Name: ob-deploy Version: %(echo $VERSION) Release: %(echo $RELEASE)%{?dist} # if you want use the parameter of rpm_create on build time, # uncomment below Summary: ob-deploy Group: Development/Tools License: GPL Url: # BuildRoot: %_topdir/BUILDROOT %define debug_package %{nil} %define __os_install_post %{nil} # uncomment below, if your building depend on other packages # uncomment below, if depend on other packages Autoreq: 0 # BuildRequires: mariadb-devel %description # if you want publish current svn URL or Revision use these macros ob-deploy %debug_package # support debuginfo package, to reduce runtime package size # prepare your files # OLDPWD is the dir of rpm_create running # _prefix is an inner var of rpmbuild, # can set by rpm_create, default is "/home/a" # _lib is an inner var, maybe "lib" or "lib64" depend on OS # create dirs %install RPM_DIR=$OLDPWD SRC_DIR=$OLDPWD/.. BUILD_DIR=$OLDPWD/rpmbuild rm -fr $SRC_DIR/mirror/remote && mkdir -p $SRC_DIR/mirror/remote && cd $SRC_DIR/mirror/remote wget cd $SRC_DIR/ rm -rf build.log build dist obd.spec if [ `git log |head -n1 | awk -F' ' '{print $2}'` ]; then CID=`git log |head -n1 | awk -F' ' '{print $2}'` BRANCH=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` else CID='UNKNOWN' BRANCH='UNKNOWN' fi DATE=`date '+%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S'` VERSION="$RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION" if [ "$OBD_DUBUG" ]; then VERSION=$VERSION".`date +%s`" fi cd $SRC_DIR/web yarn yarn build cd $SRC_DIR sed -i "s//$CID/" && sed -i "s//$BRANCH/" && sed -i "s//$DATE/" && sed -i "s//$OBD_DUBUG/" && sed -i "s//$VERSION/" cp -f sed -i "s||$OBD_DOC_LINK|" mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/{site-packages} mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/bin mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/obd pip install -r plugins-requirements3.txt --target=$BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/site-packages -i --trusted-host pip install -r service/service-requirements.txt --target=$BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/site-packages -i --trusted-host # pyinstaller -y --clean -n obd-web -p $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/site-packages -F service/ pyinstaller --hidden-import=decimal -p $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/site-packages --hidden-import service/ --hidden-import=configparser -F rm -f obd.spec \mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/web \cp -rf $SRC_DIR/dist/obd ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/bin/obd \cp -rf $SRC_DIR/web/dist $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/web \cp -rf $SRC_DIR/plugins $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/plugins \cp -rf $SRC_DIR/optimize $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/optimize \cp -rf $SRC_DIR/example $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/example \cp -rf $SRC_DIR/config_parser $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/config_parser \rm -fr $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/plugins/oceanbase-ce \rm -fr $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/config_parser/oceanbase-ce \cp -rf $SRC_DIR/profile/ $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/ \cp -rf $SRC_DIR/mirror/ $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/ \cp -rf $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/web ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/obd/ \cp -rf $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/plugins ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/obd/ \cp -rf $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/optimize ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/obd/ \cp -rf $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/config_parser ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/obd/ \cp -rf $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/mirror ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/obd/ mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/profile.d/ \cp -rf $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/profile/* ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/profile.d/ mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/obd/lib/ \cp -rf $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/site-packages ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/obd/lib/site-packages mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/obd/lib/executer \cp -rf ${RPM_DIR}/executer27 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/obd/lib/executer/ \cp -rf $BUILD_DIR/SOURCES/example ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/obd/ cd ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/obd/plugins && ln -s oceanbase oceanbase-ce && \cp -rf obproxy/3.1.0 obproxy-ce/ && \cp -rf $SRC_DIR/plugins/obproxy-ce/* obproxy-ce/ mv obproxy/3.1.0 obproxy/3.2.1 cd ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/obd/config_parser && ln -s oceanbase oceanbase-ce cd ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/obd/optimize && ln -s obproxy obproxy-ce # package infomation %files # set file attribute here %defattr(-,root,root,0777) # need not list every file here, keep it as this /usr/bin/obd /usr/obd/* /etc/profile.d/* ## create an empy dir ## need bakup old config file, so indicate here ## or need keep old config file, so indicate with "noreplace" ## indicate the dir for crontab %post # chkconfig: 2345 10 90 # description: obd .... chmod -R 755 /usr/obd/* chown -R root:root /usr/obd/* find /usr/obd -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; chmod +x /usr/bin/obd chmod +x /usr/obd/lib/executer/executer27/bin/executer echo -e 'Installation of obd finished successfully\nPlease source /etc/profile.d/ to enable it' #/sbin/chkconfig --add obd #/sbin/chkconfig obd on %changelog * Fri May 12 2023 obd 2.1.0 - new features: support oceanbase-ce V4.0 upgrade - new features: support ocp-express V1.0.1 - new features: support oceanbase-diagnostic-tool - new features: random password when password is empty - new features: obd web support English * Mon Apr 24 2023 obd 2.0.1 - new features: support ocp-express reinstall - bug fix: exit code is not 0 when obd test tpcc - bug fix: tpcc test failed when the obproxy ce component is not included in the deployment * Thu Mar 23 2023 obd 2.0.0 - new features: obd web - new features: obd display-trace - new features: obd cluster tenant show - new features: obd mirror add-repo - new features: new option "--generate-consistent-config/--gcc" for autdeploy - new features: support ocp-express - new features: support obagent V1.3.0 - new features: support oceanbase-ce V4.1.0 - bug fix: start when system_memory is greater than memory_limit - bug fix: Table 'TEST.LINEITEM' doesn't exist in obd tpch test * Wed Dec 14 2022 obd 1.6.2 - new features: support OceanBaseCE BP upgrade - fix bug: grafana init failed when remote deploy * Thu Nov 24 2022 obd 1.6.1 - new features: minimum startup resource check - fix bug: grafana dashboard title - fix bug: autodeploy maybe failed in the case of large memory and small disk - fix bug: obproxy frequent core dump in demo - fix bug: remote install rsync transmission does not use the user.port * Mon Oct 31 2022 obd 1.6.0 - new features: support oceanbase 4.0 - new features: support Prometheus - new features: support Grafana - new features: obd demo * Wed Aug 17 2022 obd 1.5.0 - new features: obd cluster reinstall - new features: obd tool - new features: support rsync - new keyword: include - more option: obd test mysqltest * Sun Jul 17 2022 obd 1.4.0 - new features: support tpcc - new features: support mysqltest record - fix bug: tpch ddl * Tue Apr 26 2022 obd 1.3.3 - new features: change repository for a deployed component - fix bug: check kernel version when autdeploy obproxy * Wed Apr 20 2022 obd 1.3.2 - fix bug: remote install will return None when success * Wed Apr 20 2022 obd 1.3.1 - new features: some alarm levels will be reduced when developer mode is turned on - fix bug: fail to connect obproxy when upgrade - fix bug: change ilog/clog/slog owner when user change - fix bug: typo: formate * Wed Mar 30 2022 obd 1.3.0 - new features: support rotation restart - new features: support switching deployment users - new features: obd cluster chst - new features: obd cluster check4ocp - fix bug: fixed the default path in tpch - fix bug: fixed the default component in sysbench * Wed Jan 05 2022 obd 1.2.1 - fix bug: fixed the upgrade path encoding error when you use the obd cluster upgrade command without setting the Chinese environment. - fix bug: fixed the problem caused by no mysqlt.connector dependency when you use the obd cluster upgrade command. - fix bug: fixed OBD cannot choose and upgrade the target component when you have only one component. * Fri Dec 31 2021 obd 1.2.0 - new features: obd mirror disable/enable - new features: support obagent 1.1.0 - new features: parameter check - new features: new option "--wp/--with-parameter" for restart - new features: support cross version upgrade and rolling upgrade for oceanbase/oceanbase-ce - fix bug: can not connect to root when sysbench useing obproxy node * Fri Dec 31 2021 obd 1.2.0 - new features: obd mirror disable/enable - new features: support obagent 1.1.0 - new features: parameter check - new features: new option "--wp/--with-parameter" for restart - new features: support cross version upgrade and rolling upgrade for oceanbase/oceanbase-ce - fix bug: can not connect to root when sysbench useing obproxy node * Thu Sep 30 2021 obd 1.1.1 - new features: obd test tych - new features: new keyword "depends" for configuration file - new features: new option "--wop/--without-parameter" for start/restart - new features: a daemon will be started when obproxy is started - new features: support obagent - fix bug: fail to get devname when devname length more than 5 * Mon Aug 09 2021 obd 1.1.0 - new features: obd cluster autdeploy - new features: obd cluster tenant - new features: obd test sysbench - enhanced startup check - new configuration item for redo log - start / stop the specified server or component - fix bug: proxyro_password and observer_sys_password can not be None - more help infomation * Mon Jun 28 2021 obd 1.0.2 - fix memory and disk check bug * Mon Jun 28 2021 obd 1.0.1 - support configuration password - Multi-level checks before start - new features: obd cluster upgrade - new features: obd update - cancel the timeout limit for waiting for the cluster to initialize - new configuration item for store log