# coding: utf-8 # OceanBase Deploy. # Copyright (C) 2021 OceanBase # # This file is part of OceanBase Deploy. # # OceanBase Deploy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # OceanBase Deploy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with OceanBase Deploy. If not, see . from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re import os import sys import time import fcntl from optparse import Values import tempfile from subprocess import call as subprocess_call from prettytable import PrettyTable from halo import Halo from ssh import SshClient, SshConfig from tool import ConfigUtil, FileUtil, DirectoryUtil, YamlLoader from _stdio import MsgLevel from _rpm import Version from _mirror import MirrorRepositoryManager, PackageInfo from _plugin import PluginManager, PluginType, InstallPlugin from _repository import RepositoryManager, LocalPackage, Repository from _deploy import DeployManager, DeployStatus, DeployConfig, DeployConfigStatus from _lock import LockManager class ObdHome(object): HOME_LOCK_RELATIVE_PATH = 'obd.conf' def __init__(self, home_path, stdio=None, lock=True): self.home_path = home_path self._lock = None self._home_conf = None self._mirror_manager = None self._repository_manager = None self._deploy_manager = None self._plugin_manager = None self._lock_manager = None self.stdio = None self._stdio_func = None self.set_stdio(stdio) self.lock_manager.global_sh_lock() @property def mirror_manager(self): if not self._mirror_manager: self._mirror_manager = MirrorRepositoryManager(self.home_path, self.lock_manager, self.stdio) return self._mirror_manager @property def repository_manager(self): if not self._repository_manager: self._repository_manager = RepositoryManager(self.home_path, self.lock_manager, self.stdio) return self._repository_manager @property def plugin_manager(self): if not self._plugin_manager: self._plugin_manager = PluginManager(self.home_path, self.stdio) return self._plugin_manager @property def deploy_manager(self): if not self._deploy_manager: self._deploy_manager = DeployManager(self.home_path, self.lock_manager, self.stdio) return self._deploy_manager @property def lock_manager(self): if not self._lock_manager: self._lock_manager = LockManager(self.home_path, self.stdio) return self._lock_manager def _obd_update_lock(self): self.lock_manager.global_ex_lock() def set_stdio(self, stdio): def _print(msg, *arg, **kwarg): sep = kwarg['sep'] if 'sep' in kwarg else None end = kwarg['end'] if 'end' in kwarg else None return print(msg, sep='' if sep is None else sep, end='\n' if end is None else end) self.stdio = stdio self._stdio_func = {} if not self.stdio: return for func in ['start_loading', 'stop_loading', 'print', 'confirm', 'verbose', 'warn', 'exception', 'error', 'critical', 'print_list']: self._stdio_func[func] = getattr(self.stdio, func, _print) def _call_stdio(self, func, msg, *arg, **kwarg): if func not in self._stdio_func: return None return self._stdio_func[func](msg, *arg, **kwarg) def add_mirror(self, src, opts): if re.match('^https?://', src): return self.mirror_manager.add_remote_mirror(src) else: return self.mirror_manager.add_local_mirror(src, getattr(opts, 'force', False)) def deploy_param_check(self, repositories, deploy_config): # parameter check errors = [] for repository in repositories: cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] errors += cluster_config.check_param()[1] for server in cluster_config.servers: self._call_stdio('verbose', '%s %s param check' % (server, repository)) need_items = cluster_config.get_unconfigured_require_item(server) if need_items: errors.append('%s %s need config: %s' % (server, repository.name, ','.join(need_items))) return errors def get_clients(self, deploy_config, repositories): ssh_clients = {} self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Open ssh connection') for repository in repositories: cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] # ssh check self.ssh_clients_connect(ssh_clients, cluster_config.servers, deploy_config.user) self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') return ssh_clients def ssh_clients_connect(self, ssh_clients, servers, user_config): for server in servers: if server.ip not in ssh_clients: ssh_clients[server] = SshClient( SshConfig( server.ip, user_config.username, user_config.password, user_config.key_file, user_config.port, user_config.timeout ), self.stdio ) ssh_clients[server].connect() def search_plugin(self, repository, plugin_type, no_found_exit=True): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Search %s plugin for %s' % (plugin_type.name.lower(), repository.name)) plugin = self.plugin_manager.get_best_plugin(plugin_type, repository.name, repository.version) if plugin: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Found for %s for %s-%s' % (plugin, repository.name, repository.version)) else: if no_found_exit: self._call_stdio('critical', 'No such %s plugin for %s-%s' % (plugin_type.name.lower(), repository.name, repository.version)) else: self._call_stdio('warn', 'No such %s plugin for %s-%s' % (plugin_type.name.lower(), repository.name, repository.version)) return plugin def search_plugins(self, repositories, plugin_type, no_found_exit=True): plugins = {} self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Searching %s plugin for components ...', plugin_type.name.lower()) for repository in repositories: plugin = self.search_plugin(repository, plugin_type, no_found_exit) if plugin: plugins[repository] = plugin elif no_found_exit: return None return plugins def search_py_script_plugin(self, repositories, script_name, no_found_exit=True): plugins = {} self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Searching %s plugin for components ...', script_name) for repository in repositories: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Searching %s plugin for %s' % (script_name, repository)) plugin = self.plugin_manager.get_best_py_script_plugin(script_name, repository.name, repository.version) if plugin: plugins[repository] = plugin self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Found for %s for %s-%s' % (plugin, repository.name, repository.version)) else: if no_found_exit: self._call_stdio('critical', 'No such %s plugin for %s-%s' % (script_name, repository.name, repository.version)) break else: self._call_stdio('warn', 'No such %s plugin for %s-%s' % (script_name, repository.name, repository.version)) return plugins def search_images(self, component_name, version, release=None, disable=[], usable=[], release_first=False): matchs = {} usable_matchs = [] for pkg in self.mirror_manager.get_pkgs_info(component_name, version=version, release=release): if pkg.md5 in disable: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Disable %s' % pkg.md5) else: matchs[pkg.md5] = pkg for repo in self.repository_manager.get_repositories(component_name, version): if release and release != repo.release: continue if repo.md5 in disable: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Disable %s' % repo.md5) else: matchs[repo.md5] = repo if matchs: self._call_stdio( 'print_list', matchs, ['name', 'version', 'release', 'arch', 'md5'], lambda x: [matchs[x].name, matchs[x].version, matchs[x].release, matchs[x].arch, matchs[x].md5], title='Search %s %s Result' % (component_name, version) ) for md5 in usable: if md5 in matchs: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Usable %s' % md5) usable_matchs.append(matchs[md5]) if not usable_matchs: usable_matchs = [info[1] for info in sorted(matchs.items())] if release_first: usable_matchs = usable_matchs[:1] return usable_matchs def search_components_from_mirrors(self, deploy_config, fuzzy_match=False, only_info=True, update_if_need=None): pkgs = [] errors = [] repositories = [] self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Search package for components...') for component in deploy_config.components: config = deploy_config.components[component] # First, check if the component exists in the repository. If exists, check if the version is available. If so, use the repository directly. self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get %s repository' % component) repository = self.repository_manager.get_repository(component, config.version, config.package_hash if config.package_hash else config.tag) if repository and not repository.hash: repository = None self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Search %s package from mirror' % component) pkg = self.mirror_manager.get_best_pkg(name=component, version=config.version, md5=config.package_hash, fuzzy_match=fuzzy_match, only_info=only_info) if repository or pkg: if pkg: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Found Package %s-%s-%s' % (pkg.name, pkg.version, pkg.md5)) if repository: if repository >= pkg or ( ( update_if_need is None and not self._call_stdio('confirm', 'Found a higher version\n%s\nDo you want to use it?' % pkg) ) or update_if_need is False ): repositories.append(repository) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Use repository %s' % repository) self._call_stdio('print', '%s-%s already installed.' % (repository.name, repository.version)) continue if config.version and pkg.version != config.version: self._call_stdio('warn', 'No such package %s-%s. Use similar package %s-%s.' % (component, config.version, pkg.name, pkg.version)) else: self._call_stdio('print', 'Package %s-%s is available.' % (pkg.name, pkg.version)) repository = self.repository_manager.get_repository(pkg.name, pkg.md5) if repository: repositories.append(repository) else: pkgs.append(pkg) else: pkg_name = [component] if config.version: pkg_name.append(config.version) if config.package_hash: pkg_name.append(config.package_hash) elif config.tag: pkg_name.append(config.tag) errors.append('No such package %s.' % ('-'.join(pkg_name))) return pkgs, repositories, errors def load_local_repositories(self, deploy_info, allow_shadow=True): repositories = [] if allow_shadow: get_repository = self.repository_manager.get_repository_allow_shadow else: get_repository = self.repository_manager.get_repository components = deploy_info.components for component_name in components: data = components[component_name] version = data.get('version') pkg_hash = data.get('hash') self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get local repository %s-%s-%s' % (component_name, version, pkg_hash)) repository = get_repository(component_name, version, pkg_hash) if repository: repositories.append(repository) else: self._call_stdio('critical', 'Local repository %s-%s-%s is empty.' % (component_name, version, pkg_hash)) return repositories def get_local_repositories(self, components, allow_shadow=True): repositories = [] if allow_shadow: get_repository = self.repository_manager.get_repository_allow_shadow else: get_repository = self.repository_manager.get_repository for component_name in components: cluster_config = components[component_name] self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get local repository %s-%s-%s' % (component_name, cluster_config.version, cluster_config.tag)) repository = get_repository(component_name, cluster_config.version, cluster_config.package_hash if cluster_config.package_hash else cluster_config.tag) if repository: repositories.append(repository) else: self._call_stdio('critical', 'Local repository %s-%s-%s is empty.' % (component_name, cluster_config.version, cluster_config.tag)) return repositories def search_param_plugin_and_apply(self, repositories, deploy_config): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Searching param plugin for components ...') for repository in repositories: plugin = self.search_plugin(repository, PluginType.PARAM, False) if plugin: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Applying %s for %s' % (plugin, repository)) cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] cluster_config.update_temp_conf(plugin.params) def edit_deploy_config(self, name): def confirm(msg): if self.stdio: self._call_stdio('print', msg) if self._call_stdio('confirm', 'edit?'): return True return False def is_server_list_change(deploy_config): for component_name in deploy_config.components: if deploy_config.components[component_name].servers != deploy.deploy_config.components[component_name].servers: return True return False def effect_tip(config_status): cmd_map = { DeployConfigStatus.NEED_RELOAD: 'obd cluster reload %s' % name, DeployConfigStatus.NEED_RESTART: 'obd cluster restart %s --wp' % name, DeployConfigStatus.NEED_REDEPLOY: 'obd cluster redeploy %s' % name, } if config_status in cmd_map: return '\nUse `%s` to make changes take effect.' % cmd_map[config_status] return '' self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get Deploy by name') deploy = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_config(name) param_plugins = {} repositories, pkgs = [], [] is_deployed = deploy and deploy.deploy_info.status not in [DeployStatus.STATUS_CONFIGURED, DeployStatus.STATUS_DESTROYED] is_started = deploy and deploy.deploy_info.status in [DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING, DeployStatus.STATUS_STOPPED] initial_config = '' if deploy: try: if deploy.deploy_info.config_status == DeployConfigStatus.UNCHNAGE: path = deploy.deploy_config.yaml_path else: path = deploy.get_temp_deploy_yaml_path(deploy.config_dir) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Load %s' % path) with open(path, 'r') as f: initial_config = f.read() except: self._call_stdio('exception', '') msg = 'Save deploy "%s" configuration' % name else: if not self.stdio: return False if not self._call_stdio('confirm', 'No such deploy: %s. Create?' % name): return False msg = 'Create deploy "%s" configuration' % name if is_deployed: repositories = self.load_local_repositories(deploy.deploy_info) for repository in repositories: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Search param plugin for %s' % repository) plugin = self.plugin_manager.get_best_plugin(PluginType.PARAM, repository.name, repository.version) if plugin: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Applying %s for %s' % (plugin, repository)) cluster_config = deploy.deploy_config.components[repository.name] cluster_config.update_temp_conf(plugin.params) param_plugins[repository.name] = plugin EDITOR = os.environ.get('EDITOR','vi') self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get environment variable EDITOR=%s' % EDITOR) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Create tmp yaml file') tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".yaml") tf.write(initial_config.encode()) tf.flush() self.lock_manager.set_try_times(-1) while True: tf.seek(0) self._call_stdio('verbose', '%s %s' % (EDITOR, tf.name)) subprocess_call([EDITOR, tf.name]) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Load %s' % tf.name) deploy_config = DeployConfig(tf.name, YamlLoader(self.stdio)) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Configure component change check') if not deploy_config.components: if self._call_stdio('confirm', 'Empty configuration. Continue editing?'): continue return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Information check for the configuration component.') if not deploy: config_status = DeployConfigStatus.NEED_REDEPLOY elif is_deployed: if deploy_config.components.keys() != deploy.deploy_config.components.keys(): if confirm('Modifying the component list of a deployed cluster is not permitted.'): continue return False if is_server_list_change(deploy_config): if confirm('Modifying the server list of a deployed cluster is not permitted.'): continue return False success = True for component_name in deploy_config.components: old_cluster_config = deploy.deploy_config.components[component_name] new_cluster_config = deploy_config.components[component_name] if new_cluster_config.version != old_cluster_config.origin_version \ or new_cluster_config.package_hash != old_cluster_config.origin_package_hash \ or new_cluster_config.tag != old_cluster_config.origin_tag: success = False break if not success: if confirm('Modifying the version and hash of the component is not permitted.'): continue return False # Loading the parameter plugins that are available to the application self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Search param plugin and load') if not is_deployed: param_plugins = {} pkgs, repositories, errors = self.search_components_from_mirrors(deploy_config, update_if_need=False) for repository in repositories: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Search param plugin for %s' % repository) plugin = self.plugin_manager.get_best_plugin(PluginType.PARAM, repository.name, repository.version) if plugin: param_plugins[repository.name] = plugin for pkg in pkgs: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Search param plugin for %s' % pkg) plugin = self.plugin_manager.get_best_plugin(PluginType.PARAM, pkg.name, pkg.version) if plugin: param_plugins[pkg.name] = plugin for component_name in param_plugins: deploy_config.components[component_name].update_temp_conf(param_plugins[component_name].params) self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') # Parameter check self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Parameter check') errors = self.deploy_param_check(repositories, deploy_config) + self.deploy_param_check(pkgs, deploy_config) self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'fail' if errors else 'succeed') if errors: if confirm('\n'.join(errors)): continue return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'configure change check') if initial_config and initial_config == tf.read().decode(errors='replace'): config_status = deploy.deploy_info.config_status if deploy else DeployConfigStatus.UNCHNAGE self._call_stdio('print', 'Deploy "%s" config %s%s' % (name, config_status.value, effect_tip(config_status))) return True config_status = DeployConfigStatus.UNCHNAGE if is_deployed: if is_started: errors = [] for component_name in param_plugins: old_cluster_config = deploy.deploy_config.components[component_name] new_cluster_config = deploy_config.components[component_name] modify_limit_params = param_plugins[component_name].modify_limit_params for server in old_cluster_config.servers: old_config = old_cluster_config.get_server_conf(server) new_config = new_cluster_config.get_server_conf(server) for item in modify_limit_params: key = item.name try: item.modify_limit(old_config.get(key), new_config.get(key)) except Exception as e: self._call_stdio('exceptione', '') errors.append('[%s] %s: %s' % (component_name, server, str(e))) if errors: if confirm('\n'.join(errors)): continue return False for component_name in deploy_config.components: if config_status == DeployConfigStatus.NEED_REDEPLOY: break old_cluster_config = deploy.deploy_config.components[component_name] new_cluster_config = deploy_config.components[component_name] if old_cluster_config == new_cluster_config: continue if config_status == DeployConfigStatus.UNCHNAGE: config_status = DeployConfigStatus.NEED_RELOAD for server in old_cluster_config.servers: if old_cluster_config.get_need_redeploy_items(server) != new_cluster_config.get_need_redeploy_items(server): config_status = DeployConfigStatus.NEED_REDEPLOY break if old_cluster_config.get_need_restart_items(server) != new_cluster_config.get_need_restart_items(server): config_status = DeployConfigStatus.NEED_RESTART if deploy.deploy_info.status == DeployStatus.STATUS_DEPLOYED and config_status != DeployConfigStatus.NEED_REDEPLOY: config_status = DeployConfigStatus.UNCHNAGE break self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Set deploy configuration status to %s' % config_status) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Save new configuration yaml file') if config_status == DeployConfigStatus.UNCHNAGE: ret = self.deploy_manager.create_deploy_config(name, tf.name).update_deploy_config_status(config_status) else: target_src_path = deploy.get_temp_deploy_yaml_path(deploy.config_dir) old_config_status = deploy.deploy_info.config_status try: if deploy.update_deploy_config_status(config_status): FileUtil.copy(tf.name, target_src_path, self.stdio) ret = True if deploy: if deploy.deploy_info.status == DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING or ( config_status == DeployConfigStatus.NEED_REDEPLOY and is_deployed ): msg += effect_tip(config_status) except Exception as e: deploy.update_deploy_config_status(old_config_status) self._call_stdio('exception', 'Copy %s to %s failed, error: \n%s' % (tf.name, target_src_path, e)) msg += ' failed' ret = False self._call_stdio('print', msg) tf.close() return ret def list_deploy(self): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get deploy list') deploys = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_configs() if deploys: self._call_stdio('print_list', deploys, ['Name', 'Configuration Path', 'Status (Cached)'], lambda x: [x.name, x.config_dir, x.deploy_info.status.value], title='Cluster List', ) else: self._call_stdio('print', 'Local deploy is empty') return True def get_install_plugin_and_install(self, repositories, pkgs): # Check if the component contains the installation plugins install_plugins = self.search_plugins(repositories, PluginType.INSTALL) if install_plugins is None: return None temp = self.search_plugins(pkgs, PluginType.INSTALL) if temp is None: return None for pkg in temp: repository = self.repository_manager.create_instance_repository(pkg.name, pkg.version, pkg.md5) install_plugins[repository] = temp[pkg] # Install for local # self._call_stdio('print', 'install package for local ...') for pkg in pkgs: self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'install %s-%s for local' % (pkg.name, pkg.version)) # self._call_stdio('verbose', 'install %s-%s for local' % (pkg.name, pkg.version)) repository = self.repository_manager.create_instance_repository(pkg.name, pkg.version, pkg.md5) if not repository.load_pkg(pkg, install_plugins[repository]): self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'fail') self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to extract file from %s' % pkg.path) return None self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') self._call_stdio('verbose', 'get head repository') head_repository = self.repository_manager.get_repository(pkg.name, pkg.version, pkg.name) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'head repository: %s' % head_repository) if repository > head_repository: self.repository_manager.create_tag_for_repository(repository, pkg.name, True) repositories.append(repository) return install_plugins def install_lib_for_repositories(self, repositories): data = {} temp_map = {} for repository in repositories: lib_name = '%s-libs' % repository.name data[lib_name] = {'global': { 'version': repository.version }} temp_map[lib_name] = repository try: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".yaml", mode='w') as tf: yaml_loader = YamlLoader(self.stdio) yaml_loader.dump(data, tf) deploy_config = DeployConfig(tf.name, yaml_loader) # Look for the best suitable mirrors for the components self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Search best suitable repository libs') pkgs, lib_repositories, errors = self.search_components_from_mirrors(deploy_config, only_info=False) if errors: self._call_stdio('error', '\n'.join(errors)) return False # Get the installation plugin and install locally install_plugins = self.get_install_plugin_and_install(lib_repositories, pkgs) if not install_plugins: return False repositories_lib_map = {} for lib_repository in lib_repositories: repository = temp_map[lib_repository.name] install_plugin = install_plugins[lib_repository] repositories_lib_map[repository] = { 'repositories': lib_repository, 'install_plugin': install_plugin } return repositories_lib_map except: self._call_stdio('exception', 'Failed to create lib-repo config file') pass return False def servers_repository_install(self, ssh_clients, servers, repository, install_plugin): self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Remote %s repository install' % repository) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Remote %s repository integrity check' % repository) for server in servers: self._call_stdio('verbose', '%s %s repository integrity check' % (server, repository)) client = ssh_clients[server] remote_home_path = client.execute_command('echo $HOME/.obd').stdout.strip() remote_repository_data_path = repository.data_file_path.replace(self.home_path, remote_home_path) remote_repository_data = client.execute_command('cat %s' % remote_repository_data_path).stdout self._call_stdio('verbose', '%s %s install check' % (server, repository)) try: yaml_loader = YamlLoader(self.stdio) data = yaml_loader.load(remote_repository_data) if not data: self._call_stdio('verbose', '%s %s need to be installed ' % (server, repository)) elif data == repository: # Version sync. Check for damages (TODO) self._call_stdio('verbose', '%s %s has installed ' % (server, repository)) continue else: self._call_stdio('verbose', '%s %s need to be updated' % (server, repository)) except: self._call_stdio('verbose', '%s %s need to be installed ' % (server, repository)) for file_path in repository.file_list(install_plugin): remote_file_path = file_path.replace(self.home_path, remote_home_path) self._call_stdio('verbose', '%s %s installing' % (server, repository)) client.put_file(file_path, remote_file_path) client.put_file(repository.data_file_path, remote_repository_data_path) self._call_stdio('verbose', '%s %s installed' % (server, repository.name)) self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') def servers_repository_lib_check(self, ssh_clients, servers, repository, install_plugin, msg_lv='error'): ret = True self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Remote %s repository lib check' % repository) for server in servers: self._call_stdio('verbose', '%s %s repository lib check' % (server, repository)) client = ssh_clients[server] need_libs = set() remote_home_path = client.execute_command('echo $HOME/.obd').stdout.strip() remote_repository_path = repository.repository_dir.replace(self.home_path, remote_home_path) remote_repository_data_path = repository.data_file_path.replace(self.home_path, remote_home_path) client.add_env('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '%s/lib:' % remote_repository_path, True) for file_path in repository.bin_list(install_plugin): remote_file_path = file_path.replace(self.home_path, remote_home_path) libs = client.execute_command('ldd %s' % remote_file_path).stdout need_libs.update(re.findall('(/?[\w+\-/]+\.\w+[\.\w]+)[\s\\n]*\=\>[\s\\n]*not found', libs)) if need_libs: for lib in need_libs: self._call_stdio(msg_lv, '%s %s require: %s' % (server, repository, lib)) ret = False client.add_env('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '', True) self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed' if ret else msg_lv) return ret def servers_apply_lib_repository_and_check(self, ssh_clients, deploy_config, repositories, repositories_lib_map): ret = True servers_obd_home = {} for repository in repositories: cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] lib_repository = repositories_lib_map[repository]['repositories'] install_plugin = repositories_lib_map[repository]['install_plugin'] self._call_stdio('print', 'Use %s for %s' % (lib_repository, repository)) for server in cluster_config.servers: client = ssh_clients[server] if server not in servers_obd_home: servers_obd_home[server] = client.execute_command('echo $HOME/.obd').stdout.strip() remote_home_path = servers_obd_home[server] remote_lib_repository_data_path = lib_repository.repository_dir.replace(self.home_path, remote_home_path) # lib installation self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Remote %s repository integrity check' % repository) self.servers_repository_install(ssh_clients, cluster_config.servers, lib_repository, install_plugin) for server in cluster_config.servers: client = ssh_clients[server] remote_home_path = servers_obd_home[server] remote_repository_data_path = repository.repository_dir.replace(self.home_path, remote_home_path) remote_lib_repository_data_path = lib_repository.repository_dir.replace(self.home_path, remote_home_path) client.execute_command('ln -sf %s %s/lib' % (remote_lib_repository_data_path, remote_repository_data_path)) if self.servers_repository_lib_check(ssh_clients, cluster_config.servers, repository, install_plugin): ret = False for server in cluster_config.servers: client = ssh_clients[server] return ret # If the cluster states are consistent, the status value is returned. Else False is returned. def cluster_status_check(self, ssh_clients, deploy_config, repositories, ret_status={}): self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Cluster status check') status_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'status') component_status = {} for repository in repositories: cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (status_plugins[repository], repository)) plugin_ret = status_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio) cluster_status = plugin_ret.get_return('cluster_status') ret_status[repository] = cluster_status for server in cluster_status: if repository not in component_status: component_status[repository] = cluster_status[server] continue if component_status[repository] != cluster_status[server]: self._call_stdio('verbose', '%s cluster status is inconsistent' % repository) break else: continue self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') return False status = None for repository in component_status: if status is None: status = component_status[repository] continue if status != component_status[repository]: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Deploy status inconsistent') self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') return False self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') return status def search_components_from_mirrors_and_install(self, deploy_config): # Check the best suitable mirror for the components self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Search best suitable repository') pkgs, repositories, errors = self.search_components_from_mirrors(deploy_config, only_info=False) if errors: self._call_stdio('error', '\n'.join(errors)) return repositories, None # Get the installation plugins. Install locally install_plugins = self.get_install_plugin_and_install(repositories, pkgs) return repositories, install_plugins def genconfig(self, name, opt=Values()): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get Deploy by name') deploy = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_config(name) if deploy: deploy_info = deploy.deploy_info if deploy_info.status not in [DeployStatus.STATUS_CONFIGURED, DeployStatus.STATUS_DESTROYED]: self._call_stdio('error', 'Deploy "%s" is %s. You could not deploy an %s cluster.' % (name, deploy_info.status.value, deploy_info.status.value)) return False # self._call_stdio('error', 'Deploy name `%s` have been occupied.' % name) # return False config_path = getattr(opt, 'config', '') if not config_path: self._call_stdio('error', "Configuration file is need.\nPlease use -c to set configuration file") return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Create deploy by configuration path') deploy = self.deploy_manager.create_deploy_config(name, config_path) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get deploy configuration') deploy_config = deploy.deploy_config if not deploy_config: self._call_stdio('error', 'Deploy configuration is empty.\nIt may be caused by a failure to resolve the configuration.\nPlease check your configuration file.') return False # Check the best suitable mirror for the components and installation plguins. Install locally repositories, install_plugins = self.search_components_from_mirrors_and_install(deploy_config) if not install_plugins or not repositories: return False for repository in repositories: real_servers = set() cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] for server in cluster_config.servers: if server.ip in real_servers: self._call_stdio('error', 'Deploying multiple %s instances on the same server is not supported.' % repository.name) return False real_servers.add(server.ip) self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Cluster param config check') # Check whether the components have the parameter plugins and apply the plugins self.search_param_plugin_and_apply(repositories, deploy_config) # Parameter check errors = self.deploy_param_check(repositories, deploy_config) if errors: self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'fail') self._call_stdio('error', '\n'.join(errors)) return False self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') # Get the client ssh_clients = self.get_clients(deploy_config, repositories) gen_config_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'generate_config') component_num = len(repositories) for repository in repositories: cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (gen_config_plugins[repository], repository)) ret = gen_config_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], opt, self.stdio, deploy_config) if ret: component_num -= 1 if component_num == 0 and deploy_config.dump(): return True self.deploy_manager.remove_deploy_config(name) return False def deploy_cluster(self, name, opt=Values()): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get Deploy by name') deploy = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_config(name) if deploy: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get deploy info') deploy_info = deploy.deploy_info self._call_stdio('verbose', 'judge deploy status') if deploy_info.status not in [DeployStatus.STATUS_CONFIGURED, DeployStatus.STATUS_DESTROYED]: self._call_stdio('error', 'Deploy "%s" is %s. You could not deploy an %s cluster.' % (name, deploy_info.status.value, deploy_info.status.value)) return False if deploy_info.config_status != DeployConfigStatus.UNCHNAGE: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Apply temp deploy configuration') if not deploy.apply_temp_deploy_config(): self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to apply new deploy configuration') return False config_path = getattr(opt, 'config', '') unuse_lib_repo = getattr(opt, 'unuselibrepo', False) auto_create_tenant = getattr(opt, 'auto_create_tenant', False) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'config path is None or not') if config_path: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Create deploy by configuration path') deploy = self.deploy_manager.create_deploy_config(name, config_path) if not deploy: self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to create deploy: %s. please check you configuration file' % name) return False if not deploy: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such deploy: %s. you can input configuration path to create a new deploy' % name) return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get deploy configuration') deploy_config = deploy.deploy_config if not deploy_config: self._call_stdio('error', 'Deploy configuration is empty.\nIt may be caused by a failure to resolve the configuration.\nPlease check your configuration file.') return False if not deploy_config.components: self._call_stdio('error', 'Components not detected.\nPlease check the syntax of your configuration file.') return False for component_name in deploy_config.components: if not deploy_config.components[component_name].servers: self._call_stdio('error', '%s\'s servers list is empty.' % component_name) return False # Check the best suitable mirror for the components and installation plguins. Install locally repositories, install_plugins = self.search_components_from_mirrors_and_install(deploy_config) if not install_plugins: return False self._call_stdio( 'print_list', repositories, ['Repository', 'Version', 'Release', 'Md5'], lambda repository: [repository.name, repository.version, repository.release, repository.hash], title='Packages' ) errors = [] self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Repository integrity check') for repository in repositories: if not repository.file_check(install_plugins[repository]): errors.append('%s intstall failed' % repository.name) if errors: self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'fail') self._call_stdio('error', '\n'.join(errors)) return False self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Parameter check') # Check whether the components have the parameter plugins and apply the plugins self.search_param_plugin_and_apply(repositories, deploy_config) # Parameter check self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Cluster param configuration check') errors = self.deploy_param_check(repositories, deploy_config) if errors: self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'fail') self._call_stdio('error', '\n'.join(errors)) return False self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') if unuse_lib_repo and not deploy_config.unuse_lib_repository: deploy_config.set_unuse_lib_repository(True) if auto_create_tenant and not deploy_config.auto_create_tenant: deploy_config.set_auto_create_tenant(True) # Get the client ssh_clients = self.get_clients(deploy_config, repositories) need_lib_repositories = [] for repository in repositories: cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] # cluster files check self.servers_repository_install(ssh_clients, cluster_config.servers, repository, install_plugins[repository]) # lib check msg_lv = 'error' if deploy_config.unuse_lib_repository else 'warn' if not self.servers_repository_lib_check(ssh_clients, cluster_config.servers, repository, install_plugins[repository], msg_lv): need_lib_repositories.append(repository) if need_lib_repositories: if deploy_config.unuse_lib_repository: # self._call_stdio('print', 'You could try using -U to work around the problem') return False self._call_stdio('print', 'Try to get lib-repository') repositories_lib_map = self.install_lib_for_repositories(need_lib_repositories) if repositories_lib_map is False: self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to install lib package for local') return False if self.servers_apply_lib_repository_and_check(ssh_clients, deploy_config, need_lib_repositories, repositories_lib_map): self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to install lib package for cluster servers') return False # Check the status for the deployed cluster component_status = {} cluster_status = self.cluster_status_check(ssh_clients, deploy_config, repositories, component_status) if cluster_status is False or cluster_status == 1: if self.stdio: self._call_stdio('error', 'Some of the servers in the cluster have been started') for repository in component_status: cluster_status = component_status[repository] for server in cluster_status: if cluster_status[server] == 1: self._call_stdio('print', '%s %s is started' % (server, repository.name)) return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Search init plugin') init_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'init') component_num = len(repositories) for repository in repositories: cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] init_plugin = init_plugins[repository] self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Exec %s init plugin' % repository) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Apply %s for %s-%s' % (init_plugin, repository.name, repository.version)) if init_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], opt, self.stdio, self.home_path, repository.repository_dir): deploy.use_model(repository.name, repository, False) component_num -= 1 if component_num == 0 and deploy.update_deploy_status(DeployStatus.STATUS_DEPLOYED): self._call_stdio('print', '%s deployed' % name) return True return False def start_cluster(self, name, cmd=[], options=Values()): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get Deploy by name') deploy = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_config(name) if not deploy: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such deploy: %s.' % name) return False deploy_info = deploy.deploy_info self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Deploy status judge') if deploy_info.status not in [DeployStatus.STATUS_DEPLOYED, DeployStatus.STATUS_STOPPED, DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING]: self._call_stdio('error', 'Deploy "%s" is %s. You could not start an %s cluster.' % (name, deploy_info.status.value, deploy_info.status.value)) return False if deploy_info.config_status == DeployConfigStatus.NEED_REDEPLOY: self._call_stdio('error', 'Deploy needs redeploy') return False if deploy_info.config_status != DeployConfigStatus.UNCHNAGE and not getattr(options, 'without_parameter', False): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Apply temp deploy configuration') if not deploy.apply_temp_deploy_config(): self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to apply new deploy configuration') return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get deploy config') deploy_config = deploy.deploy_config update_deploy_status = True components = getattr(options, 'components', '') if components: components = components.split(',') for component in components: if component not in deploy_info.components: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such component: %s' % component) return False if len(components) != len(deploy_info.components): update_deploy_status = False else: components = deploy_info.components.keys() servers = getattr(options, 'servers', '') server_list = servers.split(',') if servers else [] self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Get local repositories and plugins') # Get the repository repositories = self.load_local_repositories(deploy_info, False) start_check_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'start_check', False) create_tenant_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'create_tenant', False) if deploy_config.auto_create_tenant else {} start_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'start') connect_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'connect') bootstrap_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'bootstrap') display_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'display') self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') # Get the client ssh_clients = self.get_clients(deploy_config, repositories) self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Load cluster param plugin') # Check whether the components have the parameter plugins and apply the plugins self.search_param_plugin_and_apply(repositories, deploy_config) self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') # Check the status for the deployed cluster component_status = {} if DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING == deploy_info.status: cluster_status = self.cluster_status_check(ssh_clients, deploy_config, repositories, component_status) if cluster_status == 1: self._call_stdio('print', 'Deploy "%s" is running' % name) return True strict_check = getattr(options, 'strict_check', False) success = True for repository in repositories: if repository.name not in components: continue if repository not in start_check_plugins: continue cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (start_check_plugins[repository], repository)) ret = start_check_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, cmd, options, self.stdio, strict_check=strict_check) if not ret: success = False if success is False: # self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Starting check failed. Use --skip-check to skip the starting check. However, this may lead to a starting failure.') return False component_num = len(components) for repository in repositories: if repository.name not in components: continue cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] cluster_servers = cluster_config.servers if servers: cluster_config.servers = [srv for srv in cluster_servers if srv.ip in server_list or srv.name in server_list] if not cluster_config.servers: component_num -= 1 continue start_all = cluster_servers == cluster_config.servers update_deploy_status = update_deploy_status and start_all self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (start_plugins[repository], repository)) ret = start_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, cmd, options, self.stdio, self.home_path, repository.repository_dir) if ret: need_bootstrap = ret.get_return('need_bootstrap') else: self._call_stdio('error', '%s start failed' % repository.name) break self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (connect_plugins[repository], repository)) ret = connect_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, cmd, options, self.stdio) if ret: db = ret.get_return('connect') cursor = ret.get_return('cursor') else: self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to connect %s' % repository.name) break if need_bootstrap and start_all: self._call_stdio('print', 'Initialize cluster') self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (bootstrap_plugins[repository], repository)) if not bootstrap_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, cmd, options, self.stdio, cursor): self._call_stdio('print', 'Cluster init failed') break if repository in create_tenant_plugins: create_tenant_options = Values({"variables": "ob_tcp_invited_nodes='%'"}) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (bootstrap_plugins[repository], repository)) create_tenant_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], create_tenant_options, self.stdio, cursor) if not start_all: component_num -= 1 continue self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (display_plugins[repository], repository)) if display_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, cmd, options, self.stdio, cursor): component_num -= 1 if component_num == 0: if update_deploy_status: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Set %s deploy status to running' % name) if deploy.update_deploy_status(DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING): self._call_stdio('print', '%s running' % name) return True else: self._call_stdio('print', "succeed") return True return False def create_tenant(self, name, options=Values()): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get Deploy by name') deploy = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_config(name) if not deploy: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such deploy: %s.' % name) return False deploy_info = deploy.deploy_info self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Deploy status judge') if deploy_info.status != DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING: self._call_stdio('print', 'Deploy "%s" is %s' % (name, deploy_info.status.value)) return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get deploy config') deploy_config = deploy.deploy_config self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Get local repositories and plugins') # Get the repository repositories = self.load_local_repositories(deploy_info) # Check whether the components have the parameter plugins and apply the plugins self.search_param_plugin_and_apply(repositories, deploy_config) connect_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'connect') create_tenant_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'create_tenant', False) self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') # Get the client ssh_clients = self.get_clients(deploy_config, repositories) for repository in create_tenant_plugins: cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] db = None cursor = None self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (connect_plugins[repository], repository)) ret = connect_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio) if ret: db = ret.get_return('connect') cursor = ret.get_return('cursor') if not db: self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to connect %s' % repository.name) return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (create_tenant_plugins[repository], repository)) if not create_tenant_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], options, self.stdio, cursor): return False return True def drop_tenant(self, name, options=Values()): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get Deploy by name') deploy = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_config(name) if not deploy: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such deploy: %s.' % name) return False deploy_info = deploy.deploy_info self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Deploy status judge') if deploy_info.status != DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING: self._call_stdio('print', 'Deploy "%s" is %s' % (name, deploy_info.status.value)) return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get deploy config') deploy_config = deploy.deploy_config self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Get local repositories and plugins') # Get the repository repositories = self.load_local_repositories(deploy_info) # Check whether the components have the parameter plugins and apply the plugins self.search_param_plugin_and_apply(repositories, deploy_config) connect_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'connect') drop_tenant_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'drop_tenant', False) self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') # Get the client ssh_clients = self.get_clients(deploy_config, repositories) for repository in drop_tenant_plugins: cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] db = None cursor = None self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (connect_plugins[repository], repository)) ret = connect_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio) if ret: db = ret.get_return('connect') cursor = ret.get_return('cursor') if not db: self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to connect %s' % repository.name) return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (drop_tenant_plugins[repository], repository)) if not drop_tenant_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], options, self.stdio, cursor): return False return True def reload_cluster(self, name): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get Deploy by name') deploy = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_config(name) if not deploy: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such deploy: %s. Input the configuration path to create a new deploy' % name) return False deploy_info = deploy.deploy_info self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Deploy status judge') if deploy_info.status != DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING: self._call_stdio('error', 'Deploy "%s" is %s. You could not reload an %s cluster.' % (name, deploy_info.status.value, deploy_info.status.value)) return False if deploy_info.config_status == DeployConfigStatus.UNCHNAGE: self._call_stdio('print', 'Deploy config is UNCHNAGE') return True self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get deploy config') deploy_config = deploy.deploy_config self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get new deploy config') new_deploy_config = DeployConfig(deploy.get_temp_deploy_yaml_path(deploy.config_dir), YamlLoader(self.stdio)) self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Get local repositories and plugins') # Get the repository repositories = self.load_local_repositories(deploy_info) reload_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'reload') connect_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'connect') self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Load cluster param plugin') # Check whether the components have the parameter plugins and apply the plugins self.search_param_plugin_and_apply(repositories, deploy_config) self.search_param_plugin_and_apply(repositories, new_deploy_config) self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') # Get the client ssh_clients = self.get_clients(deploy_config, repositories) # Check the status for the deployed cluster component_status = {} cluster_status = self.cluster_status_check(ssh_clients, deploy_config, repositories, component_status) if cluster_status is False or cluster_status == 0: if self.stdio: self._call_stdio('error', 'Some of the servers in the cluster have been stopped') for repository in component_status: cluster_status = component_status[repository] for server in cluster_status: if cluster_status[server] == 0: self._call_stdio('print', '%s %s is stopped' % (server, repository.name)) return False component_num = len(repositories) for repository in repositories: cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] new_cluster_config = new_deploy_config.components[repository.name] self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (connect_plugins[repository], repository)) ret = connect_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio) if ret: db = ret.get_return('connect') cursor = ret.get_return('cursor') else: self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to connect %s' % repository.name) continue self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (reload_plugins[repository], repository)) if not reload_plugins[repository]( deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio, cursor=cursor, new_cluster_config=new_cluster_config, repository_dir=repository.repository_dir): continue component_num -= 1 if component_num == 0: if deploy.apply_temp_deploy_config(): self._call_stdio('print', '%s reload' % name) return True else: deploy_config.dump() self._call_stdio('warn', 'Some configuration items reload failed') return False def display_cluster(self, name): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get Deploy by name') deploy = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_config(name) if not deploy: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such deploy: %s.' % name) return False deploy_info = deploy.deploy_info self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Deploy status judge') if deploy_info.status != DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING: self._call_stdio('print', 'Deploy "%s" is %s' % (name, deploy_info.status.value)) return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get deploy config') deploy_config = deploy.deploy_config self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Get local repositories and plugins') # Get the repository repositories = self.load_local_repositories(deploy_info) # Check whether the components have the parameter plugins and apply the plugins self.search_param_plugin_and_apply(repositories, deploy_config) connect_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'connect') display_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'display') self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') # Get the client ssh_clients = self.get_clients(deploy_config, repositories) # Check the status for the deployed cluster component_status = {} cluster_status = self.cluster_status_check(ssh_clients, deploy_config, repositories, component_status) if cluster_status is False or cluster_status == 0: if self.stdio: self._call_stdio('error', 'Some of the servers in the cluster have been stopped') for repository in component_status: cluster_status = component_status[repository] for server in cluster_status: if cluster_status[server] == 0: self._call_stdio('print', '%s %s is stopped' % (server, repository.name)) return False for repository in repositories: cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] db = None cursor = None self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (connect_plugins[repository], repository)) ret = connect_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio) if ret: db = ret.get_return('connect') cursor = ret.get_return('cursor') if not db: self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to connect %s' % repository.name) return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (display_plugins[repository], repository)) display_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio, cursor) return True def stop_cluster(self, name, options=Values()): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get Deploy by name') deploy = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_config(name) if not deploy: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such deploy: %s.' % name) return False deploy_info = deploy.deploy_info self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Check the deploy status') status = [DeployStatus.STATUS_DEPLOYED, DeployStatus.STATUS_STOPPED, DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING] if getattr(options, 'force', False): status.append(DeployStatus.STATUS_UPRADEING) if deploy_info.status not in status: self._call_stdio('error', 'Deploy "%s" is %s. You could not stop an %s cluster.' % (name, deploy_info.status.value, deploy_info.status.value)) return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get deploy config') deploy_config = deploy.deploy_config update_deploy_status = True components = getattr(options, 'components', '') if components: components = components.split(',') for component in components: if component not in deploy_info.components: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such component: %s' % component) return False if len(components) != len(deploy_info.components): update_deploy_status = False else: components = deploy_info.components.keys() servers = getattr(options, 'servers', '') server_list = servers.split(',') if servers else [] self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Get local repositories and plugins') # Get the repository repositories = self.load_local_repositories(deploy_info) # Check whether the components have the parameter plugins and apply the plugins self.search_param_plugin_and_apply(repositories, deploy_config) stop_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'stop') self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') # Get the client ssh_clients = self.get_clients(deploy_config, repositories) component_num = len(components) for repository in repositories: if repository.name not in components: continue cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] cluster_servers = cluster_config.servers if servers: cluster_config.servers = [srv for srv in cluster_servers if srv.ip in server_list or srv.name in server_list] if not cluster_config.servers: component_num -= 1 continue start_all = cluster_servers == cluster_config.servers update_deploy_status = update_deploy_status and start_all self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (stop_plugins[repository], repository)) if stop_plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio): component_num -= 1 if component_num == 0: if len(components) != len(repositories) or servers: self._call_stdio('print', "succeed") return True else: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Set %s deploy status to stopped' % name) if deploy.update_deploy_status(DeployStatus.STATUS_STOPPED): self._call_stdio('print', '%s stopped' % name) return True return False def restart_cluster(self, name, opt=Values()): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get Deploy by name') deploy = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_config(name) if not deploy: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such deploy: %s.' % name) return False deploy_info = deploy.deploy_info self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Check the deploy status') if deploy_info.status == DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING: # if deploy_info.config_status != DeployConfigStatus.UNCHNAGE and not getattr(opt, 'without_parameter', False): # self.reload_cluster(name) if not self.stop_cluster(name, options=opt): return False return self.start_cluster(name, options=opt) def redeploy_cluster(self, name, opt=Values()): return self.destroy_cluster(name, opt) and self.deploy_cluster(name) and self.start_cluster(name) def destroy_cluster(self, name, opt=Values()): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get Deploy by name') deploy = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_config(name) if not deploy: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such deploy: %s.' % name) return False deploy_info = deploy.deploy_info self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Check deploy status') if deploy_info.status in [DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING, DeployStatus.STATUS_UPRADEING]: if not self.stop_cluster(name, Values({'force': True})): return False elif deploy_info.status not in [DeployStatus.STATUS_STOPPED, DeployStatus.STATUS_DEPLOYED]: self._call_stdio('error', 'Deploy "%s" is %s. You could not destroy an undeployed cluster' % (name, deploy_info.status.value)) return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get deploy configuration') deploy_config = deploy.deploy_config self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Get local repositories and plugins') # Get the repository repositories = self.load_local_repositories(deploy_info) # Check whether the components have the parameter plugins and apply the plugins self.search_param_plugin_and_apply(repositories, deploy_config) plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'destroy') self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') # Get the client ssh_clients = self.get_clients(deploy_config, repositories) # Check the status for the deployed cluster component_status = {} cluster_status = self.cluster_status_check(ssh_clients, deploy_config, repositories, component_status) if cluster_status is False or cluster_status == 1: if getattr(opt, 'force_kill', False): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Try to stop cluster') status = deploy.deploy_info.status deploy.update_deploy_status(DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING) if not self.stop_cluster(name): deploy.update_deploy_status(status) self._call_stdio('error', 'Fail to stop cluster') return False else: self._call_stdio('error', 'Some of the servers in the cluster are running') for repository in component_status: cluster_status = component_status[repository] for server in cluster_status: if cluster_status[server] == 1: self._call_stdio('print', '%s %s is running' % (server, repository.name)) self._call_stdio('print', 'You could try using -f to force kill process') return False for repository in repositories: cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (plugins[repository], repository)) plugins[repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Set %s deploy status to destroyed' % name) if deploy.update_deploy_status(DeployStatus.STATUS_DESTROYED): self._call_stdio('print', '%s destroyed' % name) return True return False def upgrade_cluster(self, name, options=Values()): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get Deploy by name') deploy = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_config(name) if not deploy: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such deploy: %s.' % name) return False deploy_info = deploy.deploy_info self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Deploy status judge') if deploy_info.status not in [DeployStatus.STATUS_UPRADEING, DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING]: self._call_stdio('error', 'Deploy "%s" is %s' % (name, deploy_info.status.value)) return False deploy_config = deploy.deploy_config self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Get local repositories and plugins') # Get the repository repositories = self.load_local_repositories(deploy_info) # Check whether the components have the parameter plugins and apply the plugins self.search_param_plugin_and_apply(repositories, deploy_config) self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') if deploy_info.status == DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING: component = getattr(options, 'component') version = getattr(options, 'version') usable = getattr(options, 'usable', '') disable = getattr(options, 'disable', '') if component: if component not in deploy_info.components: self._call_stdio('error', 'Not found %s in Deploy "%s" ' % (component, name)) return False else: for component in deploy_info.components: break if not component: self._call_stdio('error', 'Specify the components you want to upgrade.') return False for current_repository in repositories: if current_repository.name == component: break if not version: self._call_stdio('error', 'Specify the target version.') return False if Version(version) < current_repository.version: self._call_stdio('error', 'The target version %s is lower than the current version %s.' % (version, current_repository.version)) return False usable = usable.split(',') disable = disable.split(',') self._call_stdio('verbose', 'search target version') images = self.search_images(component, version=version, disable=disable, usable=usable) if not images: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such package %s-%s' % (component, version)) return False if len(images) > 1: self._call_stdio( 'print_list', images, ['name', 'version', 'release', 'arch', 'md5'], lambda x: [x.name, x.version, x.release, x.arch, x.md5], title='%s %s Candidates' % (component, version) ) self._call_stdio('error', 'Too many match') return False if isinstance(images[0], Repository): pkg = self.mirror_manager.get_exact_pkg(name=images[0].name, md5=images[0].md5) if pkg: repositories = [] pkgs = [pkg] else: repositories = [images[0]] pkgs = [] else: repositories = [] pkg = self.mirror_manager.get_exact_pkg(name=images[0].name, md5=images[0].md5) pkgs = [pkg] install_plugins = self.get_install_plugin_and_install(repositories, pkgs) if not install_plugins: return False dest_repository = repositories[0] if dest_repository is None: self._call_stdio('error', 'Target version not found') return False if dest_repository == current_repository: self._call_stdio('print', 'The current version is already %s.\nNoting to do.' % current_repository) return False # Get the client ssh_clients = self.get_clients(deploy_config, [current_repository]) cluster_config = deploy_config.components[current_repository.name] route = [] use_images = [] upgrade_route_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin([current_repository], 'upgrade_route', no_found_exit=False) if current_repository in upgrade_route_plugins: ret = upgrade_route_plugins[current_repository](deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, {}, options, self.stdio, current_repository, dest_repository) route = ret.get_return('route') if not route: return False for node in route[1: -1]: images = self.search_images(component, version=node.get('version'), release=node.get('release'), disable=disable, usable=usable, release_first=True) if not images: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such package %s-%s' % (component, version)) return False if len(images) > 1: self._call_stdio( 'print_list', images, ['name', 'version', 'release', 'arch', 'md5'], lambda x: [x.name, x.version, x.release, x.arch, x.md5], title='%s %s Candidates' % (component, version) ) self._call_stdio('error', 'Too many match') return False use_images.append(images[0]) else: use_images = [] pkgs = [] repositories = [] for image in use_images: if isinstance(image, Repository): pkg = self.mirror_manager.get_exact_pkg(name=image.name, md5=image.md5) if pkg: pkgs.append(pkg) else: repositories.append(image) else: pkgs.append(image) if pkgs: install_plugins = self.get_install_plugin_and_install(repositories, pkgs) if not install_plugins: return False upgrade_repositories = [current_repository] for image in use_images: upgrade_repositories.append(self.repository_manager.get_repository(image.name, version=image.version, tag=image.md5)) upgrade_repositories.append(dest_repository) install_plugins = self.get_install_plugin_and_install(upgrade_repositories, []) if not install_plugins: return False upgrade_check_plugins = self.search_py_script_plugin(upgrade_repositories, 'upgrade_check', no_found_exit=False) if current_repository in upgrade_check_plugins: connect_plugin = self.search_py_script_plugin(upgrade_repositories, 'connect')[current_repository] db = None cursor = None self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (connect_plugin, current_repository)) ret = connect_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio) if ret: db = ret.get_return('connect') cursor = ret.get_return('cursor') if not db: self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to connect %s' % current_repository.name) return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (upgrade_check_plugins[current_repository], current_repository)) if not upgrade_check_plugins[current_repository]( deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, {}, options, self.stdio, current_repository=current_repository, repositories=upgrade_repositories, route=route, cursor=cursor ): return False cursor.close() db.close() self._call_stdio( 'print_list', upgrade_repositories, ['name', 'version', 'release', 'arch', 'md5', 'mark'], lambda x: [x.name, x.version, x.release, x.arch, x.md5, 'start' if x == current_repository else 'dest' if x == dest_repository else ''], title='Packages Will Be Used' ) if not self._call_stdio('confirm', 'If you use a non-official release, we cannot guarantee a successful upgrade or technical support when you fail. Make sure that you want to use the above package to upgrade.'): return False index = 1 upgrade_ctx = { 'route': route, 'upgrade_repositories': [ { 'version': repository.version, 'hash': repository.md5 } for repository in upgrade_repositories ], 'index': 1 } deploy.start_upgrade(component, **upgrade_ctx) else: component = deploy.upgrading_component upgrade_ctx = deploy.upgrade_ctx upgrade_repositories = [] for data in upgrade_ctx['upgrade_repositories']: repository = self.repository_manager.get_repository(component, data['version'], data['hash']) upgrade_repositories.append(repository) route = upgrade_ctx['route'] current_repository = upgrade_repositories[0] dest_repository = upgrade_repositories[-1] # Get the client ssh_clients = self.get_clients(deploy_config, [current_repository]) cluster_config = deploy_config.components[current_repository.name] install_plugins = self.get_install_plugin_and_install(upgrade_repositories, []) if not install_plugins: return False need_lib_repositories = [] for repository in upgrade_repositories[1:]: cluster_config = deploy_config.components[repository.name] # cluster files check self.servers_repository_install(ssh_clients, cluster_config.servers, repository, install_plugins[repository]) # lib check if not self.servers_repository_lib_check(ssh_clients, cluster_config.servers, repository, install_plugins[repository], 'warn'): need_lib_repositories.append(repository) if need_lib_repositories: self._call_stdio('print', 'Try to get lib-repository') repositories_lib_map = self.install_lib_for_repositories(need_lib_repositories) if repositories_lib_map is False: self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to install lib package for local') return False if self.servers_apply_lib_repository_and_check(ssh_clients, deploy_config, need_lib_repositories, repositories_lib_map): self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to install lib package for cluster servers') return False n = len(upgrade_repositories) while upgrade_ctx['index'] < n: repository = upgrade_repositories[upgrade_ctx['index'] - 1] repositories = [repository] upgrade_plugin = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'upgrade')[repository] ret = upgrade_plugin( deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], options, self.stdio, search_py_script_plugin=self.search_py_script_plugin, local_home_path=self.home_path, current_repository=current_repository, upgrade_repositories=upgrade_repositories, apply_param_plugin=lambda repository: self.search_param_plugin_and_apply([repository], deploy_config), upgrade_ctx=upgrade_ctx ) deploy.update_upgrade_ctx(**upgrade_ctx) if not ret: return False deploy.stop_upgrade(dest_repository) return True def create_repository(self, options): force = getattr(options, 'force', False) necessary = ['name', 'version', 'path'] attrs = options.__dict__ success = True for key in necessary: if key not in attrs or not attrs[key]: success = False self._call_stdio('error', 'option: %s is necessary' % key) if success is False: return False plugin = self.plugin_manager.get_best_plugin(PluginType.INSTALL, attrs['name'], attrs['version']) if plugin: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Found %s for %s-%s' % (plugin, attrs['name'], attrs['version'])) else: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such %s plugin for %s-%s' % (PluginType.INSTALL.name.lower(), attrs['name'], attrs['version'])) return False files = {} success = True repo_path = attrs['path'] info = PackageInfo(name=attrs['name'], version=attrs['version'], release=None, arch=None, md5=None) for item in plugin.file_list(info): path = os.path.join(repo_path, item.src_path) path = os.path.normcase(path) if not os.path.exists(path): path = os.path.join(repo_path, item.target_path) path = os.path.normcase(path) if not os.path.exists(path): self._call_stdio('error', 'need %s: %s ' % ('dir' if item.type == InstallPlugin.FileItemType.DIR else 'file', path)) success = False continue files[item.src_path] = path if success is False: return False self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Package') try: pkg = LocalPackage(repo_path, attrs['name'], attrs['version'], files, getattr(options, 'release', None), getattr(options, 'arch', None)) self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') except: self._call_stdio('exception', 'Package failed') self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'fail') return False self._call_stdio('print', pkg) repository = self.repository_manager.get_repository_allow_shadow(attrs['name'], attrs['version'], pkg.md5) if os.path.exists(repository.repository_dir): if not force or not DirectoryUtil.rm(repository.repository_dir): self._call_stdio('error', 'Repository(%s) exists' % repository.repository_dir) return False repository = self.repository_manager.create_instance_repository(attrs['name'], attrs['version'], pkg.md5) if not repository.load_pkg(pkg, plugin): self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to extract file from %s' % pkg.path) return False if 'tag' in attrs and attrs['tag']: for tag in attrs['tag'].split(','): tag_repository = self.repository_manager.get_repository_allow_shadow(tag, attrs['version']) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Create tag(%s) for %s' % (tag, attrs['name'])) if not self.repository_manager.create_tag_for_repository(repository, tag, force): self._call_stdio('error', 'Repository(%s) existed' % tag_repository.repository_dir) return True def mysqltest(self, name, opts): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get Deploy by name') deploy = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_config(name) if not deploy: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such deploy: %s.' % name) return False deploy_info = deploy.deploy_info self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Check deploy status') if deploy_info.status != DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING: self._call_stdio('print', 'Deploy "%s" is %s' % (name, deploy_info.status.value)) return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get deploy configuration') deploy_config = deploy.deploy_config if opts.component is None: for component_name in ['obproxy', 'oceanbase', 'oceanbase-ce']: if component_name in deploy_config.components: opts.component = component_name break if opts.component not in deploy_config.components: self._call_stdio('error', 'Can not find the component for mysqltest, use `--component` to select component') return False cluster_config = deploy_config.components[opts.component] if not cluster_config.servers: self._call_stdio('error', '%s server list is empty' % opts.component) return False if opts.test_server is None: opts.test_server = cluster_config.servers[0] else: for server in cluster_config.servers: if server.name == opts.test_server: opts.test_server = server break else: self._call_stdio('error', '%s is not a server in %s' % (opts.test_server, opts.component)) return False if opts.auto_retry: for component_name in ['oceanbase', 'oceanbase-ce']: if component_name in deploy_config.components: break else: opts.auto_retry = False self._call_stdio('warn', 'Set auto-retry to false because of %s does not contain the configuration of oceanbase database' % name) self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Get local repositories and plugins') # Get the repository repositories = self.get_local_repositories({opts.component: deploy_config.components[opts.component]}) repository = repositories[0] # Check whether the components have the parameter plugins and apply the plugins self.search_param_plugin_and_apply(repositories, deploy_config) self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') # Get the client ssh_clients = self.get_clients(deploy_config, repositories) # Check the status for the deployed cluster component_status = {} cluster_status = self.cluster_status_check(ssh_clients, deploy_config, repositories, component_status) if cluster_status is False or cluster_status == 0: if self.stdio: self._call_stdio('error', 'Some of the servers in the cluster have been stopped') for repository in component_status: cluster_status = component_status[repository] for server in cluster_status: if cluster_status[server] == 0: self._call_stdio('print', '%s %s is stopped' % (server, repository.name)) return False connect_plugin = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'connect')[repository] ret = connect_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio, target_server=opts.test_server, sys_root=False) if not ret or not ret.get_return('connect'): self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to connect to the server') return False db = ret.get_return('connect') cursor = ret.get_return('cursor') mysqltest_init_plugin = self.plugin_manager.get_best_py_script_plugin('init', 'mysqltest', repository.version) mysqltest_check_opt_plugin = self.plugin_manager.get_best_py_script_plugin('check_opt', 'mysqltest', repository.version) mysqltest_check_test_plugin = self.plugin_manager.get_best_py_script_plugin('check_test', 'mysqltest', repository.version) mysqltest_run_test_plugin = self.plugin_manager.get_best_py_script_plugin('run_test', 'mysqltest', repository.version) env = opts.__dict__ env['cursor'] = cursor env['host'] = opts.test_server.ip env['port'] = db.port self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (mysqltest_check_opt_plugin, repository)) ret = mysqltest_check_opt_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio, env) if not ret: return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (mysqltest_check_test_plugin, repository)) ret = mysqltest_check_test_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio, env) if not ret: self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to get test set') return False if not env['test_set']: self._call_stdio('error', 'Test set is empty') return False if env['need_init']: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (mysqltest_init_plugin, repository)) if not mysqltest_init_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio, env): self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to init for mysqltest') return False result = [] for test in env['test_set']: self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (mysqltest_run_test_plugin, repository)) ret = mysqltest_run_test_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio, test, env) if not ret: break case_result = ret.get_return('result') if case_result['ret'] != 0 and opts.auto_retry: cursor.close() db.close() if getattr(self.stdio, 'sub_io'): stdio = self.stdio.sub_io(msg_lv=MsgLevel.ERROR) else: stdio = None self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Reboot') obd = ObdHome(self.home_path, stdio=stdio, lock=False) obd.lock_manager.set_try_times(-1) if obd.redeploy_cluster(name): self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') else: self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'fail') result.append(case_result) break obd.lock_manager.set_try_times(6000) obd = None connect_plugin = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'connect')[repository] ret = connect_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio, target_server=opts.test_server, sys_root=False) if not ret or not ret.get_return('connect'): self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to connect server') break db = ret.get_return('connect') cursor = ret.get_return('cursor') env['cursor'] = cursor self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (mysqltest_init_plugin, repository)) if not mysqltest_init_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio, env): self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to prepare for mysqltest') break ret = mysqltest_run_test_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio, test, env) if not ret: break case_result = ret.get_return('result') result.append(case_result) passcnt = len(list(filter(lambda x: x["ret"] == 0, result))) totalcnt = len(env['test_set']) failcnt = totalcnt - passcnt if result: self._call_stdio( 'print_list', result, ['Case', 'Cost (s)', 'Status'], lambda x: [x['name'], '%.2f' % x['cost'], '\033[31mFAILED\033[0m' if x['ret'] else '\033[32mPASSED\033[0m'], title='Result (Total %d, Passed %d, Failed %s)' % (totalcnt, passcnt, failcnt), align={'Cost (s)': 'r'} ) if failcnt: self._call_stdio('print', 'Mysqltest failed') else: self._call_stdio('print', 'Mysqltest passed') return True return False def sysbench(self, name, opts): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get Deploy by name') deploy = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_config(name) if not deploy: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such deploy: %s.' % name) return False deploy_info = deploy.deploy_info self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Check deploy status') if deploy_info.status != DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING: self._call_stdio('print', 'Deploy "%s" is %s' % (name, deploy_info.status.value)) return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get deploy configuration') deploy_config = deploy.deploy_config allow_components = ['obproxy', 'oceanbase', 'oceanbase-ce'] if opts.component is None: for component_name in allow_components: if component_name in deploy_config.components: opts.component = component_name break elif opts.component not in allow_components: self._call_stdio('error', '%s not support. %s is allowed' % (opts.component, allow_components)) return False if opts.component not in deploy_config.components: self._call_stdio('error', 'Can not find the component for sysbench, use `--component` to select component') return False cluster_config = deploy_config.components[opts.component] if not cluster_config.servers: self._call_stdio('error', '%s server list is empty' % opts.component) return False if opts.test_server is None: opts.test_server = cluster_config.servers[0] else: for server in cluster_config.servers: if server.name == opts.test_server: opts.test_server = server break else: self._call_stdio('error', '%s is not a server in %s' % (opts.test_server, opts.component)) return False self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Get local repositories and plugins') # Get the repository repositories = self.load_local_repositories(deploy_info) # Check whether the components have the parameter plugins and apply the plugins self.search_param_plugin_and_apply(repositories, deploy_config) self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') # Get the client ssh_clients = self.get_clients(deploy_config, repositories) # Check the status for the deployed cluster component_status = {} cluster_status = self.cluster_status_check(ssh_clients, deploy_config, repositories, component_status) if cluster_status is False or cluster_status == 0: if self.stdio: self._call_stdio('error', 'Some of the servers in the cluster have been stopped') for repository in component_status: cluster_status = component_status[repository] for server in cluster_status: if cluster_status[server] == 0: self._call_stdio('print', '%s %s is stopped' % (server, repository.name)) return False for repository in repositories: if repository.name == opts.component: break env = {'sys_root': False} db = None cursor = None odp_db = None odp_cursor = None ob_optimization = True connect_plugin = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'connect')[repository] if repository.name == 'obproxy': ob_optimization = False allow_components = ['oceanbase', 'oceanbase-ce'] for component_name in deploy_config.components: if component_name in allow_components: config = deploy_config.components[component_name] env['user'] = 'root' env['password'] = config.get_global_conf().get('root_password', '') ob_optimization = True break ret = connect_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio, target_server=opts.test_server) if not ret or not ret.get_return('connect'): self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to connect to the server') return False odp_db = ret.get_return('connect') odp_cursor = ret.get_return('cursor') ret = connect_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio, target_server=opts.test_server, **env) if not ret or not ret.get_return('connect'): self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to connect to the server') return False db = ret.get_return('connect') cursor = ret.get_return('cursor') run_test_plugin = self.plugin_manager.get_best_py_script_plugin('run_test', 'sysbench', repository.version) setattr(opts, 'host', opts.test_server.ip) setattr(opts, 'port', db.port) setattr(opts, 'ob_optimization', ob_optimization) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (run_test_plugin, repository)) if run_test_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], opts, self.stdio, db, cursor, odp_db, odp_cursor): return True return False def tpch(self, name, opts): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get Deploy by name') deploy = self.deploy_manager.get_deploy_config(name) if not deploy: self._call_stdio('error', 'No such deploy: %s.' % name) return False deploy_info = deploy.deploy_info self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Check deploy status') if deploy_info.status != DeployStatus.STATUS_RUNNING: self._call_stdio('print', 'Deploy "%s" is %s' % (name, deploy_info.status.value)) return False self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Get deploy configuration') deploy_config = deploy.deploy_config allow_components = ['oceanbase', 'oceanbase-ce'] if opts.component is None: for component_name in allow_components: if component_name in deploy_config.components: opts.component = component_name break elif opts.component not in allow_components: self._call_stdio('error', '%s not support. %s is allowed' % (opts.component, allow_components)) return False if opts.component not in deploy_config.components: self._call_stdio('error', 'Can not find the component for tpch, use `--component` to select component') return False cluster_config = deploy_config.components[opts.component] if not cluster_config.servers: self._call_stdio('error', '%s server list is empty' % opts.component) return False if opts.test_server is None: opts.test_server = cluster_config.servers[0] else: for server in cluster_config.servers: if server.name == opts.test_server: opts.test_server = server break else: self._call_stdio('error', '%s is not a server in %s' % (opts.test_server, opts.component)) return False self._call_stdio('start_loading', 'Get local repositories and plugins') # Get the repository repositories = self.get_local_repositories({opts.component: deploy_config.components[opts.component]}) repository = repositories[0] # Check whether the components have the parameter plugins and apply the plugins self.search_param_plugin_and_apply(repositories, deploy_config) self._call_stdio('stop_loading', 'succeed') # Get the client ssh_clients = self.get_clients(deploy_config, repositories) # Check the status for the deployed cluster component_status = {} cluster_status = self.cluster_status_check(ssh_clients, deploy_config, repositories, component_status) if cluster_status is False or cluster_status == 0: if self.stdio: self._call_stdio('error', 'Some of the servers in the cluster have been stopped') for repository in component_status: cluster_status = component_status[repository] for server in cluster_status: if cluster_status[server] == 0: self._call_stdio('print', '%s %s is stopped' % (server, repository.name)) return False connect_plugin = self.search_py_script_plugin(repositories, 'connect')[repository] ret = connect_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], {}, self.stdio, target_server=opts.test_server) if not ret or not ret.get_return('connect'): self._call_stdio('error', 'Failed to connect to the server') return False db = ret.get_return('connect') cursor = ret.get_return('cursor') pre_test_plugin = self.plugin_manager.get_best_py_script_plugin('pre_test', 'tpch', repository.version) run_test_plugin = self.plugin_manager.get_best_py_script_plugin('run_test', 'tpch', repository.version) setattr(opts, 'host', opts.test_server.ip) setattr(opts, 'port', db.port) self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (pre_test_plugin, repository)) if pre_test_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], opts, self.stdio): self._call_stdio('verbose', 'Call %s for %s' % (run_test_plugin, repository)) if run_test_plugin(deploy_config.components.keys(), ssh_clients, cluster_config, [], opts, self.stdio, db, cursor): return True return False def update_obd(self, version, install_prefix='/'): self._obd_update_lock() component_name = 'ob-deploy' plugin = self.plugin_manager.get_best_plugin(PluginType.INSTALL, component_name, '1.0.0') if not plugin: self._call_stdio('critical', 'OBD upgrade plugin not found') return False pkg = self.mirror_manager.get_best_pkg(name=component_name) if not (pkg and pkg > PackageInfo(component_name, version, pkg.release, pkg.arch, '')): self._call_stdio('print', 'No updates detected. OBD is already up to date.') return False self._call_stdio('print', 'Found a higher version package for OBD\n%s' % pkg) repository = self.repository_manager.create_instance_repository(pkg.name, pkg.version, pkg.md5) repository.load_pkg(pkg, plugin) if DirectoryUtil.copy(repository.repository_dir, install_prefix, self.stdio): self._call_stdio('print', 'Upgrade successful.\nCurrent version : %s' % pkg.version) return True return False