提交 4a15489d 编写于 作者: 如梦技术's avatar 如梦技术 🐛

🐛 mica-mqtt-codec 修复 will message。

上级 a7eb58dc
......@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ public final class MqttEncoder {
buf.putShort((short) clientIdentifierBytes.length);
buf.put(clientIdentifierBytes, 0, clientIdentifierBytes.length);
if (variableHeader.isWillFlag()) {
buf.putShort((short) willPropertiesBytes.length);
buf.put(willPropertiesBytes, 0, willPropertiesBytes.length);
buf.putShort((short) willTopicBytes.length);
buf.put(willTopicBytes, 0, willTopicBytes.length);
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