# MindArmour - [What is MindArmour](#what-is-mindarmour) - [Setting up](#setting-up-mindarmour) - [Docs](#docs) - [Community](#community) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Release Notes](#release-notes) - [License](#license) [查看中文](./README_CN.md) ## What is MindArmour A tool box for MindSpore users to enhance model security and trustworthiness and protect privacy data. MindArmour model security module is designed for adversarial examples, including four submodule: adversarial examples generation, adversarial examples detection, model defense and evaluation. The architecture is shown as follow: ![mindarmour_architecture](docs/mindarmour_architecture.png) MindArmour differential privacy module Differential-Privacy implements the differential privacy optimizer. Currently, SGD, Momentum and Adam are supported. They are differential privacy optimizers based on the Gaussian mechanism. This mechanism supports both non-adaptive and adaptive policy. Rényi differential privacy (RDP) and Zero-Concentrated differential privacy(ZDP) are provided to monitor differential privacy budgets. The architecture is shown as follow: ![dp_architecture](docs/differential_privacy_architecture_en.png) ## Setting up MindArmour ### Dependencies This library uses MindSpore to accelerate graph computations performed by many machine learning models. Therefore, installing MindSpore is a pre-requisite. All other dependencies are included in `setup.py`. ### Installation #### Installation for development 1. Download source code from Gitee. ```bash git clone https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindarmour.git ``` 2. Compile and install in MindArmour directory. ```bash $ cd mindarmour $ python setup.py install ``` #### `Pip` installation 1. Download whl package from [MindSpore website](https://www.mindspore.cn/versions/en), then run the following command: ``` pip install mindarmour-{version}-cp37-cp37m-linux_{arch}.whl ``` 2. Successfully installed, if there is no error message such as `No module named 'mindarmour'` when execute the following command: ```bash python -c 'import mindarmour' ``` ## Docs Guidance on installation, tutorials, API, see our [User Documentation](https://gitee.com/mindspore/docs). ## Community - [MindSpore Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/mindspore/shared_invite/enQtOTcwMTIxMDI3NjM0LTNkMWM2MzI5NjIyZWU5ZWQ5M2EwMTQ5MWNiYzMxOGM4OWFhZjI4M2E5OGI2YTg3ODU1ODE2Njg1MThiNWI3YmQ) - Ask questions and find answers. ## Contributing Welcome contributions. See our [Contributor Wiki](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for more details. ## Release Notes The release notes, see our [RELEASE](RELEASE.md). ## License [Apache License 2.0](LICENSE)