# coding: utf-8 # OceanBase Deploy. # Copyright (C) 2021 OceanBase # # This file is part of OceanBase Deploy. # # OceanBase Deploy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # OceanBase Deploy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with OceanBase Deploy. If not, see . from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re import os import time try: import subprocess32 as subprocess except: import subprocess from ssh import LocalClient stdio = None def parse_size(size): _bytes = 0 if not isinstance(size, str) or size.isdigit(): _bytes = int(size) else: units = {"B": 1, "K": 1<<10, "M": 1<<20, "G": 1<<30, "T": 1<<40} match = re.match(r'([1-9][0-9]*)\s*([B,K,M,G,T])', size.upper()) _bytes = int(match.group(1)) * units[match.group(2)] return _bytes def format_size(size, precision=1): units = ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G'] units_num = len(units) - 1 idx = 0 if precision: div = 1024.0 format = '%.' + str(precision) + 'f%s' limit = 1024 else: div = 1024 limit = 1024 format = '%d%s' while idx < units_num and size >= limit: size /= div idx += 1 return format % (size, units[idx]) def exec_cmd(cmd): stdio.verbose('execute: %s' % cmd) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) while process.poll() is None: line = process.stdout.readline() line = line.strip() if line: stdio.print(line.decode("utf8", 'ignore')) return process.returncode == 0 def run_test(plugin_context, db, cursor, *args, **kwargs): def get_option(key, default=''): value = getattr(options, key, default) if value is None: value = default return value def execute(cursor, query, args=None): msg = query % tuple(args) if args is not None else query stdio.verbose('execute sql: %s' % msg) stdio.verbose("query: %s. args: %s" % (query, args)) try: cursor.execute(query, args) return cursor.fetchone() except: msg = 'execute sql exception: %s' % msg stdio.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) def local_execute_command(command, env=None, timeout=None): return LocalClient.execute_command(command, env, timeout, stdio) global stdio cluster_config = plugin_context.cluster_config stdio = plugin_context.stdio clients = plugin_context.clients options = plugin_context.options optimization = get_option('optimization') > 0 not_test_only = not get_option('test_only') host = get_option('host', '') port = get_option('port', 2881) mysql_db = get_option('database', 'test') user = get_option('user', 'root') tenant_name = get_option('tenant', 'test') password = get_option('password', '') ddl_path = get_option('ddl_path') tbl_path = get_option('tbl_path') sql_path = get_option('sql_path') tmp_dir = get_option('tmp_dir') obclient_bin = get_option('obclient_bin', 'obclient') sql_path = sorted(sql_path, key=lambda x: (len(x), x)) sql = "select * from oceanbase.gv$tenant where tenant_name = %s" max_cpu = 2 cpu_total = 0 min_memory = 0 unit_count = 0 tenant_meta = None tenant_unit = None try: stdio.verbose('execute sql: %s' % (sql % tenant_name)) cursor.execute(sql, [tenant_name]) tenant_meta = cursor.fetchone() if not tenant_meta: stdio.error('Tenant %s not exists. Use `obd cluster tenant create` to create tenant.' % tenant_name) return sql = "select * from oceanbase.__all_resource_pool where tenant_id = %d" % tenant_meta['tenant_id'] pool = execute(cursor, sql) sql = "select * from oceanbase.__all_unit_config where unit_config_id = %d" % pool['unit_config_id'] tenant_unit = execute(cursor, sql) max_cpu = tenant_unit['max_cpu'] min_memory = tenant_unit['min_memory'] unit_count = pool['unit_count'] except: stdio.error('fail to get tenant info') return if not_test_only: sql_cmd_prefix = '%s -h%s -P%s -u%s@%s %s -A' % (obclient_bin, host, port, user, tenant_name, ("-p'%s'" % password) if password else '') ret = local_execute_command('%s -e "%s"' % (sql_cmd_prefix, 'create database if not exists %s' % mysql_db)) sql_cmd_prefix += ' -D %s' % mysql_db if not ret: stdio.error(ret.stderr) return else: sql_cmd_prefix = '%s -h%s -P%s -u%s@%s %s -D %s -A' % (obclient_bin, host, port, user, tenant_name, ("-p'%s'" % password) if password else '', mysql_db) ret = LocalClient.execute_command('%s -e "%s"' % (sql_cmd_prefix, 'select version();'), stdio=stdio) if not ret: stdio.error(ret.stderr) return for server in cluster_config.servers: client = clients[server] ret = client.execute_command("grep -e 'processor\s*:' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l") if ret and ret.stdout.strip().isdigit(): cpu_total += int(ret.stdout) else: server_config = cluster_config.get_server_conf(server) cpu_total += int(server_config.get('cpu_count', 0)) sql = '' system_configs_done = [] tenant_variables_done = [] try: cache_wash_threshold = format_size(int(min_memory * 0.2), 0) system_configs = [ # [配置名, 新值, 旧值, 替换条件: lambda n, o: n != o, 是否是租户级] ['syslog_level', 'PERF', 'PERF', lambda n, o: n != o, False], ['max_syslog_file_count', 100, 100, lambda n, o: n != o, False], ['enable_syslog_recycle', True, True, lambda n, o: n != o, False], ['enable_merge_by_turn', False, False, lambda n, o: n != o, False], ['trace_log_slow_query_watermark', '100s', '100s', lambda n, o: n != o, False], ['max_kept_major_version_number', 1, 1, lambda n, o: n != o, False], ['enable_sql_operator_dump', True, True, lambda n, o: n != o, False], ['_hash_area_size', '3g', '3g', lambda n, o: n != o, False], ['memstore_limit_percentage', 50, 50, lambda n, o: n != o, False], ['enable_rebalance', False, False, lambda n, o: n != o, False], ['memory_chunk_cache_size', '1g', '1g', lambda n, o: n != o, False], ['minor_freeze_times', 5, 5, lambda n, o: n != o, False], ['merge_thread_count', 20, 20, lambda n, o: n != o, False], ['cache_wash_threshold', cache_wash_threshold, cache_wash_threshold, lambda n, o: n != o, False], ['ob_enable_batched_multi_statement', True, True, lambda n, o: n != o, False], ] tenant_q = ' tenant="%s"' % tenant_name server_num = len(cluster_config.servers) if optimization: for config in system_configs: if config[0] == 'sleep': time.sleep(config[1]) system_configs_done.append(config) continue sql = 'show parameters like "%s"' % config[0] if config[4]: sql += tenant_q ret = execute(cursor, sql) if ret: config[2] = ret['value'] if config[3](config[1], config[2]): sql = 'alter system set %s=%%s' % config[0] if config[4]: sql += tenant_q system_configs_done.append(config) execute(cursor, sql, [config[1]]) sql = "select count(1) server_num from oceanbase.__all_server where status = 'active'" ret = execute(cursor, sql) if ret: server_num = ret.get("server_num", server_num) parallel_max_servers = min(int(max_cpu * 10), 1800) parallel_servers_target = int(max_cpu * server_num * 8) tenant_variables = [ # [变量名, 新值, 旧值, 替换条件: lambda n, o: n != o] ['ob_sql_work_area_percentage', 80, 80, lambda n, o: n != o], ['optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines', True, True, lambda n, o: n != o], ['optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines', True, True, lambda n, o: n != o], ['ob_query_timeout', 36000000000, 36000000000, lambda n, o: n != o], ['ob_trx_timeout', 36000000000, 36000000000, lambda n, o: n != o], ['max_allowed_packet', 67108864, 67108864, lambda n, o: n != o], ['secure_file_priv', "", "", lambda n, o: n != o], ['parallel_max_servers', parallel_max_servers, parallel_max_servers, lambda n, o: n != o], ['parallel_servers_target', parallel_servers_target, parallel_servers_target, lambda n, o: n != o] ] select_sql_t = "select value from oceanbase.__all_virtual_sys_variable where tenant_id = %d and name = '%%s'" % tenant_meta['tenant_id'] update_sql_t = "ALTER TENANT %s SET VARIABLES %%s = %%%%s" % tenant_name for config in tenant_variables: sql = select_sql_t % config[0] ret = execute(cursor, sql) if ret: value = ret['value'] config[2] = int(value) if isinstance(value, str) and value.isdigit() else value if config[3](config[1], config[2]): sql = update_sql_t % config[0] tenant_variables_done.append(config) execute(cursor, sql, [config[1]]) else: sql = "select value from oceanbase.__all_virtual_sys_variable where tenant_id = %d and name = 'secure_file_priv'" % tenant_meta['tenant_id'] ret = execute(cursor, sql)['value'] if ret is None: stdio.error('Access denied. Please set `secure_file_priv` to "".') return if ret: for path in tbl_path: if not path.startswith(ret): stdio.error('Access denied. Please set `secure_file_priv` to "".') return parallel_num = int(max_cpu * unit_count) if not_test_only: # 替换并发数 stdio.start_loading('Format DDL') n_ddl_path = [] for fp in ddl_path: _, fn = os.path.split(fp) nfp = os.path.join(tmp_dir, fn) ret = local_execute_command("sed %s -e 's/partitions cpu_num/partitions %d/' > %s" % (fp, cpu_total, nfp)) if not ret: raise Exception(ret.stderr) n_ddl_path.append(nfp) ddl_path = n_ddl_path stdio.stop_loading('succeed') stdio.start_loading('Create table') for path in ddl_path: path = os.path.abspath(path) stdio.verbose('load %s' % path) ret = local_execute_command('%s < %s' % (sql_cmd_prefix, path)) if not ret: raise Exception(ret.stderr) stdio.stop_loading('succeed') stdio.start_loading('Load data') for path in tbl_path: _, fn = os.path.split(path) stdio.verbose('load %s' % path) ret = local_execute_command("""%s -c -e "load data /*+ parallel(%s) */ infile '%s' into table %s fields terminated by '|';" """ % (sql_cmd_prefix, parallel_num, path, fn[:-4])) if not ret: raise Exception(ret.stderr) stdio.stop_loading('succeed') merge_version = execute(cursor, "select value from oceanbase.__all_zone where name='frozen_version'")['value'] stdio.start_loading('Merge') execute(cursor, 'alter system major freeze') sql = "select value from oceanbase.__all_zone where name='frozen_version' and value != %s" % merge_version while True: if execute(cursor, sql): break time.sleep(1) while True: if not execute(cursor, """select * from oceanbase.__all_zone where name='last_merged_version' and value != (select value from oceanbase.__all_zone where name='frozen_version' limit 1) and zone in (select zone from oceanbase.__all_zone where name='status' and info = 'ACTIVE') """): break time.sleep(5) stdio.stop_loading('succeed') # 替换并发数 stdio.start_loading('Format SQL') n_sql_path = [] for fp in sql_path: _, fn = os.path.split(fp) nfp = os.path.join(tmp_dir, fn) ret = local_execute_command("sed %s -e 's/parallel(cpu_num)/parallel(%d)/' > %s" % (fp, cpu_total, nfp)) if not ret: raise Exception(ret.stderr) n_sql_path.append(nfp) sql_path = n_sql_path stdio.stop_loading('succeed') #warmup预热 stdio.start_loading('Warmup') times = 2 for path in sql_path: _, fn = os.path.split(path) log_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, '%s.log' % fn) ret = local_execute_command('source %s | %s -c > %s' % (path, sql_cmd_prefix, log_path)) if not ret: raise Exception(ret.stderr) stdio.stop_loading('succeed') total_cost = 0 for path in sql_path: start_time = time.time() _, fn = os.path.split(path) log_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, '%s.log' % fn) stdio.print('[%s]: start %s' % (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(start_time)), path)) ret = local_execute_command('echo source %s | %s -c > %s' % (path, sql_cmd_prefix, log_path)) end_time = time.time() cost = end_time - start_time total_cost += cost stdio.print('[%s]: end %s, cost %.1fs' % (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(end_time)), path, cost)) if not ret: raise Exception(ret.stderr) stdio.print('Total Cost: %.1fs' % total_cost) except KeyboardInterrupt: stdio.stop_loading('fail') except Exception as e: stdio.stop_loading('fail') stdio.exception(str(e)) finally: try: if optimization: for config in tenant_variables_done[::-1]: if config[3](config[1], config[2]): sql = update_sql_t % config[0] execute(cursor, sql, [config[2]]) for config in system_configs_done[::-1]: if config[0] == 'sleep': time.sleep(config[1]) continue if config[3](config[1], config[2]): sql = 'alter system set %s=%%s' % config[0] if config[4]: sql += tenant_q execute(cursor, sql, [config[2]]) except: pass