ob_inner_table_schema_constants.h 46.4 KB
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 * Copyright (c) 2021 OceanBase
 * OceanBase Database Proxy(ODP) is licensed under Mulan PubL v2.
 * You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PubL v2.
 * You may obtain a copy of Mulan PubL v2 at:
 *          http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPubL-2.0
 * See the Mulan PubL v2 for more details.


#include "lib/ob_define.h"

namespace oceanbase
namespace share
namespace schema
class ObTableSchema;

namespace share
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const uint64_t MAX_CORE_TABLE_ID                               = 100;
const uint64_t MAX_SYS_TABLE_ID                                = 10000;
const uint64_t MAX_VIRTUAL_TABLE_ID                            = 20000;
const uint64_t MAX_SYS_VIEW_TABLE_ID                           = 30000;
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const uint64_t OB_ALL_CORE_TABLE_TID                           = 1; // "__all_core_table"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_ROOT_TABLE_TID                           = 2; // "__all_root_table"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_TABLE_TID                                = 3; // "__all_table"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_COLUMN_TID                               = 4; // "__all_column"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_DDL_OPERATION_TID                        = 5; // "__all_ddl_operation"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_META_TABLE_TID                           = 101; // "__all_meta_table"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_USER_TID                                 = 102; // "__all_user"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_USER_HISTORY_TID                         = 103; // "__all_user_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_DATABASE_TID                             = 104; // "__all_database"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_DATABASE_HISTORY_TID                     = 105; // "__all_database_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_TABLEGROUP_TID                           = 106; // "__all_tablegroup"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_TABLEGROUP_HISTORY_TID                   = 107; // "__all_tablegroup_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_TENANT_TID                               = 108; // "__all_tenant"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_TENANT_HISTORY_TID                       = 109; // "__all_tenant_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_TABLE_PRIVILEGE_TID                      = 110; // "__all_table_privilege"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_TABLE_PRIVILEGE_HISTORY_TID              = 111; // "__all_table_privilege_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_DATABASE_PRIVILEGE_TID                   = 112; // "__all_database_privilege"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_DATABASE_PRIVILEGE_HISTORY_TID           = 113; // "__all_database_privilege_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_TABLE_HISTORY_TID                        = 114; // "__all_table_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_COLUMN_HISTORY_TID                       = 115; // "__all_column_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_ZONE_TID                                 = 116; // "__all_zone"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_SERVER_TID                               = 117; // "__all_server"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_SYS_PARAMETER_TID                        = 118; // "__all_sys_parameter"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_SYS_VARIABLE_TID                         = 120; // "__all_sys_variable"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_SYS_STAT_TID                             = 121; // "__all_sys_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_COLUMN_STATISTIC_TID                     = 122; // "__all_column_statistic"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_UNIT_TID                                 = 123; // "__all_unit"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_UNIT_CONFIG_TID                          = 124; // "__all_unit_config"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_RESOURCE_POOL_TID                        = 125; // "__all_resource_pool"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_TENANT_RESOURCE_USAGE_TID                = 126; // "__all_tenant_resource_usage"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_SEQUENCE_TID                             = 127; // "__all_sequence"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_CHARSET_TID                              = 128; // "__all_charset"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_COLLATION_TID                            = 129; // "__all_collation"
const uint64_t OB_HELP_TOPIC_TID                               = 130; // "help_topic"
const uint64_t OB_HELP_CATEGORY_TID                            = 131; // "help_category"
const uint64_t OB_HELP_KEYWORD_TID                             = 132; // "help_keyword"
const uint64_t OB_HELP_RELATION_TID                            = 133; // "help_relation"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_LOCAL_INDEX_STATUS_TID                   = 134; // "__all_local_index_status"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_DUMMY_TID                                = 135; // "__all_dummy"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_FROZEN_MAP_TID                           = 136; // "__all_frozen_map"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_CLOG_HISTORY_INFO_TID                    = 137; // "__all_clog_history_info"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_CLOG_HISTORY_INFO_V2_TID                 = 139; // "__all_clog_history_info_v2"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_ROOTSERVICE_EVENT_HISTORY_TID            = 140; // "__all_rootservice_event_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_PRIVILEGE_TID                            = 141; // "__all_privilege"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_OUTLINE_TID                              = 142; // "__all_outline"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_OUTLINE_HISTORY_TID                      = 143; // "__all_outline_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_ELECTION_EVENT_HISTORY_TID               = 144; // "__all_election_event_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_RECYCLEBIN_TID                           = 145; // "__all_recyclebin"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_PART_TID                                 = 146; // "__all_part"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_PART_HISTORY_TID                         = 147; // "__all_part_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_SUB_PART_TID                             = 148; // "__all_sub_part"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_SUB_PART_HISTORY_TID                     = 149; // "__all_sub_part_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_PART_INFO_TID                            = 150; // "__all_part_info"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_PART_INFO_HISTORY_TID                    = 151; // "__all_part_info_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_DEF_SUB_PART_TID                         = 152; // "__all_def_sub_part"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_DEF_SUB_PART_HISTORY_TID                 = 153; // "__all_def_sub_part_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_SERVER_EVENT_HISTORY_TID                 = 154; // "__all_server_event_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_TIME_ZONE_TID                            = 155; // "__all_time_zone"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_TIME_ZONE_NAME_TID                       = 156; // "__all_time_zone_name"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_TIME_ZONE_TRANSITION_TID                 = 157; // "__all_time_zone_transition"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_TIME_ZONE_TRANSITION_TYPE_TID            = 158; // "__all_time_zone_transition_type"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_ALL_TABLE_TID                 = 10001; // "__tenant_virtual_all_table"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_TABLE_COLUMN_TID              = 10002; // "__tenant_virtual_table_column"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_TABLE_INDEX_TID               = 10003; // "__tenant_virtual_table_index"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_SHOW_CREATE_DATABASE_TID      = 10004; // "__tenant_virtual_show_create_database"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_SHOW_CREATE_TABLE_TID         = 10005; // "__tenant_virtual_show_create_table"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_SESSION_VARIABLE_TID          = 10006; // "__tenant_virtual_session_variable"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_PRIVILEGE_GRANT_TID           = 10007; // "__tenant_virtual_privilege_grant"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROCESSLIST_TID                  = 10008; // "__all_virtual_processlist"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_WARNING_TID                   = 10009; // "__tenant_virtual_warning"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_CURRENT_TENANT_TID            = 10010; // "__tenant_virtual_current_tenant"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_DATABASE_STATUS_TID           = 10011; // "__tenant_virtual_database_status"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_TENANT_STATUS_TID             = 10012; // "__tenant_virtual_tenant_status"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_INTERM_RESULT_TID             = 10013; // "__tenant_virtual_interm_result"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_STAT_TID            = 10014; // "__tenant_virtual_partition_stat"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_STATNAME_TID                  = 10015; // "__tenant_virtual_statname"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME_TID                = 10016; // "__tenant_virtual_event_name"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_TID           = 10017; // "__tenant_virtual_global_variable"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_CORE_META_TABLE_TID              = 11001; // "__all_virtual_core_meta_table"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_ZONE_STAT_TID                    = 11002; // "__all_virtual_zone_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PLAN_CACHE_STAT_TID              = 11003; // "__all_virtual_plan_cache_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PLAN_STAT_TID                    = 11004; // "__all_virtual_plan_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_MEM_LEAK_CHECKER_INFO_TID        = 11006; // "__all_virtual_mem_leak_checker_info"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_LATCH_TID                        = 11007; // "__all_virtual_latch"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_KVCACHE_INFO_TID                 = 11008; // "__all_virtual_kvcache_info"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_DATA_TYPE_CLASS_TID              = 11009; // "__all_virtual_data_type_class"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_DATA_TYPE_TID                    = 11010; // "__all_virtual_data_type"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SERVER_STAT_TID                  = 11011; // "__all_virtual_server_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_REBALANCE_TASK_STAT_TID          = 11012; // "__all_virtual_rebalance_task_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSION_EVENT_TID                = 11013; // "__all_virtual_session_event"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSION_WAIT_TID                 = 11014; // "__all_virtual_session_wait"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSION_WAIT_HISTORY_TID         = 11015; // "__all_virtual_session_wait_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SYSTEM_EVENT_TID                 = 11017; // "__all_virtual_system_event"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_TENANT_MEMSTORE_INFO_TID         = 11018; // "__all_virtual_tenant_memstore_info"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_CONCURRENCY_OBJECT_POOL_TID      = 11019; // "__all_virtual_concurrency_object_pool"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSTAT_TID                      = 11020; // "__all_virtual_sesstat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SYSSTAT_TID                      = 11021; // "__all_virtual_sysstat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_STORAGE_STAT_TID                 = 11022; // "__all_virtual_storage_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_DISK_STAT_TID                    = 11023; // "__all_virtual_disk_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_MEMSTORE_INFO_TID                = 11024; // "__all_virtual_memstore_info"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_INFO_TID               = 11025; // "__all_virtual_partition_info"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_UPGRADE_INSPECTION_TID           = 11026; // "__all_virtual_upgrade_inspection"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_TRANS_STAT_TID                   = 11027; // "__all_virtual_trans_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_TRANS_MGR_STAT_TID               = 11028; // "__all_virtual_trans_mgr_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_ELECTION_INFO_TID                = 11029; // "__all_virtual_election_info"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_ELECTION_MEM_STAT_TID            = 11030; // "__all_virtual_election_mem_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SQL_AUDIT_TID                    = 11031; // "__all_virtual_sql_audit"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_TRANS_MEM_STAT_TID               = 11032; // "__all_virtual_trans_mem_stat"
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const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_SSTABLE_IMAGE_INFO_TID = 11033; // "__all_virtual_partition_sstable_image_info"
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const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_CORE_ROOT_TABLE_TID              = 11034; // "__all_virtual_core_root_table"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_CORE_ALL_TABLE_TID               = 11035; // "__all_virtual_core_all_table"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_CORE_COLUMN_TABLE_TID            = 11036; // "__all_virtual_core_column_table"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_INFO_TID                  = 11037; // "__all_virtual_memory_info"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_TENANT_STAT_TID                  = 11038; // "__all_virtual_tenant_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SYS_PARAMETER_STAT_TID           = 11039; // "__all_virtual_sys_parameter_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_REPLAY_STATUS_TID      = 11040; // "__all_virtual_partition_replay_status"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_CLOG_STAT_TID                    = 11041; // "__all_virtual_clog_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_TRACE_LOG_TID                    = 11042; // "__all_virtual_trace_log"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_ENGINE_TID                       = 11043; // "__all_virtual_engine"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROXY_SERVER_STAT_TID            = 11045; // "__all_virtual_proxy_server_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROXY_SYS_VARIABLE_TID           = 11046; // "__all_virtual_proxy_sys_variable"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROXY_SCHEMA_TID                 = 11047; // "__all_virtual_proxy_schema"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PLAN_CACHE_PLAN_EXPLAIN_TID      = 11048; // "__all_virtual_plan_cache_plan_explain"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_OBRPC_STAT_TID                   = 11049; // "__all_virtual_obrpc_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SQL_PLAN_MONITOR_TID             = 11050; // "__all_virtual_sql_plan_monitor"
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const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_SSTABLE_MERGE_INFO_TID = 11051; // "__all_virtual_partition_sstable_merge_info"
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const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SQL_MONITOR_TID                  = 11052; // "__all_virtual_sql_monitor"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_OUTLINE_TID                   = 11053; // "__tenant_virtual_outline"
const uint64_t OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_CONCURRENT_LIMIT_SQL_TID      = 11054; // "__tenant_virtual_concurrent_limit_sql"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_TID          = 11055; // "__all_virtual_sql_plan_statistics"
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const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_SSTABLE_MACRO_INFO_TID = 11056; // "__all_virtual_partition_sstable_macro_info"
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const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROXY_PARTITION_INFO_TID         = 11057; // "__all_virtual_proxy_partition_info"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROXY_PARTITION_TID              = 11058; // "__all_virtual_proxy_partition"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROXY_SUB_PARTITION_TID          = 11059; // "__all_virtual_proxy_sub_partition"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROXY_ROUTE_TID                  = 11060; // "__all_virtual_proxy_route"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_REBALANCE_TENANT_STAT_TID        = 11061; // "__all_virtual_rebalance_tenant_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_REBALANCE_UNIT_STAT_TID          = 11062; // "__all_virtual_rebalance_unit_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_REBALANCE_REPLICA_STAT_TID       = 11063; // "__all_virtual_rebalance_replica_stat"
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const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_AMPLIFICATION_STAT_TID = 11064; // "__all_virtual_partition_amplification_stat"
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const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_ELECTION_EVENT_HISTORY_TID       = 11067; // "__all_virtual_election_event_history"
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const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_SORTED_STORES_INFO_TID = 11068; // "__all_virtual_partition_sorted_stores_info"
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const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_LEADER_STAT_TID                  = 11069; // "__all_virtual_leader_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_MIGRATION_STATUS_TID   = 11070; // "__all_virtual_partition_migration_status"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SYS_TASK_STATUS_TID              = 11071; // "__all_virtual_sys_task_status"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_MACRO_BLOCK_MARKER_STATUS_TID    = 11072; // "__all_virtual_macro_block_marker_status"
const uint64_t OB_COLUMNS_TID                                  = 12000; // "COLUMNS"
const uint64_t OB_SESSION_VARIABLES_TID                        = 12001; // "SESSION_VARIABLES"
const uint64_t OB_TABLE_PRIVILEGES_TID                         = 12002; // "TABLE_PRIVILEGES"
const uint64_t OB_USER_PRIVILEGES_TID                          = 12003; // "USER_PRIVILEGES"
const uint64_t OB_SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES_TID                        = 12004; // "SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES"
const uint64_t OB_TABLE_CONSTRAINTS_TID                        = 12005; // "TABLE_CONSTRAINTS"
const uint64_t OB_GLOBAL_STATUS_TID                            = 12006; // "GLOBAL_STATUS"
const uint64_t OB_PARTITIONS_TID                               = 12007; // "PARTITIONS"
const uint64_t OB_SESSION_STATUS_TID                           = 12008; // "SESSION_STATUS"
const uint64_t OB_USER_TID                                     = 12009; // "user"
const uint64_t OB_DB_TID                                       = 12010; // "db"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SERVER_MEMORY_INFO_TID           = 12011; // "__all_virtual_server_memory_info"
const uint64_t OB_GV_PLAN_CACHE_STAT_TID                       = 20001; // "gv$plan_cache_stat"
const uint64_t OB_GV_PLAN_CACHE_PLAN_STAT_TID                  = 20002; // "gv$plan_cache_plan_stat"
const uint64_t OB_SCHEMATA_TID                                 = 20003; // "SCHEMATA"
const uint64_t OB_CHARACTER_SETS_TID                           = 20004; // "CHARACTER_SETS"
const uint64_t OB_GLOBAL_VARIABLES_TID                         = 20005; // "GLOBAL_VARIABLES"
const uint64_t OB_STATISTICS_TID                               = 20006; // "STATISTICS"
const uint64_t OB_VIEWS_TID                                    = 20007; // "VIEWS"
const uint64_t OB_TABLES_TID                                   = 20008; // "TABLES"
const uint64_t OB_COLLATIONS_TID                               = 20009; // "COLLATIONS"
const uint64_t OB_PROCESSLIST_TID                              = 20011; // "PROCESSLIST"
const uint64_t OB_KEY_COLUMN_USAGE_TID                         = 20012; // "KEY_COLUMN_USAGE"
const uint64_t OB_DBA_OUTLINES_TID                             = 20013; // "DBA_OUTLINES"
const uint64_t OB_GV_SESSION_EVENT_TID                         = 21000; // "gv$session_event"
const uint64_t OB_GV_SESSION_WAIT_TID                          = 21001; // "gv$session_wait"
const uint64_t OB_GV_SESSION_WAIT_HISTORY_TID                  = 21002; // "gv$session_wait_history"
const uint64_t OB_GV_SYSTEM_EVENT_TID                          = 21003; // "gv$system_event"
const uint64_t OB_GV_SESSTAT_TID                               = 21004; // "gv$sesstat"
const uint64_t OB_GV_SYSSTAT_TID                               = 21005; // "gv$sysstat"
const uint64_t OB_V_STATNAME_TID                               = 21006; // "v$statname"
const uint64_t OB_V_EVENT_NAME_TID                             = 21007; // "v$event_name"
const uint64_t OB_V_SESSION_EVENT_TID                          = 21008; // "v$session_event"
const uint64_t OB_V_SESSION_WAIT_TID                           = 21009; // "v$session_wait"
const uint64_t OB_V_SESSION_WAIT_HISTORY_TID                   = 21010; // "v$session_wait_history"
const uint64_t OB_V_SESSTAT_TID                                = 21011; // "v$sesstat"
const uint64_t OB_V_SYSSTAT_TID                                = 21012; // "v$sysstat"
const uint64_t OB_V_SYSTEM_EVENT_TID                           = 21013; // "v$system_event"
const uint64_t OB_GV_SQL_AUDIT_TID                             = 21014; // "gv$sql_audit"
const uint64_t OB_GV_LATCH_TID                                 = 21015; // "gv$latch"
const uint64_t OB_GV_MEMORY_TID                                = 21016; // "gv$memory"
const uint64_t OB_V_MEMORY_TID                                 = 21017; // "v$memory"
const uint64_t OB_GV_MEMSTORE_TID                              = 21018; // "gv$memstore"
const uint64_t OB_V_MEMSTORE_TID                               = 21019; // "v$memstore"
const uint64_t OB_GV_MEMSTORE_INFO_TID                         = 21020; // "gv$memstore_info"
const uint64_t OB_V_MEMSTORE_INFO_TID                          = 21021; // "v$memstore_info"
const uint64_t OB_V_PLAN_CACHE_STAT_TID                        = 21022; // "v$plan_cache_stat"
const uint64_t OB_V_PLAN_CACHE_PLAN_STAT_TID                   = 21023; // "v$plan_cache_plan_stat"
const uint64_t OB_GV_PLAN_CACHE_PLAN_EXPLAIN_TID               = 21024; // "gv$plan_cache_plan_explain"
const uint64_t OB_V_PLAN_CACHE_PLAN_EXPLAIN_TID                = 21025; // "v$plan_cache_plan_explain"
const uint64_t OB_V_SQL_AUDIT_TID                              = 21026; // "v$sql_audit"
const uint64_t OB_V_LATCH_TID                                  = 21027; // "v$latch"
const uint64_t OB_GV_OBRPC_OUTGOING_TID                        = 21028; // "gv$obrpc_outgoing"
const uint64_t OB_V_OBRPC_OUTGOING_TID                         = 21029; // "v$obrpc_outgoing"
const uint64_t OB_GV_OBRPC_INCOMING_TID                        = 21030; // "gv$obrpc_incoming"
const uint64_t OB_V_OBRPC_INCOMING_TID                         = 21031; // "v$obrpc_incoming"
const uint64_t OB_GV_SQL_TID                                   = 21032; // "gv$sql"
const uint64_t OB_V_SQL_TID                                    = 21033; // "v$sql"
const uint64_t OB_GV_SQL_MONITOR_TID                           = 21034; // "gv$sql_monitor"
const uint64_t OB_V_SQL_MONITOR_TID                            = 21035; // "v$sql_monitor"
const uint64_t OB_GV_SQL_PLAN_MONITOR_TID                      = 21036; // "gv$sql_plan_monitor"
const uint64_t OB_V_SQL_PLAN_MONITOR_TID                       = 21037; // "v$sql_plan_monitor"
const uint64_t OB_USER_RECYCLEBIN_TID                          = 21038; // "USER_RECYCLEBIN"
const uint64_t OB_GV_OUTLINE_TID                               = 21039; // "gv$outline"
const uint64_t OB_GV_CONCURRENT_LIMIT_SQL_TID                  = 21040; // "gv$concurrent_limit_sql"
const uint64_t OB_GV_SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_TID                   = 21041; // "gv$sql_plan_statistics"
const uint64_t OB_V_SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_TID                    = 21042; // "v$sql_plan_statistics"
const uint64_t OB_GV_SERVER_MEMSTORE_TID                       = 21043; // "gv$server_memstore"
const uint64_t OB_TIME_ZONE_TID                                = 21044; // "time_zone"
const uint64_t OB_TIME_ZONE_NAME_TID                           = 21045; // "time_zone_name"
const uint64_t OB_TIME_ZONE_TRANSITION_TID                     = 21046; // "time_zone_transition"
const uint64_t OB_TIME_ZONE_TRANSITION_TYPE_TID                = 21047; // "time_zone_transition_type"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PLAN_CACHE_STAT_I1_TID           = 19999; // "__all_virtual_plan_cache_stat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSION_EVENT_I1_TID             = 19998; // "__all_virtual_session_event"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSION_WAIT_I1_TID              = 19997; // "__all_virtual_session_wait"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSION_WAIT_HISTORY_I1_TID      = 19996; // "__all_virtual_session_wait_history"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SYSTEM_EVENT_I1_TID              = 19995; // "__all_virtual_system_event"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSTAT_I1_TID                   = 19994; // "__all_virtual_sesstat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SYSSTAT_I1_TID                   = 19993; // "__all_virtual_sysstat"
const uint64_t OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SQL_AUDIT_I1_TID                 = 19992; // "__all_virtual_sql_audit"
oceanbase-admin 已提交

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262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369
const char *const OB_ALL_CORE_TABLE_TNAME                           = "__all_core_table";
const char *const OB_ALL_ROOT_TABLE_TNAME                           = "__all_root_table";
const char *const OB_ALL_TABLE_TNAME                                = "__all_table";
const char *const OB_ALL_COLUMN_TNAME                               = "__all_column";
const char *const OB_ALL_DDL_OPERATION_TNAME                        = "__all_ddl_operation";
const char *const OB_ALL_META_TABLE_TNAME                           = "__all_meta_table";
const char *const OB_ALL_USER_TNAME                                 = "__all_user";
const char *const OB_ALL_USER_HISTORY_TNAME                         = "__all_user_history";
const char *const OB_ALL_DATABASE_TNAME                             = "__all_database";
const char *const OB_ALL_DATABASE_HISTORY_TNAME                     = "__all_database_history";
const char *const OB_ALL_TABLEGROUP_TNAME                           = "__all_tablegroup";
const char *const OB_ALL_TABLEGROUP_HISTORY_TNAME                   = "__all_tablegroup_history";
const char *const OB_ALL_TENANT_TNAME                               = "__all_tenant";
const char *const OB_ALL_TENANT_HISTORY_TNAME                       = "__all_tenant_history";
const char *const OB_ALL_TABLE_PRIVILEGE_TNAME                      = "__all_table_privilege";
const char *const OB_ALL_TABLE_PRIVILEGE_HISTORY_TNAME              = "__all_table_privilege_history";
const char *const OB_ALL_DATABASE_PRIVILEGE_TNAME                   = "__all_database_privilege";
const char *const OB_ALL_DATABASE_PRIVILEGE_HISTORY_TNAME           = "__all_database_privilege_history";
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const char *const OB_ALL_COLUMN_HISTORY_TNAME                       = "__all_column_history";
const char *const OB_ALL_ZONE_TNAME                                 = "__all_zone";
const char *const OB_ALL_SERVER_TNAME                               = "__all_server";
const char *const OB_ALL_SYS_PARAMETER_TNAME                        = "__all_sys_parameter";
const char *const OB_ALL_SYS_VARIABLE_TNAME                         = "__all_sys_variable";
const char *const OB_ALL_SYS_STAT_TNAME                             = "__all_sys_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_COLUMN_STATISTIC_TNAME                     = "__all_column_statistic";
const char *const OB_ALL_UNIT_TNAME                                 = "__all_unit";
const char *const OB_ALL_UNIT_CONFIG_TNAME                          = "__all_unit_config";
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const char *const OB_ALL_TENANT_RESOURCE_USAGE_TNAME                = "__all_tenant_resource_usage";
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const char *const OB_ALL_COLLATION_TNAME                            = "__all_collation";
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const char *const OB_ALL_LOCAL_INDEX_STATUS_TNAME                   = "__all_local_index_status";
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const char *const OB_ALL_CLOG_HISTORY_INFO_V2_TNAME                 = "__all_clog_history_info_v2";
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const char *const OB_ALL_PRIVILEGE_TNAME                            = "__all_privilege";
const char *const OB_ALL_OUTLINE_TNAME                              = "__all_outline";
const char *const OB_ALL_OUTLINE_HISTORY_TNAME                      = "__all_outline_history";
const char *const OB_ALL_ELECTION_EVENT_HISTORY_TNAME               = "__all_election_event_history";
const char *const OB_ALL_RECYCLEBIN_TNAME                           = "__all_recyclebin";
const char *const OB_ALL_PART_TNAME                                 = "__all_part";
const char *const OB_ALL_PART_HISTORY_TNAME                         = "__all_part_history";
const char *const OB_ALL_SUB_PART_TNAME                             = "__all_sub_part";
const char *const OB_ALL_SUB_PART_HISTORY_TNAME                     = "__all_sub_part_history";
const char *const OB_ALL_PART_INFO_TNAME                            = "__all_part_info";
const char *const OB_ALL_PART_INFO_HISTORY_TNAME                    = "__all_part_info_history";
const char *const OB_ALL_DEF_SUB_PART_TNAME                         = "__all_def_sub_part";
const char *const OB_ALL_DEF_SUB_PART_HISTORY_TNAME                 = "__all_def_sub_part_history";
const char *const OB_ALL_SERVER_EVENT_HISTORY_TNAME                 = "__all_server_event_history";
const char *const OB_ALL_TIME_ZONE_TNAME                            = "__all_time_zone";
const char *const OB_ALL_TIME_ZONE_NAME_TNAME                       = "__all_time_zone_name";
const char *const OB_ALL_TIME_ZONE_TRANSITION_TNAME                 = "__all_time_zone_transition";
const char *const OB_ALL_TIME_ZONE_TRANSITION_TYPE_TNAME            = "__all_time_zone_transition_type";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_ALL_TABLE_TNAME                 = "__tenant_virtual_all_table";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_TABLE_COLUMN_TNAME              = "__tenant_virtual_table_column";
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const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_SHOW_CREATE_DATABASE_TNAME      = "__tenant_virtual_show_create_database";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_SHOW_CREATE_TABLE_TNAME         = "__tenant_virtual_show_create_table";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_SESSION_VARIABLE_TNAME          = "__tenant_virtual_session_variable";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_PRIVILEGE_GRANT_TNAME           = "__tenant_virtual_privilege_grant";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROCESSLIST_TNAME                  = "__all_virtual_processlist";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_WARNING_TNAME                   = "__tenant_virtual_warning";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_CURRENT_TENANT_TNAME            = "__tenant_virtual_current_tenant";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_DATABASE_STATUS_TNAME           = "__tenant_virtual_database_status";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_TENANT_STATUS_TNAME             = "__tenant_virtual_tenant_status";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_INTERM_RESULT_TNAME             = "__tenant_virtual_interm_result";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_STAT_TNAME            = "__tenant_virtual_partition_stat";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_STATNAME_TNAME                  = "__tenant_virtual_statname";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME_TNAME                = "__tenant_virtual_event_name";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_TNAME           = "__tenant_virtual_global_variable";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_CORE_META_TABLE_TNAME              = "__all_virtual_core_meta_table";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_ZONE_STAT_TNAME                    = "__all_virtual_zone_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PLAN_CACHE_STAT_TNAME              = "__all_virtual_plan_cache_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PLAN_STAT_TNAME                    = "__all_virtual_plan_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_MEM_LEAK_CHECKER_INFO_TNAME        = "__all_virtual_mem_leak_checker_info";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_LATCH_TNAME                        = "__all_virtual_latch";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_KVCACHE_INFO_TNAME                 = "__all_virtual_kvcache_info";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_DATA_TYPE_CLASS_TNAME              = "__all_virtual_data_type_class";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_DATA_TYPE_TNAME                    = "__all_virtual_data_type";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SERVER_STAT_TNAME                  = "__all_virtual_server_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_REBALANCE_TASK_STAT_TNAME          = "__all_virtual_rebalance_task_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSION_EVENT_TNAME                = "__all_virtual_session_event";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSION_WAIT_TNAME                 = "__all_virtual_session_wait";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSION_WAIT_HISTORY_TNAME         = "__all_virtual_session_wait_history";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SYSTEM_EVENT_TNAME                 = "__all_virtual_system_event";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_TENANT_MEMSTORE_INFO_TNAME         = "__all_virtual_tenant_memstore_info";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_CONCURRENCY_OBJECT_POOL_TNAME      = "__all_virtual_concurrency_object_pool";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSTAT_TNAME                      = "__all_virtual_sesstat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SYSSTAT_TNAME                      = "__all_virtual_sysstat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_STORAGE_STAT_TNAME                 = "__all_virtual_storage_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_DISK_STAT_TNAME                    = "__all_virtual_disk_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_MEMSTORE_INFO_TNAME                = "__all_virtual_memstore_info";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_INFO_TNAME               = "__all_virtual_partition_info";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_UPGRADE_INSPECTION_TNAME           = "__all_virtual_upgrade_inspection";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_TRANS_STAT_TNAME                   = "__all_virtual_trans_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_TRANS_MGR_STAT_TNAME               = "__all_virtual_trans_mgr_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_ELECTION_INFO_TNAME                = "__all_virtual_election_info";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_ELECTION_MEM_STAT_TNAME            = "__all_virtual_election_mem_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SQL_AUDIT_TNAME                    = "__all_virtual_sql_audit";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_TRANS_MEM_STAT_TNAME               = "__all_virtual_trans_mem_stat";
oceanbase-admin 已提交
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_SSTABLE_IMAGE_INFO_TNAME = "__all_virtual_partition_sstable_image_info";
wgs13579 已提交
371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_CORE_ROOT_TABLE_TNAME              = "__all_virtual_core_root_table";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_CORE_ALL_TABLE_TNAME               = "__all_virtual_core_all_table";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_CORE_COLUMN_TABLE_TNAME            = "__all_virtual_core_column_table";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_INFO_TNAME                  = "__all_virtual_memory_info";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_TENANT_STAT_TNAME                  = "__all_virtual_tenant_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SYS_PARAMETER_STAT_TNAME           = "__all_virtual_sys_parameter_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_REPLAY_STATUS_TNAME      = "__all_virtual_partition_replay_status";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_CLOG_STAT_TNAME                    = "__all_virtual_clog_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_TRACE_LOG_TNAME                    = "__all_virtual_trace_log";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_ENGINE_TNAME                       = "__all_virtual_engine";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROXY_SERVER_STAT_TNAME            = "__all_virtual_proxy_server_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROXY_SYS_VARIABLE_TNAME           = "__all_virtual_proxy_sys_variable";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROXY_SCHEMA_TNAME                 = "__all_virtual_proxy_schema";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PLAN_CACHE_PLAN_EXPLAIN_TNAME      = "__all_virtual_plan_cache_plan_explain";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_OBRPC_STAT_TNAME                   = "__all_virtual_obrpc_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SQL_PLAN_MONITOR_TNAME             = "__all_virtual_sql_plan_monitor";
oceanbase-admin 已提交
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_SSTABLE_MERGE_INFO_TNAME = "__all_virtual_partition_sstable_merge_info";
wgs13579 已提交
388 389 390 391
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SQL_MONITOR_TNAME                  = "__all_virtual_sql_monitor";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_OUTLINE_TNAME                   = "__tenant_virtual_outline";
const char *const OB_TENANT_VIRTUAL_CONCURRENT_LIMIT_SQL_TNAME      = "__tenant_virtual_concurrent_limit_sql";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_TNAME          = "__all_virtual_sql_plan_statistics";
oceanbase-admin 已提交
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_SSTABLE_MACRO_INFO_TNAME = "__all_virtual_partition_sstable_macro_info";
wgs13579 已提交
393 394 395 396 397 398 399
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROXY_PARTITION_INFO_TNAME         = "__all_virtual_proxy_partition_info";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROXY_PARTITION_TNAME              = "__all_virtual_proxy_partition";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROXY_SUB_PARTITION_TNAME          = "__all_virtual_proxy_sub_partition";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROXY_ROUTE_TNAME                  = "__all_virtual_proxy_route";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_REBALANCE_TENANT_STAT_TNAME        = "__all_virtual_rebalance_tenant_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_REBALANCE_UNIT_STAT_TNAME          = "__all_virtual_rebalance_unit_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_REBALANCE_REPLICA_STAT_TNAME       = "__all_virtual_rebalance_replica_stat";
oceanbase-admin 已提交
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_AMPLIFICATION_STAT_TNAME = "__all_virtual_partition_amplification_stat";
wgs13579 已提交
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_ELECTION_EVENT_HISTORY_TNAME       = "__all_virtual_election_event_history";
oceanbase-admin 已提交
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_SORTED_STORES_INFO_TNAME = "__all_virtual_partition_sorted_stores_info";
wgs13579 已提交
403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_LEADER_STAT_TNAME                  = "__all_virtual_leader_stat";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PARTITION_MIGRATION_STATUS_TNAME   = "__all_virtual_partition_migration_status";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SYS_TASK_STATUS_TNAME              = "__all_virtual_sys_task_status";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_MACRO_BLOCK_MARKER_STATUS_TNAME    = "__all_virtual_macro_block_marker_status";
const char *const OB_COLUMNS_TNAME                                  = "COLUMNS";
const char *const OB_SESSION_VARIABLES_TNAME                        = "SESSION_VARIABLES";
const char *const OB_TABLE_PRIVILEGES_TNAME                         = "TABLE_PRIVILEGES";
const char *const OB_USER_PRIVILEGES_TNAME                          = "USER_PRIVILEGES";
const char *const OB_SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES_TNAME                        = "SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES";
const char *const OB_TABLE_CONSTRAINTS_TNAME                        = "TABLE_CONSTRAINTS";
const char *const OB_GLOBAL_STATUS_TNAME                            = "GLOBAL_STATUS";
const char *const OB_PARTITIONS_TNAME                               = "PARTITIONS";
const char *const OB_SESSION_STATUS_TNAME                           = "SESSION_STATUS";
const char *const OB_USER_TNAME                                     = "user";
const char *const OB_DB_TNAME                                       = "db";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SERVER_MEMORY_INFO_TNAME           = "__all_virtual_server_memory_info";
const char *const OB_GV_PLAN_CACHE_STAT_TNAME                       = "gv$plan_cache_stat";
const char *const OB_GV_PLAN_CACHE_PLAN_STAT_TNAME                  = "gv$plan_cache_plan_stat";
const char *const OB_SCHEMATA_TNAME                                 = "SCHEMATA";
const char *const OB_CHARACTER_SETS_TNAME                           = "CHARACTER_SETS";
const char *const OB_GLOBAL_VARIABLES_TNAME                         = "GLOBAL_VARIABLES";
const char *const OB_STATISTICS_TNAME                               = "STATISTICS";
const char *const OB_VIEWS_TNAME                                    = "VIEWS";
const char *const OB_TABLES_TNAME                                   = "TABLES";
const char *const OB_COLLATIONS_TNAME                               = "COLLATIONS";
const char *const OB_PROCESSLIST_TNAME                              = "PROCESSLIST";
const char *const OB_KEY_COLUMN_USAGE_TNAME                         = "KEY_COLUMN_USAGE";
const char *const OB_DBA_OUTLINES_TNAME                             = "DBA_OUTLINES";
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const char *const OB_GV_SESSION_WAIT_HISTORY_TNAME                  = "gv$session_wait_history";
const char *const OB_GV_SYSTEM_EVENT_TNAME                          = "gv$system_event";
const char *const OB_GV_SESSTAT_TNAME                               = "gv$sesstat";
const char *const OB_GV_SYSSTAT_TNAME                               = "gv$sysstat";
const char *const OB_V_STATNAME_TNAME                               = "v$statname";
const char *const OB_V_EVENT_NAME_TNAME                             = "v$event_name";
const char *const OB_V_SESSION_EVENT_TNAME                          = "v$session_event";
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const char *const OB_V_SESSTAT_TNAME                                = "v$sesstat";
const char *const OB_V_SYSSTAT_TNAME                                = "v$sysstat";
const char *const OB_V_SYSTEM_EVENT_TNAME                           = "v$system_event";
const char *const OB_GV_SQL_AUDIT_TNAME                             = "gv$sql_audit";
const char *const OB_GV_LATCH_TNAME                                 = "gv$latch";
const char *const OB_GV_MEMORY_TNAME                                = "gv$memory";
const char *const OB_V_MEMORY_TNAME                                 = "v$memory";
const char *const OB_GV_MEMSTORE_TNAME                              = "gv$memstore";
const char *const OB_V_MEMSTORE_TNAME                               = "v$memstore";
const char *const OB_GV_MEMSTORE_INFO_TNAME                         = "gv$memstore_info";
const char *const OB_V_MEMSTORE_INFO_TNAME                          = "v$memstore_info";
const char *const OB_V_PLAN_CACHE_STAT_TNAME                        = "v$plan_cache_stat";
const char *const OB_V_PLAN_CACHE_PLAN_STAT_TNAME                   = "v$plan_cache_plan_stat";
const char *const OB_GV_PLAN_CACHE_PLAN_EXPLAIN_TNAME               = "gv$plan_cache_plan_explain";
const char *const OB_V_PLAN_CACHE_PLAN_EXPLAIN_TNAME                = "v$plan_cache_plan_explain";
const char *const OB_V_SQL_AUDIT_TNAME                              = "v$sql_audit";
const char *const OB_V_LATCH_TNAME                                  = "v$latch";
const char *const OB_GV_OBRPC_OUTGOING_TNAME                        = "gv$obrpc_outgoing";
const char *const OB_V_OBRPC_OUTGOING_TNAME                         = "v$obrpc_outgoing";
const char *const OB_GV_OBRPC_INCOMING_TNAME                        = "gv$obrpc_incoming";
const char *const OB_V_OBRPC_INCOMING_TNAME                         = "v$obrpc_incoming";
const char *const OB_GV_SQL_TNAME                                   = "gv$sql";
const char *const OB_V_SQL_TNAME                                    = "v$sql";
const char *const OB_GV_SQL_MONITOR_TNAME                           = "gv$sql_monitor";
const char *const OB_V_SQL_MONITOR_TNAME                            = "v$sql_monitor";
const char *const OB_GV_SQL_PLAN_MONITOR_TNAME                      = "gv$sql_plan_monitor";
const char *const OB_V_SQL_PLAN_MONITOR_TNAME                       = "v$sql_plan_monitor";
const char *const OB_USER_RECYCLEBIN_TNAME                          = "USER_RECYCLEBIN";
const char *const OB_GV_OUTLINE_TNAME                               = "gv$outline";
const char *const OB_GV_CONCURRENT_LIMIT_SQL_TNAME                  = "gv$concurrent_limit_sql";
const char *const OB_GV_SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_TNAME                   = "gv$sql_plan_statistics";
const char *const OB_V_SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_TNAME                    = "v$sql_plan_statistics";
const char *const OB_GV_SERVER_MEMSTORE_TNAME                       = "gv$server_memstore";
const char *const OB_TIME_ZONE_TNAME                                = "time_zone";
const char *const OB_TIME_ZONE_NAME_TNAME                           = "time_zone_name";
const char *const OB_TIME_ZONE_TRANSITION_TNAME                     = "time_zone_transition";
const char *const OB_TIME_ZONE_TRANSITION_TYPE_TNAME                = "time_zone_transition_type";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PLAN_CACHE_STAT_I1_TNAME           = "__idx_1099511638779_i1";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSION_EVENT_I1_TNAME             = "__idx_1099511638789_i1";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSION_WAIT_I1_TNAME              = "__idx_1099511638790_i1";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSION_WAIT_HISTORY_I1_TNAME      = "__idx_1099511638791_i1";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SYSTEM_EVENT_I1_TNAME              = "__idx_1099511638793_i1";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SESSTAT_I1_TNAME                   = "__idx_1099511638796_i1";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SYSSTAT_I1_TNAME                   = "__idx_1099511638797_i1";
const char *const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_SQL_AUDIT_I1_TNAME                 = "__idx_1099511638807_i1";
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// 4.0 schema
const char* const OB_ALL_VIRTUAL_PROXY_ROUTINE_TNAME = "__all_virtual_proxy_routine";
const char* const DBA_OB_ZONES_VNAME = "DBA_OB_ZONES";
const char* const DBA_OB_SERVERS_VNAME = "DBA_OB_SERVERS";
const char* const DBA_OB_TENANTS_VNAME = "DBA_OB_TENANTS";

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// initial data for __all_privilege
struct PrivilegeRow {
  const char *privilege_;
  const char *context_;
  const char *comment_;

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const char* const ALTER_TB_MSG         = "To alter the table";
const char* const CREATE_DB_TB_MSG     = "To create new databases and tables";
const char* const CREATE_VIEW_MSG      = "To create new views";
const char* const CREATE_USER_MSG      = "To create new users";
const char* const DELETE_ROWS_MSG      = "To delete existing rows";
const char* const DROP_DB_TB_VIEWS_MSG = "To drop databases, tables, and views";
const char* const GRANT_OPTION_MSG     = "To give to other users those privileges you possess";
const char* const INDEX_MSG            = "To create or drop indexes";
const char* const INSERT_MSG           = "To insert data into tables";
const char* const PROCESS_MSG          = "To view the plain text of currently executing queries";
const char* const SELECT_MSG           = "To retrieve rows from table";
const char* const SHOW_DB_MSG          = "To see all databases with SHOW DATABASES";
const char* const SHOW_VIEW_MSG        = "To see views with SHOW CREATE VIEW";
const char* const SUPER_MSG            = "To use KILL thread, SET GLOBAL, CHANGE MASTER, etc.";
const char* const UPDATE_MSG           = "To update existing rows";
const char* const USAGE_MSG            = "No privileges - allow connect only";
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static const PrivilegeRow all_privileges[] =
  {"Alter", "Tables",  ALTER_TB_MSG},
  {"Create", "Databases,Tables,Indexes",  CREATE_DB_TB_MSG},
  {"Create view", "Tables",  CREATE_VIEW_MSG},
  {"Create user", "Server Admin",  CREATE_USER_MSG},
  {"Delete", "Tables",  DELETE_ROWS_MSG},
  {"Drop", "Databases,Tables", DROP_DB_TB_VIEWS_MSG},
  {"Grant option",  "Databases,Tables,Functions,Procedures", GRANT_OPTION_MSG},
  {"Index", "Tables",  INDEX_MSG},
  {"Insert", "Tables",  INSERT_MSG},
  {"Process", "Server Admin", PROCESS_MSG},
  {"Select", "Tables",  SELECT_MSG},
  {"Show databases","Server Admin", SHOW_DB_MSG},
  {"Show view","Tables", SHOW_VIEW_MSG},
  {"Super","Server Admin", SUPER_MSG},
  {"Update", "Tables",  UPDATE_MSG},
  {"Usage","Server Admin",USAGE_MSG},

} // end namespace share
} // end namespace oceanbase