// Copyright (c) 2021 OceanBase // obagent is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. // You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. // You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: // // http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, // EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, // MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. package mysql import ( "database/sql" "sync" "time" _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" "github.com/pkg/errors" log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "gopkg.in/yaml.v3" "github.com/oceanbase/obagent/metric" "github.com/oceanbase/obagent/utils" ) const sampleConfig = ` maintainCacheThreads: 4 connection: url: user:password@tcp( maxIdle: 2 maxOpen: 32 defaultConditionValues: key: value collectConfig: - sql: select c1, c2, c3, c4 from t where c5=? params: [value1] name: metricName tags: t1: c1 t2: c2 metrics: m1: c3 conditionValues: key: c4 enableCache: true cacheExpire: 10m cacheDataExpire: 20m ` const description = ` collect data from database table ` type DbConnectionConfig struct { Url string `yaml:"url"` MaxOpen int `yaml:"maxOpen"` MaxIdle int `yaml:"maxIdle"` } type TableCollectConfig struct { Name string `yaml:"name"` Sql string `yaml:"sql"` Params []string `yaml:"params"` Condition string `yaml:"condition"` TagColumnMap map[string]string `yaml:"tags"` MetricColumnMap map[string]string `yaml:"metrics"` ConditionValueColumnMap map[string]string `yaml:"conditionValues"` EnableCache bool `yaml:"enableCache"` CacheExpire time.Duration `yaml:"cacheExpire"` CacheDataExpire time.Duration `yaml:"cacheDataExpire"` } type TableInputConfig struct { SlowSqlThresholdMilliseconds int64 `yaml:"slowSqlThresholdMilliseconds"` DbConnectionConfig *DbConnectionConfig `yaml:"connection"` DefaultConditionValueMap map[string]interface{} `yaml:"defaultConditionValues"` CollectConfigs []*TableCollectConfig `yaml:"collectConfig"` MaintainCacheThreads int `yaml:"maintainCacheThreads"` } type CacheEntry struct { LoadTime time.Time Metrics *[]metric.Metric } type TableInput struct { Config *TableInputConfig ConditionValueMap sync.Map CacheMap sync.Map Db *sql.DB CacheTaskChan chan *TableCollectConfig BackgroundTaskWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup } func (t *TableInput) initDbConnection() error { db, err := sql.Open("mysql", t.Config.DbConnectionConfig.Url) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "sql open") } db.SetMaxOpenConns(t.Config.DbConnectionConfig.MaxOpen) db.SetMaxIdleConns(t.Config.DbConnectionConfig.MaxIdle) err = db.Ping() if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "db ping") } t.Db = db return nil } func (t *TableInput) Close() error { close(t.CacheTaskChan) t.BackgroundTaskWaitGroup.Wait() err := t.Db.Close() return err } func (t *TableInput) SampleConfig() string { return sampleConfig } func (t *TableInput) Description() string { return description } func (t *TableInput) Init(config map[string]interface{}) error { var pluginConfig TableInputConfig configBytes, err := yaml.Marshal(config) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "table input encode config") } err = yaml.Unmarshal(configBytes, &pluginConfig) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "table input decode config") } t.Config = &pluginConfig log.Info("table input init with config", t.Config) nameMap := make(map[string]bool) for _, collectConfig := range pluginConfig.CollectConfigs { _, exists := nameMap[collectConfig.Name] if exists { return errors.Errorf("collect config %s already exists", collectConfig.Name) } else { nameMap[collectConfig.Name] = true } } err = t.initDbConnection() if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "db init connection") } for k, v := range t.Config.DefaultConditionValueMap { t.ConditionValueMap.Store(k, v) } t.CacheTaskChan = make(chan *TableCollectConfig, 100) for i := 0; i < t.Config.MaintainCacheThreads; i++ { t.BackgroundTaskWaitGroup.Add(1) go t.doUpdateCache() } log.Info("successfully init mysql table input plugin") return nil } func (t *TableInput) doRecv(metrics *[]metric.Metric, metricChan chan metric.Metric, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { defer wg.Done() for metricEntry := range metricChan { log.Debug("recv get metric:", metricEntry.GetName(), metricEntry.GetTime(), metricEntry.Fields(), len(metricEntry.Fields()), metricEntry.Tags()) *metrics = append(*metrics, metricEntry) } } func (t *TableInput) doUpdateCache() { defer t.BackgroundTaskWaitGroup.Done() for config := range t.CacheTaskChan { log.Info("got update cache task for metric:", config.Name) metrics := t.collectData(config) cacheEntry := &CacheEntry{ LoadTime: time.Now(), Metrics: &metrics, } t.CacheMap.Store(config.Name, cacheEntry) } } func (t *TableInput) collectData(config *TableCollectConfig) []metric.Metric { var metrics []metric.Metric currentTime := time.Now() args := make([]interface{}, len(config.Params)) for idx, conditionValueName := range config.Params { value, found := t.ConditionValueMap.Load(conditionValueName) if !found { log.Warn("condition value not found should return:", conditionValueName) return metrics } args[idx] = value } tStart := time.Now() results, err := t.Db.Query(config.Sql, args...) tEnd := time.Now() if (tEnd.UnixNano()-tStart.UnixNano())/1000000 > t.Config.SlowSqlThresholdMilliseconds { log.Warnf("slow collect sql: %s", config.Sql) } if err != nil { log.Warn("failed to do collect with sql:", config.Sql, args, err) return metrics } defer results.Close() columns, err := results.Columns() if err != nil { log.Warn("get columns failed") return metrics } columnNum := len(columns) values := make([]interface{}, columnNum) valuePtrs := make([]interface{}, columnNum) for i := range columns { valuePtrs[i] = &values[i] } var lastRow *map[string]interface{} for results.Next() { resultMap := make(map[string]interface{}) lastRow = &resultMap err := results.Scan(valuePtrs...) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("sql results scan value failed") continue } for i, colName := range columns { resultMap[colName] = values[i] } fields := make(map[string]interface{}) tags := make(map[string]string) for metricName, metricColumnName := range config.MetricColumnMap { metricValue, found := resultMap[metricColumnName] if found { v, convertOk := utils.ConvertToFloat64(metricValue) if !convertOk { log.Errorf("can not convert value of %s %s to float64", metricColumnName, metricValue) } else { fields[metricName] = v } } } for tagName, tagColumnName := range config.TagColumnMap { tagValue, found := resultMap[tagColumnName] if found { v, convertOk := utils.ConvertToString(tagValue) if !convertOk { log.Errorf("can not convert value of %s %s to string", tagColumnName, tagValue) } else { tags[tagName] = v } } } metricEntry := metric.NewMetric(config.Name, fields, tags, currentTime, metric.Untyped) metrics = append(metrics, metricEntry) } for conditionName, conditionColumnName := range config.ConditionValueColumnMap { if lastRow != nil { conditionValue, found := (*lastRow)[conditionColumnName] if found { t.ConditionValueMap.Store(conditionName, conditionValue) } } } return metrics } func (t *TableInput) doCollect(config *TableCollectConfig, metricChan chan metric.Metric, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { defer wg.Done() currentTime := time.Now() if len(config.Condition) > 0 { value, found := t.ConditionValueMap.Load(config.Condition) if !found { log.Warn("Condition value not found:", config.Condition) return } else { conditionSatisfied, ok := utils.ConvertToBool(value) if !ok { log.Warn("condition value convert failed") return } if !conditionSatisfied { log.Warn("condition not satisfied, skip do collect for:", config.Name) return } } } if config.EnableCache { entry, found := t.CacheMap.Load(config.Name) if found { cacheEntry := entry.(*CacheEntry) log.Debug("found value in cache for metric:", config.Name) if cacheEntry.LoadTime.Add(config.CacheDataExpire).After(currentTime) { for _, metric := range *cacheEntry.Metrics { metricChan <- metric.Clone() } } if cacheEntry.LoadTime.Add(config.CacheExpire).Before(currentTime) { log.Debug("cache expire, trigger update task:", config.Name) t.CacheTaskChan <- config } } else { log.Info("no value found in cache, trigger update cache:", config.Name) t.CacheTaskChan <- config } } else { metrics := t.collectData(config) for _, metric := range metrics { metricChan <- metric } } } func (t *TableInput) Collect() ([]metric.Metric, error) { wgCollect := &sync.WaitGroup{} wgRecv := &sync.WaitGroup{} metricChan := make(chan metric.Metric, 100) metrics := make([]metric.Metric, 0, 64) wgRecv.Add(1) go t.doRecv(&metrics, metricChan, wgRecv) for _, collectConfig := range t.Config.CollectConfigs { wgCollect.Add(1) go t.doCollect(collectConfig, metricChan, wgCollect) } wgCollect.Wait() log.Debug("table input do collect all done") close(metricChan) wgRecv.Wait() log.Debug("table input do recv all done") return metrics, nil }