# Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================ """The event data in querier test.""" import json from ....utils.mindspore.dataset.engine.serializer_deserializer import SERIALIZED_PIPELINE EVENT_TRAIN_DICT_0 = { 'wall_time': 1581499557.7017336, 'train_lineage': { 'hyper_parameters': { 'optimizer': 'ApplyMomentum0', 'learning_rate': 0.10000000149011612, 'loss_function': '', 'epoch': 1, 'parallel_mode': 'stand_alone0', 'device_num': 1, 'batch_size': 31 }, 'algorithm': { 'network': 'TrainOneStepCell0', 'loss': 2.3025848865509033 }, 'train_dataset': { 'train_dataset_path': '', 'train_dataset_size': 31 }, 'model': { 'path': 'xxx0', 'size': 400716930 } } } EVENT_TRAIN_DICT_1 = { 'wall_time': 1581499557.7017336, 'train_lineage': { 'hyper_parameters': { 'optimizer': 'ApplyMomentum1', 'learning_rate': 0.20000000298023224, 'loss_function': 'loss_function1', 'epoch': 1, 'parallel_mode': 'stand_alone1', 'device_num': 2, 'batch_size': 35 }, 'algorithm': { 'network': 'TrainOneStepCell1', 'loss': 2.4025847911834717 }, 'train_dataset': { 'train_dataset_path': '/path/to/train_dataset1', 'train_dataset_size': 32 }, 'model': { 'path': 'xxx1', 'size': 400716931 } } } EVENT_TRAIN_DICT_2 = { 'wall_time': 1581499557.7017336, 'train_lineage': { 'hyper_parameters': { 'optimizer': 'ApplyMomentum2', 'learning_rate': 0.30000001192092896, 'loss_function': 'loss_function2', 'epoch': 2, 'parallel_mode': 'stand_alone2', 'device_num': 3, 'batch_size': 38 }, 'algorithm': { 'network': 'TrainOneStepCell2', 'loss': 2.502584934234619 }, 'train_dataset': { 'train_dataset_path': '/path/to/train_dataset2', 'train_dataset_size': 33 }, 'model': { 'path': 'xxx2', 'size': 400716932 } } } EVENT_TRAIN_DICT_3 = { 'wall_time': 1581499557.7017336, 'train_lineage': { 'hyper_parameters': { 'optimizer': 'ApplyMomentum3', 'learning_rate': 0.4000000059604645, 'loss_function': 'loss_function3', 'epoch': 2, 'parallel_mode': 'stand_alone3', 'device_num': 3, 'batch_size': 35 }, 'algorithm': { 'network': 'TrainOneStepCell3', 'loss': 2.6025848388671875 }, 'train_dataset': { 'train_dataset_path': '/path/to/train_dataset3', 'train_dataset_size': 34 }, 'model': { 'path': 'xxx3', 'size': 400716933 } } } EVENT_TRAIN_DICT_4 = { 'wall_time': 1581499557.7017336, 'train_lineage': { 'hyper_parameters': { 'optimizer': 'ApplyMomentum4', 'learning_rate': 0.5, 'loss_function': 'loss_function1', 'epoch': 3, 'parallel_mode': 'stand_alone4', 'device_num': 1, 'batch_size': 50 }, 'algorithm': { 'network': 'TrainOneStepCell4', 'loss': 2.702584981918335 }, 'train_dataset': { 'train_dataset_path': '/path/to/train_dataset4', 'train_dataset_size': 35 }, 'model': { 'path': 'xxx4', 'size': 400716934 } } } EVENT_TRAIN_DICT_5 = { 'wall_time': 1581499557.7017336, 'train_lineage': { 'hyper_parameters': { 'optimizer': 'ApplyMomentum5', 'learning_rate': 0.5, 'loss_function': 'loss_function1', 'epoch': 3, 'parallel_mode': 'stand_alone5', 'device_num': 1, 'batch_size': 51 }, 'algorithm': { 'network': 'TrainOneStepCell5', 'loss': 2.702584981918335 }, 'train_dataset': { 'train_dataset_size': 35 }, 'model': { 'path': 'xxx4', 'size': 400716934 } } } EVENT_TRAIN_DICT_EXCEPTION = { 'wall_time': 1581499557.7017336 } METRIC_0 = { 'accuracy': None, 'mae': 2.00000001, 'mse': 3.00000001 } CUSTOMIZED__0 = { 'metric/accuracy': {'label': 'metric/accuracy', 'required': True, 'type': 'float'}, } CUSTOMIZED_0 = { **CUSTOMIZED__0, 'metric/mae': {'label': 'metric/mae', 'required': True, 'type': 'float'}, 'metric/mse': {'label': 'metric/mse', 'required': True, 'type': 'float'} } CUSTOMIZED_1 = { 'metric/accuracy': {'label': 'metric/accuracy', 'required': True, 'type': 'NoneType'}, 'metric/mae': {'label': 'metric/mae', 'required': True, 'type': 'float'}, 'metric/mse': {'label': 'metric/mse', 'required': True, 'type': 'float'} } CUSTOMIZED_2 = { 'metric/accuracy': {'label': 'metric/accuracy', 'required': True, 'type': 'mixed'}, 'metric/mae': {'label': 'metric/mae', 'required': True, 'type': 'float'}, 'metric/mse': {'label': 'metric/mse', 'required': True, 'type': 'float'} } METRIC_1 = { 'accuracy': 1.0000002, 'mae': 2.00000002, 'mse': 3.00000002 } METRIC_2 = { 'accuracy': 1.0000003, 'mae': 2.00000003, 'mse': 3.00000003 } METRIC_3 = { 'accuracy': 1.0000004, 'mae': 2.00000004, 'mse': 3.00000004 } METRIC_4 = { 'accuracy': 1.0000005, 'mae': 2.00000005, 'mse': 3.00000005 } METRIC_5 = { 'accuracy': 1.0000006, 'mae': 2.00000006, 'mse': 3.00000006 } EVENT_EVAL_DICT_0 = { 'wall_time': 1581499557.7017336, 'evaluation_lineage': { 'metric': json.dumps(METRIC_0), 'valid_dataset': { 'valid_dataset_path': '', 'valid_dataset_size': 400716931 } } } EVENT_EVAL_DICT_1 = { 'wall_time': 1581499557.7017336, 'evaluation_lineage': { 'metric': json.dumps(METRIC_1), 'valid_dataset': { 'valid_dataset_path': '/path/to/valid_dataset1', 'valid_dataset_size': 400716931 } } } EVENT_EVAL_DICT_2 = { 'wall_time': 1581499557.7017336, 'evaluation_lineage': { 'metric': json.dumps(METRIC_2), 'valid_dataset': { 'valid_dataset_path': '/path/to/valid_dataset2', 'valid_dataset_size': 400716931 } } } EVENT_EVAL_DICT_3 = { 'wall_time': 1581499557.7017336, 'evaluation_lineage': { 'metric': json.dumps(METRIC_3), 'valid_dataset': { 'valid_dataset_path': '/path/to/valid_dataset3', 'valid_dataset_size': 400716931 } } } EVENT_EVAL_DICT_4 = { 'wall_time': 1581499557.7017336, 'evaluation_lineage': { 'metric': json.dumps(METRIC_4), 'valid_dataset': { 'valid_dataset_path': '/path/to/valid_dataset4', 'valid_dataset_size': 400716931 } } } EVENT_EVAL_DICT_5 = { 'wall_time': 1581499557.7017336, 'evaluation_lineage': { 'metric': json.dumps(METRIC_5), 'valid_dataset': { 'valid_dataset_path': '/path/to/valid_dataset5', 'valid_dataset_size': 400716931 } } } EVENT_EVAL_DICT_EXCEPTION = { 'wall_time': 1581499557.7017336 } EVENT_DATASET_DICT_0 = { 'wall_time': 1583317727.4949381, 'dataset_graph': { 'children': [ { 'children': [ { 'parameter': { 'mapStr': { 'op_type': 'MnistDataset', 'shard_id': 'None', 'num_shards': 'None', 'op_module': 'minddata.dataengine.datasets', 'dataset_dir': '/home/anthony/MindData/tests/dataset/data/testMnistData', 'num_parallel_workers': 'None', 'shuffle': 'None' }, 'mapInt': { 'num_samples': 100 } }, 'sampler': { 'operationParam': { 'mapStr': { 'sampler_name': 'RandomSampler', 'sampler_module': 'minddata.dataengine.samplers' }, 'mapBool': { 'replacement': True }, 'mapInt': { 'num_samples': 100 } } } } ], 'parameter': { 'mapStr': { 'op_module': 'minddata.dataengine.datasets', 'op_type': 'MapDataset', 'num_parallel_workers': 'None' }, 'mapStrList': { 'output_columns': { 'strValue': [ '' ] }, 'input_columns': { 'strValue': [ 'label' ] } } }, 'operations': [ { 'operationParam': { 'mapStr': { 'tensor_op_module': 'minddata.transforms.c_transforms', 'tensor_op_name': 'OneHot' }, 'mapInt': { 'num_classes': 10 } } } ] } ], 'parameter': { 'mapStr': { 'op_module': 'minddata.dataengine.datasets', 'op_type': 'BatchDataset', 'num_parallel_workers': 'None' }, 'mapBool': { 'drop_remainder': True }, 'mapInt': { 'batch_size': 10 } } } } DATASET_DICT_0 = SERIALIZED_PIPELINE