diff --git a/docs/source_en/benchmark.md b/docs/source_en/benchmark.md
index b3b34a1f9c970a6cad81fb93fc7e78c1e66c5c8b..c81515ff739766c1829413c4e82146be9c5b11bf 100644
--- a/docs/source_en/benchmark.md
+++ b/docs/source_en/benchmark.md
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ For details about the MindSpore pre-trained model, see [Model Zoo](https://gitee
 | Network |	Network Type | Dataset | MindSpore Version | Resource                 | Precision | Batch Size | Throughput |  Speedup |
 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| BERT-Large | Attention | zhwiki | 0.2.0-alpha | Ascend: 1 * Ascend 910 </br> CPU:24 Cores | Mixed | 96 | 210 sentences/sec | - |
-|  |  |  |  | Ascend: 8 * Ascend 910 </br> CPU:192 Cores | Mixed | 96 | 1613 sentences/sec | 0.96 |
+| BERT-Large | Attention | zhwiki | 0.5.0-beta | Ascend: 1 * Ascend 910 </br> CPU:24 Cores | Mixed | 96 | 269 sentences/sec | - |
+|  |  |  |  | Ascend: 8 * Ascend 910 </br> CPU:192 Cores | Mixed | 96 | 2069 sentences/sec | 0.96 |
 1. The preceding performance is obtained based on ModelArts, the HUAWEI CLOUD AI development platform. The network contains 24 hidden layers, the sequence length is 128 tokens, and the vocabulary contains 21128 tokens.   
 2. For details about other open source frameworks, see [BERT For TensorFlow](https://github.com/NVIDIA/DeepLearningExamples/tree/master/TensorFlow/LanguageModeling/BERT).
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