提交 1fd40dc0 编写于 作者: M mindspore-ci-bot 提交者: Gitee

!579 1.remove redundant data to save memory and simplify the TensorContainer....

!579 1.remove redundant data to save memory and simplify the TensorContainer. 2.kill children processes of worker when itself has been killed by gunicorn master.
Merge pull request !579 from wangshuide/wsd0827_r07
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ MindInsight为MindSpore提供了简单易用的调优调试能力。在训练过
pip install mindinsight-{version}-cp37-cp37m-linux_{arch}.whl
pip install -U mindinsight-{version}-cp37-cp37m-linux_{arch}.whl
......@@ -15,9 +15,13 @@
"""Config file for gunicorn."""
import os
import multiprocessing
import signal
import threading
import time
from importlib import import_module
import psutil
import gunicorn
......@@ -43,3 +47,44 @@ def on_starting(server):
hook_module = import_module('mindinsight.utils.hook')
for hook in hook_module.HookUtils.instance().hooks():
threading.Thread(target=hook.on_startup, args=(server.log,)).start()
def post_fork(server, worker):
Launch a process to listen worker after gunicorn fork worker.
Children processes of gunicorn worker should be killed when worker has been killed
because gunicorn master murders this worker for some reasons such as worker timeout.
server (Arbiter): gunicorn server instance.
worker (ThreadWorker): worker instance.
def murder_worker_children_processes():
processes_to_kill = []
# sleep 3 seconds so that all worker children processes have been launched.
process = psutil.Process(worker.pid)
for child in process.children(recursive=True):
if child.pid != os.getpid():
while True:
if os.getppid() != worker.pid:
current_worker_pid = os.getppid()
for proc in processes_to_kill:
server.log.info("Original worker pid: %d, current worker pid: %d, stop process %d",
worker.pid, current_worker_pid, proc.pid)
except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
except psutil.Error as ex:
server.log.error("Stop process %d failed. Detail: %s.", proc.pid, str(ex))
server.log.info("%d processes have been killed.", len(processes_to_kill))
listen_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=murder_worker_children_processes,
server.log.info("Server pid: %d, start to listening.", server.pid)
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class GunicornLogger(Logger):
super(GunicornLogger, self).__init__(cfg)
def now(self):
"""return the log format"""
"""Get log format."""
return time.strftime('[%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S %z]')
def setup(self, cfg):
......@@ -188,6 +188,15 @@ class ResponseDataExceedMaxValueError(MindInsightException):
class DataTypeError(MindInsightException):
"""Data_type does not support."""
def __init__(self, error_detail):
error_msg = f'Data type does not support. Detail: {error_detail}'
super(DataTypeError, self).__init__(DataVisualErrors.DATA_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT,
class TrainJobDetailNotInCacheError(MindInsightException):
"""Detail info of given train job is not in cache."""
def __init__(self, error_detail="no detail provided."):
......@@ -296,6 +296,7 @@ class _SummaryParser(_Parser):
self._load_single_file(self._summary_file_handler, executor)
# Wait for data in this file to be processed to avoid loading multiple files at the same time.
logger.info("Parse summary file finished, file path: %s.", file_path)
except UnknownError as ex:
logger.warning("Parse summary file failed, detail: %r,"
"file path: %s.", str(ex), file_path)
......@@ -383,7 +384,7 @@ class _SummaryParser(_Parser):
# read the header
header_str = file_handler.read(HEADER_SIZE)
if not header_str:
logger.info("End of file, file_path=%s.", file_handler.file_path)
logger.info("Load summary file finished, file_path=%s.", file_handler.file_path)
return None
header_crc_str = file_handler.read(CRC_STR_SIZE)
if not header_crc_str:
......@@ -441,12 +442,9 @@ class _SummaryParser(_Parser):
elif plugin == PluginNameEnum.TENSOR.value:
tensor_event_value = TensorContainer(tensor_event_value)
tensor_count = 1
for d in tensor_event_value.dims:
tensor_count *= d
if tensor_count > MAX_TENSOR_COUNT:
if tensor_event_value.size > MAX_TENSOR_COUNT:
logger.warning('tag: %s/tensor, dims: %s, tensor count: %d exceeds %d and drop it.',
value.tag, tensor_event_value.dims, tensor_count, MAX_TENSOR_COUNT)
value.tag, tensor_event_value.dims, tensor_event_value.size, MAX_TENSOR_COUNT)
return None
elif plugin == PluginNameEnum.IMAGE.value:
......@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Tensor data container."""
import threading
import numpy as np
from mindinsight.datavisual.common.exceptions import DataTypeError
from mindinsight.datavisual.common.log import logger
from mindinsight.datavisual.data_transform.histogram import Histogram, Bucket
from mindinsight.datavisual.proto_files import mindinsight_anf_ir_pb2 as anf_ir_pb2
from mindinsight.datavisual.utils.utils import calc_histogram_bins
from mindinsight.utils.exceptions import ParamValueError
......@@ -139,19 +139,6 @@ def get_statistics_from_tensor(tensors):
return statistics
def _get_data_from_tensor(tensor):
Get data from tensor and convert to tuple.
tensor (TensorProto): Tensor proto data.
tuple, the item of tensor value.
return tuple(tensor.float_data)
def calc_original_buckets(np_value, stats):
Calculate buckets from tensor data.
......@@ -199,19 +186,24 @@ class TensorContainer:
def __init__(self, tensor_message):
self._lock = threading.Lock
# Original dims can not be pickled to transfer to other process, so tuple is used.
self._dims = tuple(tensor_message.dims)
self._data_type = tensor_message.data_type
self._np_array = None
self._data = _get_data_from_tensor(tensor_message)
self._stats = get_statistics_from_tensor(self.get_or_calc_ndarray())
original_buckets = calc_original_buckets(self.get_or_calc_ndarray(), self._stats)
self._np_array = self.get_ndarray(tensor_message.float_data)
self._stats = get_statistics_from_tensor(self._np_array)
original_buckets = calc_original_buckets(self._np_array, self._stats)
self._count = sum(bucket.count for bucket in original_buckets)
self._max = self._stats.max
self._min = self._stats.min
# convert the type of max and min value to np.float64 so that it cannot overflow
# when calculating width of histogram.
self._max = np.float64(self._stats.max)
self._min = np.float64(self._stats.min)
self._histogram = Histogram(tuple(original_buckets), self._max, self._min, self._count)
def size(self):
"""Get size of tensor."""
return self._np_array.size
def dims(self):
"""Get dims of tensor."""
......@@ -222,6 +214,11 @@ class TensorContainer:
"""Get data type of tensor."""
return self._data_type
def ndarray(self):
"""Get ndarray of tensor."""
return self._np_array
def max(self):
"""Get max value of tensor."""
......@@ -251,19 +248,24 @@ class TensorContainer:
"""Get histogram buckets."""
return self._histogram.buckets()
def get_or_calc_ndarray(self):
"""Get or calculate ndarray."""
with self._lock():
if self._np_array is None:
return self._np_array
def get_ndarray(self, tensor):
Get ndarray of tensor.
def _convert_to_numpy_array(self):
"""Convert a list data to numpy array."""
ndarray = np.array(self._data).reshape(self._dims)
except ValueError as ex:
logger.error("Reshape array fail, detail: %r", str(ex))
tensor (float16|float32|float64): tensor data.
numpy.ndarray, ndarray of tensor.
self._np_array = ndarray
DataTypeError, If data type of tensor is not among float16 or float32 or float64.
data_type_str = anf_ir_pb2.DataType.Name(self.data_type)
if data_type_str == 'DT_FLOAT16':
return np.array(tuple(tensor), dtype=np.float16).reshape(self.dims)
if data_type_str == 'DT_FLOAT32':
return np.array(tuple(tensor), dtype=np.float32).reshape(self.dims)
if data_type_str == 'DT_FLOAT64':
return np.array(tuple(tensor), dtype=np.float64).reshape(self.dims)
raise DataTypeError("Data type: {}.".format(data_type_str))
......@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ def get_statistics_dict(stats):
dict, a dict including 'max', 'min', 'avg', 'count', 'nan_count', 'neg_inf_count', 'pos_inf_count'.
statistics = {
"max": stats.max,
"min": stats.min,
"avg": stats.avg,
"max": float(stats.max),
"min": float(stats.min),
"avg": float(stats.avg),
"count": stats.count,
"nan_count": stats.nan_count,
"neg_inf_count": stats.neg_inf_count,
......@@ -302,8 +302,7 @@ class TensorProcessor(BaseProcessor):
if step != tensor.step:
step_in_cache = True
ndarray = value.get_or_calc_ndarray()
res_data = get_specific_dims_data(ndarray, dims, list(value.dims))
res_data = get_specific_dims_data(value.ndarray, dims, list(value.dims))
flatten_data = res_data.flatten().tolist()
if len(flatten_data) > MAX_TENSOR_RESPONSE_DATA_SIZE:
raise ResponseDataExceedMaxValueError("the size of response data: {} exceed max value: {}."
......@@ -326,7 +325,7 @@ class TensorProcessor(BaseProcessor):
elif np.isposinf(data):
transfer_data[index] = 'INF'
transfer_data[index] = data
transfer_data[index] = float(data)
return transfer_data
stats = get_statistics_from_tensor(res_data)
......@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ class DataVisualErrors(Enum):
class ScriptConverterErrors(Enum):
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