#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e NT=$(echo `uname` | grep "NT") echo $NT if [ -z "$NT" ];then echo "only run at windows bash env" echo "pls consider install bash-like tools, eg MSYS or git-cmd, etc" exit -1 fi echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" echo "this scripts use to init windows env, all config is in config.sh, you can modify it" echo "we do not use windows package manager(winget), because it is not stable, and we need to install some tools which is not in package manager" echo "so we fallback to manual install depends package by shell, and check package is installed or not by check file exists or not" echo "which may cause some problem, eg, the file is already exists but at a broken env, this script will skip install the package" echo "if you want to re-install the package, pls remove the package dir define at scripts/whl/windows/config.sh, and re-run this script" echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" # source env SRC_DIR=$(READLINK -f "`dirname $0`/../../../") source ${SRC_DIR}/scripts/whl/windows/config.sh function install_7z() { cd ${SRC_DIR} # check 7z file exists or not if [ ! -f ${ZA_INSTALL_DIR}/7z.exe ];then echo "install 7z ..." rm -rf ${ZA_INSTALL_DIR} mkdir -p ${ZA_INSTALL_DIR} cd ${ZA_INSTALL_DIR} echo "Download 7za installer from ${ZA_INSTALLER}" curl -SL ${ZA_INSTALLER} --output ./7za_installer.exe echo "Download 7za console from ${ZA_CONSOLE_URL}" curl -SL ${ZA_CONSOLE_URL} --output ./7za_console.exe echo "Install 7za to ${ZA_INSTALL_DIR}" ./7za_console.exe x -o. ./7za_installer.exe if [ ! -f ${ZA_INSTALL_DIR}/7z.exe ];then echo "double check 7z install failed, pls check this shell logic" exit -1 fi else echo "7z is already installed at ${ZA_INSTALL_DIR}" fi echo "success install 7z to ${ZA_INSTALL_DIR}, can use 7z cmd after put ${ZA_INSTALL_DIR} to PATH" # put 7z to PATH export PATH=${ZA_INSTALL_DIR}:$PATH } function install_swig() { cd ${SRC_DIR} # check swig file exists or not if [ ! -f ${SWIG_INSTALL_DIR}/swig.exe ];then echo "install swig ..." rm -rf ${SWIG_INSTALL_DIR} mkdir -p ${SWIG_INSTALL_DIR} cd ${SWIG_INSTALL_DIR} cd .. # download swig installer curl.exe -SL ${SWIG_INSTALLER_URL} --output swig.zip unzip -X swig.zip cd swigwin-${SWIG_VER} git init git add -A git commit -m "init" echo "apply patch for swig" git apply ${SRC_DIR}/scripts/whl/windows/fix-ptr-define-issue.patch cd .. rm -rf swig.zip if [ ! -f ${SWIG_INSTALL_DIR}/swig.exe ];then echo "double check swig install failed, pls check this shell logic" exit -1 fi else echo "swig is already installed at ${SWIG_INSTALL_DIR}" fi echo "swig install success" } function install_python() { cd ${SRC_DIR} mkdir -p ${PYTHON3_MEGENGINE_DEV_DIR} cd ${PYTHON3_MEGENGINE_DEV_DIR} # clone pyenv-win echo "clone pyenv-win" mkdir -p pyenv-win cd pyenv-win if cat .git/config | grep pyenv-win.git;then echo "pyenv-win is already cloned, just do git reset --hard" if git reset --hard;then echo "git reset success" else echo "git reset failed, try init again" git init git remote rm origin || true git remote add origin https://github.com/pyenv-win/pyenv-win.git git pull origin master fi else git init git remote rm origin || true git remote add origin https://github.com/pyenv-win/pyenv-win.git git pull origin master fi for ver in ${FULL_PYTHON_VER} do echo "install python ${ver}" echo "if your env network is not good, pls download python installer \ from python ftp or other mirrors, eg, \ https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${ver}/python-${ver}-amd64.exe, \ and put it to ${PYTHON3_MEGENGINE_DEV_DIR}/pyenv-win/install_cache/" pyenv-win/bin/pyenv install ${ver} # check file exist if [ ! -f "${PYTHON3_MEGENGINE_DEV_DIR}/pyenv-win/pyenv-win/versions/${ver}/python3.exe" ]; then echo "python ${ver} install failed" exit -1 else echo "python ${ver} install success, now install depends" fi pyenv-win/versions/${ver}/python3.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip -i ${PYTHON_PACK_MIRROR} if [ ${ver} == "3.6.8" ]; then pyenv-win/versions/${ver}/python3.exe -m pip install opencv-python== -i ${PYTHON_PACK_MIRROR} fi # FIXME: imperative/python/requires.txt numpy version limit have some issue, eg. some version numpy # will cause some test case failed, so we need to install numpy first, then install other depends numpy_version="1.21.6" if [ ${ver} = "3.6.8" ];then numpy_version="1.19.5" elif [ ${ver} = "3.10.1" ];then numpy_version="1.23.0" fi pyenv-win/versions/${ver}/python3.exe -m pip install numpy==${numpy_version} pyenv-win/versions/${ver}/python3.exe -m pip install cython wheel -i ${PYTHON_PACK_MIRROR} pyenv-win/versions/${ver}/python3.exe -m pip install -r ${SRC_DIR}/imperative/python/requires.txt -i ${PYTHON_PACK_MIRROR} pyenv-win/versions/${ver}/python3.exe -m pip install -r ${SRC_DIR}/imperative/python/requires-test.txt -i ${PYTHON_PACK_MIRROR} done echo "install python packages done, put ${PYTHON3_MEGENGINE_DEV_DIR}/pyenv-win/pyenv-win/versions/xxx to PATH to use it" } function install_llvm() { cd ${SRC_DIR} # check 7z file exists or not if [ ! -f ${ZA_INSTALL_DIR}/7z.exe ];then echo "install 7z ..." install_7z fi # put 7z to PATH export PATH=${ZA_INSTALL_DIR}:$PATH # check llvm file exists or not if [ ! -f ${LLVM_MEGENGINE_DEV_DIR}/bin/clang.exe ];then echo "install llvm ..." rm -rf ${LLVM_MEGENGINE_DEV_DIR} mkdir -p ${LLVM_MEGENGINE_DEV_DIR} cd ${LLVM_MEGENGINE_DEV_DIR} # download llvm installer curl.exe -SL ${LLVM_INSTALLER_URL} --output llvm_installer.exe # install llvm by 7z 7z.exe x -o${LLVM_MEGENGINE_DEV_DIR} llvm_installer.exe # rm llvm_installer.exe rm -rf llvm_installer.exe if [ ! -f ${LLVM_MEGENGINE_DEV_DIR}/bin/clang.exe ];then echo "double check llvm install failed, pls check this shell logic" exit -1 fi else echo "llvm is already installed at ${LLVM_MEGENGINE_DEV_DIR}" fi echo "llvm install success" } function install_vs() { # Install Visual Studio Build Tools # Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/install/use-command-line-parameters-to-install-visual-studio?view=vs-2019 # Component IDS:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/install/workload-component-id-vs-build-tools?view=vs-2019 cd ${SRC_DIR} # check vs file exists or not if [ ! -f ${VS_INSTALL_PATH}/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvars64.bat ];then echo "install vs ..." rm -rf ${VS_INSTALL_PATH} mkdir -p ${VS_INSTALL_PATH} cd ${VS_INSTALL_PATH} # vs_buildtools.exe can not at the same dir with VS_BUILD_TOOLS_URL, which will cause the install failed cd .. curl -SL ${VS_BUILD_TOOLS_URL} --output ./vs_buildtools.exe echo "Try uninstall old install..." if ./vs_buildtools.exe --uninstall --installPath $PWD/vs --quiet --norestart --wait; then echo "Uninstall old install done" else echo "Uninstall old install failed, ingore this error" fi echo "Start to install vs2019 16 version to ${VS_INSTALL_PATH} with WIN_SDK_VER:${WIN_SDK_VER} and VC_VER:${VC_VER}, please wait..." if ./vs_buildtools.exe --installPath $PWD/vs --nocache --wait --quiet --norestart --noweb \ --add Microsoft.Component.MSBuild \ --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Roslyn.Compiler \ --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.${WIN_SDK_VER} \ --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools \ --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.TextTemplating \ --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.CoreIde \ --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.ComponentGroup.NativeDesktop.Core \ --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.CMake.Project \ --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.${VC_VER}.x86.x64; then echo "Install vs2019 16 version to ${VS_INSTALL_PATH} with WIN_SDK_VER:${WIN_SDK_VER} and VC_VER:${VC_VER} done" else echo "Install vs2019 16 version to ${VS_INSTALL_PATH} with WIN_SDK_VER:${WIN_SDK_VER} and VC_VER:${VC_VER} failed" echo "now get the install log" curl.exe -o vscollect.exe -SL "https://aka.ms/vscollect.exe" ./vscollect.exe # FIXME: why windows tools so stupid, do not work perfect from terminal, also the log need collect by another tool.. for i in {1..20}; do echo "also may uninstall failed from CMD, try uninstall from GUI: by click vs_buildtools.exe add uninstall broken install at UI side"; done exit -1 fi if [ ! -f ${VS_INSTALL_PATH}/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvars64.bat ];then echo "double check vs install failed, pls check this shell logic" exit -1 fi else echo "vs is already installed at ${VS_INSTALL_PATH}" fi echo "vs install success" } ########################################################## # windows shell env not stable, so you can run this script # step by step by comment some function ########################################################## DONE_MSG="install all dev env(except cuda) done" install_7z install_swig install_python install_llvm install_vs echo ${DONE_MSG}