# LogProxyClient Tutorial [oblogproxy](https://github.com/oceanbase/oblogproxy) (OceanBase Log Proxy, hereinafter LogProxy) is a proxy service which can fetch the clog (commit log) data from OceanBase. This tutorial will show you how to use LogProxy client to connect to LogProxy and get the log data. ## Preparation There are some requirements: 1. JDK 1.8 or higher version installed. 2. LogProxy started. 3. SSL certificate files if SSL encryption is enabled. 4. Maven or Gradle installed, otherwise you need download the jar files manually. ## Binaries/Download Releases are available in the [Maven Central](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.oceanbase/oblogclient-logproxy), you can also download the jar file manually from the [archive](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/oceanbase/oblogclient-logproxy/). Here is an example for Maven: ```xml com.oceanbase oblogclient-logproxy x.y.z ``` If you'd rather like the latest snapshots of the upcoming major version, use our Maven snapshot repository and declare the appropriate dependency version. ```xml com.oceanbase oblogclient-logproxy x.y.z-SNAPSHOT sonatype-snapshots Sonatype Snapshot Repository https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/ true ``` ## Usage ### Basic Usage To connect to LogProxy, there are some options in `ObReaderConfig`:
Option Required Default Type Setter Description
cluster_url false Empty String setClusterUrl The url used to get information about servers of OceanBase Enterprise Edition. Query with show parameters like 'obconfig_url' using user of `sys` tenant, and you can get it at the `value` field.
rootserver_list false Empty String setRsList The server list of OceanBase Community Edition. Query with show parameters like 'rootservice_list' using user of `sys` tenant, and you can get it at the `value` field.
cluster_user true Empty String setUsername Username for OceanBase, the format is username@tenant_name.
cluster_password true Empty String setPassword Password for OceanBase.
tb_white_list false *.*.* String setTableWhiteList Table whitelist in format tenant_name.database_name.table_name. Pattern matching is provided by fnmatch, and multiple values can be separated by |. Note that the user should have at least the SELECT privilege on this whitelist.
tb_black_list false String setTableBlackList Table blacklist in format tenant_name.database_name.table_name. Pattern matching is provided by fnmatch, and multiple values can be separated by |.
first_start_timestamp false 0 Long setStartTimestamp Timestamp of the starting point of data in seconds, and zero means starting from now.
timezone false +08:00 String setTimezone Timezone used to convert data of temporal types.
working_mode false storage String setWorkingMode Working mode of libobcdc, can be 'storage' or 'memory'.
There are some other options that can be set with the constructor of `ObReaderConfig`, you can search obcdc on the [doc website](https://www.oceanbase.com/docs/) for more details. Here is an example to set `ObReaderConfig` with OceanBase Community Edition: ```java ObReaderConfig config = new ObReaderConfig(); config.setRsList(""); config.setUsername("user@tenant"); config.setPassword("password"); config.setStartTimestamp(0L); config.setTableWhiteList("tenant.*.*"); ``` And you can set `ObReaderConfig` for OceanBase Enterprise Edition like below: ```java ObReaderConfig config = new ObReaderConfig(); config.setClusterUrl(""); config.setUsername("user@tenant"); config.setPassword("password"); config.setStartTimestamp(0L); config.setTableWhiteList("tenant.*.*"); ``` Once ObReaderConfig is set properly, you can use it to instance a LogProxyClient and monitor the log data. ```java LogProxyClient client = new LogProxyClient("", 2983, config); // Add a RecordListener to handle log messages. client.addListener(new RecordListener() { @Override public void notify(LogMessage message){ // add process here } @Override public void onException(LogProxyClientException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } }); client.start(); client.join(); ``` The method `LogProxyClient.start()` will start a new thread which serving with a netty socket to receive data from LogProxy. There are also some configurations for the client in `ClientConf`, if you don't want to use its default values, you can customize a `ClientConf` and pass it to the corresponding constructor to create the client instance. ```java ClientConf clientConf = ClientConf.builder() .clientId("myClientId") .transferQueueSize(1024) .connectTimeoutMs(1000) .readWaitTimeMs(1000) .retryIntervalS(1) .maxReconnectTimes(10) .idleTimeoutS(10) .nettyDiscardAfterReads(1) .ignoreUnknownRecordType(true) .build(); LogProxyClient client = new LogProxyClient("", 2983, config, clientConf); ``` The received log records are parsed to `LogMessage` in the client handler, you can see [LogMessage doc](../formats/logmessage.md) for more details. To get a full example, you can check the [LogProxyClientTest.java](../../oblogclient-logproxy/src/test/java/com/oceanbase/clogproxy/client/LogProxyClientTest.java). ### SSL Encryption If SSL verification is enabled at LogProxy, you should instance a LogProxyClient with [SslContext](https://netty.io/4.1/api/io/netty/handler/ssl/SslContext.html). For example: ```java SslContext sslContext = SslContextBuilder.forClient() .sslProvider(SslContext.defaultClientProvider()) .trustManager(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("ca.crt")) .keyManager( this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("client.crt"), this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("client.key")) .build(); ClientConf clientConf = ClientConf.builder().sslContext(sslContext).build(); LogProxyClient client = new LogProxyClient("", 2983, config, clientConf); ``` ### Version Compatibility #### GroupId and ArtifactId The initial version of LogProxy client is released with `'groupId'='com.oceanbase.logclient'` and `'artifactId'='logproxy-client'`, and we use `'groupId'='com.oceanbase'` and `'artifactId'='oblogclient-logproxy'` since `1.1.0`. If you want to use a legacy version of LogProxy client, you can add it to Maven as following: ```xml com.oceanbase.logclient logproxy-client 1.0.7 ``` #### Record Compression The log proxy compresses the record data by default from `1.0.1`, and to decompress the data properly, you should use `1.0.4` or later version of the client. #### Use Client Id The LogProxy use `clientId` to identify a connection, if you want to use the client concurrently, or you want to reuse the `clientId`, you should use `1.0.4` or later version of the client. ## Troubleshooting When the connection between LogProxy and the client is successfully established, LogProxy will send log data to the client. The log data here mainly includes heartbeat and data changes. Even if the database does not change within the monitoring scope, the LogProxy client should be able to receive heartbeat data. If the LogProxy client does not receive data and no error message appears after startup, in order to determine the cause of the issue, you should check the LogReader thread of the LogProxy for this connection, and the working space of LogReader is `run/ {clientId}/`.