提交 d8961383 编写于 作者: H Hongqin-Li 提交者: LINGuanRen

Fix row reshape bug

上级 d4ace121
......@@ -3597,6 +3597,17 @@ int ObTableSchema::check_column_can_be_altered(const ObColumnSchemaV2* src_schem
} else if ((src_schema->get_meta_type().is_varying_len_char_type()
|| src_schema->get_meta_type().is_text())
&& dst_schema->get_meta_type().is_fixed_len_char_type()) {
LOG_USER_ERROR(OB_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Change to fixed length char type");
LOG_WARN("can't not change to fixed length char type",
} else {
tmp_column = get_column_schema(dst_schema->get_column_name());
if ((NULL != tmp_column) && (tmp_column != src_schema)) {
......@@ -123,7 +123,24 @@ int ObTableScanWithChecksum::ObTableScanWithChecksumCtx::allocate_checksum_memor
return ret;
int ObTableScanWithChecksum::ObTableScanWithChecksumCtx::add_row_checksum(const common::ObNewRow* row)
int ObTableScanWithChecksum::ObTableScanWithChecksumCtx::calc_checksum(const ObObj &obj, int64_t &checksum) const
int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
if (obj.is_fixed_len_char_type()) {
ObObj trunc_obj;
const char *ptr = obj.get_string_ptr();
int32_t len = obj.get_string_len();
int32_t trunc_len_byte = static_cast<int32_t>(ObCharset::strlen_byte_no_sp(obj.get_collation_type(), ptr, len));
trunc_obj.set_string(obj.get_type(), ObString(trunc_len_byte, ptr));
checksum = trunc_obj.checksum_v2(0);
} else {
checksum = obj.checksum_v2(0);
return ret;
int ObTableScanWithChecksum::ObTableScanWithChecksumCtx::add_row_checksum(const common::ObNewRow *row)
int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
if (OB_ISNULL(row)) {
......@@ -139,7 +156,12 @@ int ObTableScanWithChecksum::ObTableScanWithChecksumCtx::add_row_checksum(const
} else {
for (int64_t i = 0; OB_SUCC(ret) && i < row->count_; ++i) {
checksum_[i] += row->cells_[i].checksum_v2(0);
int64_t checksum = 0;
if (OB_FAIL(calc_checksum(row->cells_[i], checksum))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to calculate checksum", K(ret));
} else {
checksum_[i] += checksum;
return ret;
......@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ protected:
virtual void destroy();
int get_output_col_ids(const share::schema::ObTableParam& table_param);
int allocate_checksum_memory();
int add_row_checksum(const common::ObNewRow* row);
int calc_checksum(const ObObj &obj, int64_t &checksum) const;
int add_row_checksum(const common::ObNewRow *row);
int report_checksum(const int64_t execution_id);
......@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ int ObPartitionStorage::malloc_rows_reshape_if_need(ObIAllocator& work_allocator
for (int64_t i = 0; OB_SUCC(ret) && i < col_descs.count(); ++i) {
const share::schema::ObColDesc& col_desc = col_descs.at(i);
if (col_desc.col_type_.is_char() || col_desc.col_type_.is_binary()) {
if (col_desc.col_type_.is_fixed_len_char_type() || col_desc.col_type_.is_binary()) {
char_binary_exists = true;
if (col_desc.col_type_.is_binary()) {
char_only = false;
......@@ -6001,7 +6001,15 @@ int ObPartitionStorage::local_sort_index_by_range(
ObTableSchemaParam schema_param(allocator);
ObRelativeTable relative_table;
ObSQLMode ob_sql_mode = common::ob_compatibility_mode_to_sql_mode(static_cast<ObCompatibilityMode>(sql_mode));
ObSQLMode sql_mode_for_ddl_reshape = SMO_TRADITIONAL;
// Hack to prevent row reshaping from converting empty string to null.
// Supposing we have a row of type varchar with some spaces and an index on this column,
// and then we convert this column to char. In this case, the DDL routine will first rebuild
// the data table and then rebuilding the index table. The row may be reshaped as follows.
// - without hack: ' '(varchar) => ''(char) => null(char)
// - with hack: ' '(varchar) => ''(char) => ''(char)
ObFixedArray<uint64_t, ObIAllocator> column_ids(allocator, org_col_ids.count());
RowReshape *row_reshape_ins = nullptr;
for (int64_t i = 0; OB_SUCC(ret) && i < org_col_ids.count(); i++) {
......@@ -6017,7 +6025,7 @@ int ObPartitionStorage::local_sort_index_by_range(
LOG_WARN("failed to set schema param", K(ret));
} else if (OB_FAIL(malloc_rows_reshape_if_need(
allocator, org_col_ids, 1, relative_table, ob_sql_mode, row_reshape_ins))) {
allocator, org_col_ids, 1, relative_table, sql_mode_for_ddl_reshape, row_reshape_ins))) {
STORAGE_LOG(WARN, "failed to malloc for row reshape", K(ret));
} else {
// do nothing
......@@ -6142,8 +6150,12 @@ int ObPartitionStorage::local_sort_index_by_range(
} else if (OB_FAIL(reshape_table_rows(
&tmp_row.row_val_, row_reshape_ins, org_col_ids.count(), &new_row, 1, ob_sql_mode))) {
} else if (OB_FAIL(reshape_table_rows(&tmp_row.row_val_,
sql_mode_for_ddl_reshape))) {
STORAGE_LOG(WARN, "failed to reshape rows", K(ret));
} else {
tmp_row = new_row;
......@@ -7337,8 +7349,38 @@ int ObPartitionStorage::append_local_sort_data(const share::ObBuildIndexAppendLo
STORAGE_LOG(WARN, "Fail to open macro block writer, ", K(ret));
} else {
ObStoreRow row;
ObNewRow* row_val = NULL;
ObNewRow *row_val = NULL;
ObArenaAllocator allocator(lib::ObLabel("PartStorageTmp"));
ObColDescArray col_descs;
ObTableSchemaParam schema_param(allocator);
ObRelativeTable relative_table;
ObSQLMode sql_mode_for_ddl_reshape = SMO_TRADITIONAL; // see local_sort_index_by_range
ObFixedArray<uint64_t, ObIAllocator> column_ids(allocator, data_desc.row_column_count_);
RowReshape *row_reshape_ins = nullptr;
row.flag_ = ObActionFlag::OP_ROW_EXIST;
for (int64_t i = 0; OB_SUCC(ret) && i < data_desc.row_column_count_; i++) {
ObColDesc col_desc;
col_desc.col_id_ = data_desc.column_ids_[i];
col_desc.col_order_ = data_desc.column_orders_[i];
col_desc.col_type_ = data_desc.column_types_[i];
if (OB_FAIL(col_descs.push_back(col_desc))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to push back col desc", K(ret));
} else if (OB_FAIL(column_ids.push_back(col_desc.col_id_))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to push back column id", K(ret));
if (OB_FAIL(ret)) {
} else if (OB_FAIL(schema_param.convert(index_schema, column_ids))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to convert schema param", K(ret));
} else if (OB_UNLIKELY(false == relative_table.set_schema_param(&schema_param))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to set schema param", K(ret));
} else if (OB_FAIL(malloc_rows_reshape_if_need(
allocator, col_descs, 1, relative_table, sql_mode_for_ddl_reshape, row_reshape_ins))) {
STORAGE_LOG(WARN, "failed to malloc for row reshape", K(ret));
} else {
// do nothing
while (OB_SUCC(ret)) {
if (OB_FAIL(THIS_WORKER.check_status())) {
STORAGE_LOG(WARN, "failed to check status", K(ret));
......@@ -7350,8 +7392,10 @@ int ObPartitionStorage::append_local_sort_data(const share::ObBuildIndexAppendLo
} else {
row.row_val_.assign(row_val->cells_, row_val->count_);
if (OB_FAIL(writer.append_row(row))) {
if (OB_FAIL(reshape_table_rows(
row_val, row_reshape_ins, col_descs.count(), &row, 1, sql_mode_for_ddl_reshape))) {
STORAGE_LOG(WARN, "failed to reshape rows", K(ret));
} else if (OB_FAIL(writer.append_row(row))) {
if (OB_ERR_PRIMARY_KEY_DUPLICATE == ret && index_schema->is_unique_index()) {
OB_ERR_PRIMARY_KEY_DUPLICATE, "", static_cast<int>(sizeof("UNIQUE IDX") - 1), "UNIQUE IDX");
......@@ -7363,7 +7407,7 @@ int ObPartitionStorage::append_local_sort_data(const share::ObBuildIndexAppendLo
free_row_reshape(allocator, row_reshape_ins, 1);
if (OB_SUCC(ret)) {
if (OB_FAIL(writer.close())) {
STORAGE_LOG(WARN, "fail to close writer", K(ret));
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