ''
dmesgfile = ''
ftracefile = ''
htmlfile = 'bootgraph.html'
outfile = ''
testdir = ''
testdirprefix = 'boot'
embedded = False
testlog = False
dmesglog = False
ftracelog = False
kparams = ''
result = ''
useftrace = False
usecallgraph = False
usedevsrc = True
suspendmode = 'boot'
max_graph_depth = 2
graph_filter = 'do_one_initcall'
......@@ -69,11 +64,6 @@ class SystemValues(aslib.SystemValues):
bootloader = 'grub'
blexec = []
def __init__(self):
if('LOG_FILE' in os.environ and 'TEST_RESULTS_IDENTIFIER' in os.environ):
self.embedded = True
self.dmesglog = True
self.outfile = os.environ['LOG_FILE']
self.htmlfile = os.environ['LOG_FILE']
self.hostname = platform.node()
self.testtime = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
if os.path.exists('/proc/version'):
......@@ -148,11 +138,18 @@ class SystemValues(aslib.SystemValues):
cmdline = '%s -cronjob' % os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
args = iter(sys.argv[1:])
for arg in args:
if arg in ['-h', '-v', '-cronjob', '-reboot']:
if arg in ['-h', '-v', '-cronjob', '-reboot', '-verbose']:
elif arg in ['-o', '-dmesg', '-ftrace', '-func']:
elif arg == '-result':
cmdline += ' %s "%s"' % (arg, os.path.abspath(args.next()))
elif arg == '-cgskip':
file = self.configFile(args.next())
cmdline += ' %s "%s"' % (arg, os.path.abspath(file))
cmdline += ' '+arg
if self.graph_filter != 'do_one_initcall':
cmdline += ' -func "%s"' % self.graph_filter
......@@ -166,14 +163,6 @@ class SystemValues(aslib.SystemValues):
print '3. After reboot, re-run this tool with the same arguments but no command (w/o -reboot or -manual).\n'
print 'CMDLINE="%s"' % cmdline
def getExec(self, cmd):
dirlist = ['/sbin', '/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/bin',
'/usr/local/sbin', '/usr/local/bin']
for path in dirlist:
cmdfull = os.path.join(path, cmd)
if os.path.exists(cmdfull):
return cmdfull
return ''
def blGrub(self):
blcmd = ''
for cmd in ['update-grub', 'grub-mkconfig', 'grub2-mkconfig']:
......@@ -199,6 +188,14 @@ class SystemValues(aslib.SystemValues):
doError('unknown boot loader: %s' % self.bootloader)
def writeDatafileHeader(self, filename):
self.kparams = open('/proc/cmdline', 'r').read().strip()
fp = open(filename, 'w')
fp.write('# command | %s\n' % self.cmdline)
fp.write('# kparams | %s\n' % self.kparams)
sysvals = SystemValues()
......@@ -249,7 +246,7 @@ class Data(aslib.Data):
return name
def deviceMatch(self, pid, cg):
if cg.end - cg.start == 0:
return True
return ''
for p in data.phases:
list = self.dmesg[p]['list']
for devname in list:
......@@ -260,14 +257,25 @@ class Data(aslib.Data):
if(cg.start <= dev['start'] and cg.end >= dev['end'] and dev['length'] > 0):
dev['ftrace'] = cg
self.do_one_initcall = True
return True
return devname
if(cg.start > dev['start'] and cg.end < dev['end']):
if 'ftraces' not in dev:
dev['ftraces'] = []
return True
return False
return devname
return ''
def printDetails(self):
sysvals.vprint('Timeline Details:')
sysvals.vprint(' Host: %s' % sysvals.hostname)
sysvals.vprint(' Kernel: %s' % sysvals.kernel)
sysvals.vprint(' Test time: %s' % sysvals.testtime)
sysvals.vprint(' Boot time: %s' % self.boottime)
for phase in self.phases:
dc = len(self.dmesg[phase]['list'])
sysvals.vprint('%9s mode: %.3f - %.3f (%d initcalls)' % (phase,
self.dmesg[phase]['end']*1000, dc))
# ----------------- FUNCTIONS --------------------
......@@ -275,6 +283,8 @@ class Data(aslib.Data):
# Description:
# parse a kernel log for boot data
def parseKernelLog():
sysvals.vprint('Analyzing the dmesg data (%s)...' % \
phase = 'kernel'
data = Data(0)
data.dmesg['kernel']['start'] = data.start = ktime = 0.0
......@@ -298,6 +308,12 @@ def parseKernelLog():
elif re.match(tp.sysinfofmt, line):
tp.sysinfo = line
elif re.match(tp.cmdlinefmt, line):
tp.cmdline = line
elif re.match(tp.kparamsfmt, line):
tp.kparams = line
idx = line.find('[')
if idx > 1:
line = line[idx:]
......@@ -353,6 +369,17 @@ def parseKernelLog():
# Description:
# Check if trace is available and copy to a temp file
def parseTraceLog(data):
sysvals.vprint('Analyzing the ftrace data (%s)...' % \
# if available, calculate cgfilter allowable ranges
cgfilter = []
if len(sysvals.cgfilter) > 0:
for p in data.phases:
list = data.dmesg[p]['list']
for i in sysvals.cgfilter:
if i in list:
# parse the trace log
ftemp = dict()
tp = aslib.TestProps()
......@@ -366,7 +393,16 @@ def parseTraceLog(data):
m_time, m_proc, m_pid, m_msg, m_dur = \
m.group('time', 'proc', 'pid', 'msg', 'dur')
if float(m_time) > data.end:
t = float(m_time)
if len(cgfilter) > 0:
allow = False
for r in cgfilter:
if t >= r[0] and t < r[1]:
allow = True
if not allow:
if t > data.end:
if(m_time and m_pid and m_msg):
t = aslib.FTraceLine(m_time, m_msg, m_dur)
......@@ -378,24 +414,36 @@ def parseTraceLog(data):
key = (m_proc, pid)
if(key not in ftemp):
ftemp[key] = []
ftemp[key].append(aslib.FTraceCallGraph(pid, sysvals))
cg = ftemp[key][-1]
res = cg.addLine(t)
if(res != 0):
ftemp[key].append(aslib.FTraceCallGraph(pid, sysvals))
if(res == -1):
# add the callgraph data to the device hierarchy
for key in ftemp:
proc, pid = key
for cg in ftemp[key]:
if len(cg.list) < 1 or cg.invalid:
if len(cg.list) < 1 or cg.invalid or (cg.end - cg.start == 0):
if(not cg.postProcess()):
print('Sanity check failed for %s-%d' % (proc, pid))
# match cg data to devices
if not data.deviceMatch(pid, cg):
print ' BAD: %s %s-%d [%f - %f]' % (cg.name, proc, pid, cg.start, cg.end)
devname = data.deviceMatch(pid, cg)
if not devname:
kind = 'Orphan'
if cg.partial:
kind = 'Partial'
sysvals.vprint('%s callgraph found for %s %s-%d [%f - %f]' %\
(kind, cg.name, proc, pid, cg.start, cg.end))
elif len(cg.list) > 1000000:
print 'WARNING: the callgraph found for %s is massive! (%d lines)' %\
(devname, len(cg.list))
# Function: retrieveLogs
# Description:
......@@ -473,7 +521,7 @@ def createBootGraph(data):
devtl = aslib.Timeline(100, 20)
# write the test title and general info header
devtl.createHeader(sysvals, sysvals.stamp)
# Generate the header for this timeline
t0 = data.start
......@@ -574,12 +622,9 @@ def createBootGraph(data):
data.dmesg[phase]['color'], phase+'_mode', phase[0])
devtl.html += '</div>\n'
if(sysvals.outfile == sysvals.htmlfile):
hf = open(sysvals.htmlfile, 'a')
hf = open(sysvals.htmlfile, 'w')
# add the css if this is not an embedded run
# add the css
extra = '\
.c1 {background:rgba(209,0,0,0.4);}\n\
.c2 {background:rgba(255,102,34,0.4);}\n\
......@@ -597,7 +642,6 @@ def createBootGraph(data):
.fstat td {text-align:left;width:35px;}\n\
.srccall {position:absolute;font-size:10px;z-index:7;overflow:hidden;color:black;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;border-radius:5px;border:1px solid black;background:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#CCC,#969696);}\n\
.srccall:hover {color:white;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid white;}\n'
if(not sysvals.embedded):
aslib.addCSS(hf, sysvals, 1, False, extra)
# write the device timeline
......@@ -631,6 +675,9 @@ def createBootGraph(data):
aslib.addCallgraphs(sysvals, hf, data)
# add the test log as a hidden div
if sysvals.testlog and sysvals.logmsg:
hf.write('<div id="testlog" style="display:none;">\n'+sysvals.logmsg+'</div>\n')
# add the dmesg log as a hidden div
if sysvals.dmesglog:
hf.write('<div id="dmesglog" style="display:none;">\n')
......@@ -639,14 +686,9 @@ def createBootGraph(data):
if(not sysvals.embedded):
# write the footer and close
aslib.addScriptCode(hf, [data])
# embedded out will be loaded in a page, skip the js
hf.write('<div id=bounds style=display:none>%f,%f</div>' % \
(data.start*1000, data.end*1000))
return True
......@@ -780,6 +822,7 @@ def doError(msg, help=False):
if help == True:
print 'ERROR: %s\n' % msg
# Function: printHelp
......@@ -806,18 +849,21 @@ def printHelp():
print(' -h Print this help text')
print(' -v Print the current tool version')
print(' -verbose Print extra information during execution and analysis')
print(' -addlogs Add the dmesg log to the html output')
print(' -result fn Export a results table to a text file for parsing.')
print(' -o name Overrides the output subdirectory name when running a new test')
print(' default: boot-{date}-{time}')
print(' [advanced]')
print(' -f Use ftrace to add function detail (default: disabled)')
print(' -callgraph Add callgraph detail, can be very large (default: disabled)')
print(' -fstat Use ftrace to add function detail and statistics (default: disabled)')
print(' -f/-callgraph Add callgraph detail, can be very large (default: disabled)')
print(' -maxdepth N limit the callgraph data to N call levels (default: 2)')
print(' -mincg ms Discard all callgraphs shorter than ms milliseconds (e.g. 0.001 for us)')
print(' -timeprec N Number of significant digits in timestamps (0:S, 3:ms, [6:us])')
print(' -expandcg pre-expand the callgraph data in the html output (default: disabled)')
print(' -func list Limit ftrace to comma-delimited list of functions (default: do_one_initcall)')
print(' -cgfilter S Filter the callgraph output in the timeline')
print(' -cgskip file Callgraph functions to skip, off to disable (default: cgskip.txt)')
print(' -bl name Use the following boot loader for kernel params (default: grub)')
print(' -reboot Reboot the machine automatically and generate a new timeline')
print(' -manual Show the steps to generate a new timeline manually (used with -reboot)')
......@@ -837,8 +883,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# loop through the command line arguments
cmd = ''
testrun = True
switchoff = ['disable', 'off', 'false', '0']
simplecmds = ['-sysinfo', '-kpupdate', '-flistall', '-checkbl']
cgskip = ''
if '-f' in sys.argv:
cgskip = sysvals.configFile('cgskip.txt')
args = iter(sys.argv[1:])
mdset = False
for arg in args:
if(arg == '-h'):
......@@ -846,13 +897,17 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
elif(arg == '-v'):
print("Version %s" % sysvals.version)
elif(arg == '-verbose'):
sysvals.verbose = True
elif(arg in simplecmds):
cmd = arg[1:]
elif(arg == '-f'):
elif(arg == '-fstat'):
sysvals.useftrace = True
elif(arg == '-callgraph'):
elif(arg == '-callgraph' or arg == '-f'):
sysvals.useftrace = True
sysvals.usecallgraph = True
elif(arg == '-cgdump'):
sysvals.cgdump = True
elif(arg == '-mincg'):
sysvals.mincglen = aslib.getArgFloat('-mincg', args, 0.0, 10000.0)
elif(arg == '-cgfilter'):
......@@ -860,7 +915,18 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
val = args.next()
doError('No callgraph functions supplied', True)
elif(arg == '-cgskip'):
val = args.next()
doError('No file supplied', True)
if val.lower() in switchoff:
cgskip = ''
cgskip = sysvals.configFile(val)
if(not cgskip):
doError('%s does not exist' % cgskip)
elif(arg == '-bl'):
val = args.next()
......@@ -872,6 +938,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
elif(arg == '-timeprec'):
sysvals.setPrecision(aslib.getArgInt('-timeprec', args, 0, 6))
elif(arg == '-maxdepth'):
mdset = True
sysvals.max_graph_depth = aslib.getArgInt('-maxdepth', args, 0, 1000)
elif(arg == '-func'):
......@@ -902,8 +969,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
doError('No dmesg file supplied', True)
if(os.path.exists(val) == False):
doError('%s does not exist' % val)
if(sysvals.htmlfile == val or sysvals.outfile == val):
doError('Output filename collision')
testrun = False
sysvals.dmesgfile = val
elif(arg == '-o'):
......@@ -912,6 +977,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
doError('No subdirectory name supplied', True)
sysvals.testdir = sysvals.setOutputFolder(val)
elif(arg == '-result'):
val = args.next()
doError('No result file supplied', True)
sysvals.result = val
elif(arg == '-reboot'):
sysvals.reboot = True
elif(arg == '-manual'):
......@@ -947,7 +1018,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'Boot Loader: %s\n%s' % (sysvals.bootloader, sysvals.blexec)
elif(cmd == 'sysinfo'):
# reboot: update grub, setup a cronjob, and reboot
......@@ -963,6 +1034,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if sysvals.usecallgraph and cgskip:
sysvals.vprint('Using cgskip file: %s' % cgskip)
# cronjob: remove the cronjob, grub changes, and disable ftrace
if sysvals.iscronjob:
......@@ -980,29 +1055,23 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# process the log data
if sysvals.dmesgfile:
if not mdset:
sysvals.max_graph_depth = 0
data = parseKernelLog()
if(not data.valid):
doError('No initcall data found in %s' % sysvals.dmesgfile)
if sysvals.useftrace and sysvals.ftracefile:
if sysvals.cgdump:
doError('dmesg file required')
print(' Host: %s' % sysvals.hostname)
print(' Test time: %s' % sysvals.testtime)
print(' Boot time: %s' % data.boottime)
print('Kernel Version: %s' % sysvals.kernel)
print(' Kernel start: %.3f' % (data.start * 1000))
print('Usermode start: %.3f' % (data.tUserMode * 1000))
print('Last Init Call: %.3f' % (data.end * 1000))
# handle embedded output logs
if(sysvals.outfile and sysvals.embedded):
fp = open(sysvals.outfile, 'w')
fp.write('pass %s initstart %.3f end %.3f boot %s\n' %
(data.valid, data.tUserMode*1000, data.end*1000, data.boottime))
sysvals.vprint('Creating the html timeline (%s)...' % sysvals.htmlfile)
sysvals.vprint('Command:\n %s' % sysvals.cmdline)
sysvals.vprint('Kernel parameters:\n %s' % sysvals.kparams)
# if running as root, change output dir owner to sudo_user
......@@ -1010,3 +1079,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
os.getuid() == 0 and 'SUDO_USER' in os.environ:
cmd = 'chown -R {0}:{0} {1} > /dev/null 2>&1'
call(cmd.format(os.environ['SUDO_USER'], sysvals.testdir), shell=True)
sysvals.stamp['boot'] = (data.tUserMode - data.start) * 1000
sysvals.stamp['lastinit'] = data.end * 1000
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