from synthesizer.tacotron2 import Tacotron2 from synthesizer.hparams import hparams from multiprocess.pool import Pool # You're free to use either one #from multiprocessing import Pool # from multiprocess.context import SpawnContext from synthesizer import audio from pathlib import Path from typing import Union, List import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import numba.cuda import librosa class Synthesizer: sample_rate = hparams.sample_rate hparams = hparams def __init__(self, checkpoints_dir: Path, verbose=True, low_mem=False, seed=None): """ Creates a synthesizer ready for inference. The actual model isn't loaded in memory until needed or until load() is called. :param checkpoints_dir: path to the directory containing the checkpoint file as well as the weight files (.data, .index and .meta files) :param verbose: if False, only tensorflow's output will be printed TODO: suppress them too :param low_mem: if True, the model will be loaded in a separate process and its resources will be released after each usage. Adds a large overhead, only recommended if your GPU memory is low (<= 2gb) :param seed: optional integer for seeding random number generators when initializing model This makes the synthesizer output consistent for a given embedding and input text. However, it requires the model to be reloaded whenever a text is synthesized. """ self.verbose = verbose self._low_mem = low_mem self._seed = seed # Prepare the model self._model = None # type: Tacotron2 checkpoint_state = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoints_dir) if checkpoint_state is None: raise Exception("Could not find any synthesizer weights under %s" % checkpoints_dir) self.checkpoint_fpath = checkpoint_state.model_checkpoint_path if verbose: model_name ="logs-", "") step = int(self.checkpoint_fpath[self.checkpoint_fpath.rfind('-') + 1:]) print("Found synthesizer \"%s\" trained to step %d" % (model_name, step)) def set_seed(self, new_seed): """ Updates the seed that initializes random number generators associated with Tacotron2. Returns the new seed state as confirmation. """ try: self._seed = int(new_seed) except: self._seed = None return self._seed def is_loaded(self): """ Whether the model is loaded in GPU memory. """ return self._model is not None def load(self): """ Effectively loads the model to GPU memory given the weights file that was passed in the constructor. """ if self._low_mem: raise Exception("Cannot load the synthesizer permanently in low mem mode") tf.compat.v1.reset_default_graph() self._model = Tacotron2(self.checkpoint_fpath, hparams, seed=self._seed) def synthesize_spectrograms(self, texts: List[str], embeddings: Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]], return_alignments=False): """ Synthesizes mel spectrograms from texts and speaker embeddings. :param texts: a list of N text prompts to be synthesized :param embeddings: a numpy array or list of speaker embeddings of shape (N, 256) :param return_alignments: if True, a matrix representing the alignments between the characters and each decoder output step will be returned for each spectrogram :return: a list of N melspectrograms as numpy arrays of shape (80, Mi), where Mi is the sequence length of spectrogram i, and possibly the alignments. """ if not self._low_mem: # Usual inference mode: load the model on the first request and keep it loaded. # Reload it every time for deterministic operation if seed specified. if not self.is_loaded() or self._seed is not None: self.load() specs, alignments = self._model.my_synthesize(embeddings, texts) else: # Low memory inference mode: load the model upon every request. The model has to be # loaded in a separate process to be able to release GPU memory (a simple workaround # to tensorflow's intricacies) specs, alignments = Pool(1, context=SpawnContext()).starmap(Synthesizer._one_shot_synthesize_spectrograms, [(self.checkpoint_fpath, embeddings, texts, self._seed)])[0] return (specs, alignments) if return_alignments else specs @staticmethod def _one_shot_synthesize_spectrograms(checkpoint_fpath, embeddings, texts, seed): # Load the model and forward the inputs tf.compat.v1.reset_default_graph() model = Tacotron2(checkpoint_fpath, hparams, seed=seed) specs, alignments = model.my_synthesize(embeddings, texts) # Detach the outputs (not doing so will cause the process to hang) specs, alignments = [spec.copy() for spec in specs], alignments.copy() # Close cuda for this process model.session.close() numba.cuda.select_device(0) numba.cuda.close() return specs, alignments @staticmethod def load_preprocess_wav(fpath): """ Loads and preprocesses an audio file under the same conditions the audio files were used to train the synthesizer. """ wav = librosa.load(str(fpath), hparams.sample_rate)[0] if hparams.rescale: wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max return wav @staticmethod def make_spectrogram(fpath_or_wav: Union[str, Path, np.ndarray]): """ Creates a mel spectrogram from an audio file in the same manner as the mel spectrograms that were fed to the synthesizer when training. """ if isinstance(fpath_or_wav, str) or isinstance(fpath_or_wav, Path): wav = Synthesizer.load_preprocess_wav(fpath_or_wav) else: wav = fpath_or_wav mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav, hparams).astype(np.float32) return mel_spectrogram @staticmethod def griffin_lim(mel): """ Inverts a mel spectrogram using Griffin-Lim. The mel spectrogram is expected to have been built with the same parameters present in """ return audio.inv_mel_spectrogram(mel, hparams)