# MindSpore Lite Special Interest Group (SIG) This is the working repo for the mslite Special Interest Group (SIG). This repo contains all the artifacts, materials, meeting notes and proposals regarding **MS Lite Converter** , **MS Lite Runtime**. Feedbacks and contributions are welcomed. 1. **Converter**: converter is an offline tool has three parts, frontend, IR, and backend, aims to generate a compact model with applying graph optimizations and post training quantization. 2. **Runtime**: runtime deploys to device and executes online, has Lite RT and Lite Micro two modes. # SIG Leads * Zheng Li (Huawei) # Logistics * SIG leads will drive the meeting. * Meeting annoucement will be posted on our gitee channel: https://gitee.com/mindspore/community/tree/master/sigs/mslite * Feedbacks and topic requests are welcomed by all. # Discussion * Slack channel: https://app.slack.com/client/TUKCY4QDR/CUZ3FESNS?cdn_fallback=2 * Documents and artifacts: https://gitee.com/mindspore/community/tree/master/sigs/mslite # Meeting notes