# MindSpore Security MindSpore is a training and inference framework that supports device, edge, and cloud scenarios. It is widely used in various fields, such as terminals, edge computing, cloud services, network devices, storage devices, and 5G, and needs to meet application security requirements in preceding scenarios. As a general-purpose computing framework, MindSpore can run on different chip platforms such as the CPU, GPU, and Ascend. Users provide data or models as the input and obtain training models or inference results. As core assets in the AI field, data and models are necessary for continuous security protection of AI systems. We also provide suggestions on secure running of key components: + [MindSpore Security Usage Suggestions](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/master/SECURITY.md) + [MindInsight Security Usage Suggestions](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindinsight/blob/master/SECURITY.md) To build a more secure AI framework, we sincerely invite you to join us. ## How to Report Security Issues to the MindSpore Community If you find a suspected security issue, use [Suspected Security Issue Reporting Template](https://gitee.com/mindspore/community/blob/master/security/template/report-template_en.md) to report it so that the community vulnerability management team (VMT) is able to confirm and fix the issue as soon as possible with sufficient details. Your email will be confirmed within one working day. Within seven days, we will provide more detailed replies to your suspected security issues and provide the next-step handling policy. To ensure security, please use the [PGP public key](https://gitee.com/mindspore/community/blob/master/security/public_key_securities.asc) to encrypt your email before sending it. + Security email address: ## MindSpore Community Security Issue Disclosure Process After receiving the issues, we will handle the security issues according to the following process: + After receiving suspected security issues, the vulnerability management team (VMT) immediately confirms the integrity of reported information and issue severity. + Organize community teams to carry out technical analysis, confirm issue details, and provide analysis reports. + Confirm the vulnerability and apply for CVE, communicate with the vulnerability reporter about the issue, align the subsequent fixing and release plan, and prepare the security advisory (SA). + Complete vulnerability patch development/verification and initiate restricted disclosure. + Publicly release patches and security advisory (SA). ## MindSpore Community Vulnerability Management Team (VMT) The VMT consists of vulnerability management experts in the community. The team is responsible for coordinating the entire process from vulnerability receiving to disclosure, including: + Vulnerability collection: Suspected security vulnerabilities discovered by community members and external researchers can be reported to the VMT through . + Vulnerability tracking and handling: The VMT will record the confirmed vulnerabilities in the MindSpore community, confirm and fix the vulnerabilities, and keep effective communication with the reporter during the process. + Responsible disclosure: After vulnerabilities are properly fixed, the VMT will release vulnerability information to the community in the form of SA. ## MindSpore Security Advisory (SA) None