diff --git a/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/data-map.vue b/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/data-map.vue
index 5289e68a80976593a659c2b05a4e03127b683fce..862061c11d1b26b5568e561820ce44d11710ee6d 100644
--- a/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/data-map.vue
+++ b/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/data-map.vue
@@ -511,6 +511,7 @@ export default {
cursor: pointer;
width: 12px;
height: 12px;
+ z-index: 999;
display: inline-block;
background-image: url('../../assets/images/full-screen.png');
@@ -529,7 +530,6 @@ export default {
width: 100%;
#sidebar {
- top: 32px;
.node-info-con {
height: calc(100% - 280px);
diff --git a/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/data-traceback.vue b/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/data-traceback.vue
index 9415d3807dab8d0e029776b6f83bd71082b4c776..dd05010673d8251807b26f0f2ba0b62184076bc4 100644
--- a/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/data-traceback.vue
+++ b/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/data-traceback.vue
@@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ export default {
// echart parallel line coordinate system
parallelEchart: null,
+ deviceNum: 'device_num',
shuffleTitle: 'Shuffle',
repeatTitle: 'Repeat',
categoryType: 'category',
@@ -406,7 +407,8 @@ export default {
const obj = {dim: i, name: content.name, id: content.id};
if (
content.name === this.repeatTitle ||
- content.name === this.shuffleTitle
+ content.name === this.shuffleTitle ||
+ content.id === this.deviceNum
) {
obj.scale = true;
obj.minInterval = 1;
diff --git a/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/histogram.vue b/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/histogram.vue
index 7a9453ad2642c002505054d4fe422631a8362fd2..3afff3e13fe0c76a15459feebd40f344d0dabf78 100644
--- a/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/histogram.vue
+++ b/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/histogram.vue
@@ -212,10 +212,7 @@ export default {
if (this.curPageArr.length) {
this.curPageArr.forEach((item) => {
- if (item.zr) {
- item.zr.off('mouseout', 'mousemove');
- item.zr = null;
- }
+ this.clearZrData(item);
// Stop refreshing
@@ -296,18 +293,15 @@ export default {
checked: true,
show: true,
- const sampleIndex = dataList.length;
tagName: tagName,
- sampleIndex: sampleIndex,
zr: null,
show: false,
fullScreen: false,
domId: `${tagName}`,
- charData: {
- oriData: [],
- charOption: {},
- },
+ oriData: {},
+ charOption: {},
+ chartData: [],
charObj: null,
@@ -356,10 +350,7 @@ export default {
if (!noPageDataNumChange) {
this.curPageArr.forEach((sampleItem) => {
sampleItem.show = false;
- if (sampleItem.zr) {
- sampleItem.zr.off('mouseout', 'mousemove');
- sampleItem.zr = null;
- }
+ this.clearZrData(sampleItem);
// This interface is used to obtain the current page group and hide the current page group.
@@ -379,28 +370,23 @@ export default {
freshCurPageData() {
this.curPageArr.forEach((item, index) => {
- this.updateCurPageSamples(item.sampleIndex);
- });
- },
- updateCurPageSamples(sampleIndex) {
- const item = this.originDataArr[sampleIndex];
- if (!item || !item.tagName) {
- return;
- }
- const params = {
- train_id: this.trainingJobId,
- tag: item.tagName,
- };
- RequestService.getHistogramData(params).then((res) => {
- if (!res || !res.data) {
+ if (!item || !item.tagName) {
- const data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(res.data));
- this.originDataArr[sampleIndex].charData.oriData = this.formOriData(
- data,
- );
- const charOption = this.formatDataToChar(sampleIndex);
- this.updateSampleData(sampleIndex, charOption);
+ const params = {
+ train_id: this.trainingJobId,
+ tag: item.tagName,
+ };
+ RequestService.getHistogramData(params).then((res) => {
+ if (!res || !res.data) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(res.data));
+ item.chartData = this.formOriData(data);
+ this.formatDataToChar(item);
+ this.updateSampleData(item);
+ this.sampleEventBind(item);
+ });
@@ -408,9 +394,8 @@ export default {
* @param {Number} val Current mode
timeTypeChange(val) {
- this.curPageArr.forEach((k) => {
- const charOption = this.formatDataToChar(k.sampleIndex);
- this.updateSampleData(k.sampleIndex, charOption);
+ this.curPageArr.forEach((item) => {
+ this.updateSampleData(item);
@@ -418,9 +403,9 @@ export default {
* @param {Number} val Current mode
viewTypeChange(val) {
- this.curPageArr.forEach((k) => {
- const charOption = this.formatDataToChar(k.sampleIndex);
- this.updateSampleData(k.sampleIndex, charOption);
+ this.curPageArr.forEach((item) => {
+ this.formatDataToChar(item);
+ this.updateSampleData(item);
@@ -444,10 +429,7 @@ export default {
clearAllData() {
this.originDataArr.forEach((item) => {
- if (item.zr) {
- item.zr.off('mouseout', 'mousemove');
- item.zr = null;
- }
+ this.clearZrData(item);
this.tagList = [];
this.originDataArr = [];
@@ -574,6 +556,8 @@ export default {
for (let i = oldSampleLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!newTagDictionaries[this.originDataArr[i].tagName]) {
dataRemoveFlag = true;
+ this.clearZrData(this.originDataArr[i]);
+ this.originDataArr[i].charObj.clear();
this.originDataArr.splice(i, 1);
@@ -599,18 +583,15 @@ export default {
checked: true,
show: false,
- const sampleIndex = this.originDataArr.length;
tagName: tagName,
- sampleIndex: sampleIndex,
zr: null,
show: false,
fullScreen: false,
domId: `${tagName}`,
- charData: {
- oriData: [],
- charOption: {},
- },
+ oriData: {},
+ charOption: {},
+ chartData: [],
charObj: null,
this.curFullTagDic[tagName] = true;
@@ -621,381 +602,369 @@ export default {
* update sample data
- * @param {Number} sampleIndex index
- * @param {Object} charOption data
+ * @param {Object} sampleObject sampleObject
- updateSampleData(sampleIndex, charOption) {
- let curViewName = this.curViewName;
- const sampleObject = this.originDataArr[sampleIndex];
- sampleObject.charData = sampleObject.charData
- ? sampleObject.charData
- : {};
- sampleObject.charData.charOption = this.formatCharOption(
- sampleIndex,
- charOption,
- );
+ updateSampleData(sampleObject) {
+ sampleObject.charOption = this.formatCharOption(sampleObject);
if (!sampleObject.charObj) {
sampleObject.charObj = echarts.init(
- sampleObject.charObj.setOption(sampleObject.charData.charOption, true);
+ this.removeTooltip(sampleObject);
+ sampleObject.charObj.setOption(sampleObject.charOption, true);
+ },
+ sampleEventBind(sampleObject) {
if (!sampleObject.zr) {
sampleObject.zr = sampleObject.charObj.getZr();
+ sampleObject.zr.off('mouseout', 'mousemove');
+ sampleObject.zr.on('mouseout', (e) => {
+ this.removeTooltip(sampleObject);
+ this.chartTipFlag = false;
+ });
+ sampleObject.zr.on('mousemove', (e) => {
+ this.removeTooltip(sampleObject);
+ this.mousemoveEvent(sampleObject, e);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ mousemoveEvent(sampleObject, e) {
+ const unit = 's';
+ const nearestIndex = this.findNearestValue(sampleObject, [
+ e.offsetX,
+ e.offsetY,
+ ]);
+ if (
+ nearestIndex &&
+ nearestIndex.yIndex !== null &&
+ nearestIndex.binIndex !== null
+ ) {
+ const {binIndex, yIndex} = nearestIndex;
+ const chartData = sampleObject.chartData;
+ const hoveredItem = chartData[yIndex];
const p = Math.max(0, d3.precisionRound(0.01, 1.01) - 1);
- const yValueFormat = d3.format('.' + p + 'e');
- const chartData = sampleObject.charData.oriData.chartData;
- const rawData = charOption.seriesData;
- /**
- * get convert point
- * @param {Array} pt value
- * @return {Array}
- */
- function getCoord(pt) {
- return sampleObject.charObj.convertToPixel('grid', pt);
+ const yValueFormat = d3.format(`.${p}e`);
+ const gridRect = sampleObject.charObj
+ .getModel()
+ .getComponent('grid', 0)
+ .coordinateSystem.getRect();
+ const gridRectY = gridRect.y - 10;
+ let linePoints = [];
+ if (!hoveredItem || !hoveredItem.items[binIndex]) {
+ return;
- /**
- * find nearest value
- * @param {Array} eventPoint value
- * @return {Object}
- */
- function findNearestValue(eventPoint) {
- if (
- !eventPoint ||
- !eventPoint.length ||
- !sampleObject ||
- !sampleObject.charObj
- ) {
- return;
- }
- const value = sampleObject.charObj.convertFromPixel(
- 'grid',
- eventPoint,
+ if (!this.chartTipFlag) {
+ this.chartTipFlag = true;
+ }
+ if (this.curViewName === 1 && yIndex !== null) {
+ linePoints = this.makePolyPoints(
+ yIndex,
+ this.getCoord,
+ gridRectY,
+ sampleObject,
- let binIndex = null;
- let yIndex = null;
- let nearestX = Infinity;
- let nearestY = -Infinity;
- let nearestYData = Infinity;
- if (!sampleObject.charData.oriData || !value || !value.length) {
- return;
- }
- const gridRect = sampleObject.charObj
- .getModel()
- .getComponent('grid', 0)
- .coordinateSystem.getRect();
- const gridRectY = gridRect.y - 10;
- const x = value[0];
- chartData.forEach((dataItem, i) => {
- let distY;
- let yAxis;
- for (let k = 0; k < dataItem.items.length - 1; k++) {
- const item = dataItem.items[k];
- const itemNext = dataItem.items[k + 1];
- const nextX = itemNext[2];
- const nextZ = itemNext[3];
- if (item.length >= 4) {
- if (item[2] < x && nextX >= x) {
- const proportionX = (x - item[2]) / (nextX - item[2]);
- yAxis = (nextZ - item[3]) * proportionX + item[3];
- distY = Math.abs(value[1] - yAxis);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (curViewName === 0 && distY < nearestYData) {
- nearestYData = distY;
- yIndex = i;
- } else if (curViewName === 1) {
- const pt = getCoord([x, dataItem.step]);
- const ptStep = pt[1];
- pt[1] -=
- ((yAxis - charOption.minZ) /
- (charOption.maxZ - charOption.minZ)) *
- gridRectY;
- if (
- eventPoint[1] > pt[1] &&
- eventPoint[1] < ptStep &&
- ptStep > nearestY
- ) {
- nearestY = ptStep;
- yIndex = i;
- }
- }
+ } else if (this.curViewName === 0 && hoveredItem.items) {
+ hoveredItem.items.forEach((item) => {
+ linePoints.push(this.getCoord([item[2], item[3]], sampleObject));
- if (yIndex === null && curViewName === 1) {
- chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
- if (item.step > value[1]) {
- yIndex = yIndex === null ? index : Math.min(yIndex, index);
- }
- });
- }
- if (yIndex !== null) {
- const yData = chartData[yIndex].items;
- yData.forEach((ele, index) => {
- const distX = Math.abs(ele[2] - value[0]);
- if (distX < nearestX) {
- nearestX = distX;
- binIndex = index;
+ }
+ this.zrDrawElement.hoverLine = new echarts.graphic.Polyline({
+ silent: true,
+ shape: {
+ points: linePoints.slice(1, -1),
+ },
+ z: 999,
+ });
+ sampleObject.zr.add(this.zrDrawElement.hoverLine);
+ this.zrDrawElement.tooltip = new echarts.graphic.Text({});
+ let itemX;
+ const x = hoveredItem.items[binIndex][2];
+ let z = 0;
+ chartData.forEach((dataItem, index) => {
+ const y = dataItem.step;
+ const pt = this.getCoord([x, y], sampleObject);
+ if (index === yIndex) {
+ z = hoveredItem.items[binIndex][3];
+ } else {
+ const items = dataItem.items;
+ for (let k = 1; k < items.length - 1; k++) {
+ const nextX = items[k + 1][2];
+ const nextZ = items[k + 1][3];
+ if (items[k][2] === x) {
+ z = items[k][3];
+ break;
+ } else if (items[k][2] < x && nextX > x) {
+ const proportionX = (x - items[k][2]) / (nextX - items[k][2]);
+ z = (nextZ - items[k][3]) * proportionX + items[k][3];
+ break;
- });
- binIndex =
- binIndex === 0
- ? 1
- : binIndex === yData.length - 1
- ? yData.length - 2
- : binIndex;
+ }
- return {
- binIndex,
- yIndex,
+ itemX = pt[0];
+ const circleOption = {
+ z: 1000,
- }
- sampleObject.zr.off('mouseout', 'mousemove');
- sampleObject.zr.on('mouseout', (e) => {
- if (!rawData || !rawData.length) {
- return;
+ if (this.curViewName === 1) {
+ pt[1] -=
+ ((z - sampleObject.oriData.minZ) /
+ (sampleObject.oriData.maxZ - sampleObject.oriData.minZ)) *
+ gridRectY;
+ circleOption.shape = {
+ cx: itemX,
+ cy: pt[1],
+ r: 1.5,
+ };
+ } else {
+ circleOption.shape = {
+ cx: 0,
+ cy: 0,
+ r: 1.5,
+ };
+ circleOption.position = sampleObject.charObj.convertToPixel(
+ 'grid',
+ [x, z],
+ );
- this.chartTipFlag = false;
- this.removeTooltip(sampleIndex);
+ const dot = new echarts.graphic.Circle(circleOption);
+ sampleObject.zr.add(dot);
+ this.zrDrawElement.hoverDots.push(dot);
- sampleObject.zr.on('mousemove', (e) => {
- if (!rawData || !rawData.length) {
- return;
- }
- this.removeTooltip(sampleIndex);
- curViewName = this.curViewName;
- const unit = 's';
- const nearestIndex = findNearestValue([e.offsetX, e.offsetY]);
- if (
- nearestIndex &&
- nearestIndex.yIndex !== null &&
- nearestIndex.binIndex !== null
- ) {
- const {binIndex, yIndex} = nearestIndex;
- const gridRect = sampleObject.charObj
- .getModel()
- .getComponent('grid', 0)
- .coordinateSystem.getRect();
- const gridRectY = gridRect.y - 10;
- let linePoints = [];
- if (curViewName === 1 && yIndex !== null) {
- linePoints = this.makePolyPoints(
- yIndex,
- getCoord,
- gridRectY,
- charOption,
- );
- } else if (
- curViewName === 0 &&
- chartData[yIndex] &&
- chartData[yIndex].items
- ) {
- chartData[yIndex].items.forEach((item) => {
- linePoints.push(
- sampleObject.charObj.convertToPixel('grid', [
- item[2],
- item[3],
- ]),
- );
- });
- }
- this.zrDrawElement.hoverLine = new echarts.graphic.Polyline({
- silent: true,
- shape: {
- points: linePoints.slice(1, -1),
- },
- z: 999,
- });
- sampleObject.zr.add(this.zrDrawElement.hoverLine);
- this.zrDrawElement.tooltip = new echarts.graphic.Text({});
- let itemX;
- const x = chartData[yIndex].items[binIndex][2];
- let z = 0;
- chartData.forEach((dataItem, index) => {
- const y = dataItem.step;
- const pt = getCoord([x, y]);
- if (index === yIndex) {
- z = chartData[yIndex].items[binIndex][3];
- } else {
- const items = dataItem.items;
- for (let k = 1; k < items.length - 1; k++) {
- const nextX = items[k + 1][2];
- const nextZ = items[k + 1][3];
- if (items[k][2] === x) {
- z = items[k][3];
- break;
- } else if (items[k][2] < x && nextX > x) {
- const proportionX =
- (x - items[k][2]) / (nextX - items[k][2]);
- z = (nextZ - items[k][3]) * proportionX + items[k][3];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- itemX = pt[0];
- const circleOption = {
- z: 1000,
- };
- if (curViewName === 1) {
- pt[1] -=
- ((z - charOption.minZ) /
- (charOption.maxZ - charOption.minZ)) *
- gridRectY;
- circleOption.shape = {
- cx: itemX,
- cy: pt[1],
- r: 1.5,
- };
- } else {
- circleOption.shape = {
- cx: 0,
- cy: 0,
- r: 1.5,
- };
- circleOption.position = sampleObject.charObj.convertToPixel(
- 'grid',
- [x, z],
- );
- }
- const dot = new echarts.graphic.Circle(circleOption);
- sampleObject.zr.add(dot);
- this.zrDrawElement.hoverDots.push(dot);
- });
+ this.zrDrawElement.tooltip = new echarts.graphic.Text({});
- const hoveredItem = chartData[yIndex];
- this.zrDrawElement.tooltip = new echarts.graphic.Text({});
- if (!this.chartTipFlag) {
- this.chartTipFlag = true;
- }
- if (!hoveredItem || !hoveredItem.items[binIndex]) {
- return;
- }
- let htmlStr = '';
- const hoveredAxis = hoveredItem.items[binIndex][3];
- htmlStr = `
- hoveredAxis.toString().length >= 6
- ? yValueFormat(hoveredAxis)
- : hoveredAxis
- } | ${hoveredItem.step} | ${(
- hoveredItem.relative_time / 1000
- ).toFixed(3)}${unit} | ${this.dealrelativeTime(
- new Date(hoveredItem.wall_time).toString(),
- )} | `;
- const dom = document.querySelector('#tipTr');
- dom.innerHTML = htmlStr;
- if (!sampleObject.fullScreen) {
- const chartWidth = document.querySelectorAll('.sample-content')[
- sampleIndex
- ].clientWidth;
- const chartHeight = document.querySelectorAll('.sample-content')[
- sampleIndex
- ].clientHeight;
- const left = document.querySelectorAll('.sample-content')[
- sampleIndex
- ].offsetLeft;
- const top = document.querySelectorAll('.sample-content')[
- sampleIndex
- ].offsetTop;
- const echartTip = document.querySelector('#echartTip');
- echartTip.style.top = `${top + chartHeight - 60}px`;
- if (left > echartTip.clientWidth) {
- echartTip.style.left = `${left - echartTip.clientWidth}px`;
- } else {
- echartTip.style.left = `${left + chartWidth}px`;
- }
- } else {
- const width = document.querySelector('#echartTip').clientWidth;
- const height = document.querySelector('#echartTip').clientHeight;
- const screenWidth = document.body.scrollWidth;
- const screenHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
- const scrollTop = document.querySelector(
- '.cl-histogram-show-data-content',
- ).scrollTop;
- const offsetTop = document.querySelector(
- '.cl-histogram-show-data-content',
- ).offsetTop;
- if (
- height + e.event.y + 20 > screenHeight &&
- screenHeight > height
- ) {
- document.querySelector('#echartTip').style.top = `${e.event.y +
- scrollTop -
- height -
- 20 -
- offsetTop}px`;
- } else {
- document.querySelector('#echartTip').style.top = `${e.event.y +
- scrollTop +
- 20 -
- offsetTop}px`;
- }
- if (width + e.event.x + 50 > screenWidth && screenWidth > width) {
- document.querySelector('#echartTip').style.left = `${e.event.x -
- width -
- 20}px`;
- } else {
- document.querySelector('#echartTip').style.left = `${e.event.x +
- 20}px`;
- }
- }
+ let htmlStr = '';
+ const hoveredAxis = hoveredItem.items[binIndex][3];
+ htmlStr = `${
+ hoveredAxis.toString().length >= 6
+ ? yValueFormat(hoveredAxis)
+ : hoveredAxis
+ } | ${hoveredItem.step} | ${(
+ hoveredItem.relative_time / 1000
+ ).toFixed(3)}${unit} | ${this.dealrelativeTime(
+ new Date(hoveredItem.wall_time).toString(),
+ )} | `;
+ const dom = document.querySelector('#tipTr');
+ dom.innerHTML = htmlStr;
+ if (!sampleObject.fullScreen) {
+ const chartWidth = document.getElementById(sampleObject.domId)
+ .parentNode.parentNode.clientWidth;
+ const chartHeight = document.getElementById(sampleObject.domId)
+ .parentNode.parentNode.clientHeight;
+ const left = document.getElementById(sampleObject.domId).parentNode
+ .parentNode.offsetLeft;
+ const top = document.getElementById(sampleObject.domId).parentNode
+ .parentNode.offsetTop;
+ const echartTip = document.querySelector('#echartTip');
+ echartTip.style.top = `${top + chartHeight - 60}px`;
+ if (left > echartTip.clientWidth) {
+ echartTip.style.left = `${left - echartTip.clientWidth}px`;
+ } else {
+ echartTip.style.left = `${left + chartWidth}px`;
+ }
+ } else {
+ const width = document.querySelector('#echartTip').clientWidth;
+ const height = document.querySelector('#echartTip').clientHeight;
+ const screenWidth = document.body.scrollWidth;
+ const screenHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
+ const scrollTop = document.querySelector(
+ '.cl-histogram-show-data-content',
+ ).scrollTop;
+ const offsetTop = document.querySelector(
+ '.cl-histogram-show-data-content',
+ ).offsetTop;
+ if (height + e.event.y + 20 > screenHeight && screenHeight > height) {
+ document.querySelector('#echartTip').style.top = `${e.event.y +
+ scrollTop -
+ height -
+ 20 -
+ offsetTop}px`;
+ } else {
+ document.querySelector('#echartTip').style.top = `${e.event.y +
+ scrollTop +
+ 20 -
+ offsetTop}px`;
+ }
+ if (width + e.event.x + 50 > screenWidth && screenWidth > width) {
+ document.querySelector('#echartTip').style.left = `${e.event.x -
+ width -
+ 20}px`;
+ } else {
+ document.querySelector('#echartTip').style.left = `${e.event.x +
+ 20}px`;
+ }
+ }
- this.zrDrawElement.tooltipX = new echarts.graphic.Text({
- position: [itemX, gridRect.y + gridRect.height],
- style: {
- text: Math.round(x * 1000) / 1000,
- textFill: '#fff',
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 12,
- textBackgroundColor: '#333',
- textBorderWidth: 2,
- textPadding: [5, 7],
- rich: {},
- },
- z: 2000,
- });
- sampleObject.zr.add(this.zrDrawElement.tooltipX);
- if (curViewName === 1 && linePoints && linePoints.length) {
- let text = '';
- if (yIndex) {
- text = this.yAxisFormatter(sampleIndex, yIndex);
- }
- this.zrDrawElement.tooltipY = new echarts.graphic.Text({
- position: [
- gridRect.x + gridRect.width,
- linePoints[linePoints.length - 1][1],
- ],
- style: {
- text: text,
- textFill: '#fff',
- textVerticalAlign: 'middle',
- fontSize: 12,
- textBackgroundColor: '#333',
- textBorderWidth: 2,
- textPadding: [5, 7],
- rich: {},
- },
- z: 2000,
- });
- sampleObject.zr.add(this.zrDrawElement.tooltipY);
+ this.zrDrawElement.tooltipX = new echarts.graphic.Text({
+ position: [itemX, gridRect.y + gridRect.height],
+ style: {
+ text: Math.round(x * 1000) / 1000,
+ textFill: '#fff',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ textBackgroundColor: '#333',
+ textBorderWidth: 2,
+ textPadding: [5, 7],
+ rich: {},
+ },
+ z: 2000,
+ });
+ sampleObject.zr.add(this.zrDrawElement.tooltipX);
+ if (this.curViewName === 1 && linePoints && linePoints.length) {
+ let text = '';
+ if (yIndex !== null) {
+ text = this.yAxisFormatter(sampleObject, hoveredItem.step);
+ }
+ this.zrDrawElement.tooltipY = new echarts.graphic.Text({
+ position: [
+ gridRect.x + gridRect.width,
+ linePoints[linePoints.length - 1][1],
+ ],
+ style: {
+ text: text,
+ textFill: '#fff',
+ textVerticalAlign: 'middle',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ textBackgroundColor: '#333',
+ textBorderWidth: 2,
+ textPadding: [5, 7],
+ rich: {},
+ },
+ z: 2000,
+ });
+ sampleObject.zr.add(this.zrDrawElement.tooltipY);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * get convert point
+ * @param {Array} pt value
+ * @param {Object} sampleObject sampleObject
+ * @return {Array}
+ */
+ getCoord(pt, sampleObject) {
+ return sampleObject.charObj.convertToPixel('grid', pt);
+ },
+ /**
+ * find nearest value
+ * @param {Object} sampleObject sampleObject
+ * @param {Array} eventPoint value
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+ findNearestValue(sampleObject, eventPoint) {
+ if (
+ !eventPoint ||
+ !eventPoint.length ||
+ !sampleObject ||
+ !sampleObject.charObj ||
+ !sampleObject.oriData
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const value = sampleObject.charObj.convertFromPixel('grid', eventPoint);
+ if (!value || !value.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let binIndex = null;
+ let yIndex = null;
+ let nearestX = Infinity;
+ let nearestY = -Infinity;
+ let nearestYData = Infinity;
+ const gridRect = sampleObject.charObj
+ .getModel()
+ .getComponent('grid', 0)
+ .coordinateSystem.getRect();
+ const gridRectY = gridRect.y - 10;
+ const x = value[0];
+ sampleObject.chartData.forEach((dataItem, i) => {
+ let distY;
+ let yAxis;
+ for (let k = 0; k < dataItem.items.length - 1; k++) {
+ const item = dataItem.items[k];
+ const itemNext = dataItem.items[k + 1];
+ const nextX = itemNext[2];
+ const nextZ = itemNext[3];
+ if (item.length >= 4) {
+ if (item[2] < x && nextX >= x) {
+ const proportionX = (x - item[2]) / (nextX - item[2]);
+ yAxis = (nextZ - item[3]) * proportionX + item[3];
+ distY = Math.abs(value[1] - yAxis);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (this.curViewName === 0 && distY < nearestYData) {
+ nearestYData = distY;
+ yIndex = i;
+ } else if (this.curViewName === 1) {
+ const pt = this.getCoord([x, dataItem.step], sampleObject);
+ const ptStep = pt[1];
+ pt[1] -=
+ ((yAxis - sampleObject.oriData.minZ) /
+ (sampleObject.oriData.maxZ - sampleObject.oriData.minZ)) *
+ gridRectY;
+ if (
+ eventPoint[1] > pt[1] &&
+ eventPoint[1] < ptStep &&
+ ptStep > nearestY
+ ) {
+ nearestY = ptStep;
+ yIndex = i;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (yIndex === null && this.curViewName === 1) {
+ sampleObject.chartData.forEach((item, index) => {
+ if (index > value[1]) {
+ yIndex = yIndex === null ? index : Math.min(yIndex, index);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (yIndex !== null) {
+ const yData = sampleObject.chartData[yIndex].items;
+ yData.forEach((ele, index) => {
+ const distX = Math.abs(ele[2] - value[0]);
+ if (distX < nearestX) {
+ nearestX = distX;
+ binIndex = index;
+ }
+ binIndex =
+ binIndex === 0
+ ? 1
+ : binIndex === yData.length - 1
+ ? yData.length - 2
+ : binIndex;
+ return {
+ binIndex,
+ yIndex,
+ };
dealrelativeTime(time) {
const arr = time.split(' ');
const str = arr[0] + ' ' + arr[1] + ' ' + arr[2] + ',' + ' ' + arr[4];
return str;
+ clearZrData(sampleObject) {
+ if (sampleObject && sampleObject.zr) {
+ this.removeTooltip(sampleObject);
+ sampleObject.zr.off('mouseout', 'mousemove');
+ sampleObject.zr = null;
+ }
+ },
* remove tooltip
- * @param {Number} sampleIndex sampleIndex
+ * @param {Number} sampleObject sampleObject
- removeTooltip(sampleIndex) {
- const sampleObject = this.originDataArr[sampleIndex];
- if (sampleObject.zr) {
+ removeTooltip(sampleObject) {
+ if (sampleObject && sampleObject.zr) {
+ if (this.zrDrawElement.hoverDots) {
+ this.zrDrawElement.hoverDots.forEach((dot) =>
+ sampleObject.zr.remove(dot),
+ );
+ }
if (this.zrDrawElement.hoverLine) {
@@ -1005,15 +974,6 @@ export default {
if (this.zrDrawElement.tooltipY) {
- if (
- this.zrDrawElement.hoverDots &&
- this.zrDrawElement.hoverDots.length
- ) {
- this.zrDrawElement.hoverDots.forEach((dot) =>
- sampleObject.zr.remove(dot),
- );
- this.zrDrawElement.hoverDots.length = 0;
- }
if (this.zrDrawElement.tooltipX) {
@@ -1022,16 +982,16 @@ export default {
getValue(seriesData, dataIndex, i) {
return seriesData[dataIndex][i];
- makePolyPoints(dataIndex, getCoord, yValueMapHeight, charOption) {
+ makePolyPoints(dataIndex, getCoord, yValueMapHeight, sampleObject) {
const points = [];
- const rawData = charOption.seriesData;
- const maxZ = charOption.maxZ;
- const minZ = charOption.minZ;
+ const rawData = sampleObject.oriData.seriesData;
+ const maxZ = sampleObject.oriData.maxZ;
+ const minZ = sampleObject.oriData.minZ;
for (let i = 0; i < rawData[dataIndex].length; ) {
const x = this.getValue(rawData, dataIndex, i++);
const y = this.getValue(rawData, dataIndex, i++);
const z = this.getValue(rawData, dataIndex, i++);
- const pt = getCoord([x, y]);
+ const pt = getCoord([x, y], sampleObject);
// linear map in z axis
pt[1] -= ((z - minZ) / (maxZ - minZ)) * yValueMapHeight;
@@ -1044,10 +1004,11 @@ export default {
? dataItem.histograms[0].wall_time
: 0;
dataItem.histograms.forEach((histogram, index) => {
+ const step = histogram.step.toString();
const chartItem = {
wall_time: histogram.wall_time,
relative_time: histogram.wall_time - wallTimeInit,
- step: `${histogram.step}`,
+ step: step,
items: [],
const chartArr = [];
@@ -1057,7 +1018,7 @@ export default {
if (!filter.length) {
- `${histogram.step}`,
+ step,
@@ -1068,32 +1029,26 @@ export default {
const minItem = chartArr[0][2];
const maxItem = chartArr[chartArr.length - 1][2];
const chartAll = [
- [histogram.wall_time, `${histogram.step}`, minItem, 0],
- ].concat(chartArr, [
- [histogram.wall_time, `${histogram.step}`, maxItem, 0],
- ]);
+ [histogram.wall_time, step, minItem, 0],
+ ].concat(chartArr, [[histogram.wall_time, step, maxItem, 0]]);
chartItem.items = chartAll;
- return {tag: dataItem.tag, train_id: dataItem.train_id, chartData};
+ return chartData;
- formatDataToChar(dataIndex) {
- const dataItem = this.originDataArr[dataIndex].charData.oriData;
+ formatDataToChar(item) {
+ const chartData = item.chartData;
const seriesData = [];
- let maxStep = -Infinity;
- let minStep = Infinity;
let maxX = -Infinity;
let minX = Infinity;
let maxZ = -Infinity;
let minZ = Infinity;
- const girdData = [];
- if (dataItem.chartData && dataItem.chartData.length) {
- dataItem.chartData.forEach((histogram) => {
+ const gridData = [];
+ if (chartData && chartData.length) {
+ chartData.forEach((histogram) => {
const seriesItem = [];
- girdData.push(histogram.step);
- maxStep = Math.max(maxStep, histogram.step);
- minStep = Math.min(minStep, histogram.step);
+ gridData.push(histogram.step);
histogram.items.forEach((bucket) => {
if (this.curViewName === 0) {
seriesItem.push([bucket[2], bucket[3]]);
@@ -1108,26 +1063,24 @@ export default {
- return {
+ item.oriData = {
- maxStep,
- minStep,
- girdData,
+ gridData,
- formatCharOption(sampleIndex, charOption) {
+ formatCharOption(sampleObject) {
const colorMin = '#346E69';
const colorMax = '#EBFFFD';
+ const oriData = sampleObject.oriData;
const colorArr = this.getGrientColor(
- charOption.seriesData.length,
+ oriData.seriesData.length,
- const sampleObject = this.originDataArr[sampleIndex];
const fullScreenFun = this.toggleFullScreen;
const curAxisName = this.curAxisName;
const option = {
@@ -1138,13 +1091,13 @@ export default {
bottom: 60,
xAxis: {
- max: charOption.maxX,
- min: charOption.minX,
+ max: oriData.maxX,
+ min: oriData.minX,
axisLine: {onZero: false},
axisLabel: {
fontSize: '11',
formatter: function(value) {
- if (value.toString().length > 6) {
+ if (value.toString().length >= 6) {
return value.toExponential(3);
} else {
return Math.round(value * 1000) / 1000;
@@ -1158,6 +1111,7 @@ export default {
axisLine: {onZero: false, show: false},
splitLine: {show: true},
axisTick: {show: false},
+ boundaryGap: false,
axisLabel: {
fontSize: '11',
@@ -1181,7 +1135,7 @@ export default {
icon: CommonProperty.fullScreenIcon,
onclick() {
- fullScreenFun(sampleIndex);
+ fullScreenFun(sampleObject);
@@ -1189,7 +1143,7 @@ export default {
if (this.curViewName === 1) {
const seriesData = [];
- charOption.seriesData.forEach((item, dataIndex) => {
+ oriData.seriesData.forEach((item, dataIndex) => {
const dataItem = {
name: item[1],
value: item,
@@ -1208,7 +1162,7 @@ export default {
params.coordSys.y - 10,
- charOption,
+ sampleObject,
return {
@@ -1226,7 +1180,7 @@ export default {
data: seriesData,
- option.yAxis.data = charOption.girdData;
+ option.yAxis.data = oriData.gridData;
option.yAxis.type = 'category';
option.grid.top = 126;
if (curAxisName === 2 && sampleObject.fullScreen) {
@@ -1235,12 +1189,12 @@ export default {
option.yAxis.inverse = true;
const that = this;
option.yAxis.axisLabel.formatter = function(value) {
- return that.yAxisFormatter(sampleIndex, value);
+ return that.yAxisFormatter(sampleObject, value);
} else if (this.curViewName === 0) {
option.color = colorArr;
option.series = [];
- charOption.seriesData.forEach((k) => {
+ oriData.seriesData.forEach((k) => {
type: 'line',
symbol: 'none',
@@ -1253,12 +1207,9 @@ export default {
return option;
- yAxisFormatter(sampleIndex, value) {
- const sampleObject = this.originDataArr[sampleIndex];
+ yAxisFormatter(sampleObject, value) {
let data = '';
- const filter = sampleObject.charData.oriData.chartData.filter(
- (k) => k.step === value,
- );
+ const filter = sampleObject.chartData.filter((k) => k.step === value);
if (filter.length) {
if (this.curAxisName === 2) {
data = sampleObject.fullScreen
@@ -1332,22 +1283,21 @@ export default {
return colorResult;
- toggleFullScreen(sampleIndex) {
- const sampleObject = this.originDataArr[sampleIndex];
+ toggleFullScreen(sampleObject) {
if (!sampleObject) {
- this.removeTooltip(sampleIndex);
+ this.removeTooltip(sampleObject);
sampleObject.fullScreen = !sampleObject.fullScreen;
if (sampleObject.fullScreen) {
if (this.curAxisName === 2) {
sampleObject.charObj.setOption({grid: {right: 140}});
- sampleObject.charData.charOption.toolbox.feature.myToolFullScreen.iconStyle.borderColor =
+ sampleObject.charOption.toolbox.feature.myToolFullScreen.iconStyle.borderColor =
} else {
sampleObject.charObj.setOption({grid: {right: 40}});
- sampleObject.charData.charOption.toolbox.feature.myToolFullScreen.iconStyle.borderColor =
+ sampleObject.charOption.toolbox.feature.myToolFullScreen.iconStyle.borderColor =
setTimeout(() => {
diff --git a/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/model-traceback.vue b/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/model-traceback.vue
index 345be3fbfdd3a6f919c5563f439d3c41ec70879b..cbd9ed2a6149354ec843b271b6b9d6ac3027a151 100644
--- a/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/model-traceback.vue
+++ b/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/model-traceback.vue
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ export default {
+ 'device_num',
], // All keys whose values are int
echart: {
chart: null,
diff --git a/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/training-dashboard.vue b/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/training-dashboard.vue
index 228ddff3744a0dc4cd7a6c4c96bea3f4a5d0f016..1f5d76bbf0d71495ca281e4b1c64ad28d9439972 100644
--- a/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/training-dashboard.vue
+++ b/mindinsight/ui/src/views/train-manage/training-dashboard.vue
@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ limitations under the License.
+ {{$t("symbols.leftbracket")}}
+ {{$t("trainingDashboard.summaryDirPath")}}
+ {{summaryPath}}
+ {{$t("symbols.rightbracket")}}
+ const step = histogram.step.toString();
const chartItem = {
wall_time: histogram.wall_time,
- step: `${histogram.step}`,
+ step: step,
items: [],
const chartArr = [];
@@ -817,7 +827,7 @@ export default {
if (!filter.length) {
- `${histogram.step}`,
+ step,
@@ -828,33 +838,26 @@ export default {
const minItem = chartArr[0][2];
const maxItem = chartArr[chartArr.length - 1][2];
const chartAll = [
- [histogram.wall_time, `${histogram.step}`, minItem, 0],
- ].concat(chartArr, [
- [histogram.wall_time, `${histogram.step}`, maxItem, 0],
- ]);
+ [histogram.wall_time, step, minItem, 0],
+ ].concat(chartArr, [[histogram.wall_time, step, maxItem, 0]]);
chartItem.items = chartAll;
- return {tag: dataItem.tag, train_id: dataItem.train_id, chartData};
+ return chartData;
formatDataToChar() {
- const dataItem = this.histogramData;
+ const chartData = this.histogramData;
const seriesData = [];
- let maxStep = -Infinity;
- let minStep = Infinity;
let maxX = -Infinity;
let minX = Infinity;
let maxZ = -Infinity;
let minZ = Infinity;
const gridData = [];
- if (dataItem.chartData && dataItem.chartData.length) {
- dataItem.chartData.forEach((histogram) => {
+ if (chartData && chartData.length) {
+ chartData.forEach((histogram) => {
const seriesItem = [];
- maxStep = Math.max(maxStep, histogram.step);
- minStep = Math.min(minStep, histogram.step);
- histogram.items.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
histogram.items.forEach((bucket) => {
seriesItem.push(bucket[2], histogram.step, bucket[3]);
maxX = Math.max(maxX, bucket[2]);
@@ -865,10 +868,8 @@ export default {
- return {
+ this.histogramOriData = {
- maxStep,
- minStep,
@@ -876,16 +877,17 @@ export default {
- formatCharOption(charOption) {
+ formatCharOption() {
const colorMin = '#346E69';
const colorMax = '#EBFFFD';
+ const oriData = this.histogramOriData;
const colorArr = this.getGrientColor(
- charOption.seriesData.length,
+ oriData.seriesData.length,
const seriesData = [];
- charOption.seriesData.forEach((item, dataIndex) => {
+ oriData.seriesData.forEach((item, dataIndex) => {
const dataItem = {
name: item[1],
value: item,
@@ -903,13 +905,13 @@ export default {
bottom: 43,
xAxis: {
- max: charOption.maxX,
- min: charOption.minX,
+ max: oriData.maxX,
+ min: oriData.minX,
axisLine: {onZero: false},
axisLabel: {
fontSize: '11',
formatter: function(value) {
- if (value.toString().length > 6) {
+ if (value.toString().length >= 6) {
return value.toExponential(3);
} else {
return Math.round(value * 1000) / 1000;
@@ -925,6 +927,7 @@ export default {
splitLine: {show: true},
inverse: true,
axisTick: {show: false},
+ boundaryGap: false,
axisLabel: {
fontSize: '11',
@@ -938,7 +941,6 @@ export default {
params.coordSys.y - 10,
- charOption,
return {
@@ -1021,10 +1023,9 @@ export default {
* update sample data
- * @param {Object} charOption data
- updateHistogramSampleData(charOption) {
- this.histogramOption = this.formatCharOption(charOption);
+ updateHistogramSampleData() {
+ this.histogramOption = this.formatCharOption();
setTimeout(() => {
if (!this.histogramObj) {
this.histogramObj = echarts.init(
@@ -1038,11 +1039,11 @@ export default {
getValue(seriesData, dataIndex, i) {
return seriesData[dataIndex][i];
- makePolyPoints(dataIndex, getCoord, yValueMapHeight, charOption) {
+ makePolyPoints(dataIndex, getCoord, yValueMapHeight) {
const points = [];
- const rawData = charOption.seriesData;
- const maxZ = charOption.maxZ;
- const minZ = charOption.minZ;
+ const rawData = this.histogramOriData.seriesData;
+ const maxZ = this.histogramOriData.maxZ;
+ const minZ = this.histogramOriData.minZ;
for (let i = 0; i < rawData[dataIndex].length; ) {
const x = this.getValue(rawData, dataIndex, i++);
const y = this.getValue(rawData, dataIndex, i++);
@@ -1727,6 +1728,12 @@ export default {
height: 56px;
vertical-align: middle;
background: #ffffff;
+ .path-message {
+ display: inline-block;
+ line-height: 20px;
+ padding: 18px 16px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
.cl-dashboard-top-title {
float: left;
color: #000000;