export default { commons: { 'workspace': 'Workspace', 'organization': 'Organization', 'setting': 'Setting', 'project': 'Project', 'name': 'Name', 'description': 'Description', 'save': 'Save', 'save_success': 'Saved successfully', 'delete_success': 'Deleted successfully', 'modify_success': 'Modify Success', 'delete_cancel': 'Deleted Cancel', 'confirm': 'Confirm', 'cancel': 'Cancel', 'prompt': 'Prompt', 'operating': 'Operating', 'input_limit': 'Within {0} and {1} characters', 'login': 'Sign In', 'welcome': 'Welcome back, please enter username and password to log in to MeterSphere', 'username': 'Username', 'password': 'Password', 'input_username': 'Please enter username', 'input_password': 'Please enter password', 'test': 'Test', 'create_time': 'Created Time', 'update_time': 'Updated Time', 'add': 'Add', 'member': 'Member', 'email': 'Email', 'phone': 'Phone', 'role': 'Role', 'personal_info': 'Personal Info', 'status': 'Status', 'show_all': 'Show All', 'report': 'Report', 'user': 'User', 'system': 'System', 'personal_setting': 'Personal Setting', 'test_resource_pool': 'Resource Pool', 'system_setting': 'Settings', 'api': 'Api test', 'performance': 'Performance test', 'functional': 'Functional test', 'input_content': 'Please enter content', 'create': 'Create', 'edit': 'Edit', 'copy': 'Copy', 'refresh': 'Refresh', 'remark': 'Remark', 'delete': 'Delete', 'not_filled': 'Not filled', 'search_by_name': 'Search by name', }, workspace: { 'create': 'Create Workspace', 'update': 'Update Workspace', 'delete_confirm': 'Are you sure you want to delete this workspace?', 'add': 'Add Workspace', 'input_name': 'Please enter a workspace name', 'search_by_name': 'Search by name', 'organization_name': 'Organization Name', 'please_choose_organization': 'Please Choose Organization', 'please_select_a_workspace_first': 'Please select a workspace first!', }, organization: { 'create': 'Create', 'modify': 'Modify', 'delete_confirm': 'Are you sure you want to delete this workspace?', 'input_name': 'Please enter a organization name', 'select_organization': 'Please select organization', 'search_by_name': 'Search by name', 'special_characters_are_not_supported': 'Special characters are not supported', }, project: { 'recent': 'Recent Projects', 'create': 'Create Project', 'edit': 'Edit Project', 'delete_confirm': 'Are you sure you want to delete this project?', 'search_by_name': 'Search by name', 'input_name': 'Please enter a workspace name', 'owning_workspace': 'Owning Workspace', 'please_choose_workspace': 'Please select Workspace', }, member: { 'create': 'Create', 'modify': 'Modify', 'delete_confirm': 'Are you sure you want to delete this Member?', 'please_choose_member': 'Please Choose Member', 'search_by_name': 'Search by name', 'modify_personal_info': 'Modify Personal Information', 'input_name': 'Please enter a user name', 'input_email': 'Please enter a email', 'special_characters_are_not_supported': 'Special characters are not supported', 'mobile_number_format_is_incorrect': 'Mobile number format is incorrect', 'email_format_is_incorrect': 'Email format is incorrect', }, user: { 'create': 'Create', 'modify': 'Modify', 'input_name': 'Please enter a user name', 'input_id': 'Please enter a ID', 'input_email': 'Please enter a email', 'special_characters_are_not_supported': 'Special characters are not supported', 'mobile_number_format_is_incorrect': 'Mobile number format is incorrect', 'email_format_is_incorrect': 'Email format is incorrect', 'delete_confirm': 'Are you sure you want to delete this User?', }, role: { 'please_choose_role': 'Please Choose Role', }, report: { 'recent': 'Recent Report', 'search_by_name': 'Search by Name', 'test_name': 'Test', 'test_overview': 'Test Overview', 'test_request_statistics': 'Test Request Statistics', 'test_error_log': 'Test Error Log', 'test_log_details': 'Test Log Details', 'test_details': 'Test Details', 'test_duration': 'Test Duration:{0} minutes {1} seconds', 'test_start_time': 'Test Start Time', 'test_end_time': 'Test End Time', 'test_stop_now': 'Test Stop Now', 'test_execute_again': 'Test Execute Again', 'export': 'Export', 'compare': 'Compare', 'generation_error': 'Report generation error, cannot be viewed!', 'being_generated': 'Report is being generated...', }, load_test: { 'operating':'Operating', 'pressure_prediction_chart':'Pressure Prediction Chart', 'recent': 'Recent Tests', 'search_by_name': 'Search by name', 'project_name': 'Project', 'delete_confirm': 'Are you sure want to delete test: ', 'input_name': 'Please enter name', 'select_project': 'Please select project', 'save_and_run': 'Save and execute', 'basic_config': 'Scene Configuration', 'pressure_config': 'Pressure configuration', 'advanced_config': 'Advanced Configuration', 'runtime_config': 'Runtime Configuration', 'is_running': 'Test is running! ', 'test_name_is_null': 'Test name cannot be empty! ', 'project_is_null': 'Project cannot be empty! ', 'jmx_is_null': 'Can only contain one JMX file', 'file_name': 'File name', 'file_size': 'File size', 'file_type': 'File Type', 'file_status': 'File Status', 'last_modify_time': 'Modify time', 'upload_tips': 'Drag files here, or click to upload ', 'upload_type': 'Only JMX/CSV files can be uploaded', 'related_file_not_found': "No related test file found!", 'delete_file_confirm': 'Confirm delete file:', 'delete_file': "Please delete an existing file first!", 'thread_num': 'Concurrent users:', 'input_thread_num': 'Please enter the number of threads', 'duration': 'Duration time (minutes):', 'input_duration': 'Please enter a duration', 'rps_limit': 'RPS Limit:', 'input_rps_limit': 'Please enter a limit', 'ramp_up_time_within': 'In', 'ramp_up_time_minutes': 'minutes, separate', 'ramp_up_time_times': 'add concurrent users', 'advanced_config_error': 'Advanced configuration verification failed', 'domain_bind': 'Domain bind', 'domain': 'Domain', 'enable': 'Enable', 'ip': 'IP', 'params': 'Parameters', 'param_name': 'Name', 'param_value': 'Value', 'domain_is_duplicate': 'Domain is duplicated', 'param_is_duplicate': 'Parameter name is duplicate', 'domain_ip_is_empty': 'Domain and IP cannot be empty', 'param_name_value_is_empty': 'Parameters cannot be empty', 'connect_timeout': 'Timeout to establish a connection', 'custom_http_code': 'Custom HTTP response success status code', 'separated_by_commas': 'Separated by commas', 'create': 'Create Test', 'select_resource_pool': 'Please Select Resource Pool', 'resource_pool_is_null': 'Resource Pool is empty', 'download_log_file': 'Download', }, api_test: { 'select_resource_pool': 'Please select resource pool' }, test_track: { test_track: "Test Track", confirm: "Confirm", cancel: "Cancel", project: "Project", save: "Save", return: "Return", length_less_than: "The length less than", recent_plan: "Recent plan", recent_case: "Recent case", case: { test_case: "Test case", move: "Move case", case_list: "Test case list", create_case: "Create case", edit_case: "Edit case", view_case: "Test case", no_project: "There is no project in this workspace, please create the project first", priority: "Priority", type: "Type", method: "The test way", auto: "Auto", manual: "Manual", create: "Create test case", case_type: "Case Type", name: "Test case name", module: "Subordinate to the module", maintainer: "Maintainer", steps: "Steps", number: "Number", prerequisite: "Prerequisite", step_desc: "Step describe", expected_results: "Expected results", input_name: "Please enter name", input_module: "Please select module", input_maintainer: "Please select maintainer", input_priority: "Please select priority", input_type: "Please select type", input_method: "Please select method", input_prerequisite: "Please select prerequisite", delete_confirm: "Confirm delete test case: ", import: { import: "Import test case", case_import: "Import test case", download_template: "Download template", click_upload: "Upload", upload_limit: "Only XLS/XLSX files can be uploaded, and no more than 20M", upload_limit_count: "Only one file can be uploaded at a time", upload_limit_format: "Upload files can only be XLS, XLSX format!", upload_limit_size: "Upload file size cannot exceed 20MB!", success: "Import success!", }, export: { export: "Export cases" } }, plan: { test_plan: "Test Plan", create_plan: "Create test plan", edit_plan: "Edit test plan", plan_name: "Test plan name", plan_project: "Related project", plan_stage: "Testing phase", plan_status: "Status", smoke_test: "Smoke test", functional_test: "Functional test", integration_testing: "Integration test", system_test: "System test", regression_test: "Regression test", version_validation: "Version validation", plan_principal: "Principal", input_plan_name: "Please input plan name", input_plan_principal: "Please select principal", input_plan_project: "Please select project", input_plan_stage: "Please select stage", plan_status_prepare: "Not started", plan_status_running: "Starting", plan_status_completed: "Completed", plan_delete_confirm: "Confirm delete test plan: ", }, module: { search: "Search module", rename: "Rename", add_submodule: "Add submodule", add_module: "Add module", name: "Module name", delete_confirm: "Confirm delete module:", delete_all_resource: "and all submodules and test cases under the module", }, plan_view: { plan: "Plan", relevance_test_case: "Relevance test case", executor: "Executor", execute_result: "Execute result", pass: "Pass", failure: "Failure", blocking: "Blocking", skip: "Skip", actual_result: "Actual result", step_result: "Step result", my_case: "My case", all_case: "All case", pre_case: "The last case", next_case: "The next case", change_execution_results: "Change execution results", change_executor: "Change executor", select_executor: "Select executor", select_execute_result: "Select execute result", cancel_relevance: "Cancel relevance", confirm_cancel_relevance: "Confirm cancel relevance", select_manipulate: "Select the data you want to manipulate", } }, test_resource_pool: { 'type': 'type', 'enable_disable': 'Enable / disable', 'search_by_name': 'Search by name', 'create_resource_pool': 'Create resource pool', 'update_resource_pool': 'Create resource pool', 'select_pool_type': 'Select resource type', 'max_threads': 'Maximum concurrent number', 'input_pool_name': 'Please enter the resource pool name', 'pool_name_valid': 'Resource pool name does not support special characters', 'cannot_remove_all_node': 'Cannot delete all independent nodes', 'cannot_empty': 'Resource pool cannot be empty', 'fill_the_data': 'Please complete the data', 'delete_prompt': 'This operation will permanently delete the resource pool, continue?', 'status_change_success': 'Successfully changed the status!', 'status_change_failed': 'Failed to change the status!', }, i18n: { 'home': 'Home' } };