提交 13769a82 编写于 作者: D Don Syme

Merge commit '2c3ff6d1' into feature/nullness

......@@ -1037,6 +1037,6 @@ let rec pushShadowedLocals (stackGuard: StackGuard) (localsToPush: PdbLocalVar[]
// adding the text " (shadowed)" to the names of those with name conflicts.
let unshadowScopes rootScope =
// Avoid stack overflow when writing linearly nested scopes
let stackGuard = StackGuard(100)
let stackGuard = StackGuard(100, "ILPdbWriter.unshadowScopes")
let result, _ = pushShadowedLocals stackGuard [||] rootScope
......@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ type TcFileState =
{ g = g
amap = amap
recUses = ValMultiMap<_>.Empty
stackGuard = StackGuard(TcStackGuardDepth)
stackGuard = StackGuard(TcStackGuardDepth, "TcFileState")
createsGeneratedProvidedTypes = false
thisCcu = thisCcu
isScript = isScript
......@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ type IncrClassReprInfo =
PostTransform = (fun _ -> None)
PreInterceptBinding = None
RewriteQuotations = true
StackGuard = StackGuard(TcClassRewriteStackGuardDepth) } expr
StackGuard = StackGuard(TcClassRewriteStackGuardDepth, "FixupIncrClassExprPhase2C") } expr
type IncrClassConstructionBindingsPhase2C =
| Phase2CBindings of IncrClassBindingGroup list
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ let UnsolvedTyparsOfModuleDef g amap denv mdef extraAttribs =
unsolved = []
stackGuard = StackGuard(FindUnsolvedStackGuardDepth) }
stackGuard = StackGuard(FindUnsolvedStackGuardDepth, "UnsolvedTyparsOfModuleDef") }
accModuleOrNamespaceDef cenv NoEnv mdef
accAttribs cenv NoEnv extraAttribs
List.rev cenv.unsolved
......@@ -2637,7 +2637,7 @@ let CheckImplFile (g, amap, reportErrors, infoReader, internalsVisibleToPaths, v
reportErrors = reportErrors
boundVals = Dictionary<_, _>(100, HashIdentity.Structural)
limitVals = Dictionary<_, _>(100, HashIdentity.Structural)
stackGuard = StackGuard(PostInferenceChecksStackGuardDepth)
stackGuard = StackGuard(PostInferenceChecksStackGuardDepth, "CheckImplFile")
potentialUnboundUsesOfVals = Map.empty
anonRecdTypes = StampMap.Empty
usesQuotations = false
......@@ -6804,7 +6804,13 @@ and GetIlxClosureFreeVars cenv m (thisVars: ValRef list) boxity eenvouter takenN
NestedTypeRefForCompLoc eenvouter.cloc cloName
// Collect the free variables of the closure
let cloFreeVarResults = freeInExpr (CollectTyparsAndLocalsWithStackGuard()) expr
let cloFreeVarResults =
let opts = CollectTyparsAndLocalsWithStackGuard()
let opts =
match eenvouter.tyenv.TemplateReplacement with
| None -> opts
| Some (tcref, _, typars, _) -> opts.WithTemplateReplacement(tyconRefEq g tcref, typars)
freeInExpr opts expr
// Partition the free variables when some can be accessed from places besides the immediate environment
// Also filter out the current value being bound, if any, as it is available from the "this"
......@@ -11863,7 +11869,7 @@ type IlxAssemblyGenerator(amap: ImportMap, tcGlobals: TcGlobals, tcVal: Constrai
intraAssemblyInfo = intraAssemblyInfo
optionsOpt = None
optimizeDuringCodeGen = (fun _flag expr -> expr)
stackGuard = StackGuard(IlxGenStackGuardDepth)
stackGuard = StackGuard(IlxGenStackGuardDepth, "IlxAssemblyGenerator")
/// Register a set of referenced assemblies with the ILX code generator
......@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ let internal languageFeatureNotSupportedInLibraryError (langFeature: LanguageFea
error (Error(FSComp.SR.chkFeatureNotSupportedInLibrary (featureStr, suggestedVersionStr), m))
/// Guard against depth of expression nesting, by moving to new stack when a maximum depth is reached
type StackGuard(maxDepth: int) =
type StackGuard(maxDepth: int, name: string) =
let mutable depth = 1
......@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ type StackGuard(maxDepth: int) =
async {
do! Async.SwitchToNewThread()
Thread.CurrentThread.Name <- "F# Extra Compilation Thread"
Thread.CurrentThread.Name <- $"F# Extra Compilation Thread for {name} (depth {depth})"
use _scope = new CompilationGlobalsScope(diagnosticsLogger, buildPhase)
return f ()
......@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ val tryLanguageFeatureErrorOption:
val languageFeatureNotSupportedInLibraryError: langFeature: LanguageFeature -> m: range -> 'T
type StackGuard =
new: maxDepth: int -> StackGuard
new: maxDepth: int * name: string -> StackGuard
/// Execute the new function, on a new thread if necessary
member Guard: f: (unit -> 'T) -> 'T
......@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ let passImplFile penv assembly =
PreInterceptBinding = None
PostTransform = postTransformExpr penv
RewriteQuotations = false
StackGuard = StackGuard(DetupleRewriteStackGuardDepth) }
StackGuard = StackGuard(DetupleRewriteStackGuardDepth, "RewriteImplFile") }
assembly |> RewriteImplFile rwenv
......@@ -1366,7 +1366,7 @@ let MakeTopLevelRepresentationDecisions ccu g expr =
recShortCallS = recShortCallS
envPackM = envPackM
fHatM = fHatM
stackGuard = StackGuard(InnerLambdasToTopLevelFunctionsStackGuardDepth) }
stackGuard = StackGuard(InnerLambdasToTopLevelFunctionsStackGuardDepth, "InnerLambdasToTopLevelFunctionsStackGuardDepth") }
let z = Pass4_RewriteAssembly.rewriteState0
Pass4_RewriteAssembly.TransImplFile penv z expr
......@@ -49,5 +49,5 @@ let LowerImplFile g assembly =
PostTransform= (fun _ -> None)
StackGuard = StackGuard(LowerCallsRewriteStackGuardDepth) }
StackGuard = StackGuard(LowerCallsRewriteStackGuardDepth, "LowerCallsRewriteStackGuardDepth") }
assembly |> RewriteImplFile rwenv
......@@ -196,6 +196,6 @@ let TransformImplFile g amap implFile =
PreInterceptBinding = Some(TransformBinding g heapValMap)
PostTransform = (fun _ -> None)
RewriteQuotations = true
StackGuard = StackGuard(AutoboxRewriteStackGuardDepth) }
StackGuard = StackGuard(AutoboxRewriteStackGuardDepth, "AutoboxRewriteStackGuardDepth") }
......@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ type LowerStateMachine(g: TcGlobals) =
PostTransform = (fun _ -> None)
PreInterceptBinding = None
StackGuard = StackGuard(LowerStateMachineStackGuardDepth) }
StackGuard = StackGuard(LowerStateMachineStackGuardDepth, "LowerStateMachineStackGuardDepth") }
let ConvertStateMachineLeafExpression (env: env) expr =
if sm_verbose then printfn "ConvertStateMachineLeafExpression for %A..." expr
......@@ -4325,7 +4325,7 @@ let OptimizeImplFile (settings, ccu, tcGlobals, tcVal, importMap, optEnv, isIncr
localInternalVals=Dictionary<Stamp, ValInfo>(10000)
casApplied=Dictionary<Stamp, bool>()
stackGuard = StackGuard(OptimizerStackGuardDepth)
stackGuard = StackGuard(OptimizerStackGuardDepth, "OptimizerStackGuardDepth")
let env, _, _, _ as results = OptimizeImplFileInternal cenv optEnv isIncrementalFragment fsiMultiAssemblyEmit hidden mimpls
......@@ -2159,7 +2159,10 @@ type FreeVarOptions =
includeRecdFields: bool
includeUnionCases: bool
includeLocals: bool
templateReplacement: ((TyconRef -> bool) * Typars) option
stackGuard: StackGuard option }
member this.WithTemplateReplacement(f, typars) = { this with templateReplacement = Some (f, typars) }
let CollectAllNoCaching =
{ canCache = false
......@@ -2170,6 +2173,7 @@ let CollectAllNoCaching =
includeUnionCases = true
includeTypars = true
includeLocals = true
templateReplacement = None
stackGuard = None}
let CollectTyparsNoCaching =
......@@ -2181,6 +2185,7 @@ let CollectTyparsNoCaching =
includeRecdFields = false
includeUnionCases = false
includeLocals = false
templateReplacement = None
stackGuard = None }
let CollectLocalsNoCaching =
......@@ -2192,6 +2197,7 @@ let CollectLocalsNoCaching =
includeRecdFields = false
includeUnionCases = false
includeLocals = true
templateReplacement = None
stackGuard = None }
let CollectTyparsAndLocalsNoCaching =
......@@ -2203,6 +2209,7 @@ let CollectTyparsAndLocalsNoCaching =
includeUnionCases = false
includeTypars = true
includeLocals = true
templateReplacement = None
stackGuard = None }
let CollectAll =
......@@ -2214,6 +2221,7 @@ let CollectAll =
includeUnionCases = true
includeTypars = true
includeLocals = true
templateReplacement = None
stackGuard = None }
let CollectTyparsAndLocalsImpl stackGuardOpt = // CollectAll
......@@ -2225,6 +2233,7 @@ let CollectTyparsAndLocalsImpl stackGuardOpt = // CollectAll
includeLocalTyconReprs = false
includeRecdFields = false
includeUnionCases = false
templateReplacement = None
stackGuard = stackGuardOpt }
......@@ -2235,7 +2244,7 @@ let CollectTypars = CollectTyparsAndLocals
let CollectLocals = CollectTyparsAndLocals
let CollectTyparsAndLocalsWithStackGuard() =
let stackGuard = StackGuard(AccFreeVarsStackGuardDepth)
let stackGuard = StackGuard(AccFreeVarsStackGuardDepth, "AccFreeVarsStackGuardDepth")
CollectTyparsAndLocalsImpl (Some stackGuard)
let CollectLocalsWithStackGuard() = CollectTyparsAndLocalsWithStackGuard()
......@@ -2245,12 +2254,18 @@ let accFreeLocalTycon opts x acc =
if Zset.contains x acc.FreeTycons then acc else
{ acc with FreeTycons = Zset.add x acc.FreeTycons }
let accFreeTycon opts (tcref: TyconRef) acc =
let rec accFreeTycon opts (tcref: TyconRef) acc =
let acc =
match opts.templateReplacement with
| Some (isTemplateTyconRef, cloFreeTyvars) when isTemplateTyconRef tcref ->
let cloInst = List.map mkTyparTy cloFreeTyvars
accFreeInTypes opts cloInst acc
| _ -> acc
if not opts.includeLocalTycons then acc
elif tcref.IsLocalRef then accFreeLocalTycon opts tcref.ResolvedTarget acc
else acc
let rec boundTypars opts tps acc =
and boundTypars opts tps acc =
// Bound type vars form a recursively-referential set due to constraints, e.g. A: I<B>, B: I<A>
// So collect up free vars in all constraints first, then bind all variables
let acc = List.foldBack (fun (tp: Typar) acc -> accFreeInTyparConstraints opts tp.Constraints acc) tps acc
......@@ -6296,31 +6311,31 @@ and remapImplFile ctxt compgen tmenv implFile =
// Entry points
let remapAttrib g tmenv attrib =
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth) }
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth, "RemapExprStackGuardDepth") }
remapAttribImpl ctxt tmenv attrib
let remapExpr g (compgen: ValCopyFlag) (tmenv: Remap) expr =
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth) }
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth, "RemapExprStackGuardDepth") }
remapExprImpl ctxt compgen tmenv expr
let remapPossibleForallTy g tmenv ty =
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth) }
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth, "RemapExprStackGuardDepth") }
remapPossibleForallTyImpl ctxt tmenv ty
let copyModuleOrNamespaceType g compgen mtyp =
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth) }
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth, "RemapExprStackGuardDepth") }
copyAndRemapAndBindModTy ctxt compgen Remap.Empty mtyp |> fst
let copyExpr g compgen e =
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth) }
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth, "RemapExprStackGuardDepth") }
remapExprImpl ctxt compgen Remap.Empty e
let copyImplFile g compgen e =
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth) }
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth, "RemapExprStackGuardDepth") }
remapImplFile ctxt compgen Remap.Empty e |> fst
let instExpr g tpinst e =
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth) }
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth, "RemapExprStackGuardDepth") }
remapExprImpl ctxt CloneAll (mkInstRemap tpinst) e
......@@ -7210,7 +7225,7 @@ let ExprFolder0 =
type ExprFolders<'State> (folders: ExprFolder<'State>) =
let mutable exprFClosure = Unchecked.defaultof<'State -> Expr -> 'State> // prevent reallocation of closure
let mutable exprNoInterceptFClosure = Unchecked.defaultof<'State -> Expr -> 'State> // prevent reallocation of closure
let stackGuard = StackGuard(FoldExprStackGuardDepth)
let stackGuard = StackGuard(FoldExprStackGuardDepth, "FoldExprStackGuardDepth")
let rec exprsF z xs =
List.fold exprFClosure z xs
......@@ -9574,7 +9589,7 @@ and remapValToNonLocal ctxt tmenv inp =
inp |> Construct.NewModifiedVal (remapValData ctxt tmenv)
let ApplyExportRemappingToEntity g tmenv x =
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth) }
let ctxt = { g = g; stackGuard = StackGuard(RemapExprStackGuardDepth, "RemapExprStackGuardDepth") }
remapTyconToNonLocal ctxt tmenv x
(* Which constraints actually get compiled to .NET constraints? *)
......@@ -798,7 +798,12 @@ val emptyFreeLocals: FreeLocals
val unionFreeLocals: FreeLocals -> FreeLocals -> FreeLocals
type FreeVarOptions
/// Represents the options to activate when collecting free variables
type FreeVarOptions =
/// During backend code generation of state machines, register a template replacement for struct types.
/// This may introduce new free variables related to the instantiation of the struct type.
member WithTemplateReplacement: (TyconRef -> bool) * Typars -> FreeVarOptions
val CollectLocalsNoCaching: FreeVarOptions
......@@ -1259,6 +1259,75 @@ type BasicsNotInParallel() =
require ran "never ran")
[<Fact; >]
member _.testGenericBackgroundTasks() =
printfn "Running testBackgroundTask..."
for i in 1 .. 5 do
let mutable ran = false
let mutable posted = false
let oldSyncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current
let syncContext = { new SynchronizationContext() with member _.Post(d,state) = posted <- true; d.Invoke(state) }
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext syncContext
let f (result: 'T ref) (x: 'T) =
backgroundTask {
require (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread) "expect to be on background thread"
ran <- true
result.Value <- x
let t = f (ref "") "hello"
let t2 = f (ref 1) 1
require ran "never ran"
require (not posted) "did not expect post to sync context"
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext oldSyncContext
/// https://github.com/dotnet/fsharp/issues/12761
module Test12761A =
type Dto = {
DtoValue : string
Key : string
type MyGenericType<'Key,'Value> = {
Value : 'Value
Key : 'Key
type ProblematicType<'Key, 'Value, 'Dto, 'E>( fromDto : 'Dto -> Result<MyGenericType<'Key,'Value>,'E> ) =
let myTask =
backgroundTask {
let dto = """{"DtoValue":"1","Key":"key1"}""" |> box |> unbox<'Dto>
return fromDto dto |> printfn "%A"
member __.ContainsKey = fun (key: 'Key) -> true
type MyType = MyGenericType<string,int>
module MyType =
let fromDto (dto: Dto) =
Value = int dto.DtoValue
Key = dto.Key
|> Ok
with | e -> Error e
/// https://github.com/dotnet/fsharp/issues/12761
module Test12761B =
let TestFunction<'Dto>() =
backgroundTask {
let dto = Unchecked.defaultof<'Dto>
type Issue12184() =
member this.TaskMethod() =
task {
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