After you install OBD, you can run these commands as the root user to start a local single-node OceanBase cluster.
Before you run the commands, make sure that these conditions are met:
After you deploy OceanBase Deployer (OBD), you can run the `obd demo` command to deploy and start OceanBase Database on a single local server. Make sure the following prerequisites are met:
- You have logged on as the root user.
- Ports `2882` and `2883` are available.
- Your server has at least 8 GB of memory.
- Your server has at least 2 CPU cores.
- Ports `2881` and `2882` are not occupied.
> **NOTE:** If the preceding conditions are not met, see [Use OBD to start an OceanBase cluster](./docs/en-US/3.user-guide/
- At least 6 GB of memory is available on the server.
> **NOTE:** For the convenience of using root here, OBD and OceanBase database do not have any restrictions on running users. We do not recommend that you use root in production.
- At least two CPU cores are available on the server.
- At least 54 GB of disk space is available on the server.
> **Note**
> If the foregoing prerequisites are not met, see [Use OBD to start an OceanBase cluster](../3.user-guide/
After you install OBD, you can run these commands as the root user to start a local single-node OceanBase cluster.
Before you run the commands, make sure that these conditions are met:
After you deploy OceanBase Deployer (OBD), you can run the `obd demo` command to deploy and start OceanBase Database on a single local server. Make sure the following prerequisites are met:
- You have logged on as the root user.
- Ports `2882` and `2883` are available.
- Your server has at least 8 GB of memory.
- Your server has at least 2 CPU cores.
- Ports `2881` and `2882` are not occupied.
> **NOTE:** If the preceding conditions are not met, see [Use OBD to start an OceanBase cluster](../3.user-guide/
- At least 6 GB of memory is available on the server.
> **NOTE:** For the convenience of using root here, OBD and OceanBase database do not have any restrictions on running users. We do not recommend that you use root in production.
- At least two CPU cores are available on the server.
- At least 54 GB of disk space is available on the server.
> **Note**
> If the foregoing prerequisites are not met, see [Use OBD to start an OceanBase cluster](../3.user-guide/
@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ obd test sysbench <deploy name> [flags]
`deploy name` specifies the name of the deployment configuration file.
This table describes the corresponding options.
| Option | Required | Data type | Default value | Description |
--- | --- | --- |--- | ---
| -c/--component | No | string | | The name of the component to be tested. Valid values: `oceanbase-ce`, `oceanbase`, `obproxy-ce` and `obproxy`. If you do not specify a value, the existence of `obproxy`, `obproxy-ce`, `oceanbase`, `oceanbase-ce` is checked sequentially. The traversal stops when a component is found, and the component is then tested. |
@@ -83,6 +85,7 @@ obd test sysbench <deploy name> [flags]
| --threads | No | int | 16 | The number of threads to be started. |
| --time | No | int | 60 | The running duration. When this option is set to 0, the running duration is not limited. |
| --interval | No | int | 10 | The logging interval, in seconds. |
| --mysql-ignore-errors | No | String | 1062 | The error code to be ignored. Separate multiple error codes with commas (,). The value `all` indicates to ignore all errors. |
| --events | No | int | 0 | The maximum number of requests. If this option is specified, the --time option is not needed. |
| --rand-type | No | string | | The random number generation function used for data access. Valid values: special, uniform, gaussian, and pareto. Default value: special, early value: uniform. |
| ---skip-trx | No | string | | Specifies whether to enable or disable a transaction in a read-only test. |
A:There are two ways to update your OBD, which you can choose from depending on your situation:
A: There are two ways to update your OBD, which you can choose from depending on your situation:
+ If your machine can connect to the public network or have the RPM package for the updated OBD in the mirror you configured, you can directly use the `obd update` command to update the OBD. When you finish with the update, use the `obd --version` command to check the version of OBD and confirm whether the update is successful.
+ If your machine cannot connect to the public network and there is no RPM package for the updated OBD in the mirror you configured. Please add the RPM package that used to update OBD to the local mirror via `obd mirror clone` command first, and then use the `obd update` command to update the OBD.