from utils.util_log import test_log as log from common.common_type import * from pymilvus_orm import Collection, Partition class CheckFunc: def __init__(self, res, func_name, check_res, check_params, **kwargs): self.res = res # response of api request self.func_name = func_name self.check_res = check_res self.check_params = check_params self.params = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.params[key] = value self.keys = self.params.keys() def run(self): check_result = None if self.check_res is None: pass #"self.check_res is None, the response of API: %s" % self.res) elif self.check_res == CheckParams.cname_param_check: check_result = self.req_cname_check(self.res, self.func_name, self.params.get('collection_name')) elif self.check_res == CheckParams.pname_param_check: check_result = self.req_pname_check(self.res, self.func_name, self.params.get('partition_tag')) elif self.check_res == CheckParams.list_count and self.check_params is not None: check_result = self.check_list_count(self.res, self.func_name, self.check_params) elif self.check_res == CheckParams.collection_property_check: check_result = self.req_collection_property_check(self.res, self.func_name, self.params) elif self.check_res == CheckParams.partition_property_check: check_result = self.partition_property_check(self.res, self.func_name, self.params) return check_result @staticmethod def check_list_count(res, func_name, params): if not isinstance(res, list): log.error("[CheckFunc] Response of API is not a list: %s" % str(res)) assert False if func_name == "list_connections": list_count = params.get("list_count", None) if not str(list_count).isdigit(): log.error("[CheckFunc] Check param of list_count is not a number: %s" % str(list_count)) assert False assert len(res) == int(list_count) return True @staticmethod def req_cname_check(res, func_name, params): code = getattr(res, 'code', "The exception does not contain the field of code.") message = getattr(res, 'message', "The exception does not contain the field of message.") if not isinstance(params, str):"[req_params_check] Check param is not a str.") if func_name in ["drop_collection", "has_collection", "describe_collection", "load_collection", "release_collection", "list_partitions", "create_partition", "drop_partition", "has_partition", "load_partitions", "release_partitions", "drop_index", "describe_index"]: assert res.args[0] == "`collection_name` value %s is illegal" % str(params) elif func_name in ["create_collection", "create_index", "search"]: if params is None: if func_name in ["search"]: assert code == 1 assert message == "collection not exists" else: assert code == 1 assert message == "Collection name should not be empty" else: # check_str = "Cannot set to" + \ # " %s: %s has type %s," % (str(params), str(params), str(type(params))) +\ # " but expected one of: (, ) for field" # assert res.args[0] == check_str check_str = "%s has type %s, but expected one of: bytes, unicode" % (str(params), str(type(params))[8:-2]) assert res.args[0] == check_str # elif func_name == "create_index": # if params is None: # assert code == 1 # assert message == "Collection name should not be empty" # else: # check_str = "Cannot set milvus.proto.milvus.DescribeCollectionRequest.collection_name to" + \ # " %s: %s has type %s," % (str(params), str(params), str(type(params))) +\ # " but expected one of: (, ) for field DescribeCollectionRequest.collection_name" # assert res.args[0] == check_str # elif func_name == "search": # if params is None: # assert code == 1 # assert message == "collection not exists" # else: # check_str = "Cannot set milvus.proto.milvus.HasCollectionRequest.collection_name to" + \ # " %s: %s has type %s," % (str(params), str(params), str(type(params))) +\ # " but expected one of: (, ) for field HasCollectionRequest.collection_name" # assert res.args[0] == check_str elif func_name == "flush": if params is None or params == []: assert res.args[0] == "Collection name list can not be None or empty" elif params == [1, "2", 3]: assert res.args[0] == "`collection_name` value 1 is illegal" else: assert res.args[0] == "Collection name array must be type of list" elif isinstance(params, str) and len(params) < 256:"[req_params_check] Check str param less than 256.") if func_name in ["create_collection", "drop_collection", "has_collection", "describe_collection", "load_collection", "release_collection", "list_partitions", "create_partition", "drop_partition", "has_partition", "load_partitions", "release_partitions", "drop_index", "describe_index"]: assert code == 1 assert message == "Invalid collection name: %s. The first character of a collection name must be an underscore or letter." % params elif func_name == "flush": assert res.args[0] == "Collection name array must be type of list" elif func_name == "create_index": assert code == 1 assert message == "Invalid collection name: %s. The first character of a collection name must be an underscore or letter." % params elif func_name == "search": assert code == 1 assert message == "collection not exists" elif isinstance(params, str) and len(params) >= 256:"[req_params_check] Check str param more than 256.") if func_name in ["create_collection", "drop_collection", "has_collection", "describe_collection", "load_collection", "release_collection", "list_partitions", "create_partition", "drop_partition", "has_partition", "load_partitions", "release_partitions", "drop_index", "describe_index", "create_index"]: assert code == 1 assert message == "Invalid collection name: %s. The length of a collection name must be less than 255 characters." % params elif func_name == "flush": assert res.args[0] == "Collection name array must be type of list" elif func_name == "search": assert code == 1 assert message == "collection not exists" return True @staticmethod def req_pname_check(res, func_name, params): code = getattr(res, 'code', "The exception does not contain the field of code.") message = getattr(res, 'message', "The exception does not contain the field of message.") if not isinstance(params, str):"[req_pname_check] Check param is not a str.")[0]) if func_name in ["create_partition", "drop_partition", "has_partition"]: assert res.args[0] == "`partition_tag` value %s is illegal" % str(params) elif isinstance(params, str) and len(params) < 256:"[req_pname_check] Check str param less than 256.") if func_name in ["create_partition", "drop_partition", "has_partition"]: assert code == 1 check_str = ["Invalid partition tag: %s. Partition tag can only contain numbers, letters, dollars and underscores." % str(params), "Invalid partition tag: %s. The first character of a partition tag must be an underscore or letter." % str(params)] assert message in check_str elif isinstance(params, str) and len(params) >= 256:"[req_pname_check] Check str param more than 256.") if func_name in ["create_partition", "drop_partition", "has_partition"]: assert code == 1 assert message == "Invalid partition tag: %s. The length of a partition tag must be less than 255 characters." % str(params) return True @staticmethod def req_collection_property_check(collection, func_name, params): ''' :param collection :return: ''' exp_func_name = "collection_init" if func_name != exp_func_name: log.warning("The function name is {} rather than {}".format(func_name, exp_func_name)) if not isinstance(collection, Collection): raise Exception("The result to check isn't collection type object") assert == params["name"] assert collection.description == params["schema"].description assert collection.schema == params["schema"] return True @staticmethod def partition_property_check(partition, func_name, params): exp_func_name = "partition_init" if func_name != exp_func_name: log.warning("The function name is {} rather than {}".format(func_name, exp_func_name)) if not isinstance(partition, Partition): raise Exception("The result to check isn't collection type object") assert == params["name"] assert partition.description == params["description"] assert partition.is_empty == params["is_empty"] assert partition.num_entities == params["num_entities"] return True