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English | [中文版](README_CN.md) **OceanBase Database** is a distributed relational database. It is developed entirely by Ant Group. The OceanBase Database is built on a common server cluster. Based on the [Paxos](https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/pubs/lamport-paxos.pdf) protocol and its distributed structure, the OceanBase Database provides high availability and linear scalability. The OceanBase Database is not dependent on specific hardware architectures. # Key features - **Transparent Scalability** An OceanBase cluster can be scaled to 1,500 nodes transparently, handling petabytes of data and a trillion rows of records. - **Ultra-fast Performance** The only distributed database that has refreshed both the TPC-C record, at 707 million tmpC, and the TPC-H record, at 15.26 million QphH @30000GB. - **Real-time Operational Analytics** A unified system for both transactional and real-time operational analytics workloads. - **Continuous Availability** OceanBase Database adopts the Paxos Consensus algorithm to achieve Zero RPO and less than 8 seconds of RTO. Supports intra-city/remote disaster recovery, enabling multi-activity in multiple locations and zero data loss. - **MySQL Compatible** OceanBase Database is highly compatible with MySQL, which ensures that zero or a few modifications are needed for migration. - **Cost Efficiency** The cutting-edge compression technology saves 70%–90% of storage costs without compromising performance. The multi-tenancy architecture achieves higher resource utilization. See also [key features](https://en.oceanbase.com/product/opensource) for more details. # Quick start ## 🔥 Start with all-in-one You can quickly deploy a stand-alone OceanBase Database to experience with the following commands: **Note**: Linux Only ```shell # download and install all-in-one package (internet connection is required) bash -c "$(curl -s https://obbusiness-private.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/download-center/opensource/oceanbase-all-in-one/installer.sh)" source ~/.oceanbase-all-in-one/bin/env.sh # quickly deploy OceanBase database obd demo ``` ## 🐳 Start with docker 1. Start an OceanBase Database instance: ```shell # Deploy a mini standalone instance. docker run -p 2881:2881 --name oceanbase-ce -e MODE=mini -d oceanbase/oceanbase-ce ``` 2. Connect to the OceanBase Database instance: ```shell docker exec -it oceanbase-ce ob-mysql sys # Connect to the root user of the sys tenant. ``` See also [Quick experience](https://en.oceanbase.com/docs/community-observer-en-10000000000829647) or [Quick Start (Simplified Chinese)](https://open.oceanbase.com/quickStart) for more details. ## ☸️ Start with Kubernetes You can deploy and manage OceanBase Database instance in kubernetes cluster with [ob-operator](https://github.com/oceanbase/ob-operator) quickly. Refer to the document [Quick Start for ob-operator](https://oceanbase.github.io/ob-operator) to see details. ## 👨‍💻 Start developing See [OceanBase Developer Document](https://github.com/oceanbase/oceanbase/wiki/Compile) to learn how to compile and deploy a manually compiled observer. # Roadmap For future plans, see [Roadmap 2023](https://github.com/oceanbase/oceanbase/issues/1364). See also [OceanBase Roadmap](https://github.com/orgs/oceanbase/projects) for more details. # Case study OceanBase has been serving more than 1000 customers and upgraded their database from different industries, including Financial Services, Telecom, Retail, Internet, and more. See also [success stories](https://en.oceanbase.com/customer/home) and [Who is using OceanBase](https://github.com/oceanbase/oceanbase/issues/1301) for more details. # System architecture [Introduction to system architecture](https://en.oceanbase.com/docs/community-observer-en-10000000000829641) # Contributing Contributions are highly appreciated. Read the [development guide](docs/README.md) to get started. # License OceanBase Database is licensed under the Mulan Public License, Version 2. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more info. # Community Join the OceanBase community via: * [Slack Workspace](https://join.slack.com/t/oceanbase/shared_invite/zt-1e25oz3ol-lJ6YNqPHaKwY_mhhioyEuw) * [Ask on Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/oceanbase) * [Chinese User Forum](https://ask.oceanbase.com/) * DingTalk Group: 33254054 ([QR code](images/dingtalk.svg)) * WeChat Group (Add the assistant with WeChat ID: OBCE666)