/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2019, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2019-05-14 tyx the first version */ #include #include #include /** * @brief Creating GCM Context * * @param device Hardware crypto device * @param type Type of symmetric crypto context * * @return GCM context */ struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *rt_hwcrypto_gcm_create(struct rt_hwcrypto_device *device, hwcrypto_type crypt_type) { struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *ctx; ctx = rt_hwcrypto_ctx_create(device, HWCRYPTO_TYPE_GCM, sizeof(struct hwcrypto_gcm)); if (ctx) { ((struct hwcrypto_gcm *)ctx)->crypt_type = crypt_type; } return ctx; } /** * @brief Destroy GCM Context * * @param ctx GCM context */ void rt_hwcrypto_gcm_destroy(struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *ctx) { rt_hwcrypto_ctx_destroy(ctx); } /** * @brief This function starts a GCM encryption or decryption operation * * @param ctx GCM context * @param add The buffer holding the additional data * @param add_len The length of the additional data * * @return RT_EOK on success. */ rt_err_t rt_hwcrypto_gcm_start(struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *ctx, const rt_uint8_t *add, rt_size_t add_len) { struct hwcrypto_gcm *gcm_ctx = (struct hwcrypto_gcm *)ctx; if (gcm_ctx && gcm_ctx->ops->start) { return gcm_ctx->ops->start(gcm_ctx, add, add_len); } return -RT_EINVAL; } /** * @brief This function finishes the GCM operation and generates the authentication tag * * @param ctx GCM context * @param tag The buffer for holding the tag * @param tag_len The length of the tag to generate * * @return RT_EOK on success. */ rt_err_t rt_hwcrypto_gcm_finish(struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *ctx, const rt_uint8_t *tag, rt_size_t tag_len) { struct hwcrypto_gcm *gcm_ctx = (struct hwcrypto_gcm *)ctx; if (gcm_ctx && gcm_ctx->ops->finish) { return gcm_ctx->ops->finish(gcm_ctx, tag, tag_len); } return -RT_EINVAL; } /** * @brief This function performs a symmetric encryption or decryption operation * * @param ctx GCM context * @param mode Operation mode. HWCRYPTO_MODE_ENCRYPT or HWCRYPTO_MODE_DECRYPT * @param length The length of the input data in Bytes. This must be a multiple of the block size * @param in The buffer holding the input data * @param out The buffer holding the output data * * @return RT_EOK on success. */ rt_err_t rt_hwcrypto_gcm_crypt(struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *ctx, hwcrypto_mode mode, rt_size_t length, const rt_uint8_t *in, rt_uint8_t *out) { return rt_hwcrypto_symmetric_crypt(ctx, mode, length, in, out); } /** * @brief Set Symmetric Encryption and Decryption Key * * @param ctx GCM context * @param key The crypto key * @param bitlen The crypto key bit length * * @return RT_EOK on success. */ rt_err_t rt_hwcrypto_gcm_setkey(struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *ctx, const rt_uint8_t *key, rt_uint32_t bitlen) { return rt_hwcrypto_symmetric_setkey(ctx, key, bitlen); } /** * @brief Get Symmetric Encryption and Decryption Key * * @param ctx GCM context * @param key The crypto key buffer * @param bitlen The crypto key bit length * * @return Key length of copy */ rt_err_t rt_hwcrypto_gcm_getkey(struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *ctx, rt_uint8_t *key, rt_uint32_t bitlen) { return rt_hwcrypto_symmetric_getkey(ctx, key, bitlen); } /** * @brief Set Symmetric Encryption and Decryption initialization vector * * @param ctx GCM context * @param iv The crypto initialization vector * @param len The crypto initialization vector length * * @return RT_EOK on success. */ rt_err_t rt_hwcrypto_gcm_setiv(struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *ctx, const rt_uint8_t *iv, rt_size_t len) { return rt_hwcrypto_symmetric_setiv(ctx, iv, len); } /** * @brief Get Symmetric Encryption and Decryption initialization vector * * @param ctx GCM context * @param iv The crypto initialization vector buffer * @param len The crypto initialization vector buffer length * * @return IV length of copy */ rt_err_t rt_hwcrypto_gcm_getiv(struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *ctx, rt_uint8_t *iv, rt_size_t len) { return rt_hwcrypto_symmetric_getiv(ctx, iv, len); } /** * @brief Set offset in initialization vector * * @param ctx GCM context * @param iv_off The offset in IV */ void rt_hwcrypto_gcm_set_ivoff(struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *ctx, rt_int32_t iv_off) { rt_hwcrypto_symmetric_set_ivoff(ctx, iv_off); } /** * @brief Get offset in initialization vector * * @param ctx GCM context * @param iv_off It must point to a valid memory */ void rt_hwcrypto_gcm_get_ivoff(struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *ctx, rt_int32_t *iv_off) { rt_hwcrypto_symmetric_get_ivoff(ctx, iv_off); } /** * @brief This function copy GCM context * * @param des The destination GCM context * @param src The GCM context to be copy * * @return RT_EOK on success. */ rt_err_t rt_hwcrypto_gcm_cpy(struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *des, const struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *src) { struct hwcrypto_gcm *gcm_des = (struct hwcrypto_gcm *)des; struct hwcrypto_gcm *gcm_src = (struct hwcrypto_gcm *)src; if (des != RT_NULL && src != RT_NULL) { gcm_des->crypt_type = gcm_src->crypt_type; /* symmetric crypto context copy */ return rt_hwcrypto_symmetric_cpy(des, src); } return -RT_EINVAL; } /** * @brief Reset GCM context * * @param ctx GCM context */ void rt_hwcrypto_gcm_reset(struct rt_hwcrypto_ctx *ctx) { rt_hwcrypto_symmetric_reset(ctx); }