import {__DEV__} from '../config'; import * as echarts from '../echarts'; import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util'; import * as graphicUtil from '../util/graphic'; import {getDefaultLabel} from './helper/labelHelper'; import createListFromArray from './helper/createListFromArray'; import { getLayoutOnAxis } from '../layout/barGrid'; import DataDiffer from '../data/DataDiffer'; import prepareCartesian2d from '../coord/cartesian/prepareCustom'; import prepareGeo from '../coord/geo/prepareCustom'; import prepareSingleAxis from '../coord/single/prepareCustom'; import preparePolar from '../coord/polar/prepareCustom'; import prepareCalendar from '../coord/calendar/prepareCustom'; var ITEM_STYLE_NORMAL_PATH = ['itemStyle']; var ITEM_STYLE_EMPHASIS_PATH = ['emphasis', 'itemStyle']; var LABEL_NORMAL = ['label']; var LABEL_EMPHASIS = ['emphasis', 'label']; // Use prefix to avoid index to be the same as, // which will cause weird udpate animation. var GROUP_DIFF_PREFIX = 'e\0\0'; /** * To reduce total package size of each coordinate systems, the modules `prepareCustom` * of each coordinate systems are not required by each coordinate systems directly, but * required by the module `custom`. * * prepareInfoForCustomSeries {Function}: optional * @return {Object} {coordSys: {...}, api: { * coord: function (data, clamp) {}, // return point in global. * size: function (dataSize, dataItem) {} // return size of each axis in coordSys. * }} */ var prepareCustoms = { cartesian2d: prepareCartesian2d, geo: prepareGeo, singleAxis: prepareSingleAxis, polar: preparePolar, calendar: prepareCalendar }; // ------ // Model // ------ echarts.extendSeriesModel({ type: 'series.custom', dependencies: ['grid', 'polar', 'geo', 'singleAxis', 'calendar'], defaultOption: { coordinateSystem: 'cartesian2d', // Can be set as 'none' zlevel: 0, z: 2, legendHoverLink: true // Cartesian coordinate system // xAxisIndex: 0, // yAxisIndex: 0, // Polar coordinate system // polarIndex: 0, // Geo coordinate system // geoIndex: 0, // label: {} // itemStyle: {} }, getInitialData: function (option, ecModel) { return createListFromArray(this.getSource(), this); } }); // ----- // View // ----- echarts.extendChartView({ type: 'custom', /** * @private * @type {module:echarts/data/List} */ _data: null, /** * @override */ render: function (customSeries, ecModel, api) { var oldData = this._data; var data = customSeries.getData(); var group =; var renderItem = makeRenderItem(customSeries, data, ecModel, api);; data.diff(oldData) .add(function (newIdx) { data.hasValue(newIdx) && createOrUpdate( null, newIdx, renderItem(newIdx), customSeries, group, data ); }) .update(function (newIdx, oldIdx) { var el = oldData.getItemGraphicEl(oldIdx); data.hasValue(newIdx) ? createOrUpdate( el, newIdx, renderItem(newIdx), customSeries, group, data ) : (el && group.remove(el)); }) .remove(function (oldIdx) { var el = oldData.getItemGraphicEl(oldIdx); el && group.remove(el); }) .execute(); this._data = data; }, incrementalPrepareRender: function (customSeries, ecModel, api) {; this._data = null; }, incrementalRender: function (params, customSeries, ecModel, api) { var data = customSeries.getData(); var renderItem = makeRenderItem(customSeries, data, ecModel, api); function setIncrementalAndHoverLayer(el) { if (!el.isGroup) { el.incremental = true; el.useHoverLayer = true; } } for (var idx = params.start; idx < params.end; idx++) { var el = createOrUpdate(null, idx, renderItem(idx), customSeries,, data); el.traverse(setIncrementalAndHoverLayer); } }, /** * @override */ dispose: zrUtil.noop }); function createEl(elOption) { var graphicType = elOption.type; var el; if (graphicType === 'path') { var shape = elOption.shape; el = graphicUtil.makePath( shape.pathData, null, { x: shape.x || 0, y: shape.y || 0, width: shape.width || 0, height: shape.height || 0 }, 'center' ); el.__customPathData = elOption.pathData; } else if (graphicType === 'image') { el = new graphicUtil.Image({ }); el.__customImagePath =; } else if (graphicType === 'text') { el = new graphicUtil.Text({ }); el.__customText =; } else { var Clz = graphicUtil[graphicType.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + graphicType.slice(1)]; if (__DEV__) { zrUtil.assert(Clz, 'graphic type "' + graphicType + '" can not be found.'); } el = new Clz(); } el.__customGraphicType = graphicType; =; return el; } function updateEl(el, dataIndex, elOption, animatableModel, data, isInit) { var targetProps = {}; var elOptionStyle = || {}; elOption.shape && (targetProps.shape = zrUtil.clone(elOption.shape)); elOption.position && (targetProps.position = elOption.position.slice()); elOption.scale && (targetProps.scale = elOption.scale.slice()); elOption.origin && (targetProps.origin = elOption.origin.slice()); elOption.rotation && (targetProps.rotation = elOption.rotation); if (el.type === 'image' && { var targetStyle = = {}; zrUtil.each(['x', 'y', 'width', 'height'], function (prop) { prepareStyleTransition(prop, targetStyle, elOptionStyle,, isInit); }); } if (el.type === 'text' && { var targetStyle = = {}; zrUtil.each(['x', 'y'], function (prop) { prepareStyleTransition(prop, targetStyle, elOptionStyle,, isInit); }); // Compatible with previous: both support // textFill and fill, textStroke and stroke in 'text' element. !elOptionStyle.hasOwnProperty('textFill') && elOptionStyle.fill && ( elOptionStyle.textFill = elOptionStyle.fill ); !elOptionStyle.hasOwnProperty('textStroke') && elOptionStyle.stroke && ( elOptionStyle.textStroke = elOptionStyle.stroke ); } if (el.type !== 'group') { el.useStyle(elOptionStyle); // Init animation. if (isInit) { = 0; var targetOpacity = elOptionStyle.opacity; targetOpacity == null && (targetOpacity = 1); graphicUtil.initProps(el, {style: {opacity: targetOpacity}}, animatableModel, dataIndex); } } if (isInit) { el.attr(targetProps); } else { graphicUtil.updateProps(el, targetProps, animatableModel, dataIndex); } // z2 must not be null/undefined, otherwise sort error may occur. el.attr({z2: elOption.z2 || 0, silent: elOption.silent}); elOption.styleEmphasis !== false && graphicUtil.setHoverStyle(el, elOption.styleEmphasis); } function prepareStyleTransition(prop, targetStyle, elOptionStyle, oldElStyle, isInit) { if (elOptionStyle[prop] != null && !isInit) { targetStyle[prop] = elOptionStyle[prop]; elOptionStyle[prop] = oldElStyle[prop]; } } function makeRenderItem(customSeries, data, ecModel, api) { var renderItem = customSeries.get('renderItem'); var coordSys = customSeries.coordinateSystem; var prepareResult = {}; if (coordSys) { if (__DEV__) { zrUtil.assert(renderItem, 'series.render is required.'); zrUtil.assert( coordSys.prepareCustoms || prepareCustoms[coordSys.type], 'This coordSys does not support custom series.' ); } prepareResult = coordSys.prepareCustoms ? coordSys.prepareCustoms() : prepareCustoms[coordSys.type](coordSys); } var userAPI = zrUtil.defaults({ getWidth: api.getWidth, getHeight: api.getHeight, getZr: api.getZr, getDevicePixelRatio: api.getDevicePixelRatio, value: value, style: style, styleEmphasis: styleEmphasis, visual: visual, barLayout: barLayout, currentSeriesIndices: currentSeriesIndices, font: font }, prepareResult.api || {}); var userParams = { context: {}, seriesId:, seriesName:, seriesIndex: customSeries.seriesIndex, coordSys: prepareResult.coordSys, dataInsideLength: data.count(), encode: wrapEncodeDef(customSeries.getData()) }; // Do not support call `api` asynchronously without dataIndexInside input. var currDataIndexInside; var currDirty = true; var currItemModel; var currLabelNormalModel; var currLabelEmphasisModel; var currVisualColor; return function (dataIndexInside) { currDataIndexInside = dataIndexInside; currDirty = true; return renderItem && renderItem( zrUtil.defaults({ dataIndexInside: dataIndexInside, dataIndex: data.getRawIndex(dataIndexInside) }, userParams), userAPI ) || {}; }; // Do not update cache until api called. function updateCache(dataIndexInside) { dataIndexInside == null && (dataIndexInside = currDataIndexInside); if (currDirty) { currItemModel = data.getItemModel(dataIndexInside); currLabelNormalModel = currItemModel.getModel(LABEL_NORMAL); currLabelEmphasisModel = currItemModel.getModel(LABEL_EMPHASIS); currVisualColor = data.getItemVisual(dataIndexInside, 'color'); currDirty = false; } } /** * @public * @param {number|string} dim * @param {number} [dataIndexInside=currDataIndexInside] * @return {number|string} value */ function value(dim, dataIndexInside) { dataIndexInside == null && (dataIndexInside = currDataIndexInside); return data.get(data.getDimension(dim || 0), dataIndexInside); } /** * By default, `visual` is applied to style (to support visualMap). * `visual.color` is applied at `fill`. If user want apply visual.color on `stroke`, * it can be implemented as: * `{stroke: api.visual('color'), fill: null})`; * @public * @param {Object} [extra] * @param {number} [dataIndexInside=currDataIndexInside] */ function style(extra, dataIndexInside) { dataIndexInside == null && (dataIndexInside = currDataIndexInside); updateCache(dataIndexInside); var itemStyle = currItemModel.getModel(ITEM_STYLE_NORMAL_PATH).getItemStyle(); currVisualColor != null && (itemStyle.fill = currVisualColor); var opacity = data.getItemVisual(dataIndexInside, 'opacity'); opacity != null && (itemStyle.opacity = opacity); graphicUtil.setTextStyle(itemStyle, currLabelNormalModel, null, { autoColor: currVisualColor, isRectText: true }); itemStyle.text = currLabelNormalModel.getShallow('show') ? zrUtil.retrieve2( customSeries.getFormattedLabel(dataIndexInside, 'normal'), getDefaultLabel(data, dataIndexInside) ) : null; extra && zrUtil.extend(itemStyle, extra); return itemStyle; } /** * @public * @param {Object} [extra] * @param {number} [dataIndexInside=currDataIndexInside] */ function styleEmphasis(extra, dataIndexInside) { dataIndexInside == null && (dataIndexInside = currDataIndexInside); updateCache(dataIndexInside); var itemStyle = currItemModel.getModel(ITEM_STYLE_EMPHASIS_PATH).getItemStyle(); graphicUtil.setTextStyle(itemStyle, currLabelEmphasisModel, null, { isRectText: true }, true); itemStyle.text = currLabelEmphasisModel.getShallow('show') ? zrUtil.retrieve3( customSeries.getFormattedLabel(dataIndexInside, 'emphasis'), customSeries.getFormattedLabel(dataIndexInside, 'normal'), getDefaultLabel(data, dataIndexInside) ) : null; extra && zrUtil.extend(itemStyle, extra); return itemStyle; } /** * @public * @param {string} visualType * @param {number} [dataIndexInside=currDataIndexInside] */ function visual(visualType, dataIndexInside) { dataIndexInside == null && (dataIndexInside = currDataIndexInside); return data.getItemVisual(dataIndexInside, visualType); } /** * @public * @param {number} opt.count Positive interger. * @param {number} [opt.barWidth] * @param {number} [opt.barMaxWidth] * @param {number} [opt.barGap] * @param {number} [opt.barCategoryGap] * @return {Object} {width, offset, offsetCenter} is not support, return undefined. */ function barLayout(opt) { if (coordSys.getBaseAxis) { var baseAxis = coordSys.getBaseAxis(); return getLayoutOnAxis(zrUtil.defaults({axis: baseAxis}, opt), api); } } /** * @public * @return {Array.} */ function currentSeriesIndices() { return ecModel.getCurrentSeriesIndices(); } /** * @public * @param {Object} opt * @param {string} [opt.fontStyle] * @param {number} [opt.fontWeight] * @param {number} [opt.fontSize] * @param {string} [opt.fontFamily] * @return {string} font string */ function font(opt) { return graphicUtil.getFont(opt, ecModel); } } function wrapEncodeDef(data) { var encodeDef = {}; zrUtil.each(data.dimensions, function (dimName, dataDimIndex) { var dimInfo = data.getDimensionInfo(dimName); if (!dimInfo.isExtraCoord) { var coordDim = dimInfo.coordDim; var dataDims = encodeDef[coordDim] = encodeDef[coordDim] || []; dataDims[dimInfo.coordDimIndex] = dataDimIndex; } }); return encodeDef; } function createOrUpdate(el, dataIndex, elOption, animatableModel, group, data) { el = doCreateOrUpdate(el, dataIndex, elOption, animatableModel, group, data); el && data.setItemGraphicEl(dataIndex, el); return el; } function doCreateOrUpdate(el, dataIndex, elOption, animatableModel, group, data) { var elOptionType = elOption.type; if (el && elOptionType !== el.__customGraphicType && (elOptionType !== 'path' || elOption.pathData !== el.__customPathData) && (elOptionType !== 'image' || !== el.__customImagePath) && (elOptionType !== 'text' || !== el.__customText) ) { group.remove(el); el = null; } // `elOption.type` is undefined when `renderItem` returns nothing. if (elOptionType == null) { return; } var isInit = !el; !el && (el = createEl(elOption)); updateEl(el, dataIndex, elOption, animatableModel, data, isInit); if (elOptionType === 'group') { var oldChildren = el.children() || []; var newChildren = elOption.children || []; if (elOption.diffChildrenByName) { // lower performance. diffGroupChildren({ oldChildren: oldChildren, newChildren: newChildren, dataIndex: dataIndex, animatableModel: animatableModel, group: el, data: data }); } else { // better performance. var index = 0; for (; index < newChildren.length; index++) { doCreateOrUpdate( el.childAt(index), dataIndex, newChildren[index], animatableModel, el, data ); } for (; index < oldChildren.length; index++) { oldChildren[index] && el.remove(oldChildren[index]); } } } group.add(el); return el; } function diffGroupChildren(context) { (new DataDiffer( context.oldChildren, context.newChildren, getKey, getKey, context )) .add(processAddUpdate) .update(processAddUpdate) .remove(processRemove) .execute(); } function getKey(item, idx) { var name = item &&; return name != null ? name : GROUP_DIFF_PREFIX + idx; } function processAddUpdate(newIndex, oldIndex) { var context = this.context; var childOption = newIndex != null ? context.newChildren[newIndex] : null; var child = oldIndex != null ? context.oldChildren[oldIndex] : null; doCreateOrUpdate( child, context.dataIndex, childOption, context.animatableModel,, ); } function processRemove(oldIndex) { var context = this.context; var child = context.oldChildren[oldIndex]; child &&; }