/** * Copyright (c) 2021 OceanBase * OceanBase Database Proxy(ODP) is licensed under Mulan PubL v2. * You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PubL v2. * You may obtain a copy of Mulan PubL v2 at: * http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPubL-2.0 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, * EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the Mulan PubL v2 for more details. */ #ifndef OCEANBASE_SQL_SESSION_OB_SYSTEM_VARIABLE_ALIAS_ #define OCEANBASE_SQL_SESSION_OB_SYSTEM_VARIABLE_ALIAS_ namespace oceanbase { namespace sql { static const char* const OB_SV_AUTO_INCREMENT_INCREMENT = "auto_increment_increment"; static const char* const OB_SV_AUTO_INCREMENT_OFFSET = "auto_increment_offset"; static const char* const OB_SV_AUTOCOMMIT = "autocommit"; static const char* const OB_SV_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT = "character_set_client"; static const char* const OB_SV_CHARACTER_SET_CONNECTION = "character_set_connection"; static const char* const OB_SV_CHARACTER_SET_DATABASE = "character_set_database"; static const char* const OB_SV_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS = "character_set_results"; static const char* const OB_SV_CHARACTER_SET_SERVER = "character_set_server"; static const char* const OB_SV_CHARACTER_SET_SYSTEM = "character_set_system"; static const char* const OB_SV_COLLATION_CONNECTION = "collation_connection"; static const char* const OB_SV_COLLATION_DATABASE = "collation_database"; static const char* const OB_SV_COLLATION_SERVER = "collation_server"; static const char* const OB_SV_INTERACTIVE_TIMEOUT = "interactive_timeout"; static const char* const OB_SV_LAST_INSERT_ID = "last_insert_id"; static const char* const OB_SV_MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET = "max_allowed_packet"; static const char* const OB_SV_SQL_MODE = "sql_mode"; static const char* const OB_SV_TIME_ZONE = "time_zone"; static const char* const OB_SV_TX_ISOLATION = "tx_isolation"; static const char* const OB_SV_VERSION_COMMENT = "version_comment"; static const char* const OB_SV_WAIT_TIMEOUT = "wait_timeout"; static const char* const OB_SV_BINLOG_ROW_IMAGE = "binlog_row_image"; static const char* const OB_SV_CHARACTER_SET_FILESYSTEM = "character_set_filesystem"; static const char* const OB_SV_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = "connect_timeout"; static const char* const OB_SV_DATADIR = "datadir"; static const char* const OB_SV_DEBUG_SYNC = "debug_sync"; static const char* const OB_SV_DIV_PRECISION_INCREMENT = "div_precision_increment"; static const char* const OB_SV_EXPLICIT_DEFAULTS_FOR_TIMESTAMP = "explicit_defaults_for_timestamp"; static const char* const OB_SV_GROUP_CONCAT_MAX_LEN = "group_concat_max_len"; static const char* const OB_SV_IDENTITY = "identity"; static const char* const OB_SV_LOWER_CASE_TABLE_NAMES = "lower_case_table_names"; static const char* const OB_SV_NET_READ_TIMEOUT = "net_read_timeout"; static const char* const OB_SV_NET_WRITE_TIMEOUT = "net_write_timeout"; static const char* const OB_SV_READ_ONLY = "read_only"; static const char* const OB_SV_SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL = "sql_auto_is_null"; static const char* const OB_SV_SQL_SELECT_LIMIT = "sql_select_limit"; static const char* const OB_SV_TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; static const char* const OB_SV_TX_READ_ONLY = "tx_read_only"; static const char* const OB_SV_VERSION = "version"; static const char* const OB_SV_SQL_WARNINGS = "sql_warnings"; static const char* const OB_SV_MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS = "max_user_connections"; static const char* const OB_SV_INIT_CONNECT = "init_connect"; static const char* const OB_SV_LICENSE = "license"; static const char* const OB_SV_NET_BUFFER_LENGTH = "net_buffer_length"; static const char* const OB_SV_SYSTEM_TIME_ZONE = "system_time_zone"; static const char* const OB_SV_QUERY_CACHE_SIZE = "query_cache_size"; static const char* const OB_SV_QUERY_CACHE_TYPE = "query_cache_type"; static const char* const OB_SV_DEFAULT_REPLICA_NUM = "ob_default_replica_num"; static const char* const OB_SV_INTERM_RESULT_MEM_LIMIT = "ob_interm_result_mem_limit"; static const char* const OB_SV_PROXY_PARTITION_HIT = "ob_proxy_partition_hit"; static const char* const OB_SV_LOG_LEVEL = "ob_log_level"; static const char* const OB_SV_MAX_PARALLEL_DEGREE = "ob_max_parallel_degree"; static const char* const OB_SV_QUERY_TIMEOUT = "ob_query_timeout"; static const char* const OB_SV_READ_CONSISTENCY = "ob_read_consistency"; static const char* const OB_SV_ENABLE_TRANSFORMATION = "ob_enable_transformation"; static const char* const OB_SV_TRX_TIMEOUT = "ob_trx_timeout"; static const char* const OB_SV_ENABLE_PLAN_CACHE = "ob_enable_plan_cache"; static const char* const OB_SV_ENABLE_INDEX_DIRECT_SELECT = "ob_enable_index_direct_select"; static const char* const OB_SV_PROXY_SET_TRX_EXECUTED = "ob_proxy_set_trx_executed"; static const char* const OB_SV_ENABLE_AGGREGATION_PUSHDOWN = "ob_enable_aggregation_pushdown"; static const char* const OB_SV_LAST_SCHEMA_VERSION = "ob_last_schema_version"; static const char* const OB_SV_GLOBAL_DEBUG_SYNC = "ob_global_debug_sync"; static const char* const OB_SV_PROXY_GLOBAL_VARIABLES_VERSION = "ob_proxy_global_variables_version"; static const char* const OB_SV_ENABLE_TRACE_LOG = "ob_enable_trace_log"; static const char* const OB_SV_ENABLE_HASH_GROUP_BY = "ob_enable_hash_group_by"; static const char* const OB_SV_ENABLE_BLK_NESTEDLOOP_JOIN = "ob_enable_blk_nestedloop_join"; static const char* const OB_SV_BNL_JOIN_CACHE_SIZE = "ob_bnl_join_cache_size"; static const char* const OB_SV_PROXY_USER_PRIVILEGE = "ob_proxy_user_privilege"; static const char* const OB_SV_ORG_CLUSTER_ID = "ob_org_cluster_id"; static const char* const OB_SV_PLAN_CACHE_PERCENTAGE = "ob_plan_cache_percentage"; static const char* const OB_SV_PLAN_CACHE_EVICT_HIGH_PERCENTAGE = "ob_plan_cache_evict_high_percentage"; static const char* const OB_SV_PLAN_CACHE_EVICT_LOW_PERCENTAGE = "ob_plan_cache_evict_low_percentage"; static const char* const OB_SV_CAPABILITY_FLAG = "ob_capability_flag"; static const char* const OB_SV_SAFE_WEAK_READ_SNAPSHOT = "ob_safe_weak_read_snapshot"; static const char* const OB_SV_ROUTE_POLICY = "ob_route_policy"; static const char* const OB_SV_ENABLE_TRANSMISSION_CHECKSUM = "ob_enable_transmission_checksum"; static const char* const OB_SV_STATEMENT_TRACE_ID = "ob_statement_trace_id"; static const char* const OB_SV_CLIENT_REROUTE_INFO = "ob_client_reroute_info"; static const char* const OB_SV_NLS_DATE_FORMAT = "nls_date_format"; static const char* const OB_SV_NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = "nls_timestamp_format"; static const char* const OB_SV_NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT = "nls_timestamp_tz_format"; } } #endif //OCEANBASE_COMMON_OB_SYSTEM_VARIABLE_ALIAS_H_