未验证 提交 e1d519af 编写于 作者: B Bernard Xiong 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #2387 from liqiuhua/patch-1

Update dns.c
......@@ -666,7 +666,6 @@ dns_check_entry(u8_t i)
pEntry->tmr = 1;
pEntry->retries = 0;
} else {
LWIP_DEBUGF(DNS_DEBUG, ("dns_check_entry: \"%s\": timeout\n", pEntry->name));
/* call specified callback function if provided */
......@@ -678,9 +677,10 @@ dns_check_entry(u8_t i)
/* wait longer for the next retry */
pEntry->tmr = pEntry->retries;
else {
/* wait longer for the next retry */
pEntry->tmr = pEntry->retries;
/* send DNS packet for this entry */
err = dns_send(pEntry->numdns, pEntry->name, i);
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