export default { commons: { help_documentation: 'Help documentation', delete_cancelled: 'Delete cancelled', workspace: 'Workspace', organization: 'Organization', setting: 'Setting', project: 'Project', about_us: 'About Us', current_project: 'Current Project', name: 'Name', description: 'Description', annotation: 'Annotation', clear: 'Clear', save: 'Save', update: 'Update', save_success: 'Saved successfully', delete_success: 'Deleted successfully', modify_success: 'Modify Success', copy_success: 'Copy Success', delete_cancel: 'Deleted Cancel', confirm: 'Confirm', cancel: 'Cancel', prompt: 'Prompt', operating: 'Operating', input_limit: 'Within {0} and {1} characters', login: 'Sign In', welcome: 'Welcome back, please enter username and password to log in to MeterSphere', username: 'Username', password: 'Password', input_username: 'Please enter username', input_password: 'Please enter password', test: 'Test', create_time: 'Created Time', update_time: 'Updated Time', add: 'Add', member: 'Member', email: 'Email', phone: 'Phone', role: 'Role', personal_info: 'Personal Info', status: 'Status', show_all: 'Show All', show: 'Show', report: 'Report', user: 'User', system: 'System', personal_setting: 'Personal Setting', api_keys: 'API Keys', quota: 'Quota', test_resource_pool: 'Resource Pool', system_setting: 'Settings', api: 'API', performance: 'Performance', functional: 'Functional test', input_content: 'Please enter content', create: 'Create', edit: 'Edit', copy: 'Copy', refresh: 'Refresh', remark: 'Remark', delete: 'Delete', not_filled: 'Not filled', please_select: 'Please select', search_by_name: 'Search by name', search_by_name_or_id: 'Search by name or id', personal_information: 'Personal Information', exit_system: 'Exit System', verification: 'Verification', system_parameter_setting: 'System Parameter Setting', connection_successful: 'Connection successful', connection_failed: 'Connection failed', save_failed: 'Saved failed', host_cannot_be_empty: 'Host cannot be empty', port_cannot_be_empty: 'Port cannot be empty', account_cannot_be_empty: 'Account cannot be empty', title: 'Title', custom: 'Custom', select_date: 'Select date', calendar_heatmap: 'Calendar Heatmap', months_1: 'Jan', months_2: 'Feb', months_3: 'Mar', months_4: 'Apr', months_5: 'May', months_6: 'Jun', months_7: 'Jul', months_8: 'Aug', months_9: 'Sep', months_10: 'Oct', months_11: 'Nov', months_12: 'Dec', weeks_0: 'Sun', weeks_1: 'Mon', weeks_2: 'Tues', weeks_3: 'Wed', weeks_4: 'Thur', weeks_5: 'Fri', weeks_6: 'Sat', test_unit: 'tests', remove: 'Remove', remove_cancel: 'Remove Cancel', remove_success: 'Remove Success', tips: 'The authentication information has expired, please login again', not_performed_yet: 'Not performed yet', incorrect_input: 'Incorrect input', delete_confirm: 'Please enter the following to confirm deletion:', login_username: 'ID or email', input_login_username: 'Please input the user ID or email', input_name: 'Please enter name', please_save: 'Please save first', formatErr: 'Format Error', id: 'ID', cannot_be_null: 'not null ', millisecond: 'ms', please_upload: 'Please upload file', reference_documentation: "Reference documentation", already_exists: 'The name already exists', date: { select_date: 'Select date', start_date: 'Start date', end_date: 'End date', select_date_time: 'Select date and time', start_date_time: 'Start date and time', end_date_time: 'End date time', range_separator: "To", data_time_error: "Start date cannot be later than the end date", }, trigger_mode: { name: "Trigger Mode", manual: "Manual trigger", schedule: "Scheduled Task", api: "API call" }, adv_search: { title: 'Advanced Search', combine: 'Combined query', test: "Test", project: "Project", search: "Query", reset: "Reset", and: 'All', or: 'any one', operators: { is_empty: "Is empty", is_not_empty: "Is not empty", like: "Contains", not_like: "Not included", in: "Belong to", not_in: "Not belonging", gt: ">", ge: ">=", lt: "<", le: "<=", equals: "=", not_equals: "!=", between: "Between", current_user: "Current user" } } }, license: { title: 'Authorization management', corporation: 'corporation', time: 'Authorization time', product: 'product', edition: 'edition', licenseVersion: 'licenseVersion', count: 'count', valid_license: 'valid license', show_license: 'show license', valid_license_error: 'validate license error', status: 'valid state', valid: 'valid', invalid: 'invalid', expired: 'expired', }, system_config: { base_config: 'Base Config', base: { url: 'Website URL', url_tip: 'example:http://localhost:8081' } }, workspace: { create: 'Create Workspace', update: 'Update Workspace', delete: 'Delete Workspace', delete_confirm: 'Deleting the workspace will delete all resources (such as related projects, test cases, etc.) under the workspace. Are you sure you want to delete?', add: 'Add Workspace', input_name: 'Please enter a workspace name', search_by_name: 'Search by name', organization_name: 'Organization Name', please_choose_organization: 'Please Choose Organization', please_select_a_workspace_first: 'Please select a workspace first!', none: 'None Workspace', select: 'Select Workspace', special_characters_are_not_supported: 'Incorrect format (special characters are not supported and cannot end with \'-\')', }, organization: { create: 'Create Organization', modify: 'Modify', delete: 'Delete Organization', delete_confirm: 'Deleting this organization will delete all resources (such as related workspaces, projects, test cases, etc.) under this organization. Are you sure you want to delete?', input_name: 'Please enter a organization name', select_organization: 'Please select organization', search_by_name: 'Search by name', special_characters_are_not_supported: 'Incorrect format (special characters are not supported and cannot end with \'-\')', none: 'None Organization', select: 'Select Organization', service_integration: 'Service integration', defect_manage: 'Defect management platform', integration: { select_defect_platform: 'Please select the defect management platform to be integrated:', basic_auth_info: 'Basic Auth account information:', api_account: 'API account', api_password: 'API password', jira_url: 'JIRA url', jira_issuetype: 'JIRA issuetype', input_api_account: 'please enter account', input_api_password: 'Please enter password', input_jira_url: 'Please enter Jira address, for example: https://metersphere.atlassian.net/', input_jira_issuetype: 'Please enter the question type', use_tip: 'Usage guidelines:', use_tip_tapd: 'Basic Auth account information is queried in "Company Management-Security and Integration-Open Platform"', use_tip_jira: 'Jira software server authentication information is account password, Jira software cloud authentication information is account + token (account settings-security-create API token)', use_tip_two: 'After saving the Basic Auth account information, you need to manually associate the ID/key in the Metersphere project', link_the_project_now: 'Link the project now', cancel_edit: 'Cancel edit', cancel_integration: 'Cancel integration', cancel_confirm: 'Confirm cancellation of integration ', successful_operation: 'Successful operation', not_integrated: 'The platform is not integrated', choose_platform: 'Please choose an integrated platform', verified: 'Verified' } }, project: { name: 'Project name', recent: 'Recent Projects', create: 'Create Project', edit: 'Edit Project', delete: 'Delete project', delete_confirm: 'Deleting this project will delete all test resources under this project. Are you sure you want to delete?', delete_tip: 'Deleting this project will delete all test resources under this project. Are you sure you want to delete?', search_by_name: 'Search by name', input_name: 'Please enter a workspace name', owning_workspace: 'Owning Workspace', please_choose_workspace: 'Please select Workspace', special_characters_are_not_supported: 'Incorrect format (special characters are not supported and cannot end with \'-\')', tapd_id: 'TAPD Project ID', jira_key: 'JIRA Project key', }, member: { create: 'Create', modify: 'Modify', delete_confirm: 'Are you sure you want to delete this Member?', please_choose_member: 'Please Choose Member', search_by_name: 'Search by name', modify_personal_info: 'Modify Personal Information', edit_password: 'Edit Password', edit_information: 'Edit Information', input_name: 'Please enter a user name', input_email: 'Please enter a email', special_characters_are_not_supported: 'Special characters are not supported', mobile_number_format_is_incorrect: 'Mobile number format is incorrect', email_format_is_incorrect: 'Email format is incorrect', password_format_is_incorrect: 'Valid password: 8-30 digits, English upper and lower case letters + numbers + special characters (optional)', old_password: 'Old Password', new_password: 'New Password', repeat_password: 'Repeat', inconsistent_passwords: 'The two passwords entered are inconsistent', remove_member: 'Are you sure you want to remove this member', input_id_or_email: 'Please enter user ID, or user Email', no_such_user: 'Without this user information, please enter the correct user ID or user Email!', }, user: { create: 'Create', modify: 'Modify', input_name: 'Please enter a user name', input_id: 'Please enter a ID', input_email: 'Please enter a email', input_password: 'Please enter a password', input_phone: 'Please enter phone number', special_characters_are_not_supported: 'Special characters are not supported', mobile_number_format_is_incorrect: 'Mobile number format is incorrect', email_format_is_incorrect: 'Email format is incorrect', delete_confirm: 'Are you sure you want to delete this User?', apikey_delete_confirm: 'Are you sure you want to delete this API Key?', input_id_placeholder: 'Please enter ID (Chinese characters are not supported)', source: 'Source' }, role: { please_choose_role: 'Please Choose Role', admin: 'Admin', org_admin: 'Org_Admin', test_manager: 'Test Manager', test_user: 'Test User', test_viewer: 'Read-only User', add: 'Add Role', }, report: { api_test_report: 'Api Test Report', load_test_report: 'Load Test Report', test_plan_report: 'Test Plan Report', recent: 'Recent Report', search_by_name: 'Search by Name', test_name: 'Test', test_overview: 'Test Overview', test_request_statistics: 'Test Request Statistics', test_error_log: 'Test Error Log', test_log_details: 'Test Log Details', test_details: 'Test Details', test_duration: 'Test Duration:{0} minutes {1} seconds', test_start_time: 'Test Start Time', test_end_time: 'Test End Time', test_stop_now: 'Test Stop Now', test_stop_now_confirm: 'Are you sure you want to stop the current test immediately?', test_rerun_confirm: 'Are you sure you want to rerun the current test immediately?', test_stop_success: 'Test stop successfully', test_execute_again: 'Test Execute Again', export: 'Export', compare: 'Compare', generation_error: 'Report generation error, cannot be viewed!', being_generated: 'Report is being generated...', delete_confirm: 'Confirm delete: ', start_status: 'The test is in the beginning state, we will automatically display it on the page after we generate the report!', run_status: 'The test is running, please check the report later!', user_name: 'Creator', project_name: 'Project Name', force_stop_tips: 'Terminating the servers will immediately kill the servers and the JTL files will be lost.', stop_tips: 'A Graceful shutdown will archive the JTL files and then stop the servers.', force_stop_btn: 'Terminating', stop_btn: 'Graceful shutdown', not_exist: "Test report does not exist", batch_delete: "Delete reports in bulk", delete_batch_confirm: 'Confirm batch delete report', }, load_test: { same_project_test: 'Only tests within the same project can be run', run: 'One click operation', operating: 'Operating', pressure_prediction_chart: 'Pressure Prediction Chart', recent: 'Recent Tests', search_by_name: 'Search by name', project_name: 'Project', delete_confirm: 'Are you sure want to delete test: ', input_name: 'Please enter name', select_project: 'Please select project', save_and_run: 'Save and execute', basic_config: 'Scene Configuration', pressure_config: 'Pressure configuration', advanced_config: 'Advanced Configuration', runtime_config: 'Runtime Configuration', is_running: 'Test is running! ', test_name_is_null: 'Test name cannot be empty! ', project_is_null: 'Project cannot be empty! ', jmx_is_null: 'Must contain a JMX file, and can only contain a JMX file!', file_name: 'File name', file_size: 'File size', file_type: 'File Type', file_status: 'File Status', last_modify_time: 'Modify time', upload_tips: 'Drag files here, or click to upload ', upload_type: 'Only JMX/CSV files can be uploaded', related_file_not_found: "No related test file found!", delete_file_confirm: 'Confirm delete file:', file_size_limit: "The number of files exceeds the limit!", delete_file: "The file already exists, please delete the file with the same name first!", thread_num: 'Concurrent users:', input_thread_num: 'Please enter the number of threads', duration: 'Duration time (minutes):', input_duration: 'Please enter a duration', rps_limit: 'RPS Limit:', input_rps_limit: 'Please enter a limit', ramp_up_time_within: 'In', ramp_up_time_minutes: 'minutes, separate', ramp_up_time_times: 'add concurrent users', advanced_config_error: 'Advanced configuration verification failed', domain_bind: 'Domain bind', domain: 'Domain', enable: 'Enable', ip: 'IP', input_ip: 'Please enter the correct IP address!', input_domain: 'Please enter the correct domain!', params: 'Parameters', param_name: 'Name', param_value: 'Value', domain_is_duplicate: 'Domain is duplicated', param_is_duplicate: 'Parameter name is duplicate', domain_ip_is_empty: 'Domain and IP cannot be empty', param_name_value_is_empty: 'Parameters cannot be empty', connect_timeout: 'Timeout to establish a connection', response_timeout: 'Timeout to response', custom_http_code: 'Custom HTTP response success status code', separated_by_commas: 'Separated by commas', create: 'Create Test', select_resource_pool: 'Please Select Resource Pool', resource_pool_is_null: 'Resource Pool is empty', download_log_file: 'Download', user_name: 'Creator', special_characters_are_not_supported: 'Test name does not support special characters', pressure_config_params_is_empty: 'Pressure configuration parameters cannot be empty!', schedule_tip: 'The interval must not be less than the pressure measuring time' }, api_test: { creator: "Creator", save_and_run: "Save and Run", run: "Run", running: "Running", reset: "Rest", input_name: "Please enter the test name", select_project: "Please select project", variable_name: "Variable name", variable: "Variable", copied: "copied", key: "Key", value: "Value", create_performance_test: "Create Performance Test", export_config: "Export", enable_validate_tip: "No request available", copy: "Copy Test", environment: { name: "Environment Name", socket: "Socket", globalVariable: "Global Variable", environment_list: "Environment List", environment_config: "Environment Config", config_environment: "Config Environment", environment: "Environment", select_environment: "Please select environment", please_save_test: "Please Save Test First", common_config: "Common Config", http_config: "HTTP Config", database_config: "Database Config", }, scenario: { scenario: "Scenario", dubbo: "Dubbo Config", config: "Scenario Config", input_name: "Please enter the scenario name", name: "Scenario Name", base_url: "Base URL", base_url_description: "Base URL as URL prefix for all requests", url_invalid: "Invalid URL", variables: "Variables", headers: "Headers", kv_description: "Variables are available for all requests", copy: "Copy scenario", delete: "Delete scenario", disable: "Disable", enable: "Enable", create_scenario: "Create scenario", select_scenario: "Select scenario", scenario_request: "Scenario/Request", enable_disable: "Enable/Disable", test_name: "Test Name", reference: "Reference", clone: "Copy", cant_reference: 'Historical test files, can be referenced after re-saving' }, request: { debug: "Debug", copy: "Copy request", delete: "Delete request", input_name: "Please enter the request name", input_url: "Please enter the request URL", input_path: "Please enter the request path", name: "Name", content_type: "Content Type", method: "Method", url: "URL", path: "Path", address: "Address", refer_to_environment: "Use Environment", please_configure_socket_in_environment: "Please Configure Path In The Environment", please_configure_environment_in_scenario: "Please Configure Environment In The Scenario", please_add_environment_to_scenario: "Please Add The Environment Configuration To The Scenario First", url_description: "etc: https://fit2cloud.com", path_description: "etc:/login", parameters: "Query parameters", jmeter_func: "Jmeter Functions", parameters_filter_example: "Example", parameters_filter_tips: "Only support MockJs function result preview", parameters_advance: "Advanced parameter settings", parameters_preview: "Preview", parameters_mock_filter_tips: "Please enter keywords to filter", parameters_pre_request: "Pre-request extraction", parameters_advance_mock: "Mock Data", parameters_advance_add_func: "Add Function", parameters_advance_add_func_limit: "Support up to 5 functions", parameters_advance_add_func_error: "Please select function first", parameters_advance_add_param_error: "Please enter function parameters", parameters_desc: "Parameters will be appended to the URL e.g. https://fit2cloud.com?Name=Value&Name2=Value2", headers: "Headers", body: "Body", body_kv: "Key Value", body_text: "Raw", timeout_config: "Timeout Config", connect_timeout: "Connect Timeout", response_timeout: "Response Timeout", follow_redirects: "Follow Redirects", body_upload_limit_size: "The file size does not exceed 500 MB", condition: "condition", condition_variable: "Variable, e.g: ${var}", wait: "wait", assertions: { label: "Assertion", text: "Text", regex: "Regex", response_time: "Response Time", select_type: "Choose type", select_subject: "Subject", select_condition: "Condition", contains: "Contains", not_contains: "Not contains", equals: "Equals", start_with: "Start with", end_with: "End With", value: "Value", expect: "Expect Value", expression: "Expression", response_in_time: "Response in time", }, extract: { label: "Extract from response", select_type: "Choose type", description: "Extract data from the response and store it in variables. Use the variables in subsequent requests.", regex: "Regex", regex_expression: "Regular expression", json_path_expression: "JSONPath expression", xpath_expression: "XPath expression", }, processor: { pre_exec_script: "PreProcessor", post_exec_script: "PostProcessor", code_template: "Code template", bean_shell_processor_tip: "Currently only BeanShell scripts are supported", code_template_get_variable: "Get variable", code_template_set_variable: "Set variable", code_template_get_response_header: "Get response header", code_template_get_response_code: "Get response code", code_template_get_response_result: "Get response result" }, dubbo: { protocol: "protocol", input_interface: "Please enter the interface", input_method: "Please enter the method", input_config_center: "Please enter the config center", get_provider_success: "get provider list to finish", input_registry_center: "Please enter the registry center", input_consumer_service: "Please enter the consumer & service", check_registry_center: "Can't get interface list, please check the registry center", } }, sql: { dataSource: "Data Source", sql_script: "Sql Script", timeout: "Timeout(ms)", database_driver: "Driver", database_url: "Database URL", username: "Username", password: "Password", pool_max: "Max Number of Configuration", query_timeout: "Max Wait(ms)", name_cannot_be_empty: "SQL request name cannot be empty", dataSource_cannot_be_empty: "SQL request datasource cannot be empty", result_variable: "Result variable", variable_names: "Variable names", }, api_import: { label: "Import", title: "API test import", data_format: "Data format", file_size_limit: "The file size does not exceed 20 M", tip: "Instructions", export_tip: "Export Tip", ms_tip: "Support for MeterSphere JSON format", ms_export_tip: "Export jSON-formatted files via MeterSphere website or browser plug-ins", swagger_tip: "Only Swagger2.x json files are supported", postman_tip: "Only Postman Collection V2.1 json files are supported", postman_export_tip: "Export the test collection by Postman", swagger_export_tip: "Export jSON-formatted files via Swagger website", suffixFormatErr: "The file format does not meet the requirements", swagger_url_import: "Import using URL", } }, api_report: { title: "Report", request: "Request", request_body: "Body", request_headers: "Headers", request_cookie: "Cookie", response: "Response", delete_confirm: 'Confirm delete : ', delete_batch_confirm: 'Confirm batch delete report', scenario_name: "Scenario name", response_time: "Response time(ms)", latency: "Latency", start_time: "Start Time", request_size: "Request Size", response_size: "Response Size", response_code: "Response Code", response_message: "Response Message", error: "Error", assertions: "Assertions", assertions_pass: "Passed Assertions", assertions_name: "Assertion Name", assertions_error_message: "Error Message", assertions_is_success: "Fail/Success", result: "Result", success: "Success", fail: "Fail", total: "Total", test_name: "Test", request_result: "Result", sub_result: "Sub Result", detail: "Report detail", delete: "Delete report", batch_delete: "Delete reports in bulk", running: "The test is running", not_exist: "Test report does not exist", }, test_track: { test_track: "Track", confirm: "Confirm", cancel: "Cancel", project: "Project", save: "Save", return: "Return", length_less_than: "The length less than", recent_plan: "Recent plan", recent_case: "Recent case", recent_review: "Recent review", pass_rate: "Pass rate", execution_result: ": Please select the execution result", actual_result: ": The actual result is empty", cancel_relevance_success: "Unlinked successfully", switch_project: "Switch project", case: { export_all_cases: 'Are you sure you want to export all use cases?', input_test_case: 'Please enter the associated case name', test_name: 'TestName', other: '--Other--', test_case: "Case", move: "Move case", case_list: "Test case list", create_case: "Create case", edit_case: "Edit case", view_case: "Test case", no_project: "There is no project in this workspace, please create the project first", priority: "Priority", type: "Type", method: "Method", auto: "Auto", manual: "Manual", create: "Create test case", case_type: "Case Type", name: "Test case name", module: "Module", maintainer: "Maintainer", steps: "Steps", number: "Number", prerequisite: "Prerequisite", step_desc: "Step describe", expected_results: "Expected results", input_name: "Please enter name", input_module: "Please select module", input_maintainer: "Please select maintainer", input_priority: "Please select priority", input_type: "Please select type", input_method: "Please select method", input_prerequisite: "Please select prerequisite", delete_confirm: "Confirm delete test case", delete: "Delete case", save_create_continue: "Save and create continue", please_create_project: "No project available, please create the project first", create_module_first: "Please create module first", relate_test: "Relate test", relate_test_not_find: 'The associated test does not exist, please check the test case', other_relate_test_not_find: 'Associated test name, please go to the third party platform to execute', batch_handle: 'Batch processing (select {0} item)', batch_update: 'Update the attributes of {0} cases', select_catalog: 'Please select use case catalog', updated_attr_value: 'The updated attribute value', batch_operate: 'Batch operation', please_select_attr: 'Please select attributes', please_select_attr_value: 'Please select the value corresponding to the attribute', batch_edit_case: 'Batch editing test cases', batch_move_case: 'Batch move', batch_delete_case: 'Batch delete', batch_unlink: 'Batch Unlink', project_name: "Project", import: { import: "Import test case", case_import: "Import test case", download_template: "Download template", click_upload: "Upload", upload_limit: "Only XLS/XLSX/XMIND files can be uploaded, and no more than 20M", upload_xmind_format: "Upload files can only be .xmind format", upload_xmind: "Only xmind files can be uploaded, and no more than 500", upload_limit_count: "Only one file can be uploaded at a time", upload_limit_format: "Upload files can only be XLS, XLSX format!", upload_limit_size: "Upload file size cannot exceed 20MB!", upload_limit_other_size: "Upload file size cannot exceed", success: "Import success!", importing: "Importing...", excel_title: "Excel ", xmind_title: "Xmind", import_desc: "Import instructions", import_file: "upload files", }, export: { export: "Export cases" } }, plan: { test_plan: "Plan", create_plan: "Create test plan", edit_plan: "Edit test plan", plan_name: "Test plan name", plan_project: "Project", plan_stage: "Stage", plan_status: "Status", smoke_test: "Smoke test", functional_test: "Functional test", integration_testing: "Integration test", system_test: "System test", regression_test: "Regression test", version_validation: "Version validation", plan_principal: "Principal", input_plan_name: "Please input plan name", input_plan_principal: "Please select principal", input_plan_project: "Please select project", input_plan_stage: "Please select stage", plan_status_prepare: "Not started", plan_status_running: "Starting", plan_status_completed: "Completed", plan_delete_confirm: "All use cases under this plan will be deleted,confirm delete test plan: ", plan_delete: "Delete test plan", }, review: { test_review: "Test Review", create_review: "Create Review", edit_review: "Edit Review", review_name: "Name", reviewer: "Reviewer", review_project: "Project", review_creator: "Creator", review_status: "Status", end_time: "EndTime", delete: "Delete", input_review_name: "Please enter the name of the review", input_review_project: "Please select the project", input_reviewer: "Please select reviewer", no_link_case: "No associated use cases!", pass: "pass", un_pass: "UnPass", comment: "Comment", }, comment: { no_comment: "No Comment", send_comment: "Post a comment (Ctrl + Enter to send)", send: "Send", description_is_null: "Comment content cannot be empty!", send_success: "Comment successful!", }, review_view: { review: "Review", all_review: "All Review", start_review: "Start Review", relevance_case: "Relevance Case", execute_result: "Result", }, module: { search: "Search module", rename: "Rename", add_submodule: "Add submodule", add_module: "Add module", name: "Name", delete_confirm: "Confirm delete module:", delete_all_resource: "and all submodules and test cases under the module", module: "Module", title: "Title", describe: "Describe", status: "Status", current_owner: "Current Owner", creation_time: "Creation time", project_name: "Project" }, home: { recent_test: "Recent test", my_plan: "My plan", test_rate: "Test rate", tested_case: "Tested case", }, plan_view: { plan: "Plan", relevance_test_case: "Relevance case", executor: "Executor", execute_result: "Result", pass: "Pass", failure: "Failure", blocking: "Blocking", skip: "Skip", actual_result: "Actual result", step_result: "Step result", my_case: "My case", all_case: "All case", pre_case: "The last case", next_case: "The next case", change_execution_results: "Change results", change_executor: "Change executor", select_executor: "Select executor", select_execute_result: "Select execute result", cancel_relevance: "Cancel relevance", confirm_cancel_relevance: "Confirm cancel relevance", select_manipulate: "Select the data you want to manipulate", select_template: "Select template", step: "Step", submit_issues: "Commit issues", operate_step: "Operate step", edit_component: "Edit component", base_info: "Base info", test_result: "Test result", result_distribution: "Result distribution", custom_component: "Custom", create_report: "Create report", defect_list: "Defect list", view_report: "View report", component_library: "Component library", component_library_tip: "Drag and drop the component from the component library, add to the right, preview the report effect, only one can be added per system component.", delete_component_tip: "Please reserve at least one component", input_template_name: "Input template name", template_special_characters: 'Template name does not support special characters', case_count: "Case count", issues_count: "Issues count", result_statistics: "Result statistics", result_statistics_chart: "Result statistics chart", create_template: "Create template", report_template: "Report template", test_detail: "Test detail", failure_case: "Failure case", export_report: "Export Report" }, issue: { issue: "Issue", platform_tip: "Integrated defect management platform in the system setting-organization-service integration can automatically submit defects to the designated defect management platform", input_title: "Please enter title", id: "Issue ID", title: "Issue Title", description: "Issue Description", status: "Issue Status", platform: "Platform", operate: "Operate", close: "Close", title_description_required: "Title and description are required", close_success: "Closed successfully", preview: "Preview" } }, test_resource_pool: { type: 'type', enable_disable: 'Enable / disable', search_by_name: 'Search by name', create_resource_pool: 'Create resource pool', update_resource_pool: 'Create resource pool', select_pool_type: 'Select resource type', max_threads: 'Maximum concurrent number', input_pool_name: 'Please enter the resource pool name', pool_name_valid: 'Resource pool name does not support special characters', cannot_remove_all_node: 'Cannot delete all independent nodes', cannot_empty: 'Resource pool cannot be empty', fill_the_data: 'Please complete the data', delete_prompt: 'This operation will permanently delete the resource pool, continue?', status_change_success: 'Successfully changed the status!', status_change_failed: 'Failed to change the status, resource pool is invalid!', check_in: 'Check in', }, system_parameter_setting: { mailbox_service_settings: 'Mailbox Settings', ldap_setting: 'LDAP Setting', test_connection: 'Test connection', SMTP_host: 'SMTP host', SMTP_port: 'SMTP port', SMTP_account: 'SMTP account', SMTP_password: 'SMTP password', SSL: 'Turn on SSL (if the SMTP port is 465, you usually need to enable SSL)', TLS: 'Turn on TLS (if the SMTP port is 587, you usually need to enable TLS)', SMTP: 'Anonymous SMTP or not', host: 'Host number cannot be empty', port: 'Port cannot be empty', account: 'Account cannot be empty', }, i18n: { home: 'Home' }, ldap: { url: 'LDAP URL', dn: 'Bind DN', password: 'Password', ou: 'User OU', filter: 'User Filter', mapping: 'LDAP Mapping', open: 'Enable LDAP Authentication', input_url: 'Please enter LDAP url', input_dn: 'Please enter DN', input_password: 'Please enter the password', input_ou: 'Please enter user OU', input_filter: 'Please enter a user filter', input_mapping: 'Please enter LDAP attribute mapping', input_username: 'please enter user name', input_url_placeholder: 'Please enter the LDAP address (eg ldap://localhost:389)', input_ou_placeholder: 'Enter user OU (use | to separate each OU)', input_filter_placeholder: 'Input filter [Possible options are cn or uid or sAMAccountName={0}, eg: (uid={0})]', input_mapping_placeholder: 'eg:{"username":"uid","name":"sn","email":"mail"}, The username mapping option may be cn or uid or sAMAccountName', test_connect: 'Test Connection', test_login: 'Test Login', edit: 'Edit', login_success: 'login success', url_cannot_be_empty: 'LDAP address cannot be empty', dn_cannot_be_empty: 'LDAP DN cannot be empty', ou_cannot_be_empty: 'LDAP OU cannot be empty', filter_cannot_be_empty: 'LDAP user filter cannot be empty', password_cannot_be_empty: 'LDAP password cannot be empty', mapping_cannot_be_empty: 'LDAP mapping cannot be empty', }, schedule: { input_email: "Please input email account", event: "event", receiving_mode: "mailbox", receiver: "Receiver", operation: "operation", task_notification: "Task notification", not_set: "Not Set", next_execution_time: "Next Execution Time", edit_timer_task: "Edit Timer Task", test_name: 'Test Name', running_rule: 'Rule', job_status: 'Status', running_task: 'Running Task', please_input_cron_expression: "Please Input Cron Expression", generate_expression: "Generate Expression", cron_expression_format_error: "Cron Expression Format Error", cron_expression_interval_short_error: "Interval time shorter than 3 minutes, please avoid running tests that take too long", cron: { seconds: "Seconds", minutes: "Minutes", hours: "Hours", day: "Day", month: "Month", weeks: "Weeks", years: "Years", week: "Week", time_expression: "Time Expression", complete_expression: "Complete Expression", allowed_wildcards: "Allowed Wildcards[, - * /]", day_allowed_wildcards: "Allowed Wildcards[, - * / L M]", weeks_allowed_wildcards: "Allowed Wildcards[, - * / L M]", not_specify: "Not Specify", specify: "Specify", period: "Period", from: "From", every: "Every", day_unit: "Day Unit", start: "Start", execute_once: "Execute Once", last_working_day: "The Last Working Day", last_day_of_the_month: "The Last Day Of The Month", multi_select: "Multi Select", num: "Number", week_of_weeks: "Week Of Weeks", last_week_of_the_month: "The Last Week Of The Month", not_fill: "Not Fill", recent_run_time: "Recent 5th Runing Time", no_qualifying_results: "No Qualifying Results", } }, quota: { default: { organization: "Organization Default Quota", workspace: "Workspace Default Quota", }, api: "Number of interface tests", performance: "Number of performance tests", resource_pool: "Available test resource pool", max_threads: "Maximum Concurrency", duration: "Stress test duration(minutes)", use_default: "Use default quota", yes: "Yes", no: "No", edit: "Edit", list: "Quota List", modify: "Modify Quota", edit_quota_title: "{0} quota", workspace_quota_list: "Workspace quota list of {0}", unlimited: "Unlimited", clean: "Clean" } };