# Thursday June 04, 2020 at 15:00pm GMT+8 ## Agenda * Discuss the adaptation scheme of differential privacy on the graph mode of mindspore * Random Normal operator implementation * Investigation of differential privacy algorithms based one other mechanisms such as laplace ## Conference links * https://welink-meeting.zoom.us/j/702349009 ## Attendees * Wang Ze (Huawei) * Lv Zhangcheng (Huawei) * Liu Liu (Huawei) * Liu Zhidan (Huawei) * Yang Yuan (Huawei) * Zheng Huanhuan (Huawei) * Jin Xiulang (Huawei) * Xie Chaohui (Huawei) * Li Yanjun (Huawei), etc ## Notes * Participants: Wang Ze, Liu Liu, Liu Zhidan, Yang Yuan, Zheng Huanhuan, Jin Xiulang, Xie Chaohui, Li Yanjun, etc * The meeting video can be found: > 1. BiliBili: > 2. Youtube: * If we change the interface in the future, we should check all the projects which refer to the interface. Maybe command 'grep' is a choice to find all the interface code ## Action items * Organize a meeting about the neural fuzzing solution * List of supported optimizer methods * Differential privacy performance under other networks * Unified interface under pynative mode and graph mode * The result of training speed and accuracy under graph mode