OceanBase Log Client --------------- OceanBase Log Client is a library for obtaining log of [OceanBase](https://github.com/oceanbase/oceanbase). There are modules as following: - `common`: some common utils - `logproxy-client`: the client for [oblogproxy](https://github.com/oceanbase/oblogproxy) Communication --------------- * [Official Q&A Website (Chinese)](https://open.oceanbase.com/answer) (Q&A, Ideas, General discussion) * [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/oceanbase/oblogclient/issues) (Bug reports, feature requests) * DingTalk Group (chat): 33254054 Binaries/Download ---------------- Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at http://search.maven.org. Releases are available in the Maven Central repository. Take also a look at the [Releases](https://github.com/oceanbase/oblogclient/releases). Example for Maven: ```xml com.oceanbase.logclient logproxy-client x.y.z ``` If you'd rather like the latest snapshots of the upcoming major version, use our Maven snapshot repository and declare the appropriate dependency version. ```xml com.oceanbase.logclient logproxy-client x.y.z-SNAPSHOT sonatype-snapshots Sonatype Snapshot Repository https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/ true ``` Usage ----------- Basic usage ```java ObReaderConfig config = new ObReaderConfig(); // set root server list in format [ip:rpc_port:sql_port] config.setRsList(""); // username and password config.setUsername("root@sys"); config.setPassword("root@sys"); // timestamp of start point, zero means starting from now config.setStartTimestamp(0L); // whitelist in format [tenant.db.table] config.setTableWhiteList("sys.*.*"); // create a client LogProxyClient client = new LogProxyClient("", 2983, config); // add handler client.addListener(new RecordListener() { @Override public void notify(LogMessage message){ // process } @Override public void onException(LogProxyClientException e) { if (e.needStop()) { // handle error and stop client client.stop(); } } }); // start and wait client.start(); client.join(); ``` Use [SslContext](https://netty.io/4.1/api/io/netty/handler/ssl/SslContext.html) to encrypt communication between log client and log proxy. ```java SslContext sslContext = SslContextBuilder.forClient() .sslProvider(SslContext.defaultClientProvider()) .trustManager(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("server.crt")) .keyManager(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("client.crt"), this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("client.key")) .build(); LogProxyClient client = new LogProxyClient("", 2983, config, sslContext); ``` Once the client is successfully started, you should be able to receive `HEARTBEAT` and other messages in the notify method. License ------- Mulan Permissive Software License, Version 2 (Mulan PSL v2). See the [LICENSE](LICENCE) file for details.