include Makefile.common .PHONY: pre-build build bindata mgragent monagent agentd agentctl mockgen rpm buildsucc default: clean fmt pre-build build pre-build: bindata pre-test: mockgen bindata: get go-bindata -o bindata/bindata.go -pkg bindata assets/... mockgen: mockgen -source=lib/http/http.go -destination=tests/mock/lib_http_http_mock.go -package mock mockgen -source=lib/system/process.go -destination=tests/mock/lib_system_process_mock.go -package mock mockgen -source=lib/system/disk.go -destination=tests/mock/lib_system_disk_mock.go -package mock mockgen -source=lib/system/system.go -destination=tests/mock/lib_system_system_mock.go -package mock mockgen -source=lib/shell/shell.go -destination=tests/mock/lib_shell_shell_mock.go -package mock mockgen -source=lib/shell/command.go -destination=tests/mock/lib_shell_command_mock.go -package mock mockgen -source=lib/shellf/shellf.go -destination=tests/mock/lib_shellf_shellf_mock.go -package mock mockgen -source=lib/file/file.go -destination=tests/mock/lib_file_file_mock.go -package mock mockgen -source=lib/pkg/package.go -destination=tests/mock2/lib_pkg_package_mock.go -package mock2 build: build-debug build-debug: set-debug-flags mgragent monagent agentd agentctl buildsucc build-release: set-release-flags mgragent monagent agentd agentctl buildsucc rpm: cd ./rpm && RELEASE=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` rpmbuild -bb ./obagent.spec set-debug-flags: @echo Build with debug flags $(eval LDFLAGS += $(LDFLAGS_DEBUG)) $(eval BUILD_FLAG += $(GO_RACE_FLAG)) set-release-flags: @echo Build with release flags $(eval LDFLAGS += $(LDFLAGS_RELEASE)) monagent: $(GO) build $(BUILD_FLAG) -ldflags '$(MONAGENT_LDFLAGS)' -o bin/ob_monagent cmd/monagent/main.go mgragent: $(GO) build $(BUILD_FLAG) -ldflags '$(MGRAGENT_LDFLAGS)' -o bin/ob_mgragent cmd/mgragent/main.go agentctl: $(GO) build $(BUILD_FLAG) -ldflags '$(AGENTCTL_LDFLAGS)' -o bin/ob_agentctl cmd/agentctl/main.go agentd: $(GO) build $(BUILD_FLAG) -ldflags '$(AGENTD_LDFLAGS)' -o bin/ob_agentd cmd/agentd/main.go buildsucc: @echo Build obagent successfully! runmgragent: ./bin/ob_mgragent --config tests/testdata/mgragent.yaml runmonagent: ./bin/ob_monagent --config tests/testdata/monagent.yaml test: pre-build pre-test $(GOTEST) $(GOTEST_PACKAGES) test-cover-html: go tool cover -html=$(GOCOVERAGE_FILE) test-cover-html-out: mkdir -p $(GOCOVERAGE_REPORT) go tool cover -html=$(GOCOVERAGE_FILE) -o $(GOCOVERAGE_REPORT)/index.html test-cover-profile: go tool cover -func=$(GOCOVERAGE_FILE) test-cover-total: go tool cover -func=$(GOCOVERAGE_FILE) | tail -1 | awk '{print "total line coverage: " $$3}' deploy: mkdir /home/admin/obagent cp -r bin /home/admin/obagent/bin cp -r etc /home/admin/obagent/conf mkdir -p /home/admin/obagent/{log,run,tmp,backup,pkg_store,task_store,position_store} fmt: @gofmt -s -w $(filter-out , $(GOFILES)) fmt-check: @if [ -z "$(UNFMT_FILES)" ]; then \ echo "gofmt check passed"; \ exit 0; \ else \ echo "gofmt check failed, not formatted files:"; \ echo "$(UNFMT_FILES)" | tr -s " " "\n"; \ exit 1; \ fi tidy: $(GO) mod tidy get: $(GO) install $(GO) install vet: go vet $$(go list ./...) clean: rm -rf $(GOCOVERAGE_FILE) rm -rf tests/mock/* rm -rf bin/ob_mgragent bin/ob_monagent bin/ob_agentctl bin/ob_agentd $(GO) clean -i ./... init: pre-build pre-test tidy