# coding: utf-8 # OceanBase Deploy. # Copyright (C) 2021 OceanBase # # This file is part of OceanBase Deploy. # # OceanBase Deploy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # OceanBase Deploy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with OceanBase Deploy. If not, see . from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import os import re import time import base64 import sys from copy import deepcopy from tool import FileUtil, YamlLoader from Crypto import Random from Crypto.Hash import SHA from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5 as PKCS1_signature from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP as PKCS1_cipher PRI_KEY_FILE = '.ocp-express' PUB_KEY_FILE = '.ocp-express.pub' if sys.version_info.major == 2: import MySQLdb as mysql else: import pymysql as mysql from _stdio import SafeStdio def parse_size(size): _bytes = 0 if not isinstance(size, str) or size.isdigit(): _bytes = int(size) else: units = {"B": 1, "K": 1<<10, "M": 1<<20, "G": 1<<30, "T": 1<<40} match = re.match(r'(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\s*([B,K,M,G,T])', size.upper()) _bytes = int(match.group(1)) * units[match.group(2)] return _bytes def format_size(size, precision=1): units = ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G'] units_num = len(units) - 1 idx = 0 if precision: div = 1024.0 format = '%.' + str(precision) + 'f%s' limit = 1024 else: div = 1024 limit = 1024 format = '%d%s' while idx < units_num and size >= limit: size /= div idx += 1 return format % (size, units[idx]) class Cursor(SafeStdio): def __init__(self, ip, port, user='root', tenant='sys', password='', database=None, stdio=None): self.stdio = stdio self.ip = ip self.port = port self._user = user self.tenant = tenant self.password = password self.database = database self.cursor = None self.db = None self._connect() @property def user(self): if "@" in self._user: return self._user if self.tenant: return "{}@{}".format(self._user, self.tenant) else: return self._user def _connect(self): self.stdio.verbose('connect %s -P%s -u%s -p%s' % (self.ip, self.port, self.user, self.password)) if sys.version_info.major == 2: self.db = mysql.connect(host=self.ip, user=self.user, port=int(self.port), passwd=str(self.password), database=self.database) self.cursor = self.db.cursor(cursorclass=mysql.cursors.DictCursor) else: self.db = mysql.connect(host=self.ip, user=self.user, port=int(self.port), password=str(self.password), database=self.database, cursorclass=mysql.cursors.DictCursor) self.cursor = self.db.cursor() def generate_key(client, key_dir, stdio): rsa = RSA.generate(1024) private_key = rsa public_key = rsa.publickey() client.write_file(private_key.exportKey(pkcs=8), os.path.join(key_dir, PRI_KEY_FILE), mode='wb', stdio=stdio) client.write_file(public_key.exportKey(pkcs=8), os.path.join(key_dir, PUB_KEY_FILE), mode='wb', stdio=stdio) return private_key, public_key def get_key(client, key_dir, stdio): private_key_file = os.path.join(key_dir, PRI_KEY_FILE) ret = client.execute_command("cat {}".format(private_key_file)) if not ret: return generate_key(client, key_dir, stdio) private_key = RSA.importKey(ret.stdout.strip()) public_key_file = os.path.join(key_dir, PUB_KEY_FILE) ret = client.execute_command("cat {}".format(public_key_file)) if not ret: return generate_key(client, key_dir, stdio) public_key = RSA.importKey(ret.stdout.strip()) return private_key, public_key def get_plain_public_key(public_key): if isinstance(public_key, RSA.RsaKey): public_key = public_key.exportKey(pkcs=8).decode() elif isinstance(public_key, bytes): public_key = public_key.decode() public_key = public_key.replace("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----", "").replace("-----END PRIVATE KEY-----", "").replace("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----", "").replace("-----END PUBLIC KEY-----", "").replace("\n", "") return public_key def rsa_private_sign(passwd, private_key): signer = PKCS1_cipher.new(private_key) sign = signer.encrypt(passwd.encode("utf-8")) # digest = SHA.new() # digest.update(passwd.encode("utf8")) # sign = signer.sign(digest) signature = base64.b64encode(sign) signature = signature.decode('utf-8') return signature def get_port_socket_inode(client, port, stdio): port = hex(port)[2:].zfill(4).upper() cmd = "bash -c 'cat /proc/net/{tcp*,udp*}' | awk -F' ' '{print $2,$10}' | grep '00000000:%s' | awk -F' ' '{print $2}' | uniq" % port res = client.execute_command(cmd) if not res or not res.stdout.strip(): return False stdio.verbose(res.stdout) return res.stdout.strip().split('\n') def confirm_port(client, pid, port, stdio): socket_inodes = get_port_socket_inode(client, port, stdio) if not socket_inodes: return False ret = client.execute_command("ls -l /proc/%s/fd/ |grep -E 'socket:\[(%s)\]'" % (pid, '|'.join(socket_inodes))) if ret and ret.stdout.strip(): return True return False def get_missing_required_parameters(parameters): results = [] for key in ["jdbc_url", "jdbc_password", "jdbc_username", "cluster_name", "ob_cluster_id", "root_sys_password", "server_addresses", "agent_username", "agent_password"]: if parameters.get(key) is None: results.append(key) return results def prepare_parameters(cluster_config, stdio): # depends config env = {} depend_observer = False depend_info = {} ob_servers_conf = {} root_servers = [] for comp in ["oceanbase", "oceanbase-ce"]: ob_zones = {} if comp in cluster_config.depends: depend_observer = True observer_globals = cluster_config.get_depend_config(comp) ocp_meta_keys = [ "ocp_meta_tenant", "ocp_meta_db", "ocp_meta_username", "ocp_meta_password", "appname", "cluster_id", "root_password" ] for key in ocp_meta_keys: value = observer_globals.get(key) if value is not None: depend_info[key] = value ob_servers = cluster_config.get_depend_servers(comp) for ob_server in ob_servers: ob_servers_conf[ob_server] = ob_server_conf = cluster_config.get_depend_config(comp, ob_server) if 'server_ip' not in depend_info: depend_info['server_ip'] = ob_server.ip depend_info['mysql_port'] = ob_server_conf['mysql_port'] zone = ob_server_conf['zone'] if zone not in ob_zones: ob_zones[zone] = ob_server root_servers = ob_zones.values() break for comp in ['obproxy', 'obproxy-ce']: if comp in cluster_config.depends: obproxy_servers = cluster_config.get_depend_servers(comp) obproxy_server = obproxy_servers[0] obproxy_server_config = cluster_config.get_depend_config(comp, obproxy_server) depend_info['server_ip'] = obproxy_server.ip depend_info['mysql_port'] = obproxy_server_config['listen_port'] break if 'obagent' in cluster_config.depends: obagent_servers = cluster_config.get_depend_servers('obagent') server_addresses = [] for obagent_server in obagent_servers: obagent_server_config_without_default = cluster_config.get_depend_config('obagent', obagent_server, with_default=False) obagent_server_config = cluster_config.get_depend_config('obagent', obagent_server) username = obagent_server_config['http_basic_auth_user'] password = obagent_server_config['http_basic_auth_password'] if 'obagent_username' not in depend_info: depend_info['obagent_username'] = username elif depend_info['obagent_username'] != username: stdio.error('The http basic auth of obagent is inconsistent') return if 'obagent_password' not in depend_info: depend_info['obagent_password'] = password elif depend_info['obagent_password'] != password: stdio.error('The http basic auth of obagent is inconsistent') return if obagent_server_config_without_default.get('sql_port'): sql_port = obagent_server_config['sql_port'] elif ob_servers_conf.get(obagent_server) and ob_servers_conf[obagent_server].get('mysql_port'): sql_port = ob_servers_conf[obagent_server]['mysql_port'] else: continue if obagent_server_config_without_default.get('rpc_port'): svr_port = obagent_server_config['rpc_port'] elif ob_servers_conf.get(obagent_server) and ob_servers_conf[obagent_server].get('rpc_port'): svr_port = ob_servers_conf[obagent_server]['rpc_port'] else: continue server_addresses.append({ "address": obagent_server.ip, "svrPort": svr_port, "sqlPort": sql_port, "withRootServer": obagent_server in root_servers, "agentMgrPort": obagent_server_config.get('mgragent_http_port', 0), "agentMonPort": obagent_server_config.get('monagent_http_port', 0) }) depend_info['server_addresses'] = server_addresses for server in cluster_config.servers: server_config = deepcopy(cluster_config.get_server_conf_with_default(server)) original_server_config = cluster_config.get_original_server_conf(server) missed_keys = get_missing_required_parameters(original_server_config) if missed_keys: if 'jdbc_url' in missed_keys and depend_observer: server_config['jdbc_url'] = 'jdbc:oceanbase://{}:{}/{}'.format(depend_info['server_ip'], depend_info['mysql_port'], depend_info['ocp_meta_db']) if 'jdbc_username' in missed_keys and depend_observer: server_config['jdbc_username'] = "{}@{}".format(depend_info['ocp_meta_username'], depend_info.get('ocp_meta_tenant', {}).get("tenant_name")) depends_key_maps = { "jdbc_password": "ocp_meta_password", "cluster_name": "appname", "ob_cluster_id": "cluster_id", "root_sys_password": "root_password", "agent_username": "obagent_username", "agent_password": "obagent_password", "server_addresses": "server_addresses" } for key in depends_key_maps: if key in missed_keys: if depend_info.get(depends_key_maps[key]) is not None: server_config[key] = depend_info[depends_key_maps[key]] env[server] = server_config return env def start(plugin_context, start_env=None, *args, **kwargs): cluster_config = plugin_context.cluster_config options = plugin_context.options clients = plugin_context.clients stdio = plugin_context.stdio if not start_env: start_env = prepare_parameters(cluster_config, stdio) if not start_env: return plugin_context.return_false() exclude_keys = ["home_path", "port", "jdbc_url", "jdbc_username", "jdbc_password", "cluster_name", "ob_cluster_id", "root_sys_password", "server_addresses", "agent_username", "agent_password", "system_password", "memory_size"] repository_dir = None for repository in plugin_context.repositories: if repository.name == cluster_config.name: repository_dir = repository.repository_dir break with FileUtil.open(os.path.join(repository_dir, 'conf/ocp-express-config-mapper.yaml')) as f: data = YamlLoader(stdio=stdio).load(f) config_mapper = data.get('config_mapper', {}) server_pid = {} success = True stdio.start_loading("Start ocp-express") for server in cluster_config.servers: client = clients[server] server_config = start_env[server] home_path = server_config['home_path'] jdbc_url = server_config['jdbc_url'] jdbc_username = server_config['jdbc_username'] jdbc_password = server_config['jdbc_password'] system_password = server_config["system_password"] port = server_config['port'] pid_path = os.path.join(home_path, 'run/ocp-express.pid') pids = client.execute_command("cat %s" % pid_path).stdout.strip() bootstrap_flag = os.path.join(home_path, '.bootstrapped') if pids and all([client.execute_command('ls /proc/%s' % pid) for pid in pids.split('\n')]): server_pid[server] = pids continue if getattr(options, 'without_parameter', False) and client.execute_command('ls %s' % bootstrap_flag): use_parameter = False else: use_parameter = True # check meta db connect before start matched = re.match(r"^jdbc:\S+://(\S+?)(|:\d+)/(\S+)", jdbc_url) if matched: ip = matched.group(1) sql_port = matched.group(2)[1:] database = matched.group(3) connected = False retries = 10 while not connected and retries: retries -= 1 try: Cursor(ip=ip, port=sql_port, user=jdbc_username, password=jdbc_password, database=database, stdio=stdio) connected = True except: time.sleep(1) if not connected: success = False stdio.error("{}: failed to connect meta db".format(server)) continue else: stdio.verbose('unmatched jdbc url, skip meta db connection check') if server_config.get('encrypt_password', False): private_key, public_key = get_key(client, os.path.join(home_path, 'conf'), stdio) public_key_str = get_plain_public_key(public_key) jdbc_password = rsa_private_sign(jdbc_password, private_key) system_password = rsa_private_sign(system_password, private_key) else: public_key_str = "" memory_size = server_config['memory_size'] jvm_memory_option = "-Xms{0} -Xmx{0}".format(format_size(parse_size(memory_size) * 0.5, 0).lower()) extra_options = { "ocp.iam.encrypted-system-password": system_password } extra_options_str = ' '.join(["-D{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in extra_options.items()]) java_bin = server_config['java_bin'] cmd = '{java_bin} -jar {jvm_memory_option} -DJDBC_URL={jdbc_url} -DJDBC_USERNAME={jdbc_username} -DJDBC_PASSWORD={jdbc_password} ' \ '-DPUBLIC_KEY={public_key} {extra_options_str} {home_path}/lib/ocp-express-server.jar --port={port}'.format( java_bin=java_bin, home_path=home_path, port=port, jdbc_url=jdbc_url, jdbc_username=jdbc_username, jdbc_password=jdbc_password, public_key=public_key_str, jvm_memory_option=jvm_memory_option, extra_options_str=extra_options_str, ) if "log_dir" not in server_config: log_dir = os.path.join(home_path, 'log') else: log_dir = server_config["log_dir"] server_config["logging_file_name"] = os.path.join(log_dir, 'ocp-express.log') if use_parameter: cmd += ' --bootstrap --progress-log={}'.format(os.path.join(log_dir, 'bootstrap.log')) for key in server_config: if key not in exclude_keys and key in config_mapper: cmd += ' --with-property={}:{}'.format(config_mapper[key], server_config[key]) client.execute_command("cd {}; bash -c '{} > /dev/null 2>&1 &'".format(home_path, cmd)) ret = client.execute_command("ps -aux | grep '%s' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' " % cmd) if ret: server_pid[server] = ret.stdout.strip() if not server_pid[server]: stdio.error("failed to start {} ocp express".format(server)) success = False continue client.write_file(server_pid[server], os.path.join(home_path, 'run/ocp-express.pid')) if success: stdio.stop_loading('succeed') else: stdio.stop_loading('fail') return plugin_context.return_false() stdio.start_loading("ocp-express program health check") failed = [] servers = cluster_config.servers count = 60 while servers and count: count -= 1 tmp_servers = [] for server in servers: server_config = cluster_config.get_server_conf(server) client = clients[server] stdio.verbose('%s program health check' % server) pids_stat = {} for pid in server_pid[server].split("\n"): pids_stat[pid] = None if not client.execute_command('ls /proc/{}'.format(pid)): pids_stat[pid] = False continue confirm = confirm_port(client, pid, int(server_config["port"]), stdio) if confirm: pids_stat[pid] = True break if any(pids_stat.values()): for pid in pids_stat: if pids_stat[pid]: stdio.verbose('%s ocp-express[pid: %s] started', server, pid) continue if all([stat is False for stat in pids_stat.values()]): failed.append('failed to start {} ocp-express'.format(server)) elif count: tmp_servers.append(server) stdio.verbose('failed to start %s ocp-express, remaining retries: %d' % (server, count)) else: failed.append('failed to start {} ocp-express'.format(server)) servers = tmp_servers if servers and count: time.sleep(3) if failed: stdio.stop_loading('failed') for msg in failed: stdio.error(msg) return plugin_context.return_false() else: stdio.stop_loading('succeed') plugin_context.return_true(need_bootstrap=True) return False