# Contributing Documents [查看中文](./CONTRIBUTING_DOC_CN.md) You are welcome to contribute MindSpore documents. Documents that meet requirements will be displayed on the [MindSpore official website](https://www.mindspore.cn). - [Contributing Documents](#contributing-documents) - [Creating or Updating Documents](#creating-or-updating-documents) - [Submitting Modification](#submitting-modification) - [Document Writing Specifications](#document-writing-specifications) ## Creating or Updating Documents This project supports contribution documents in MarkDown and reStructuredText formats. You can create the ```.md``` or ```.rst``` files or modify existing documents. ## Submitting Modification The procedure for submitting the modification is the same as that for submitting the code. For details, see [Code Contribution Guide](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Document Writing Specifications - The title supports only the ATX style. The title and context must be separated by a blank line. ``` # Heading 1 ## Heading 2 ### Heading 3 ``` - If the list title and content need to be displayed in different lines, add a blank line between the title and content. Otherwise, the line breaks may not be implemented. ``` - Title Content ``` - Anchors (hyperlinks) in the table of content can contain only Chinese characters, lowercase letters, and hyphens (-). Spaces or other special characters are not allowed. Otherwise, the link is invalid. - Precautions are marked with a right angle bracket (>). ``` > Precautions ``` - References should be listed at the end of the document and marked in the document. ``` Add a [number] after the referenced text or image description. ## References [1] Author. [Document Name](http://xxx). [2] Author. Document Name. ``` - Comments in the sample code must comply with the following requirements: - Comments are written in English. - Use ```"""``` to comment out Python functions, methods, and classes. - Use ```#``` to comment out other Python code. - Use ```//``` to comment out C++ code. ``` """ Comments on Python functions, methods, and classes """ # Python code comments // C++ code comments ``` - A blank line must be added before and after an image and an image title. Otherwise, the typesetting will be abnormal. For example as correctly: ``` Example: ![](./xxx.png) Figure 1: xxx The following content. ``` - A blank line must be added before and after a table. Otherwise, the typesetting will be abnormal. Tables are not supported in ordered or unordered lists. For example as correctly: ``` ## Title | Header1 | Header2 | :----- | :---- | Body I1 | Body I2 | Body II1 | Body II2 The following content. ``` - Mark the reference interface, path name, file name in the tutorial and document with "\` \`". If it's a function or method, don't use parentheses at the end. For example: - Reference method ``` Use the `map` method. ``` - Reference code ``` `batch_size`: number of data in each group. ``` - Reference path ``` Decompress the dataset and store it in `./MNIST_Data`. ``` - Reference file name ``` Other dependencies is described in `requirements.txt`. ``` - In tutorials and documents, the contents that need to be replaced need additional annotation. In the body, a "*" should be added before and after the content. In the code snippet, the content should be annotated with "{}". For example: - In body ``` Need to replace your local path *your_ path*. ``` - In code snippet ``` conda activate {your_env_name} ```