# coding: utf-8 # OceanBase Deploy. # Copyright (C) 2021 OceanBase # # This file is part of OceanBase Deploy. # # OceanBase Deploy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # OceanBase Deploy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with OceanBase Deploy. If not, see . from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import os import re from ssh import LocalClient from tool import DirectoryUtil PROPS4OB_TEMPLATE = """ db=oceanbase driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver conn=jdbc:mysql://{host_ip}:{port}/{db_name}?rewriteBatchedStatements=true&allowMultiQueries=true&useLocalSessionState=true&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&socketTimeout=30000000&useSSL=false user={user} password={password} warehouses={warehouses} loadWorkers={load_workers} terminals={terminals} database={db_name} runTxnsPerTerminal=0 runMins={run_mins} limitTxnsPerMin=0 terminalWarehouseFixed=true newOrderWeight=45 paymentWeight=43 orderStatusWeight=4 deliveryWeight=4 stockLevelWeight=4 resultDirectory=my_result_%tY-%tm-%td_%tH%tM%tS osCollectorScript=./misc/os_collector_linux.py osCollectorInterval=1 """ def pre_test(plugin_context, cursor, odp_cursor, *args, **kwargs): def get_option(key, default=''): value = getattr(options, key, default) if value is None: value = default stdio.verbose('get option: {} value {}'.format(key, value)) return value def execute(cursor, query, args=None): msg = query % tuple(args) if args is not None else query stdio.verbose('execute sql: %s' % msg) stdio.verbose("query: %s. args: %s" % (query, args)) try: cursor.execute(query, args) return cursor.fetchone() except: msg = 'execute sql exception: %s' % msg stdio.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) def local_execute_command(command, env=None, timeout=None): return LocalClient.execute_command(command, env, timeout, stdio) stdio = plugin_context.stdio options = plugin_context.options tmp_dir = os.path.abspath(get_option('tmp_dir', './tmp')) tenant_name = get_option('tenant', 'test') if tenant_name == 'sys': stdio.error('DO NOT use sys tenant for testing.') return bmsql_path = get_option('bmsql_dir') bmsql_jar = get_option('bmsql_jar', None) bmsql_libs = get_option('bmsql_libs', None) bmsql_sql_path = get_option('bmsql_sql_dir') if bmsql_path: if bmsql_jar is None: bmsql_jar = os.path.join(bmsql_path, 'dist') if bmsql_path else '/usr/ob-benchmarksql/OB-BenchmarkSQL-5.0.jar' if bmsql_libs is None: bmsql_libs = '%s,%s' % (os.path.join(bmsql_path, 'lib'), os.path.join(bmsql_path, 'lib/oceanbase')) else: if bmsql_jar is None: bmsql_jar = '/usr/ob-benchmarksql/OB-BenchmarkSQL-5.0.jar' if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir) and not DirectoryUtil.mkdir(tmp_dir): stdio.error('Create tmp dir failed') return if not os.path.exists(bmsql_jar): stdio.error( 'BenchmarkSQL jar file not found at %s. Please use `--bmsql-jar` to set BenchmarkSQL jar file' % bmsql_jar) return jars = [os.path.join(bmsql_jar, '*') if os.path.isdir(bmsql_jar) else bmsql_jar] if bmsql_libs: for lib in bmsql_libs.split(','): if lib: if os.path.isdir(lib): jars.append(os.path.join(lib, '*')) else: jars.append(lib) bmsql_classpath = ':'.join(jars) obclient_bin = get_option('obclient_bin', 'obclient') ret = LocalClient.execute_command('%s --help' % obclient_bin, stdio=stdio) if not ret: stdio.error( '%s\n%s is not an executable file. please use `--obclient-bin` to set.\nYou may not have obclient installed' % ( ret.stderr, obclient_bin)) return java_bin = get_option('java_bin', 'java') ret = local_execute_command('{java_bin} -version'.format(java_bin=java_bin)) if not ret: stdio.error( '%s\n%s is not an executable file. please use `--java-bin` to set.\nYou may not have java installed' % ( ret.stderr, java_bin)) return exec_classes = ['jTPCC', 'LoadData', 'ExecJDBC'] passed = True for exec_class in exec_classes: ret = local_execute_command('%s -cp %s %s' % (java_bin, bmsql_classpath, exec_class)) if 'Could not find or load main class %s' % exec_class in ret.stderr: stdio.error('Main class %s not found.' % exec_class) passed = False if not passed: stdio.error('Please use `--bmsql-libs` to infer all the depends') return local_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) run_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'run') if not DirectoryUtil.copy(os.path.join(local_dir, 'run'), run_path, stdio): return stdio.verbose('Start to get bmsql sqls...') if bmsql_sql_path: miss_sql = [] for sql_file in ['buildFinish.sql', 'indexCreates.sql', 'indexDrops.sql', 'tableCreates.sql', 'tableDrops.sql']: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(bmsql_sql_path, sql_file)): miss_sql.append(sql_file) if miss_sql: stdio.error('Cannot find %s in scripts path %s.' % (','.join(miss_sql), bmsql_sql_path)) stdio.stop_loading('fail') return cpu_total = 0 min_cpu = None try: sql = "select a.id , b.cpu_total from oceanbase.__all_server a " \ "join oceanbase.__all_virtual_server_stat b on a.id=b.id " \ "where a.status = 'active' and a.stop_time = 0 and a.start_service_time > 0;" stdio.verbose('execute sql: %s' % sql) cursor.execute(sql) all_services = cursor.fetchall() if not all_services: stdio.error('No active server available.') return for serv in all_services: cpu_count = int(serv.get('cpu_total', 0) + 2) min_cpu = cpu_count if min_cpu is None else min(cpu_count, min_cpu) cpu_total += cpu_count server_num = len(all_services) except Exception as e: stdio.exception(e) stdio.error('Fail to get server status') return stdio.verbose('cpu total in all servers is %d' % cpu_total) if not bmsql_sql_path: bmsql_sql_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'sql.oceanbase') if not DirectoryUtil.copy(os.path.join(local_dir, 'sql.oceanbase'), bmsql_sql_path, stdio): return create_table_sql = os.path.join(bmsql_sql_path, 'tableCreates.sql') local_execute_command("sed -i 's/{{partition_num}}/%d/g' %s" % (cpu_total, create_table_sql)) sql = "select * from oceanbase.gv$tenant where tenant_name = %s" try: stdio.verbose('execute sql: %s' % (sql % tenant_name)) cursor.execute(sql, [tenant_name]) tenant_meta = cursor.fetchone() if not tenant_meta: stdio.error('Tenant %s not exists. Use `obd cluster tenant create` to create tenant.' % tenant_name) return sql = "select * from oceanbase.__all_resource_pool where tenant_id = %d" % tenant_meta['tenant_id'] pool = execute(cursor, sql) sql = "select * from oceanbase.__all_unit_config where unit_config_id = %d" % pool['unit_config_id'] tenant_unit = execute(cursor, sql) max_memory = tenant_unit['max_memory'] max_cpu = int(tenant_unit['max_cpu']) except Exception as e: stdio.verbose(e) stdio.error('Fail to get tenant info') return host = get_option('host', '') port = get_option('port', 2881) db_name = get_option('database', 'test') user = get_option('user', 'root') password = get_option('password', '') warehouses = get_option('warehouses', cpu_total * 20) load_workers = get_option('load_workers', int(max(min(min_cpu, (max_memory >> 30) / 2), 1))) terminals = get_option('terminals', min(cpu_total * 15, warehouses * 10)) run_mins = get_option('run_mins', 10) test_only = get_option('test_only') stdio.verbose('Check connect ready') exec_sql_cmd = "%s -h%s -P%s -u%s@%s %s -A %s -e" % ( obclient_bin, host, port, user, tenant_name, ("-p'%s'" % password) if password else '', db_name) ret = local_execute_command('%s "%s" -E' % (exec_sql_cmd, 'select version();')) if not ret: stdio.error('Connect to tenant %s failed' % tenant_name) return if warehouses <= 0: stdio.error('warehouses should more than 0') return if terminals <= 0 or terminals > 10 * warehouses: stdio.error('terminals should more than 0 and less than 10 * warehouses') return if run_mins <= 0: stdio.error('run-mins should more than 0') return if test_only: exec_sql_cmd = "%s -h%s -P%s -u%s@%s %s -A %s -e" % ( obclient_bin, host, port, user, tenant_name, ("-p'%s'" % password) if password else '', db_name) table_rows = 0 ret = local_execute_command('%s "%s" -E' % (exec_sql_cmd, 'select count(*) from bmsql_warehouse')) matched = re.match(r'.*count\(\*\):\s?(\d+)', ret.stdout, re.S) if matched: table_rows = int(matched.group(1)) if table_rows <= 0: stdio.error('No warehouse found. Please load data first.') return elif table_rows != warehouses: stdio.error('Warehouse num do not match. Expect: {} ,actual: {}'.format(warehouses, table_rows)) return try: bmsql_prop_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'props.oceanbase') stdio.verbose('set bmsql_prop_path: {}'.format(bmsql_prop_path)) with open(bmsql_prop_path, 'w') as f: f.write(PROPS4OB_TEMPLATE.format( host_ip=host, port=port, db_name=db_name, user=user + '@' + tenant_name, password=password, warehouses=warehouses, load_workers=load_workers, terminals=terminals, run_mins=run_mins )) except Exception as e: stdio.exception(e) stdio.error('Failed to generate config file props.oceanbase.') stdio.stop_loading('fail') return stdio.stop_loading('succeed') return plugin_context.return_true( bmsql_prop_path=bmsql_prop_path, bmsql_classpath=bmsql_classpath, run_path=run_path, bmsql_sql_path=bmsql_sql_path, warehouses=warehouses, cpu_total=cpu_total, max_memory=max_memory, max_cpu=max_cpu, tenant_id=tenant_meta['tenant_id'], tenant=tenant_name, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, server_num=server_num, obclient_bin=obclient_bin, host=host, port=port, user=user, password=password, database=db_name )