/* Copyright (c) 2021 Xie Meiyi(xiemeiyi@hust.edu.cn) and OceanBase and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. miniob is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. */ // // // Created by Xie Meiyi // Rewritten by Longda & Wangyunlai // // #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include "storage/record/record_manager.h" #include "storage/default/disk_buffer_pool.h" #include "storage/trx/latch_memo.h" #include "sql/parser/parse_defs.h" #include "common/lang/comparator.h" #include "common/log/log.h" #define EMPTY_RID_PAGE_NUM -1 // TODO remove me #define EMPTY_RID_SLOT_NUM -1 enum class BplusTreeOperationType { READ, INSERT, DELETE, }; class AttrComparator { public: void init(AttrType type, int length) { attr_type_ = type; attr_length_ = length; } int attr_length() const { return attr_length_; } int operator()(const char *v1, const char *v2) const { switch (attr_type_) { case INTS: { return common::compare_int((void *)v1, (void *)v2); } break; case FLOATS: { return common::compare_float((void *)v1, (void *)v2); } case CHARS: { return common::compare_string((void *)v1, attr_length_, (void *)v2, attr_length_); } default: { ASSERT(false, "unknown attr type. %d", attr_type_); return 0; } } } private: AttrType attr_type_; int attr_length_; }; class KeyComparator { public: void init(AttrType type, int length) { attr_comparator_.init(type, length); } const AttrComparator &attr_comparator() const { return attr_comparator_; } int operator()(const char *v1, const char *v2) const { int result = attr_comparator_(v1, v2); if (result != 0) { return result; } const RID *rid1 = (const RID *)(v1 + attr_comparator_.attr_length()); const RID *rid2 = (const RID *)(v2 + attr_comparator_.attr_length()); return RID::compare(rid1, rid2); } private: AttrComparator attr_comparator_; }; class AttrPrinter { public: void init(AttrType type, int length) { attr_type_ = type; attr_length_ = length; } int attr_length() const { return attr_length_; } std::string operator()(const char *v) const { switch (attr_type_) { case INTS: { return std::to_string(*(int *)v); } break; case FLOATS: { return std::to_string(*(float *)v); } case CHARS: { std::string str; for (int i = 0; i < attr_length_; i++) { if (v[i] == 0) { break; } str.push_back(v[i]); } return str; } default: { ASSERT(false, "unknown attr type. %d", attr_type_); } } return std::string(); } private: AttrType attr_type_; int attr_length_; }; class KeyPrinter { public: void init(AttrType type, int length) { attr_printer_.init(type, length); } const AttrPrinter &attr_printer() const { return attr_printer_; } std::string operator()(const char *v) const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "{key:" << attr_printer_(v) << ","; const RID *rid = (const RID *)(v + attr_printer_.attr_length()); ss << "rid:{" << rid->to_string() << "}}"; return ss.str(); } private: AttrPrinter attr_printer_; }; /** * the meta information of bplus tree * this is the first page of bplus tree. * only one field can be supported, can you extend it to multi-fields? */ struct IndexFileHeader { IndexFileHeader() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(IndexFileHeader)); root_page = BP_INVALID_PAGE_NUM; } PageNum root_page; int32_t internal_max_size; int32_t leaf_max_size; int32_t attr_length; int32_t key_length; // attr length + sizeof(RID) AttrType attr_type; const std::string to_string() { std::stringstream ss; ss << "attr_length:" << attr_length << "," << "key_length:" << key_length << "," << "attr_type:" << attr_type << "," << "root_page:" << root_page << "," << "internal_max_size:" << internal_max_size << "," << "leaf_max_size:" << leaf_max_size << ";"; return ss.str(); } }; /** * the common part of page describtion of bplus tree * storage format: * | page type | item number | parent page id | */ struct IndexNode { static constexpr int HEADER_SIZE = 12; bool is_leaf; int key_num; PageNum parent; }; /** * leaf page of bplus tree * storage format: * | common header | prev page id | next page id | * | key0, rid0 | key1, rid1 | ... | keyn, ridn | * * the key is in format: the key value of record and rid. * so the key in leaf page must be unique. * the value is rid. * can you implenment a cluster index ? */ struct LeafIndexNode : public IndexNode { static constexpr int HEADER_SIZE = IndexNode::HEADER_SIZE + 4; PageNum next_brother; /** * leaf can store order keys and rids at most */ char array[0]; }; /** * internal page of bplus tree * storage format: * | common header | * | key(0),page_id(0) | key(1), page_id(1) | ... | key(n), page_id(n) | * * the first key is ignored(key0). * so it will waste space, can you fix this? */ struct InternalIndexNode : public IndexNode { static constexpr int HEADER_SIZE = IndexNode::HEADER_SIZE; /** * internal node just store order -1 keys and order rids, the last rid is last rght child. */ char array[0]; }; /** * IndexNode 仅作为数据在内存或磁盘中的表示 * IndexNodeHandler 负责对IndexNode做各种操作。 * 作为一个类来说,虚函数会影响“结构体”真实的内存布局,所以将数据存储与操作分开 */ class IndexNodeHandler { public: IndexNodeHandler(const IndexFileHeader &header, Frame *frame); virtual ~IndexNodeHandler() = default; void init_empty(bool leaf); bool is_leaf() const; int key_size() const; int value_size() const; int item_size() const; void increase_size(int n); int size() const; int max_size() const; int min_size() const; void set_parent_page_num(PageNum page_num); PageNum parent_page_num() const; PageNum page_num() const; bool is_safe(BplusTreeOperationType op, bool is_root_node); bool validate() const; friend std::string to_string(const IndexNodeHandler &handler); protected: const IndexFileHeader &header_; PageNum page_num_; IndexNode *node_; }; class LeafIndexNodeHandler : public IndexNodeHandler { public: LeafIndexNodeHandler(const IndexFileHeader &header, Frame *frame); virtual ~LeafIndexNodeHandler() = default; void init_empty(); void set_next_page(PageNum page_num); PageNum next_page() const; char *key_at(int index); char *value_at(int index); /** * 查找指定key的插入位置(注意不是key本身) * 如果key已经存在,会设置found的值 * NOTE: 当前lookup的实现效率非常低,你是否可以优化它? */ int lookup(const KeyComparator &comparator, const char *key, bool *found = nullptr) const; void insert(int index, const char *key, const char *value); void remove(int index); int remove(const char *key, const KeyComparator &comparator); RC move_half_to(LeafIndexNodeHandler &other, DiskBufferPool *bp); RC move_first_to_end(LeafIndexNodeHandler &other, DiskBufferPool *disk_buffer_pool); RC move_last_to_front(LeafIndexNodeHandler &other, DiskBufferPool *bp); /** * move all items to left page */ RC move_to(LeafIndexNodeHandler &other, DiskBufferPool *bp); bool validate(const KeyComparator &comparator, DiskBufferPool *bp) const; friend std::string to_string(const LeafIndexNodeHandler &handler, const KeyPrinter &printer); private: char *__item_at(int index) const; char *__key_at(int index) const; char *__value_at(int index) const; void append(const char *item); void preappend(const char *item); private: LeafIndexNode *leaf_node_; }; class InternalIndexNodeHandler : public IndexNodeHandler { public: InternalIndexNodeHandler(const IndexFileHeader &header, Frame *frame); virtual ~InternalIndexNodeHandler() = default; void init_empty(); void create_new_root(PageNum first_page_num, const char *key, PageNum page_num); void insert(const char *key, PageNum page_num, const KeyComparator &comparator); RC move_half_to(LeafIndexNodeHandler &other, DiskBufferPool *bp); char *key_at(int index); PageNum value_at(int index); /** * 返回指定子节点在当前节点中的索引 */ int value_index(PageNum page_num); void set_key_at(int index, const char *key); void remove(int index); /** * 与Leaf节点不同,lookup返回指定key应该属于哪个子节点,返回这个子节点在当前节点中的索引 * 如果想要返回插入位置,就提供 `insert_position` 参数 * @param comparator 用于键值比较的函数 * @param key 查找的键值 * @param found 如果是有效指针,将会返回当前是否存在指定的键值 * @param insert_position 如果是有效指针,将会返回可以插入指定键值的位置 * NOTE: 查找效率不高,你可以优化它吗? */ int lookup(const KeyComparator &comparator, const char *key, bool *found = nullptr, int *insert_position = nullptr) const; RC move_to(InternalIndexNodeHandler &other, DiskBufferPool *disk_buffer_pool); RC move_first_to_end(InternalIndexNodeHandler &other, DiskBufferPool *disk_buffer_pool); RC move_last_to_front(InternalIndexNodeHandler &other, DiskBufferPool *bp); RC move_half_to(InternalIndexNodeHandler &other, DiskBufferPool *bp); bool validate(const KeyComparator &comparator, DiskBufferPool *bp) const; friend std::string to_string(const InternalIndexNodeHandler &handler, const KeyPrinter &printer); private: RC copy_from(const char *items, int num, DiskBufferPool *disk_buffer_pool); RC append(const char *item, DiskBufferPool *bp); RC preappend(const char *item, DiskBufferPool *bp); private: char *__item_at(int index) const; char *__key_at(int index) const; char *__value_at(int index) const; int value_size() const; int item_size() const; private: InternalIndexNode *internal_node_ = nullptr; }; class BplusTreeHandler { public: /** * 此函数创建一个名为fileName的索引。 * attrType描述被索引属性的类型,attrLength描述被索引属性的长度 */ RC create(const char *file_name, AttrType attr_type, int attr_length, int internal_max_size = -1, int leaf_max_size = -1); /** * 打开名为fileName的索引文件。 * 如果方法调用成功,则indexHandle为指向被打开的索引句柄的指针。 * 索引句柄用于在索引中插入或删除索引项,也可用于索引的扫描 */ RC open(const char *file_name); /** * 关闭句柄indexHandle对应的索引文件 */ RC close(); /** * 此函数向IndexHandle对应的索引中插入一个索引项。 * 参数user_key指向要插入的属性值,参数rid标识该索引项对应的元组, * 即向索引中插入一个值为(user_key,rid)的键值对 * @note 这里假设user_key的内存大小与attr_length 一致 */ RC insert_entry(const char *user_key, const RID *rid); /** * 从IndexHandle句柄对应的索引中删除一个值为(*pData,rid)的索引项 * @return RECORD_INVALID_KEY 指定值不存在 * @note 这里假设user_key的内存大小与attr_length 一致 */ RC delete_entry(const char *user_key, const RID *rid); bool is_empty() const; /** * 获取指定值的record * @param key_len user_key的长度 * @param rid 返回值,记录记录所在的页面号和slot */ RC get_entry(const char *user_key, int key_len, std::list &rids); RC sync(); /** * Check whether current B+ tree is invalid or not. * @return true means current tree is valid, return false means current tree is invalid. * @note thread unsafe */ bool validate_tree(); public: /** * 这些函数都是线程不安全的,不要在多线程的环境下调用 */ RC print_tree(); RC print_leafs(); private: /** * 这些函数都是线程不安全的,不要在多线程的环境下调用 */ RC print_leaf(Frame *frame); RC print_internal_node_recursive(Frame *frame); bool validate_leaf_link(LatchMemo &latch_memo); bool validate_node_recursive(LatchMemo &latch_memo, Frame *frame); protected: RC find_leaf(LatchMemo &latch_memo, BplusTreeOperationType op, const char *key, Frame *&frame); RC left_most_page(LatchMemo &latch_memo, Frame *&frame); RC find_leaf_internal(LatchMemo &latch_memo, BplusTreeOperationType op, const std::function &child_page_getter, Frame *&frame); RC crabing_protocal_fetch_page(LatchMemo &latch_memo, BplusTreeOperationType op, PageNum page_num, bool is_root_page, Frame *&frame); RC insert_into_parent(LatchMemo &latch_memo, PageNum parent_page, Frame *left_frame, const char *pkey, Frame &right_frame); RC delete_entry_internal(LatchMemo &latch_memo, Frame *leaf_frame, const char *key); template RC split(LatchMemo &latch_memo, Frame *frame, Frame *&new_frame); template RC coalesce_or_redistribute(LatchMemo &latch_memo, Frame *frame); template RC coalesce(LatchMemo &latch_memo, Frame *neighbor_frame, Frame *frame, Frame *parent_frame, int index); template RC redistribute(Frame *neighbor_frame, Frame *frame, Frame *parent_frame, int index); RC insert_entry_into_parent(LatchMemo &latch_memo, Frame *frame, Frame *new_frame, const char *key); RC insert_entry_into_leaf_node(LatchMemo &latch_memo, Frame *frame, const char *pkey, const RID *rid); RC create_new_tree(const char *key, const RID *rid); void update_root_page_num(PageNum root_page_num); void update_root_page_num_locked(PageNum root_page_num); RC adjust_root(LatchMemo &latch_memo, Frame *root_frame); private: common::MemPoolItem::unique_ptr make_key(const char *user_key, const RID &rid); void free_key(char *key); protected: DiskBufferPool *disk_buffer_pool_ = nullptr; bool header_dirty_ = false; // IndexFileHeader file_header_; // 在调整根节点时,需要加上这个锁。 // 这个锁可以使用递归读写锁,但是这里偷懒先不改 common::SharedMutex root_lock_; KeyComparator key_comparator_; KeyPrinter key_printer_; std::unique_ptr mem_pool_item_; private: friend class BplusTreeScanner; friend class BplusTreeTester; }; class BplusTreeScanner { public: BplusTreeScanner(BplusTreeHandler &tree_handler); ~BplusTreeScanner(); /** * 扫描指定范围的数据 * @param left_user_key 扫描范围的左边界,如果是null,则没有左边界 * @param left_len left_user_key 的内存大小(只有在变长字段中才会关注) * @param left_inclusive 左边界的值是否包含在内 * @param right_user_key 扫描范围的右边界。如果是null,则没有右边界 * @param right_len right_user_key 的内存大小(只有在变长字段中才会关注) * @param right_inclusive 右边界的值是否包含在内 */ RC open(const char *left_user_key, int left_len, bool left_inclusive, const char *right_user_key, int right_len, bool right_inclusive); RC next_entry(RID &rid); RC close(); private: /** * 如果key的类型是CHARS, 扩展或缩减user_key的大小刚好是schema中定义的大小 */ RC fix_user_key(const char *user_key, int key_len, bool want_greater, char **fixed_key, bool *should_inclusive); void fetch_item(RID &rid); bool touch_end(); private: bool inited_ = false; BplusTreeHandler &tree_handler_; LatchMemo latch_memo_; /// 使用左右叶子节点和位置来表示扫描的起始位置和终止位置 /// 起始位置和终止位置都是有效的数据 Frame *current_frame_ = nullptr; common::MemPoolItem::unique_ptr right_key_; int iter_index_ = -1; bool first_emitted_ = false; };