""" Initialized parameters """ port = 19530 epsilon = 0.000001 namespace = "milvus" default_flush_interval = 1 big_flush_interval = 1000 default_drop_interval = 3 default_dim = 128 default_nb = 1200 default_top_k = 10 default_nq = 2 default_limit = 10 default_search_params = {"metric_type": "L2", "params": {"nprobe": 10}} max_top_k = 16384 max_partition_num = 4096 # 256 default_segment_row_limit = 1000 default_server_segment_row_limit = 1024 * 512 default_alias = "default" default_bool_field_name = "bool" default_int8_field_name = "int8" default_int16_field_name = "int16" default_int32_field_name = "int32" default_int64_field_name = "int64" default_float_field_name = "float" default_double_field_name = "double" default_float_vec_field_name = "float_vector" default_binary_vec_field_name = "binary_vector" default_partition_name = "_default" default_tag = "1970_01_01" row_count = "row_count" default_desc = "" default_collection_desc = "default collection" default_index_name = "default_index_name" default_binary_desc = "default binary collection" collection_desc = "collection" int_field_desc = "int64 type field" float_field_desc = "float type field" float_vec_field_desc = "float vector type field" binary_vec_field_desc = "binary vector type field" Not_Exist = "Not_Exist" Connect_Object_Name = "Milvus" list_content = "list_content" dict_content = "dict_content" value_content = "value_content" err_code = "err_code" err_msg = "err_msg" """" List of parameters used to pass """ get_invalid_strs = [ [], 1, [1, "2", 3], (1,), {1: 1}, None, "12-s", "12 s", "(mn)", "中文", "%$#", "a".join("a" for i in range(256))] get_not_string = [ [], {}, None, (1, ), 1, 1.0, [1, "2", 3] ] get_dict_without_host_port = [ {"host": "host"}, {"port": "port"}, # ["host", "port"], # ("host", "port"), {"host": -1}, {"port": [""]}, {"": ""} ] get_wrong_format_dict = [ {"host": "string_host", "port": {}}, {"host": 0, "port": 19520} ] """ Specially defined list """ all_index_types = ["FLAT", "IVF_FLAT", "IVF_SQ8", "IVF_PQ", "HNSW", "ANNOY", "RHNSW_FLAT", "RHNSW_PQ", "RHNSW_SQ", "BIN_FLAT", "BIN_IVF_FLAT"] default_index_params = [{"nlist": 128}, {"nlist": 128}, {"nlist": 128}, {"nlist": 128, "m": 16, "nbits": 8}, {"M": 48, "efConstruction": 500}, {"n_trees": 50}, {"M": 48, "efConstruction": 500}, {"M": 48, "efConstruction": 500, "PQM": 64}, {"M": 48, "efConstruction": 500}, {"nlist": 128}, {"nlist": 128}] Handler_type = ["GRPC", "HTTP"] index_cpu_not_support = ["IVF_SQ8_HYBRID"] binary_support = ["BIN_FLAT", "BIN_IVF_FLAT"] delete_support = ["FLAT", "IVF_FLAT", "IVF_SQ8", "IVF_SQ8_HYBRID", "IVF_PQ"] ivf = ["FLAT", "IVF_FLAT", "IVF_SQ8", "IVF_SQ8_HYBRID", "IVF_PQ"] skip_pq = ["IVF_PQ", "RHNSW_PQ", "RHNSW_SQ"] binary_metrics = ["JACCARD", "HAMMING", "TANIMOTO", "SUBSTRUCTURE", "SUPERSTRUCTURE"] structure_metrics = ["SUBSTRUCTURE", "SUPERSTRUCTURE"] class CheckTasks: """ The name of the method used to check the result """ false = False err_res = "error_response" ccr = "check_connection_result" check_collection_property = "check_collection_property" check_partition_property = "check_partition_property" check_search_results = "check_search_results" check_query_results = "check_query_results" class CaseLabel: """ Testcase Levels CI Regression: L0: part of CI Regression triggered by github commit optional used for dev to verify his fix before submitting a PR(like smoke) ~100 testcases and run in 3 mins L1: part of CI Regression triggered by github commit must pass before merge run in 15 mins Benchmark: L2: E2E tests and bug-fix verification Nightly run triggered by cron job run in 60 mins L3: Stability/Performance/reliability, etc. special tests Triggered by cron job or manually run duration depends on test configuration """ L0 = "L0" L1 = "L1" L2 = "L2" L3 = "L3"