# coding: utf-8 # OceanBase Deploy. # Copyright (C) 2021 OceanBase # # This file is part of OceanBase Deploy. # # OceanBase Deploy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # OceanBase Deploy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with OceanBase Deploy. If not, see . from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import os import re from _plugin import InstallPlugin from _deploy import InnerConfigKeywords from tool import YamlLoader def install_repo(plugin_context, obd_home, install_repository, install_plugin, check_repository, check_file_map, msg_lv, *args, **kwargs): cluster_config = plugin_context.cluster_config def install_to_home_path(): repo_dir = install_repository.repository_dir.replace(obd_home, remote_obd_home, 1) if is_lib_repo: home_path = os.path.join(remote_home_path, 'lib') else: home_path = remote_home_path client.add_env("_repo_dir", repo_dir, True) client.add_env("_home_path", home_path, True) mkdir_bash = "mkdir -p ${_home_path} && cd ${_repo_dir} && find -type d | xargs -i mkdir -p ${_home_path}/{}" if not client.execute_command(mkdir_bash): return False success = True for install_file_item in install_file_items: source = os.path.join(repo_dir, install_file_item.target_path) target = os.path.join(home_path, install_file_item.target_path) client.add_env("source", source, True) client.add_env("target", target, True) if install_file_item.install_method == InstallPlugin.InstallMethod.CP: install_cmd = "cp -f" else: install_cmd = "ln -fs" if install_file_item.type == InstallPlugin.FileItemType.DIR: if client.execute_command("ls -1 ${source}"): success = client.execute_command("cd ${source} && find -type f | xargs -i %(install_cmd)s ${source}/{} ${target}/{}" % {"install_cmd": install_cmd}) and success success = client.execute_command("cd ${source} && find -type l | xargs -i %(install_cmd)s ${source}/{} ${target}/{}" % {"install_cmd": install_cmd}) and success else: success = client.execute_command("%(install_cmd)s ${source} ${target}" % {"install_cmd": install_cmd}) and success return success stdio = plugin_context.stdio clients = plugin_context.clients servers = cluster_config.servers is_lib_repo = install_repository.name.endswith("-libs") home_path_map = {} for server in servers: server_config = cluster_config.get_server_conf(server) home_path_map[server] = server_config.get("home_path") is_ln_install_mode = cluster_config.is_ln_install_mode() # remote install repository stdio.start_loading('Remote %s repository install' % install_repository) stdio.verbose('Remote %s repository integrity check' % install_repository) for server in servers: client = clients[server] remote_home_path = home_path_map[server] install_file_items = install_plugin.file_map(install_repository).values() stdio.verbose('%s %s repository integrity check' % (server, install_repository)) if is_ln_install_mode: remote_obd_home = client.execute_command('echo ${OBD_HOME:-"$HOME"}/.obd').stdout.strip() install_path = install_repository.repository_dir.replace(obd_home, remote_obd_home, 1) else: if is_lib_repo: install_path = os.path.join(remote_home_path, 'lib') else: install_path = remote_home_path client.execute_command('mkdir -p {}'.format(install_path)) remote_repository_data_path = os.path.join(install_path, '.data') remote_repository_data = client.execute_command('cat %s' % remote_repository_data_path).stdout stdio.verbose('%s %s install check' % (server, install_repository)) try: yaml_loader = YamlLoader(stdio=stdio) data = yaml_loader.load(remote_repository_data) if not data: stdio.verbose('%s %s need to be installed ' % (server, install_repository)) elif data == install_repository: # Version sync. Check for damages (TODO) stdio.verbose('%s %s has installed ' % (server, install_repository)) if not install_to_home_path(): stdio.error("Failed to install repository {} to {}".format(install_repository, remote_home_path)) return False continue else: stdio.verbose('%s %s need to be updated' % (server, install_repository)) except: stdio.exception('') stdio.verbose('%s %s need to be installed ' % (server, install_repository)) stdio.verbose('%s %s installing' % (server, install_repository)) sub_io = stdio.sub_io() for file_item in install_file_items: file_path = os.path.join(install_repository.repository_dir, file_item.target_path) remote_file_path = os.path.join(install_path, file_item.target_path) if file_item.type == InstallPlugin.FileItemType.DIR: if os.path.isdir(file_path) and not client.put_dir(file_path, remote_file_path, stdio=sub_io): stdio.stop_loading('fail') return False else: if not client.put_file(file_path, remote_file_path, stdio=sub_io): stdio.stop_loading('fail') return False if is_ln_install_mode: # save data file for later comparing client.put_file(install_repository.data_file_path, remote_repository_data_path, stdio=sub_io) # link files to home_path install_to_home_path() stdio.verbose('%s %s installed' % (server, install_repository.name)) stdio.stop_loading('succeed') # check lib lib_check = True stdio.start_loading('Remote %s repository lib check' % check_repository) for server in servers: stdio.verbose('%s %s repository lib check' % (server, check_repository)) client = clients[server] remote_home_path = home_path_map[server] need_libs = set() client.add_env('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '%s/lib:' % remote_home_path, True) for file_item in check_file_map.values(): if file_item.type == InstallPlugin.FileItemType.BIN: remote_file_path = os.path.join(remote_home_path, file_item.target_path) ret = client.execute_command('ldd %s' % remote_file_path) libs = re.findall('(/?[\w+\-/]+\.\w+[\.\w]+)[\s\\n]*\=\>[\s\\n]*not found', ret.stdout) if not libs: libs = re.findall('(/?[\w+\-/]+\.\w+[\.\w]+)[\s\\n]*\=\>[\s\\n]*not found', ret.stderr) if not libs and not ret: stdio.error('Failed to execute repository lib check.') return need_libs.update(libs) if need_libs: for lib in need_libs: getattr(stdio, msg_lv, '%s %s require: %s' % (server, check_repository, lib)) lib_check = False client.add_env('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '', True) if msg_lv == 'error': stdio.stop_loading('succeed' if lib_check else 'fail') elif msg_lv == 'warn': stdio.stop_loading('succeed' if lib_check else 'warn') return plugin_context.return_true(checked=lib_check)