# coding: utf-8 # OceanBase Deploy. # Copyright (C) 2021 OceanBase # # This file is part of OceanBase Deploy. # # OceanBase Deploy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # OceanBase Deploy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with OceanBase Deploy. If not, see . from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import os import json import time import requests from copy import deepcopy def config_url(ocp_config_server, appname, cid): cfg_url = '%s&Action=ObRootServiceInfo&ObCluster=%s' % (ocp_config_server, appname) proxy_cfg_url = '%s&Action=GetObProxyConfig&ObRegionGroup=%s' % (ocp_config_server, appname) # Command that clears the URL content for the cluster cleanup_config_url_content = '%s&Action=DeleteObRootServiceInfoByClusterName&ClusterName=%s' % (ocp_config_server, appname) # Command that register the cluster information to the Config URL register_to_config_url = '%s&Action=ObRootServiceRegister&ObCluster=%s&ObClusterId=%s' % (ocp_config_server, appname, cid) return cfg_url, cleanup_config_url_content, register_to_config_url def init_config_server(ocp_config_server, appname, cid, force_delete, stdio): def post(url): stdio.verbose('post %s' % url) response = requests.post(url) if response.status_code != 200: raise Exception('%s status code %s' % (url, response.status_code)) return json.loads(response.text)['Code'] cfg_url, cleanup_config_url_content, register_to_config_url = config_url(ocp_config_server, appname, cid) ret = post(register_to_config_url) if ret != 200: if not force_delete: raise Exception('%s may have been registered in %s' % (appname, ocp_config_server)) ret = post(cleanup_config_url_content) if ret != 200 : raise Exception('failed to clean up the config url content, return code %s' % ret) if post(register_to_config_url) != 200: return False return cfg_url def start(plugin_context, local_home_path, repository_dir, *args, **kwargs): cluster_config = plugin_context.cluster_config options = plugin_context.options clients = plugin_context.clients stdio = plugin_context.stdio clusters_cmd = {} need_bootstrap = True root_servers = {} global_config = cluster_config.get_global_conf() appname = global_config['appname'] if 'appname' in global_config else None cluster_id = global_config['cluster_id'] if 'cluster_id' in global_config else None obconfig_url = global_config['obconfig_url'] if 'obconfig_url' in global_config else None cfg_url = '' if obconfig_url: if not appname or not cluster_id: stdio.error('need appname and cluster_id') return try: cfg_url = init_config_server(obconfig_url, appname, cluster_id, getattr(options, 'force_delete', False), stdio) if not cfg_url: stdio.error('failed to register cluster. %s may have been registered in %s.' % (appname, obconfig_url)) return except: stdio.exception('failed to register cluster') return stdio.start_loading('Start observer') for server in cluster_config.servers: config = cluster_config.get_server_conf(server) zone = config['zone'] if zone not in root_servers: root_servers[zone] = '%s:%s:%s' % (server.ip, config['rpc_port'], config['mysql_port']) rs_list_opt = '-r \'%s\'' % ';'.join([root_servers[zone] for zone in root_servers]) for server in cluster_config.servers: client = clients[server] server_config = cluster_config.get_server_conf(server) home_path = server_config['home_path'] if client.execute_command("bash -c 'if [ -f %s/bin/observer ]; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi;'" % home_path): remote_home_path = client.execute_command('echo $HOME/.obd').stdout.strip() remote_repository_dir = repository_dir.replace(local_home_path, remote_home_path) client.execute_command("bash -c 'mkdir -p %s/{bin,lib}'" % (home_path)) client.execute_command("ln -s %s/bin/* %s/bin" % (remote_repository_dir, home_path)) client.execute_command("ln -s %s/lib/* %s/lib" % (remote_repository_dir, home_path)) if not server_config.get('data_dir'): server_config['data_dir'] = '%s/store' % home_path if client.execute_command('ls %s/ilog/' % server_config['data_dir']).stdout.strip(): need_bootstrap = False remote_pid_path = '%s/run/observer.pid' % home_path remote_pid = client.execute_command('cat %s' % remote_pid_path).stdout.strip() if remote_pid: if client.execute_command('ls /proc/%s' % remote_pid): continue stdio.verbose('%s start command construction' % server) not_opt_str = { 'zone': '-z', 'mysql_port': '-p', 'rpc_port': '-P', 'nodaemon': '-N', 'appname': '-n', 'cluster_id': '-c', 'data_dir': '-d', 'devname': '-i', 'syslog_level': '-l', 'ipv6': '-6', 'mode': '-m', 'scn': '-f' } get_value = lambda key: "'%s'" % server_config[key] if isinstance(server_config[key], str) else server_config[key] opt_str = [] for key in server_config: if key not in ['home_path', 'obconfig_url', 'proxyro_password'] and key not in not_opt_str: value = get_value(key) opt_str.append('%s=%s' % (key, value)) cmd = [] if cfg_url: opt_str.append('obconfig_url=\'%s\'' % cfg_url) else: cmd.append(rs_list_opt) cmd.append('-o %s' % ','.join(opt_str)) for key in not_opt_str: if key in server_config: value = get_value(key) cmd.append('%s %s' % (not_opt_str[key], value)) clusters_cmd[server] = 'cd %s; %s/bin/observer %s' % (home_path, home_path, ' '.join(cmd)) for server in clusters_cmd: client = clients[server] server_config = cluster_config.get_server_conf(server) stdio.verbose('starting %s observer', server) client.add_env('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '%s/lib:' % server_config['home_path'], True) ret = client.execute_command(clusters_cmd[server]) client.add_env('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '', True) if not ret: stdio.stop_loading('fail') stdio.error('failed to start %s observer: %s' % (server, ret.stderr)) return stdio.stop_loading('succeed') stdio.start_loading('observer program health check') time.sleep(3) failed = [] for server in cluster_config.servers: client = clients[server] server_config = cluster_config.get_server_conf(server) home_path = server_config['home_path'] remote_pid_path = '%s/run/observer.pid' % home_path stdio.verbose('%s program health check' % server) remote_pid = client.execute_command('cat %s' % remote_pid_path).stdout.strip() if remote_pid and client.execute_command('ls /proc/%s' % remote_pid): stdio.verbose('%s observer[pid: %s] started', server, remote_pid) else: failed.append('failed to start %s observer' % server) if failed: stdio.stop_loading('fail') for msg in failed: stdio.warn(msg) return plugin_context.return_false() else: stdio.stop_loading('succeed') return plugin_context.return_true(need_bootstrap=need_bootstrap)