import uuid from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta import falcon import mysql.connector import simplejson as json from core.useractivity import user_logger, admin_control import config from decimal import Decimal class DataSourceCollection: @staticmethod def __init__(): """"Initializes DataSourceCollection""" pass @staticmethod def on_options(req, resp): resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 @staticmethod def on_get(req, resp): admin_control(req) cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_system_db) cursor = cnx.cursor() query = (" SELECT id, name, uuid " " FROM tbl_gateways ") cursor.execute(query) rows_gateways = cursor.fetchall() gateway_dict = dict() if rows_gateways is not None and len(rows_gateways) > 0: for row in rows_gateways: gateway_dict[row[0]] = {"id": row[0], "name": row[1], "uuid": row[2]} query = (" SELECT id, name, uuid, gateway_id, protocol, connection, last_seen_datetime_utc, description " " FROM tbl_data_sources " " ORDER BY id ") cursor.execute(query) rows = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() cnx.close() timezone_offset = int(config.utc_offset[1:3]) * 60 + int(config.utc_offset[4:6]) if config.utc_offset[0] == '-': timezone_offset = -timezone_offset result = list() if rows is not None and len(rows) > 0: for row in rows: if isinstance(row[6], datetime): last_seen_datetime_local = row[6].replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) + timedelta(minutes=timezone_offset) last_seen_datetime = last_seen_datetime_local.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') else: last_seen_datetime = None meta_result = {"id": row[0], "name": row[1], "uuid": row[2], "gateway": gateway_dict.get(row[3]), "protocol": row[4], "connection": row[5], "last_seen_datetime": last_seen_datetime, "description": row[7] } result.append(meta_result) resp.text = json.dumps(result) @staticmethod @user_logger def on_post(req, resp): """Handles POST requests""" admin_control(req) try: raw_json ='utf-8') except Exception as ex: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.FAILED_TO_READ_REQUEST_STREAM') new_values = json.loads(raw_json) if 'name' not in new_values['data'].keys() or \ not isinstance(new_values['data']['name'], str) or \ len(str.strip(new_values['data']['name'])) == 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_DATA_SOURCE_NAME') name = str.strip(new_values['data']['name']) if 'gateway_id' not in new_values['data'].keys() or \ not isinstance(new_values['data']['gateway_id'], int) or \ new_values['data']['gateway_id'] <= 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_GATEWAY_ID') gateway_id = new_values['data']['gateway_id'] if 'protocol' not in new_values['data'].keys() \ or new_values['data']['protocol'] not in \ ('bacnet-ip', 'cassandra', 'clickhouse', 'coap', 'controllogix', 'dlt645', 'dtu-rtu', 'dtu-tcp', 'dtu-mqtt', 'elexon-bmrs', 'iec104', 'influxdb', 'lora', 'modbus-rtu', 'modbus-tcp', 'mongodb', 'mqtt-acrel', 'mqtt-adw300', 'mqtt-huiju', 'mqtt-md4220', 'mqtt-seg', 'mqtt-weilan', 'mqtt', 'mysql', 'opc-ua', 'oracle', 'postgresql', 'profibus', 'profinet', 's7', 'simulation', 'sqlserver', 'tdengine', 'weather',): raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_DATA_SOURCE_PROTOCOL') protocol = new_values['data']['protocol'] if 'connection' not in new_values['data'].keys() or \ not isinstance(new_values['data']['connection'], str) or \ len(str.strip(new_values['data']['connection'])) == 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_CONNECTION') connection = str.strip(new_values['data']['connection']) if 'description' in new_values['data'].keys() and \ new_values['data']['description'] is not None and \ len(str(new_values['data']['description'])) > 0: description = str.strip(new_values['data']['description']) else: description = None cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_system_db) cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(" SELECT name " " FROM tbl_data_sources " " WHERE name = %s ", (name,)) if cursor.fetchone() is not None: cursor.close() cnx.close() raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.DATA_SOURCE_NAME_IS_ALREADY_IN_USE') cursor.execute(" SELECT name " " FROM tbl_gateways " " WHERE id = %s ", (gateway_id,)) if cursor.fetchone() is None: cursor.close() cnx.close() raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_GATEWAY_ID') add_values = (" INSERT INTO tbl_data_sources (name, uuid, gateway_id, protocol, connection, description) " " VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ") cursor.execute(add_values, (name, str(uuid.uuid4()), gateway_id, protocol, connection, description)) new_id = cursor.lastrowid cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close() resp.status = falcon.HTTP_201 resp.location = '/datasources/' + str(new_id) class DataSourceItem: @staticmethod def __init__(): """"Initializes DataSourceItem""" pass @staticmethod def on_options(req, resp, id_): resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 @staticmethod def on_get(req, resp, id_): admin_control(req) if not id_.isdigit() or int(id_) <= 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_DATA_SOURCE_ID') cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_system_db) cursor = cnx.cursor() query = (" SELECT id, name, uuid " " FROM tbl_gateways ") cursor.execute(query) rows_gateways = cursor.fetchall() gateway_dict = dict() if rows_gateways is not None and len(rows_gateways) > 0: for row in rows_gateways: gateway_dict[row[0]] = {"id": row[0], "name": row[1], "uuid": row[2]} query = (" SELECT id, name, uuid, gateway_id, protocol, connection, last_seen_datetime_utc, description " " FROM tbl_data_sources " " WHERE id = %s ") cursor.execute(query, (id_,)) row = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() cnx.close() if row is None: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_404, title='API.NOT_FOUND', description='API.DATA_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND') timezone_offset = int(config.utc_offset[1:3]) * 60 + int(config.utc_offset[4:6]) if config.utc_offset[0] == '-': timezone_offset = -timezone_offset if isinstance(row[6], datetime): last_seen_datetime_local = row[6].replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) + \ timedelta(minutes=timezone_offset) last_seen_datetime = last_seen_datetime_local.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') else: last_seen_datetime = None result = {"id": row[0], "name": row[1], "uuid": row[2], "gateway": gateway_dict.get(row[3]), "protocol": row[4], "connection": row[5], "last_seen_datetime": last_seen_datetime, "description": row[7] } resp.text = json.dumps(result) @staticmethod @user_logger def on_delete(req, resp, id_): admin_control(req) if not id_.isdigit() or int(id_) <= 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_DATA_SOURCE_ID') cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_system_db) cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(" SELECT name " " FROM tbl_data_sources " " WHERE id = %s ", (id_,)) if cursor.fetchone() is None: cursor.close() cnx.close() raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_404, title='API.NOT_FOUND', description='API.DATA_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND') # check if this data source is being used by any meters cursor.execute(" SELECT DISTINCT( " " FROM tbl_meters m, tbl_meters_points mp, tbl_points p, tbl_data_sources ds " " WHERE = mp.meter_id AND mp.point_id = AND p.data_source_id = " " AND = %s " " LIMIT 1 ", (id_,)) row_meter = cursor.fetchone() if row_meter is not None: cursor.close() cnx.close() raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.THIS_DATA_SOURCE_IS_BEING_USED_BY_A_METER' + row_meter[0]) cursor.execute(" DELETE FROM tbl_points WHERE data_source_id = %s ", (id_,)) cursor.execute(" DELETE FROM tbl_data_sources WHERE id = %s ", (id_,)) cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close() resp.status = falcon.HTTP_204 @staticmethod @user_logger def on_put(req, resp, id_): """Handles PUT requests""" admin_control(req) try: raw_json ='utf-8') except Exception as ex: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.FAILED_TO_READ_REQUEST_STREAM') if not id_.isdigit() or int(id_) <= 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_DATA_SOURCE_ID') new_values = json.loads(raw_json) if 'name' not in new_values['data'].keys() or \ not isinstance(new_values['data']['name'], str) or \ len(str.strip(new_values['data']['name'])) == 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_DATA_SOURCE_NAME') name = str.strip(new_values['data']['name']) if 'gateway_id' not in new_values['data'].keys() or \ not isinstance(new_values['data']['gateway_id'], int) or \ new_values['data']['gateway_id'] <= 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_GATEWAY_ID') gateway_id = new_values['data']['gateway_id'] if 'protocol' not in new_values['data'].keys() \ or new_values['data']['protocol'] not in \ ('bacnet-ip', 'cassandra', 'clickhouse', 'coap', 'controllogix', 'dlt645', 'dtu-rtu', 'dtu-tcp', 'dtu-mqtt', 'elexon-bmrs', 'iec104', 'influxdb', 'lora', 'modbus-rtu', 'modbus-tcp', 'mongodb', 'mqtt-acrel', 'mqtt-adw300', 'mqtt-huiju', 'mqtt-md4220', 'mqtt-seg', 'mqtt-weilan', 'mqtt', 'mysql', 'opc-ua', 'oracle', 'postgresql', 'profibus', 'profinet', 's7', 'simulation', 'sqlserver', 'tdengine', 'weather',): raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_DATA_SOURCE_PROTOCOL') protocol = new_values['data']['protocol'] if 'connection' not in new_values['data'].keys() or \ not isinstance(new_values['data']['connection'], str) or \ len(str.strip(new_values['data']['connection'])) == 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_CONNECTION') connection = str.strip(new_values['data']['connection']) if 'description' in new_values['data'].keys() and \ new_values['data']['description'] is not None and \ len(str(new_values['data']['description'])) > 0: description = str.strip(new_values['data']['description']) else: description = None cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_system_db) cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(" SELECT name " " FROM tbl_data_sources " " WHERE id = %s ", (id_,)) if cursor.fetchone() is None: cursor.close() cnx.close() raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_404, title='API.NOT_FOUND', description='API.DATA_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND') cursor.execute(" SELECT name " " FROM tbl_gateways " " WHERE id = %s ", (gateway_id,)) if cursor.fetchone() is None: cursor.close() cnx.close() raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_GATEWAY_ID') update_row = (" UPDATE tbl_data_sources " " SET name = %s, gateway_id = %s, protocol = %s, connection = %s, description = %s " " WHERE id = %s ") cursor.execute(update_row, (name, gateway_id, protocol, connection, description, id_,)) cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close() resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 class DataSourcePointCollection: @staticmethod def __init__(): """"Initializes DataSourcePointCollection""" pass @staticmethod def on_options(req, resp): resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 @staticmethod def on_get(req, resp, id_): admin_control(req) if not id_.isdigit() or int(id_) <= 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_DATA_SOURCE_ID') cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_system_db) cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(" SELECT name " " FROM tbl_data_sources " " WHERE id = %s ", (id_,)) if cursor.fetchone() is None: cursor.close() cnx.close() raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_404, title='API.NOT_FOUND', description='API.DATA_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND') result = list() # Get points of the data source # NOTE: there is no uuid in tbl_points query_point = (" SELECT id, name, object_type, " " units, high_limit, low_limit, higher_limit, lower_limit, ratio, " " is_trend, is_virtual, address, description " " FROM tbl_points " " WHERE data_source_id = %s " " ORDER BY id ") cursor.execute(query_point, (id_,)) rows_point = cursor.fetchall() cnx_history = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_historical_db) history = cnx_history.cursor() history.execute(" SELECT point_id, utc_date_time, actual_value " " FROM tbl_analog_value_latest " " WHERE utc_date_time >= DATE_SUB(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 10 MINUTE)") analog = history.fetchall() history.execute(" SELECT point_id, utc_date_time, actual_value " " FROM tbl_digital_value_latest " " WHERE utc_date_time >= DATE_SUB(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 10 MINUTE)") digital = history.fetchall() history.execute(" SELECT point_id, utc_date_time, actual_value " " FROM tbl_energy_value_latest " " WHERE utc_date_time >= DATE_SUB(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 10 MINUTE)") energy = history.fetchall() if rows_point is not None and len(rows_point) > 0: for row in rows_point: meta_result = {"id": row[0], "name": row[1], "object_type": row[2], "units": row[3], "high_limit": row[4], "low_limit": row[5], "higher_limit": row[6], "lower_limit": row[7], "ratio": float(row[8]), "is_trend": bool(row[9]), "is_virtual": bool(row[10]), "address": row[11], "description": row[12], "analog_value": None, "digital_value": None, "energy_value": None} for point in analog: if point[0] == meta_result['id'] and isinstance(point[1], datetime): meta_result['analog_value'] = point[2] for point in digital: if point[0] == meta_result['id'] and isinstance(point[1], datetime): meta_result['digital_value'] = point[2] for point in energy: if point[0] == meta_result['id'] and isinstance(point[1], datetime): meta_result['energy_value'] = point[2] result.append(meta_result) cursor.close() cnx.close() history.close() cnx_history.close() resp.text = json.dumps(result) class DataSourceExport: @staticmethod def __init__(): """"Initializes DataSourceExport""" pass @staticmethod def on_options(req, resp, id_): resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 @staticmethod def on_get(req, resp, id_): admin_control(req) if not id_.isdigit() or int(id_) <= 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_DATA_SOURCE_ID') cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_system_db) cursor = cnx.cursor() query = (" SELECT id, name, uuid " " FROM tbl_gateways ") cursor.execute(query) rows_gateways = cursor.fetchall() gateway_dict = dict() if rows_gateways is not None and len(rows_gateways) > 0: for row in rows_gateways: gateway_dict[row[0]] = {"id": row[0], "name": row[1], "uuid": row[2]} query = (" SELECT id, name, uuid, gateway_id, protocol, connection, last_seen_datetime_utc, description " " FROM tbl_data_sources " " WHERE id = %s ") cursor.execute(query, (id_,)) row = cursor.fetchone() if row is None: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_404, title='API.NOT_FOUND', description='API.DATA_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND') timezone_offset = int(config.utc_offset[1:3]) * 60 + int(config.utc_offset[4:6]) if config.utc_offset[0] == '-': timezone_offset = -timezone_offset if isinstance(row[6], datetime): last_seen_datetime_local = row[6].replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) + \ timedelta(minutes=timezone_offset) last_seen_datetime = last_seen_datetime_local.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') else: last_seen_datetime = None result = {"name": row[1], "uuid": row[2], "gateway": gateway_dict.get(row[3]), "protocol": row[4], "connection": row[5], "last_seen_datetime": last_seen_datetime, "description": row[7], "points": None } point_result = list() # Get points of the data source # NOTE: there is no uuid in tbl_points query_point = (" SELECT id, name, object_type, " " units, high_limit, low_limit, higher_limit, lower_limit, ratio, " " is_trend, is_virtual, address, description " " FROM tbl_points " " WHERE data_source_id = %s " " ORDER BY id ") cursor.execute(query_point, (id_,)) rows_point = cursor.fetchall() if rows_point is not None and len(rows_point) > 0: for row in rows_point: meta_result = {"id": row[0], "name": row[1], "object_type": row[2], "units": row[3], "high_limit": row[4], "low_limit": row[5], "higher_limit": row[6], "lower_limit": row[7], "ratio": Decimal(row[8]), "is_trend": bool(row[9]), "is_virtual": bool(row[10]), "address": row[11], "description": row[12]} point_result.append(meta_result) result['points'] = point_result cursor.close() cnx.close() resp.text = json.dumps(result) class DataSourceImport: @staticmethod def __init__(): """"Initializes DataSourceImport""" pass @staticmethod def on_options(req, resp): resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 @staticmethod @user_logger def on_post(req, resp): """Handles POST requests""" admin_control(req) try: raw_json ='utf-8') except Exception as ex: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.FAILED_TO_READ_REQUEST_STREAM') new_values = json.loads(raw_json) if 'name' not in new_values.keys() or \ not isinstance(new_values['name'], str) or \ len(str.strip(new_values['name'])) == 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_DATA_SOURCE_NAME') name = str.strip(new_values['name']) if 'gateway' not in new_values.keys() or \ 'id' not in new_values['gateway'].keys() or \ not isinstance(new_values['gateway']['id'], int) or \ new_values['gateway']['id'] <= 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_GATEWAY_ID') gateway_id = new_values['gateway']['id'] if 'protocol' not in new_values.keys() \ or new_values['protocol'] not in \ ('bacnet-ip', 'cassandra', 'clickhouse', 'coap', 'controllogix', 'dlt645', 'dtu-rtu', 'dtu-tcp', 'dtu-mqtt', 'elexon-bmrs', 'iec104', 'influxdb', 'lora', 'modbus-rtu', 'modbus-tcp', 'mongodb', 'mqtt-acrel', 'mqtt-adw300', 'mqtt-huiju', 'mqtt-md4220', 'mqtt-seg', 'mqtt-weilan', 'mqtt', 'mysql', 'opc-ua', 'oracle', 'postgresql', 'profibus', 'profinet', 's7', 'simulation', 'sqlserver', 'tdengine', 'weather',): raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_DATA_SOURCE_PROTOCOL') protocol = new_values['protocol'] if 'connection' not in new_values.keys() or \ not isinstance(new_values['connection'], str) or \ len(str.strip(new_values['connection'])) == 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_CONNECTION') connection = str.strip(new_values['connection']) if 'description' in new_values.keys() and \ new_values['description'] is not None and \ len(str(new_values['description'])) > 0: description = str.strip(new_values['description']) else: description = None cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_system_db) cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(" SELECT name " " FROM tbl_data_sources " " WHERE name = %s ", (name,)) if cursor.fetchone() is not None: cursor.close() cnx.close() raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.DATA_SOURCE_NAME_IS_ALREADY_IN_USE') cursor.execute(" SELECT name " " FROM tbl_gateways " " WHERE id = %s ", (gateway_id,)) if cursor.fetchone() is None: cursor.close() cnx.close() raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_GATEWAY_ID') add_values = (" INSERT INTO tbl_data_sources (name, uuid, gateway_id, protocol, connection, description) " " VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ") cursor.execute(add_values, (name, str(uuid.uuid4()), gateway_id, protocol, connection, description)) new_id = cursor.lastrowid if new_values['points'] is not None and len(new_values['points']) > 0: for point in new_values['points']: # todo: validate point properties add_value = (" INSERT INTO tbl_points (name, data_source_id, object_type, units, " " high_limit, low_limit, higher_limit, lower_limit, ratio, " " is_trend, is_virtual, address, description) " " VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ") cursor.execute(add_value, (point['name'], new_id, point['object_type'], point['units'], point['high_limit'], point['low_limit'], point['higher_limit'], point['lower_limit'], point['ratio'], point['is_trend'], point['is_virtual'], point['address'], point['description'])) cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close() resp.status = falcon.HTTP_201 resp.location = '/datasources/' + str(new_id) class DataSourceClone: @staticmethod def __init__(): """Initializes Class""" pass @staticmethod def on_options(req, resp, id_): resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 @staticmethod @user_logger def on_post(req, resp, id_): """Handles POST requests""" admin_control(req) if not id_.isdigit() or int(id_) <= 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST', description='API.INVALID_DATA_SOURCE_ID') cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_system_db) cursor = cnx.cursor() query = (" SELECT id, name, uuid, gateway_id, protocol, connection, description " " FROM tbl_data_sources " " WHERE id = %s ") cursor.execute(query, (id_,)) row = cursor.fetchone() if row is None: cursor.close() cnx.close() raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_404, title='API.NOT_FOUND', description='API.DATA_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND') meta_result = {"id": row[0], "name": row[1], "uuid": row[2], "gateway_id": row[3], "protocol": row[4], "connection": row[5], "description": row[6], "points": None } point_result = list() # Get points of the data source # NOTE: there is no uuid in tbl_points query_point = (" SELECT id, name, object_type, " " units, high_limit, low_limit, higher_limit, lower_limit, ratio, " " is_trend, is_virtual, address, description " " FROM tbl_points " " WHERE data_source_id = %s " " ORDER BY id ") cursor.execute(query_point, (id_,)) rows_point = cursor.fetchall() if rows_point is not None and len(rows_point) > 0: for row in rows_point: result = {"id": row[0], "name": row[1], "object_type": row[2], "units": row[3], "high_limit": row[4], "low_limit": row[5], "higher_limit": row[6], "lower_limit": row[7], "ratio": Decimal(row[8]), "is_trend": bool(row[9]), "is_virtual": bool(row[10]), "address": row[11], "description": row[12]} point_result.append(result) meta_result['points'] = point_result timezone_offset = int(config.utc_offset[1:3]) * 60 + int(config.utc_offset[4:6]) if config.utc_offset[0] == '-': timezone_offset = -timezone_offset new_name = str.strip(meta_result['name']) + \ (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=timezone_offset)).isoformat(sep='-', timespec='seconds') add_values = (" INSERT INTO tbl_data_sources (name, uuid, gateway_id, protocol, connection, description) " " VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ") cursor.execute(add_values, (new_name, str(uuid.uuid4()), meta_result['gateway_id'], meta_result['protocol'], meta_result['connection'], meta_result['description'])) new_id = cursor.lastrowid if meta_result['points'] is not None: for point in meta_result['points']: add_value = (" INSERT INTO tbl_points (name, data_source_id, object_type, units, " " high_limit, low_limit, higher_limit, lower_limit, ratio, " " is_trend, is_virtual, address, description) " " VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ") cursor.execute(add_value, (point['name'], new_id, point['object_type'], point['units'], point['high_limit'], point['low_limit'], point['higher_limit'], point['lower_limit'], point['ratio'], point['is_trend'], point['is_virtual'], point['address'], point['description'])) cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close() resp.status = falcon.HTTP_201 resp.location = '/datasources/' + str(new_id)