obInputBasic: &obInputBasic plugin: mysqlTableInput config: timeout: 10s pluginConfig: maintainCacheThreads: 4 connection: url: ${monagent.ob.monitor.user}:${monagent.ob.monitor.password}@tcp(${monagent.ob.sql.port})/oceanbase?interpolateParams=true maxIdle: 2 maxOpen: 32 defaultConditionValues: ob_svr_ip: ${} ob_svr_port: ${monagent.ob.rpc.port} ob_is_rootservice: true collectConfig: - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ tenant_name, cache_name, cache_size from __all_virtual_kvcache_info, __all_tenant where __all_tenant.tenant_id = __all_virtual_kvcache_info.tenant_id and svr_ip = ? and svr_port = ? params: [ob_svr_ip, ob_svr_port] name: ob_cache tags: tenant_name: tenant_name cache_name: cache_name metrics: size_bytes: cache_size - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ tenant_name, tenant_id, stat_id, value from v$sysstat, __all_tenant where stat_id IN (10000, 10001, 10002, 10003, 10005, 10006, 140002, 140003, 140005, 140006, 60019, 60020, 60024, 80040, 80041, 130000, 130001, 130002, 130004, 20001, 20002, 30000, 30001, 30002, 30005, 30006, 40000, 40001, 40002, 40003, 40004, 40005, 40006, 40007, 40008, 40009, 40010, 40011, 40012, 50000, 50001, 50008, 50009, 60000, 60001, 60002, 60003, 60004, 60005, 60019, 60020, 60021, 60022, 60023, 60024, 80057) and (con_id > 1000 or con_id = 1) and __all_tenant.tenant_id = v$sysstat.con_id and class < 1000 name: ob_sysstat tags: tenant_name: tenant_name tenant_id: tenant_id stat_id: stat_id metrics: value: value - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) QUERY_TIMEOUT(100000000) */ tenant_name, 1 as role, case when cnt is null then 0 else cnt end as cnt from (select __all_tenant.tenant_name, t1.cnt from __all_tenant left join (select tenant_id, count(*) as cnt from __all_virtual_partition_info where svr_ip = ? and svr_port = ? group by tenant_id) t1 on __all_tenant.tenant_id = t1.tenant_id) t2 params: [ob_svr_ip, ob_svr_port] name: ob_partition tags: tenant_name: tenant_name role: role metrics: num: cnt enableCache: true cacheExpire: 1h cacheDataExpire: 2h - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ group_concat(svr_ip SEPARATOR ',') as servers, status, count(1) as cnt from __all_server group by status name: ob_server tags: server_ips: servers status: status metrics: num: cnt enableCache: true cacheExpire: 60s cacheDataExpire: 120s - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) QUERY_TIMEOUT(100000000) */ tenant_name, count(*) as cnt from gv$table group by tenant_id name: ob_table condition: ob_is_rootservice tags: tenant_name: tenant_name metrics: num: cnt enableCache: true cacheExpire: 1h cacheDataExpire: 2h - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ case when cnt is null then 0 else cnt end as cnt, tenant_name from (select __all_tenant.tenant_name, cnt from __all_tenant left join (select count(*) as cnt, tenant as tenant_name from __all_virtual_processlist where svr_ip = ? and svr_port = ? group by tenant) t1 on __all_tenant.tenant_name = t1.tenant_name) t2 params: [ob_svr_ip, ob_svr_port] name: ob_active_session tags: tenant_name: tenant_name metrics: num: cnt - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ zone, name, value, time_to_usec(now()) as current from __all_zone name: ob_zone tags: zone: zone name: name metrics: stat: value current_timestamp: current - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ tenant_name, mem_used, access_count, hit_count from v$plan_cache_stat join __all_tenant on v$plan_cache_stat.tenant_id = __all_tenant.tenant_id name: ob_plan_cache tags: tenant_name: tenant_name metrics: memory_bytes: mem_used access_total: access_count hit_total: hit_count - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ tenant_name, sum(total_waits) as total_waits, sum(time_waited_micro) / 1000000 as time_waited from v$system_event join __all_tenant on v$system_event.con_id = __all_tenant.tenant_id where v$system_event.wait_class <> 'IDLE' group by tenant_name name: ob_waitevent tags: tenant_name: tenant_name metrics: wait_total: total_waits wait_seconds_total: time_waited obInputExtra: &obInputExtra plugin: mysqlTableInput config: timeout: 10s pluginConfig: maintainCacheThreads: 4 connection: url: ${monagent.ob.monitor.user}:${monagent.ob.monitor.password}@tcp(${monagent.ob.sql.port})/oceanbase?interpolateParams=true maxIdle: 2 maxOpen: 32 defaultConditionValues: ob_svr_ip: ${} ob_svr_port: ${monagent.ob.rpc.port} ob_is_rootservice: true collectConfig: - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ count(*) as cnt from v$unit name: ob_unit metrics: num: cnt - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ total_size, free_size from __all_virtual_disk_stat where svr_ip = ? and svr_port = ? params: [ob_svr_ip, ob_svr_port] name: ob_disk metrics: total_bytes: total_size free_bytes: free_size enableCache: true cacheExpire: 1h cacheDataExpire: 2h - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ cpu_total,cpu_assigned,mem_total,mem_assigned,disk_total,disk_assigned,unit_num,migrating_unit_num,cpu_assigned_percent, mem_assigned_percent, disk_assigned_percent from __all_virtual_server_stat where svr_ip = ? and svr_port = ? params: [ob_svr_ip, ob_svr_port] name: ob_server_resource metrics: cpu: cpu_total cpu_assigned: cpu_assigned memory_bytes: mem_total memory_assigned_bytes: mem_assigned disk_bytes: disk_total disk_assigned_bytes: disk_assigned unit_num: unit_num migrating_unit_num: migrating_unit_num cpu_assigned_percent: cpu_assigned_percent memory_assigned_percent: mem_assigned_percent disk_assigned_percent: disk_assigned_percent enableCache: true cacheExpire: 60s cacheDataExpire: 120s - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ count(1) as cnt from __all_virtual_trans_stat where part_trans_action > 2 and ctx_create_time < date_sub(now(), interval 600 second) and svr_ip = ? and svr_port = ? params: [ob_svr_ip, ob_svr_port] name: ob_trans condition: ob_is_rootservice metrics: expire_num: cnt - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) QUERY_TIMEOUT(100000000) */ count(*) as cnt from gv$table where table_type in (5) and index_status in (5, 6) name: ob_index condition: ob_is_rootservice metrics: error_num: cnt - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ __all_tenant.tenant_name, active, total, freeze_trigger, freeze_cnt from gv$memstore, __all_tenant where gv$memstore.tenant_id = __all_tenant.tenant_id and ip = ? and port = ? params: [ob_svr_ip, ob_svr_port] name: ob_memstore tags: tenant_name: tenant_name metrics: active_bytes: active total_bytes: total freeze_trigger_bytes: freeze_trigger freeze_times: freeze_cnt - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ sum(hold) as hold, sum(used) as used from __all_virtual_memory_info where tenant_id = 500 and svr_ip = ? and svr_port = ? params: [ob_svr_ip, ob_svr_port] name: ob_tenant500_memory metrics: hold_bytes: hold used_bytes: used - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ tenant_name,, max_cpu, min_cpu, max_memory, min_memory, max_iops, min_iops, max_disk_size, max_session_num from __all_tenant, __all_resource_pool, __all_unit_config, __all_unit where __all_tenant.tenant_id = __all_resource_pool.tenant_id and __all_resource_pool.unit_config_id = __all_unit_config.unit_config_id and __all_unit.resource_pool_id = __all_resource_pool.resource_pool_id and __all_unit.svr_ip = ? and __all_unit.svr_port = ? params: [ob_svr_ip, ob_svr_port] name: ob_unit_config tags: tenant_name: tenant_name unit_config_name: name metrics: max_cpu: max_cpu min_cpu: min_cpu max_memory_bytes: max_memory min_memory_bytes: min_memory max_iops: max_iops min_iops: min_iops max_disk_size_bytes: max_disk_size max_session_num: max_session_num - sql: select /*+ MONITOR_AGENT READ_CONSISTENCY(WEAK) */ tenant_name, tenant_id, name, gets, misses, sleeps, immediate_gets, immediate_misses, spin_gets, wait_time / 1000000 as wait_time from v$latch, __all_tenant where __all_tenant.tenant_id = v$latch.con_id name: ob_latch tags: tenant_name: tenant_name tenant_id: tenant_id name: name metrics: get_total: gets miss_total: misses sleep_total: sleeps immediate_get_total: immediate_gets immediate_miss_total: immediate_misses spin_get_total: spin_gets wait_seconds_total: wait_time retagProcessor: &retagProcessor plugin: retagProcessor config: timout: 10s pluginConfig: newTags: app: OB obzone: ${} svr_ip: ${} ob_cluster_id: ${} ob_cluster_name: ${} prometheusExporter: &prometheusExporter plugin: prometheusExporter config: timout: 10s pluginConfig: formatType: fmtText modules: - module: monitor.ob moduleType: monagent.pipeline process: monagent config: name: monitor.ob status: ${monagent.pipeline.ob.status} pipelines: - name: ob_basic config: scheduleStrategy: trigger exposeUrl: /metrics/ob/basic structure: inputs: - <<: *obInputBasic processors: - <<: *retagProcessor exporter: <<: *prometheusExporter - name: ob_extra config: scheduleStrategy: trigger exposeUrl: /metrics/ob/extra structure: inputs: - <<: *obInputExtra processors: - <<: *retagProcessor exporter: <<: *prometheusExporter