# coding: utf-8 # OceanBase Deploy. # Copyright (C) 2021 OceanBase # # This file is part of OceanBase Deploy. # # OceanBase Deploy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # OceanBase Deploy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with OceanBase Deploy. If not, see . from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import os import bz2 import sys import stat import gzip import fcntl import signal import shutil from ruamel.yaml import YAML, YAMLContextManager, representer if sys.version_info.major == 2: from collections import OrderedDict from backports import lzma from io import open class TimeoutError(OSError): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TimeoutError, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) else: import lzma class OrderedDict(dict): pass __all__ = ("timeout", "DynamicLoading", "ConfigUtil", "DirectoryUtil", "FileUtil", "YamlLoader", "OrderedDict") _WINDOWS = os.name == 'nt' class Timeout: def __init__(self, seconds=1, error_message='Timeout'): self.seconds = seconds self.error_message = error_message def handle_timeout(self, signum, frame): raise TimeoutError(self.error_message) def _is_timeout(self): return self.seconds and self.seconds > 0 def __enter__(self): if self._is_timeout(): signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handle_timeout) signal.alarm(self.seconds) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if self._is_timeout(): signal.alarm(0) timeout = Timeout class DynamicLoading(object): class Module(object): def __init__(self, module): self.module = module self.count = 0 LIBS_PATH = {} MODULES = {} @staticmethod def add_lib_path(lib): if lib not in DynamicLoading.LIBS_PATH: DynamicLoading.LIBS_PATH[lib] = 0 if DynamicLoading.LIBS_PATH[lib] == 0: sys.path.insert(0, lib) DynamicLoading.LIBS_PATH[lib] += 1 @staticmethod def add_libs_path(libs): for lib in libs: DynamicLoading.add_lib_path(lib) @staticmethod def remove_lib_path(lib): if lib not in DynamicLoading.LIBS_PATH: return if DynamicLoading.LIBS_PATH[lib] < 1: return try: DynamicLoading.LIBS_PATH[lib] -= 1 if DynamicLoading.LIBS_PATH[lib] == 0: idx = sys.path.index(lib) del sys.path[idx] except: pass @staticmethod def remove_libs_path(libs): for lib in libs: DynamicLoading.remove_lib_path(lib) @staticmethod def import_module(name, stdio=None): if name not in DynamicLoading.MODULES: try: stdio and getattr(stdio, 'verbose', print)('import %s' % name) module = __import__(name) DynamicLoading.MODULES[name] = DynamicLoading.Module(module) except: stdio and getattr(stdio, 'exception', print)('import %s failed' % name) stdio and getattr(stdio, 'verbose', print)('sys.path: %s' % sys.path) return None DynamicLoading.MODULES[name].count += 1 stdio and getattr(stdio, 'verbose', print)('add %s ref count to %s' % (name, DynamicLoading.MODULES[name].count)) return DynamicLoading.MODULES[name].module @staticmethod def export_module(name, stdio=None): if name not in DynamicLoading.MODULES: return if DynamicLoading.MODULES[name].count < 1: return try: DynamicLoading.MODULES[name].count -= 1 stdio and getattr(stdio, 'verbose', print)('sub %s ref count to %s' % (name, DynamicLoading.MODULES[name].count)) if DynamicLoading.MODULES[name].count == 0: stdio and getattr(stdio, 'verbose', print)('export %s' % name) del sys.modules[name] del DynamicLoading.MODULES[name] except: stdio and getattr(stdio, 'exception', print)('export %s failed' % name) class ConfigUtil(object): @staticmethod def get_value_from_dict(conf, key, default=None, transform_func=None): try: # 不要使用 conf.get(key, default)来替换,这里还有类型转换的需求 value = conf[key] return transform_func(value) if value is not None and transform_func else value except: return default class DirectoryUtil(object): @staticmethod def list_dir(path, stdio=None): files = [] if os.path.isdir(path): for fn in os.listdir(path): fp = os.path.join(path, fn) if os.path.isdir(fp): files += DirectoryUtil.list_dir(fp) else: files.append(fp) return files @staticmethod def copy(src, dst, stdio=None): if not os.path.isdir(src): stdio and getattr(stdio, 'error', print)("cannot copy tree '%s': not a directory" % src) return False try: names = os.listdir(src) except: stdio and getattr(stdio, 'exception', print)("error listing files in '%s':" % (src)) return False if DirectoryUtil.mkdir(dst, stdio): return False ret = True links = [] for n in names: src_name = os.path.join(src, n) dst_name = os.path.join(dst, n) if os.path.islink(src_name): link_dest = os.readlink(src_name) links.append((link_dest, dst_name)) elif os.path.isdir(src_name): ret = DirectoryUtil.copy(src_name, dst_name, stdio) and ret else: FileUtil.copy(src_name, dst_name, stdio) for link_dest, dst_name in links: FileUtil.symlink(link_dest, dst_name, stdio) return ret @staticmethod def mkdir(path, mode=0o755, stdio=None): stdio and getattr(stdio, 'verbose', print)('mkdir %s' % path) try: os.makedirs(path, mode=mode) return True except OSError as e: if e.errno == 17: return True elif e.errno == 20: stdio and getattr(stdio, 'error', print)('%s is not a directory', path) else: stdio and getattr(stdio, 'error', print)('failed to create directory %s', path) stdio and getattr(stdio, 'exception', print)('') except: stdio and getattr(stdio, 'exception', print)('') stdio and getattr(stdio, 'error', print)('failed to create directory %s', path) return False @staticmethod def rm(path, stdio=None): stdio and getattr(stdio, 'verbose', print)('rm %s' % path) try: if os.path.exists(path): if os.path.islink(path): os.remove(path) else: shutil.rmtree(path) return True except Exception as e: stdio and getattr(stdio, 'exception', print)('') stdio and getattr(stdio, 'error', print)('failed to remove %s', path) return False class FileUtil(object): COPY_BUFSIZE = 1024 * 1024 if _WINDOWS else 64 * 1024 @staticmethod def copy_fileobj(fsrc, fdst): fsrc_read = fsrc.read fdst_write = fdst.write while True: buf = fsrc_read(FileUtil.COPY_BUFSIZE) if not buf: break fdst_write(buf) @staticmethod def copy(src, dst, stdio=None): stdio and getattr(stdio, 'verbose', print)('copy %s %s' % (src, dst)) if os.path.exists(src) and os.path.exists(dst) and os.path.samefile(src, dst): info = "`%s` and `%s` are the same file" % (src, dst) if stdio: getattr(stdio, 'error', print)(info) return False else: raise IOError(info) for fn in [src, dst]: try: st = os.stat(fn) except OSError: pass else: if stat.S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode): info = "`%s` is a named pipe" % fn if stdio: getattr(stdio, 'error', print)(info) return False else: raise IOError(info) try: if os.path.islink(src): FileUtil.symlink(os.readlink(src), dst) return True with FileUtil.open(src, 'rb') as fsrc, FileUtil.open(dst, 'wb') as fdst: FileUtil.copy_fileobj(fsrc, fdst) os.chmod(dst, os.stat(src).st_mode) return True except Exception as e: if int(getattr(e, 'errno', -1)) == 26: from ssh import LocalClient if LocalClient.execute_command('/usr/bin/cp -f %s %s' % (src, dst), stdio=stdio): return True elif stdio: getattr(stdio, 'exception', print)('copy error: %s' % e) else: raise e return False @staticmethod def symlink(src, dst, stdio=None): stdio and getattr(stdio, 'verbose', print)('link %s %s' % (src, dst)) try: if DirectoryUtil.rm(dst, stdio): os.symlink(src, dst) return True except Exception as e: if stdio: getattr(stdio, 'exception', print)('link error: %s' % e) else: raise e return False @staticmethod def open(path, _type='r', encoding=None, stdio=None): stdio and getattr(stdio, 'verbose', print)('open %s for %s' % (path, _type)) if os.path.exists(path): if os.path.isfile(path): return open(path, _type, encoding=encoding) info = '%s is not file' % path if stdio: getattr(stdio, 'error', print)(info) return None else: raise IOError(info) dir_path, file_name = os.path.split(path) if not dir_path or DirectoryUtil.mkdir(dir_path, stdio=stdio): return open(path, _type, encoding=encoding) info = '%s is not file' % path if stdio: getattr(stdio, 'error', print)(info) return None else: raise IOError(info) @staticmethod def unzip(source, ztype=None, stdio=None): stdio and getattr(stdio, 'verbose', print)('unzip %s' % source) if not ztype: ztype = source.split('.')[-1] try: if ztype == 'bz2': s_fn = bz2.BZ2File(source, 'r') elif ztype == 'xz': s_fn = lzma.LZMAFile(source, 'r') elif ztype == 'gz': s_fn = gzip.GzipFile(source, 'r') else: s_fn = open(source, 'r') return s_fn except: stdio and getattr(stdio, 'exception', print)('failed to unzip %s' % source) return None @staticmethod def rm(path, stdio=None): stdio and getattr(stdio, 'verbose', print)('rm %s' % path) if not os.path.exists(path): return True try: os.remove(path) return True except: stdio and getattr(stdio, 'exception', print)('failed to remove %s' % path) return False @staticmethod def move(src, dst, stdio=None): return shutil.move(src, dst) @staticmethod def share_lock_obj(obj, stdio=None): stdio and getattr(stdio, 'verbose', print)('try to get share lock %s' % obj.name) fcntl.flock(obj, fcntl.LOCK_SH | fcntl.LOCK_NB) return obj @classmethod def share_lock(cls, path, _type='w', stdio=None): return cls.share_lock_obj(cls.open(path, _type=_type, stdio=stdio)) @staticmethod def exclusive_lock_obj(obj, stdio=None): stdio and getattr(stdio, 'verbose', print)('try to get exclusive lock %s' % obj.name) fcntl.flock(obj, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) return obj @classmethod def exclusive_lock(cls, path, _type='w', stdio=None): return cls.exclusive_lock_obj(cls.open(path, _type=_type, stdio=stdio)) @staticmethod def unlock(obj, stdio=None): stdio and getattr(stdio, 'verbose', print)('unlock %s' % obj.name) fcntl.flock(obj, fcntl.LOCK_UN) return obj class YamlLoader(YAML): def __init__(self, stdio=None, typ=None, pure=False, output=None, plug_ins=None): super(YamlLoader, self).__init__(typ=typ, pure=pure, output=output, plug_ins=plug_ins) self.stdio = stdio if not self.Representer.yaml_multi_representers and self.Representer.yaml_representers: self.Representer.yaml_multi_representers = self.Representer.yaml_representers def load(self, stream): try: return super(YamlLoader, self).load(stream) except Exception as e: if getattr(self.stdio, 'exception', False): self.stdio.exception('Parsing error:\n%s' % e) raise e def dump(self, data, stream=None, transform=None): try: return super(YamlLoader, self).dump(data, stream=stream, transform=transform) except Exception as e: if getattr(self.stdio, 'exception', False): self.stdio.exception('dump error:\n%s' % e) raise e