# Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from datetime import datetime import logging from enum import Enum from gen_random import random_gaussian import numpy as np import akg.backend as cce from akg.utils import kernel_exec as utils from akg.ops.nn import matmul from base import get_rtol_atol from tensorio import compare_tensor logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) class MatmulType(Enum): gemm = 1 gevm = 2 gemv = 3 def get_name(caseIndex=1, name="leftMatrix", M=0, K=0, N=0, adj_x=False, adj_y=False): res = "{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.bin".format(caseIndex, name, M, K, N, adj_x, adj_y) return res def get_shape(name="leftMatrix", M=0, K=0, N=0, batch_tuple=(1,), adj_x=False, adj_y=False): res_shape = () if name == "leftMatrix": if adj_x: res_shape = batch_tuple + (K // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, M // cce.BLOCK_IN, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, cce.BLOCK_IN) else: res_shape = batch_tuple + (M // cce.BLOCK_IN, K // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, cce.BLOCK_IN, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE) if name == "rightMatrix": if adj_y: res_shape = batch_tuple + (N // cce.BLOCK_OUT, K // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, cce.BLOCK_OUT) else: res_shape = batch_tuple + (K // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, N // cce.BLOCK_OUT, cce.BLOCK_OUT, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE) if name == "result": res_shape = batch_tuple + (N // cce.BLOCK_OUT, M // cce.BLOCK_IN, cce.BLOCK_IN, cce.BLOCK_OUT) return res_shape def get_shapes(batch_tuple, M, K, N, trans_data=False, trans_weight=False): shape_x = batch_tuple + (M, K) if trans_data: shape_x = batch_tuple + (K, M) shape_y = batch_tuple + (K, N) if trans_weight: shape_y = batch_tuple + (N, K) return shape_x, shape_y def getMatmulType(m, n, k): type = MatmulType.gemm if m // cce.BLOCK_IN == 0: type = MatmulType.gevm elif n == 1: type = MatmulType.gemv return type def np_matmul(matrix_a, matrix_b, batch_tuple, M, K, N, trans_data=False, trans_weight=False, output_format=None): """ implementation for the batch matmul :param matrix_a: (batch1, batch2, ..., M, K) :param matrix_b: (batch1, batch2, ..., K, N) :return: (batch1, batch2, ..., M, N) """ batch_len = len(batch_tuple) if trans_data: matrix_a = matrix_a.transpose(tuple(range(batch_len)) + (batch_len + 1, batch_len)) if trans_weight: matrix_b = matrix_b.transpose(tuple(range(batch_len)) + (batch_len + 1, batch_len)) mul = 1 for i in batch_tuple: mul = mul * i reshape_x = matrix_a.reshape(mul, M, K) reshape_y = matrix_b.reshape(mul, K, N) flatten_shape = (mul, M, N) out = np.zeros(flatten_shape, dtype=np.float16) for b in range(mul): out[b, :] = np.dot(reshape_x[b, :], reshape_y[b, :]) #out[b,:] = np.matmul(reshape_x[b,:], reshape_y[b,:]) matmul_type = getMatmulType(M, N, K) out_shape = () if matmul_type == MatmulType.gemm: out_shape = batch_tuple + (M // cce.BLOCK_IN, cce.BLOCK_IN, N // cce.BLOCK_OUT, cce.BLOCK_OUT) elif matmul_type == MatmulType.gevm: out_shape = batch_tuple + (1, M % cce.BLOCK_IN, N // cce.BLOCK_OUT, cce.BLOCK_OUT) elif matmul_type == MatmulType.gemv: out_shape = batch_tuple + (M // cce.BLOCK_IN, cce.BLOCK_IN, 1, N % cce.BLOCK_OUT) logging.debug(out_shape) # No Mo Mi Ni trans = tuple(range(batch_len)) + (batch_len + 2, batch_len, batch_len + 1, batch_len + 3) if output_format == "zZ": trans = tuple(range(batch_len)) + (batch_len, batch_len + 2, batch_len + 1, batch_len + 3) if matmul_type == MatmulType.gemv: # use the transpose of out trans = tuple(range(batch_len)) + (batch_len, batch_len + 2, batch_len + 3, batch_len + 1) res = out.reshape(out_shape).transpose(trans).copy() return res def genData(batch_tuple, M, K, N, trans_data=False, trans_weight=False, dtype="float16", out_dtype="float16", bias=0, left_format="zZ", right_format="nZ", output_format="zN"): shape_x, shape_y = get_shapes(batch_tuple, M, K, N, trans_data, trans_weight) matrix_a = random_gaussian(shape_x, miu=0.1, sigma=0.01).astype(dtype) matrix_b = random_gaussian(shape_y, miu=0.1, sigma=0.01).astype(dtype) # matrix_a = np.ones(shape_x, dtype=np.float16) # matrix_b = np.ones(shape_y, dtype=np.float16) # this change is for gen data speed matrix_a_for_np = matrix_a.astype(np.float32) matrix_b_for_np = matrix_b.astype(np.float32) matmul_type = getMatmulType(M, N, K) out = np_matmul(matrix_a_for_np, matrix_b_for_np, batch_tuple, M, K, N, trans_data, trans_weight, output_format).astype(out_dtype) if dtype == "float16": out.astype(np.float16) bias_shape = batch_tuple + (N // cce.BLOCK_OUT, 1, 1, cce.BLOCK_OUT) if output_format == "zZ": bias_shape = batch_tuple + (1, N // cce.BLOCK_OUT, 1, cce.BLOCK_OUT) bias_data = np.full(bias_shape, np.nan, out_dtype) if bias == 1: bias_data = random_gaussian(bias_shape, miu=0.5, sigma=0.01).astype(out_dtype) out = out + bias_data shape_x = () shape_y = () if matmul_type == MatmulType.gemm: shape_x = (M // cce.BLOCK_IN, cce.BLOCK_IN, K // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE) if trans_data: shape_x = (K // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, M // cce.BLOCK_IN, cce.BLOCK_IN) shape_y = (K // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, N // cce.BLOCK_OUT, cce.BLOCK_OUT) if trans_weight: shape_y = (N // cce.BLOCK_OUT, cce.BLOCK_OUT, K // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE) elif matmul_type == MatmulType.gevm: shape_x = (1, M % cce.BLOCK_IN, K // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE) shape_y = (K // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, N // cce.BLOCK_OUT, cce.BLOCK_OUT) elif matmul_type == MatmulType.gemv: # use traspose(b) transpose(a) shape_x = (M // cce.BLOCK_IN, cce.BLOCK_IN, K // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE) shape_y = (K // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, 1, N % cce.BLOCK_OUT) batch_len = len(batch_tuple) # left_format zZ if left_format == "zZ": trans_x = tuple(range(batch_len)) + (batch_len + 0, batch_len + 2, batch_len + 1, batch_len + 3) elif left_format == "zN": trans_x = tuple(range(batch_len)) + (batch_len + 2, batch_len + 0, batch_len + 1, batch_len + 3) # right_format nZ if right_format == "nZ": trans_y = tuple(range(batch_len)) + (batch_len + 0, batch_len + 2, batch_len + 3, batch_len + 1) elif right_format == "zZ": trans_y = tuple(range(batch_len)) + (batch_len + 0, batch_len + 2, batch_len + 1, batch_len + 3) elif right_format == "zN": trans_y = tuple(range(batch_len)) + (batch_len + 2, batch_len + 0, batch_len + 1, batch_len + 3) fractal_a = matrix_a.reshape(batch_tuple + shape_x).transpose(trans_x).copy() fractal_b = matrix_b.reshape(batch_tuple + shape_y).transpose(trans_y).copy() if matmul_type == MatmulType.gemv: trans_y = tuple(range(batch_len)) + (batch_len + 2, batch_len + 0, batch_len + 3, batch_len + 1) trans_x = tuple(range(batch_len)) + (batch_len + 2, batch_len + 0, batch_len + 1, batch_len + 3) fractal_a = matrix_b.reshape(batch_tuple + shape_y).transpose(trans_y).copy() fractal_b = matrix_a.reshape(batch_tuple + shape_x).transpose(trans_x).copy() return fractal_a, fractal_b, out, bias_data def matmul_data(batch_tuple, M, K, N, dtype, out_dtype, bias, adj_x, adj_y, left_format=None, right_format=None, output_format=None, debug_logging=False): m_x = () m_y = () bench_mark = () bias_data = () logging.debug("gen data start!") a = datetime.now() m_x, m_y, bench_mark, bias_data = genData(batch_tuple, M, K, N, adj_x, adj_y, dtype, out_dtype, bias, left_format, right_format, output_format) b = datetime.now() logging.debug((b - a).seconds) logging.debug("gen data end!") if debug_logging: logging.debug("m_x shape:{}".format(m_x.shape)) logging.debug("m_y shape:{}".format(m_y.shape)) logging.debug(type(m_x)) logging.debug("bench_mark shape: {}".format(bench_mark.shape)) return m_x, m_y, bench_mark, bias_data def extract_dim(shape_x, shape_y, adj_x, adj_y): rank = len(shape_x) m = shape_x[-2] if adj_x == False else shape_x[-1] k = shape_x[-1] if adj_x == False else shape_x[-2] n = shape_y[-1] if adj_y == False else shape_y[-2] batch_tuple = shape_x[:-2] if rank > 2 else (1,) return batch_tuple, m, k, n def reduce_data(reduce_type): res = cce.BLOCK_IN if reduce_type == "in": res = cce.BLOCK_IN elif reduce_type == "out": res = cce.BLOCK_OUT elif reduce_type == "reduce": res = cce.BLOCK_REDUCE return res def get_fractal_shape(dim1, dim2, reduce1="in", reduce2="reduce", format="zZ"): result = () dim1_reduce = reduce_data(reduce1) dim2_reduce = reduce_data(reduce2) if format == "zZ": result = (dim1 // dim1_reduce, dim2 // dim2_reduce, dim1_reduce, dim2_reduce) elif format == "nZ": result = (dim1 // dim1_reduce, dim2 // dim2_reduce, dim2_reduce, dim1_reduce) elif format == "nN": result = (dim2 // dim2_reduce, dim1 // dim1_reduce, dim2_reduce, dim1_reduce) elif format == "zN": result = (dim2 // dim2_reduce, dim1 // dim1_reduce, dim1_reduce, dim2_reduce) return result def get_converted_shapes(m, n, k, batch_tuple, adj_x, adj_y, bias, left_format="zZ", right_format="nZ", out_format="zN"): matmul_type = getMatmulType(m, n, k) if matmul_type == MatmulType.gemm: # left_format zZ process if left_format == "zZ": shape_xx = batch_tuple + get_fractal_shape(m, k, "in", "reduce", "zZ") if adj_x: shape_xx = batch_tuple + get_fractal_shape(m, k, "in", "reduce", "nN") # left_format zN process elif left_format == "zN": shape_xx = batch_tuple + get_fractal_shape(m, k, "in", "reduce", "zN") if adj_x: shape_xx = batch_tuple + get_fractal_shape(m, k, "in", "reduce", "nZ") else: raise RuntimeError("Error: unsupport left matrix format: %s" % left_format) # right_format nZ if right_format == "nZ": shape_yy = batch_tuple + get_fractal_shape(k, n, "reduce", "out", "nZ") if adj_y: shape_yy = batch_tuple + get_fractal_shape(k, n, "reduce", "out", "zN") # right_format zZ elif right_format == "zZ": shape_yy = batch_tuple + get_fractal_shape(k, n, "reduce", "out", "zZ") if adj_y: shape_yy = batch_tuple + get_fractal_shape(k, n, "reduce", "out", "nN") elif right_format == "zN": shape_yy = batch_tuple + get_fractal_shape(k, n, "reduce", "out", "zN") if adj_y: shape_yy = batch_tuple + get_fractal_shape(k, n, "reduce", "out", "nZ") else: raise RuntimeError("Error: unsupport right matrix format: %s" % right_format) # output_format zN # output_shape = batch_tuple + (n//cce.BLOCK_OUT, m//cce.BLOCK_IN, cce.BLOCK_IN, cce.BLOCK_OUT) if out_format == "zN": output_shape = batch_tuple + get_fractal_shape(m, n, "in", "out", "zN") elif out_format == "zZ": output_shape = batch_tuple + get_fractal_shape(m, n, "in", "out", "zZ") else: raise RuntimeError("Error: unsupport output matrix format: %s" % out_format) elif matmul_type == MatmulType.gevm: shape_xx = batch_tuple + (1, k // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, m % cce.BLOCK_IN, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE) shape_yy = batch_tuple + (k // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, n // cce.BLOCK_OUT, cce.BLOCK_OUT, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE) output_shape = batch_tuple + (n // cce.BLOCK_OUT, 1, m % cce.BLOCK_IN, cce.BLOCK_OUT) elif matmul_type == MatmulType.gemv: # transpose of b * transpose of a shape_xx = batch_tuple + (1, k // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, n % cce.BLOCK_IN, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE) shape_yy = batch_tuple + (k // cce.BLOCK_REDUCE, m // cce.BLOCK_OUT, cce.BLOCK_OUT, cce.BLOCK_REDUCE) output_shape = batch_tuple + (m // cce.BLOCK_OUT, 1, n % cce.BLOCK_IN, cce.BLOCK_OUT) if bias == 1: if out_format == "zN": bias_shape_nc1hwc0 = batch_tuple + (n // cce.BLOCK_OUT, 1, 1, cce.BLOCK_OUT) elif out_format == "zZ": bias_shape_nc1hwc0 = batch_tuple + (1, n // cce.BLOCK_OUT, 1, cce.BLOCK_OUT) else: bias_shape_nc1hwc0 = None return shape_xx, shape_yy, bias_shape_nc1hwc0, output_shape, k def matmul_execute(shape_x, shape_y, bias, left_format, right_format, out_format, adj_x, adj_y, dtype, out_dtype, kernel_name, attrs): ''' There are four types of fractal format in Davinci core: zZ, zN, nZ, nN general matmul format left_trans: False right_trans False: zZ * nZ = zN left_trans: True right_trans False: nN * nZ = zN left_trans: False right_trans True : zZ * zN = zN left_trans: True right_trans True : nN * zN = zN Now we need to support: zN * nZ = zN use left_format to specify, left matrix data format use right_format to specify, right matrix data format ''' batch_tuple, m, k, n = extract_dim(shape_x, shape_y, adj_x, adj_y) m = (m + 15) // 16 * 16 n = (n + 15) // 16 * 16 k = (k + 15) // 16 * 16 shape_xx, shape_yy, bias_shape, out_shape, k = get_converted_shapes(m, n, k, batch_tuple, adj_x, adj_y, bias, left_format, right_format, out_format) mod = matmul_compile(shape_x, shape_y, bias, left_format, right_format, out_format, adj_x, adj_y, dtype, out_dtype, kernel_name, attrs) # Generate data m_x, m_y, bench_mark, bias_data = matmul_data(batch_tuple, m, k, n, dtype, out_dtype, bias, adj_x, adj_y, left_format, right_format, out_format) # mod launch output = np.full(out_shape, np.nan, out_dtype) if bias == 0: output = utils.mod_launch(mod, (m_x, m_y, output), expect=bench_mark) elif bias == 1: output = utils.mod_launch(mod, (m_x, m_y, bias_data, output), expect=bench_mark) # compare result rtol, atol = get_rtol_atol("matmul", dtype) compare_result = compare_tensor(output, bench_mark, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=True) # compare_result = utils.result_compare(output, bench_mark, r_tol=5e-3) return (m_x, m_y), output, bench_mark, compare_result def matmul_compile(shape_x, shape_y, bias, left_format, right_format, output_format, adj_x, adj_y, dtype, out_dtype, kernel_name, attrs): batch_tuple, m, k, n = extract_dim(shape_x, shape_y, adj_x, adj_y) m = (m + 15) // 16 * 16 n = (n + 15) // 16 * 16 k = (k + 15) // 16 * 16 shape_xx, shape_yy, bias_shape, out_shape, k = get_converted_shapes(m, n, k, batch_tuple, adj_x, adj_y, bias, left_format, right_format, output_format) input_shapes = [shape_xx, shape_yy, bias_shape] input_types = [dtype, dtype, out_dtype] has_bias = False if bias == 1: has_bias = True op_attrs = [out_dtype, left_format, right_format, output_format, adj_x, adj_y, attrs] if has_bias == False: input_shapes = [shape_xx, shape_yy] input_types = [dtype, dtype] op_attrs = [None, out_dtype, left_format, right_format, output_format, adj_x, adj_y, attrs] return utils.op_build_test(matmul.matmul, input_shapes, input_types, op_attrs, kernel_name, attrs)