#!/usr/bin/env mdl # This file will seal the nms opr within a better way than lib_nms import ctypes import os import struct import numpy as np import megengine as mge import megengine.functional as F from megengine._internal.craniotome import CraniotomeBase from megengine.core.tensor import wrap_io_tensor _current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) _so_path = os.path.join(_current_path, "lib_nms.so") try: _so_lib = ctypes.CDLL(_so_path) except Exception: import subprocess mge_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mge.__file__), "_internal", "include") assert os.path.exists(mge_path), "{} file not found".format(mge_path) src_file = os.path.join(_current_path, "gpu_nms", "nms.cu") assert os.path.exists(src_file), "{} file not found".format(src_file) cmd = ( "nvcc -I {} -shared -o {} -Xcompiler '-fno-strict-aliasing -fPIC' {}".format( mge_path, _so_path, src_file ) ) subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True) _so_lib = ctypes.CDLL(_so_path) _TYPE_POINTER = ctypes.c_void_p _TYPE_POINTER = ctypes.c_void_p _TYPE_INT = ctypes.c_int32 _TYPE_FLOAT = ctypes.c_float _so_lib.NMSForwardGpu.argtypes = [ _TYPE_POINTER, _TYPE_POINTER, _TYPE_POINTER, _TYPE_POINTER, _TYPE_FLOAT, _TYPE_INT, _TYPE_POINTER, ] _so_lib.NMSForwardGpu.restype = _TYPE_INT _so_lib.CreateHostDevice.restype = _TYPE_POINTER class NMSCran(CraniotomeBase): __nr_inputs__ = 1 __nr_outputs__ = 3 def setup(self, iou_threshold, max_output): self._iou_threshold = iou_threshold self._max_output = max_output # Load the necessary host device self._host_device = _so_lib.CreateHostDevice() def execute(self, inputs, outputs): box_tensor_ptr = inputs[0].pubapi_dev_tensor_ptr output_tensor_ptr = outputs[0].pubapi_dev_tensor_ptr output_num_tensor_ptr = outputs[1].pubapi_dev_tensor_ptr mask_tensor_ptr = outputs[2].pubapi_dev_tensor_ptr _so_lib.NMSForwardGpu( box_tensor_ptr, mask_tensor_ptr, output_tensor_ptr, output_num_tensor_ptr, self._iou_threshold, self._max_output, self._host_device, ) def grad(self, wrt_idx, inputs, outputs, out_grad): return 0 def init_output_dtype(self, input_dtypes): return [np.int32, np.int32, np.int32] def get_serialize_params(self): return ("nms", struct.pack("fi", self._iou_threshold, self._max_output)) def infer_shape(self, inp_shapes): nr_box = inp_shapes[0][0] threadsPerBlock = 64 output_size = nr_box # here we compute the number of int32 used in mask_outputs. # In original version, we compute the bytes only. mask_size = int( nr_box * (nr_box // threadsPerBlock + int((nr_box % threadsPerBlock) > 0)) * 8 / 4 ) return [[output_size], [1], [mask_size]] @wrap_io_tensor def gpu_nms(box, iou_threshold, max_output): keep, num, _ = NMSCran.make(box, iou_threshold=iou_threshold, max_output=max_output) return keep[:num] def batched_nms(boxes, scores, idxs, iou_threshold, num_keep, use_offset=False): if use_offset: boxes_offset = ( mge.tensor([0, 0, 1, 1], device=boxes.device) .reshape(1, 4) .broadcast(boxes.shapeof(0), 4) ) boxes = boxes - boxes_offset max_coordinate = boxes.max() offsets = idxs * (max_coordinate + 1) boxes_for_nms = boxes + offsets.reshape(-1, 1).broadcast(boxes.shapeof(0), 4) boxes_with_scores = F.concat([boxes_for_nms, scores.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1) keep_inds = gpu_nms(boxes_with_scores, iou_threshold, num_keep) return keep_inds