//***************************************************************************** // // hw_sysexc.h - Macros used when accessing the system exception module. // // Copyright (c) 2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved. // Software License Agreement // // Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and // exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by // TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright // laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source // software in order to form a larger program. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. // NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT // NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. TI SHALL NOT, UNDER ANY // CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. // // This is part of revision 8049 of the Stellaris Firmware Development Package. // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef __HW_SYSEXC_H__ #define __HW_SYSEXC_H__ //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the System Exception Module register // addresses. // //***************************************************************************** #define SYSEXC_RIS 0x400F9000 // System Exception Raw Interrupt // Status #define SYSEXC_IM 0x400F9004 // System Exception Interrupt Mask #define SYSEXC_MIS 0x400F9008 // System Exception Raw Interrupt // Status #define SYSEXC_IC 0x400F900C // System Exception Interrupt Clear //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSEXC_RIS register. // //***************************************************************************** #define SYSEXC_RIS_IXCRIS 0x00000020 // Inexact Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_RIS_OFCRIS 0x00000010 // Overflow Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_RIS_UFCRIS 0x00000008 // Underflow Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_RIS_IOCRIS 0x00000004 // Invalid Operation Flag #define SYSEXC_RIS_DZCRIS 0x00000002 // Divide By 0 Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_RIS_IDCRIS 0x00000001 // Input Denormal Exception Flag //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSEXC_IM register. // //***************************************************************************** #define SYSEXC_IM_IXCIM 0x00000020 // Inexact Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_IM_OFCIM 0x00000010 // Overflow Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_IM_UFCIM 0x00000008 // Underflow Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_IM_IOCIM 0x00000004 // Invalid Operation Flag #define SYSEXC_IM_DZCIM 0x00000002 // Divide By 0 Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_IM_IDCIM 0x00000001 // Input Denormal Exception Flag //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSEXC_MIS register. // //***************************************************************************** #define SYSEXC_MIS_IXCMIS 0x00000020 // Inexact Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_MIS_OFCMIS 0x00000010 // Overflow Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_MIS_UFCMIS 0x00000008 // Underflow Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_MIS_IOCMIS 0x00000004 // Invalid Operation Flag #define SYSEXC_MIS_DZCMIS 0x00000002 // Divide By 0 Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_MIS_IDCMIS 0x00000001 // Input Denormal Exception Flag //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the SYSEXC_IC register. // //***************************************************************************** #define SYSEXC_IC_IXCIC 0x00000020 // Inexact Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_IC_OFCIC 0x00000010 // Overflow Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_IC_UFCIC 0x00000008 // Underflow Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_IC_IOCIC 0x00000004 // Invalid Operation Flag #define SYSEXC_IC_DZCIC 0x00000002 // Divide By 0 Exception Flag #define SYSEXC_IC_IDCIC 0x00000001 // Input Denormal Exception Flag #endif // __HW_SYSEXC_H__